
章 55: ch 53

Anna's POV:

The weekend of the dance and also a few following school days passed by meanwhile I had managed to come to terms with the discovery that my mother existed in this reality as well. At least I, we, assumed.

Carlisle wanted to be sure which is why Alice stole some of that woman's hair out of her brush to be able to perform a DNA test.

I still refused to call her by my mother's mane or call her "mom" that way I could keep the distance that should exist between her and me.

"Anna you have to pay attention!" Emmett reminded me once again.

Straddled I looked up at him and stopped playing with my engagement ring.

"Sorry Emmett, sorry Rose" I sighed slightly frustrated with myself while my head bowed down and I started rotating my engagement ring on my ring finger again, my gaze was fixed on the sparkly diamond.

I just couldn't concentrate on my Karate lesson with Rose. It had been quite a surprise for me to discover that she had been trained by a real sensei in Japan in the 80's. According to her the exercises for the concentration helped her with her bloodlust but the sensei also taught her some cool moves.

I had always had fun learning more about this sport and about the culture, since I was a huge Japan fan, but since the results of the DNA test were due today I just couldn't concentrate.

"Let's call it a day." Rose announced and Emmett was immediately at her side, scooping her up in his arms.

"See ya," He hollered before he rushed off with his wife.

I laughed quietly to myself and shook my head while two strong cool arms were sneaking around my waist, pressing me into a hard and very welcomed body.

My head turned around to look at my conqueror and I saw his smouldering golden shaded pools gazing deeply into my eyes while he wore a cute pout on his sensual lips before he placed a kiss on the seam of my mouth.

"I missed you," he murmured against my lips.

"I missed you too," my soft pillows still lingered against his.

"Then you should have done something about it," he breathed against me while his hold on my body was becoming firmer.

"Sorry, I couldn't do anything about it. It was Rose who threw you out not me," I giggled as we continued to kiss.

"Why didn't I hear a word of protests from you when she so rudely showed me the door?" He growled playfully against my mouth.

"Cause I value my life?" I laughed while his hands assaulted my sides making me squirm in his arms and gasp for breath between the fits of giggles.

"Say you love me," his cool breath stroked my ear causing goose flesh to sweep over my skin.

"You know I do." I was taunting him while his fingers played a torturous melody on my hips and my sides.

"Say it!" He commended as he placed his head on my shoulder and pressed his lips to my neck, increasing his assault.

"OK, OK, OK, I love you. I love you. I love you," I screamed out between my laughter.

"Good." Edward breathed and pulled my, for air gasping, body against his firm and strong chest. His mouth was brushing over my cheek leaving feather light kisses in it's wake.

I pulled back and looked into his slightly hooded eyes.

"I love you, Edward," I smiled at him and he hummed before his mouth was on mine again and his right hand grazed my breast. I trashed a little when his thumb found the middle of my curve. In response Edward let his hand fall down to my hip and we broke the kiss a little while later, snuggling into each other.

"I could teach you some Karate as well." He murmured all of the sudden after our breathing returned to normal.

"Nope I'll keep my teacher. She is the best."

He pulled away and sighed. The adorable pout was fully back in place.

"You mean to say brutal." He raised an eyebrow in challenge.

"That's why she is the best."

"Since when did you develop a fondness of martial arts?"

"Oh I always liked it Edward but when I was still human I was too much of a loser in sports to actually try it out. Now that I'm better at controlling my body I love to give it a shot."

"You sound like you had been clumsy." He teased while his golden shadowed pools of honey sparkled down at me while he lifted my left hand to his mouth and kissed my ring finger and the engagement ring on it.

Edward loved to play with my engagement ring on my finger just as much as I did.

He nudged me a little and I noticed that I haven't responded to his assumption. Edward always thirsted for every little detail about my life before him.

"As a child I was, you've seen all the scars but I grew out of it, thank god."

I had had many scares on my body to prove what a clumsy kid I had been but ever since the transition started all the reminders of my human fragility and the unaptness of my early years were disappearing one after another.

I was brought out of my thoughts of my childhood when Edward suddenly turned his head away and seemed to be listening.

"We got a packet from the private investigator that Jenks hired." He told me when he looked at me again with an ocean of concern reflecting in his beautiful eyes.

That was it. I would get to know about the rest of…..her family and what happened to the person who in my former world was, still is, my father.

"Ready love? You know we don't have to do this." He assured while he gazed intensely into my eyes.

"Yeah, and then I will go nuts because the questions about what happened and who else from my former family is also here will drive me insane." I said with a half frustrated and half resigned sigh.

"I'm with you all the time." Edward mumbled and placed a kiss on my forehead before releasing me from his embrace and taking my hand as we made our way to the living room.

Everyone waited for us to sit down. I could feel the nervousness in the air even though my family tried to look as relaxed as possible, it was not working. I knew they were just as curious to get to know what the private investigator found out and what the DNA test would say.

If Alice had seen any of the results she didn't say anything. I heard her tell Edward that it would be better to wait and see and hold the evidence in hands then just to hear it for her.

"How shall we begin?" Carlisle asked me while he looked with his warm gaze at me. Next to him sat Esme and her eyes were betraying the worry she held.

"With the DNA test." I blurted out.

I wanted to have that out of the way, to know if she was biologically also my mother's clone or if she only looked exactly like her.

"Good," Carlisle nodded and got ready to tell me the result.

"I did the test and yes apparently she doesn't only look like your mother back in your world but you also share the same DNA."

My breath stuck in my throat. I suddenly felt like in that one series I once watched "Sliders" where four people were sliding from one universe to another after one of them creates a device capable of opening vortices to alternate universes and accidentally sucks three other people through that portal with him.

They are sliding from one world to another while trying to get back home. Every world, ever earth they visit was somehow different then the one they came from but on nearly every single one of them they met either themselves or a member of their family's.

I felt Edward tightening his grip on me and pulling me further into his body in an effort to comfort me.

"It's O.K.," I said because it was. I was counting that possibility in that's why it didn't come as such a shock to me.

"Are you sure?" My Vampire gazed at me unsure if he should believe me.

"Yeah, let's get this all over with. Quickly like with a band aid." I demanded.

I didn't want them to make a big thing out of it. I was never one for emotional drama. I always let everything crash down on me and then I dealt with it. It maybe took me a while but once it was done that was it.

I hated feeling helpless and emo and the whole strange feeling packet I had to deal with for the last few days. It was about damn time to sort it all out.

"Alright then," Jasper drawled and held a big envelope up.

"The private investigator sent this." He said before he paused and looked at me, "Are you sure you want this?"

"Yes, Jazz I'm sure." I assured. Edward squeezed my hand lightly and I gave him a smile in response.

"O.K. then," Jasper sighed, opened the envelope and fished the content out, spreading it out on the coffee table.

Next to some official looking documents were pictures. Pictures of the woman who looked just like my mother and her family and also pictures of a man who looked like my father together with his family.

"As to your…Mrs. Kovac," Alice corrected herself, "she seemed to have met her husband just like your mother met Adrian Kovac on summer vacation but this Adrian Kovac followed your mother home and they eventually became a couple."

"What about?" I asked gazing at the photograph of the man who looked like my father.

"Your father's father he was a soldier and died in war right?" Carlisle wanted to make sure.


"Well in this world he didn't die but got only hurt badly what caused him to leave the army with honours. He and is wife and two children then moved way to Russia where he was working as an engineer." Edward told me the background story while I was still analysing the pictures.

"His son, the man who in your reality was, is your father, is a university professor for math at the university in Moscow." Carlisle went on while I gazed at the family picture where the man who looked like my father was surrounded by a beautiful woman with long blond hair and an about nineteen or twenty years old looking boy.

"We could befriend Mrs. Kovac and…." Esme offered after while.

"No," I exclaimed, shaking my head.

When I looked up I was gazing into stunned faces that were curiously and puzzled looking back at me.

"It wouldn't be right and besides we will move away in a few months anyway," I explained.

"And she isn't…." I didn't need to say anymore then that.

Edward pressed a kiss on my temple and drew me into his arms but I pulled away from him and started to gather all the papers off the coffee table, putting them back into the envelope. All except a few portrait photographs. This way I had a photo of my mother, my god father my mom's brother, my father and all of my four grandparents.

I lifted the envelope up and handed it back to Jasper.

"Thank you," I said, smiled at him and looked back at the portrait photographs.

"How about we buy some nice picture frames for those photos?" Esme offered.

"That'll be nice." I nodded.

As strange and also painful this situation had been there was also something good to it. At least this way I also had something from my human family. I liked to concentrate on the positive side of this…..event.

That night I was able to fall asleep with a smile on my face while Edward held me gently in his arms.


"Anna, are you ready?" I heard Rose call from downstairs as I was brushing my hair.

"I'll be down in a minute."

"Are you sure I should stay behind?" Edward asked me as he came up behind me, placed his hands on my hips and attacked my neck with his soft kisses.

"Don't you even try!" Rose huffed annoyed in warning from the level below us.

"Guess that's a no." I giggled while Edward pouted.

"But say why did Alice have to rush off to Paris this morning? I was still half asleep when she was screaming around the house."

"You remember that Alice sold one of her collections to a designer in France?"

"Yeah, Pierre or was it was…Jean-Luc…" I shrugged.

"The deal was that he would produce the models exactly like Alice had drawn them and with the fabrics she wanted but he decided to change some stuff….." He trailed off.

"That guy seems to be tired of his life." I noted while I was grabbing my purse.

"If Jasper doesn't manage to calm her down there will be one less designer in Paris." He chuckled darkly.

"Bad Edward." I chided him playfully.

"I'll show you bad," he said and started to stalk me like a predator his prey but before he could even come close to me Rose appeared out of thin air.

"Oh no, you won't." She barked at him and he sighed defeated.

"We've got to go." Rose ordered as she gave me a sharp look.

"O.K," I was fighting hard not to giggle. She rolled her eyes at me and went back downstairs.

"If you will be good you will get your reward later," I promised before I placed a parting kiss on his lips and we went downstairs.

"While the ladies are out of the house why don't I kick your," Emmett stopped himself as Esme shot him a warming look, "at a good round of x-box. How about it hornball?"

Edward's expression as he heard his new nickname was priceless.

"Get him Tiger." I told my fiancé and went outside to the car with Rose and Esme.

"You should put him on a shorter leash." Rose muttered to me as we were on our way into town.

"I think it's kind of cute."

Rose sighed slightly annoyed and shook her head.

"I think so too," Esme piped up happily.

"You too really got this flowers, sweetness thing down don't you?" Rose asked us.

Esme and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"And you get shinny eyes when Emmett gets those pimping things for your car." I pointed out.

"Anna those are," she turned her head around to look at me with a sad and pitiful expression on her face before she resigned and shook her head, "just forget it."

"Sorry I'm hopeless when it comes to cars."

"Can you at least change a tire?" Rose raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ahhhhhhh," I was thinking about what should be done to change a tire, in theory I kind of knew what had to be done but if I would succeed in reality that had to be found out.

"How did you even manage to get your drivers license?" Rose exclaimed.

"I didn't! Remember?" I shrugged.

"It was every dangerous that you had a drivers license and a car and you couldn't even drive." Esme interjected with a disapproving look on her face.

I have no idea what or who brought me here but I like to think that giving me a drivers license was meant as a step to get me closer to the Cullen's. It's corny but I like that thought.


"I had no idea that there existed so many different picture frames." I mumbled while looking helplessly around the shop with the photo equipment.

"Well now you know better," Rose huffed looking just as disbelieving at the immense selection as I was.

I ambled through the store gazing at the different shaped picture frames. Some had a classic style, some were coloured in the craziest colours and had strange forms or even build in lamps. Nothing really called to me until I saw a frame that looked like a book. It was made out of polished silver. The little book was made out of four pages that had silver frames with elegant engravings, nothing opulent or too much but simple and timeless that fit six pictures like I needed it.

"Found it." I called out and Rose eyed my choice.

"Let's take that and get out of here. There is a new shop that opened up." She told me and we went to pay for the frame. At the checkout we met Esme who was buying some big antique looking frames. She looked like she just made a hot deal.

The store that Rose wanted to visit sold clothes made out of leather and latex.

"God, those pants must be a pain to get into," I stated as I held up a pair of black, skinny latex pants.

"Yeah, but trust me it's worth it," Rose winked at Esme and me.

In the end I bought those pants, a skinny fire red top with a zipper at the front and a mini skirt. Esme and Rose also left the store with their shopping bags full.

When we were on our way out Esme's cell rang out.

"Alice. Alice! I can't hear you. I have horrible reception here." She almost shouted into the mouthpiece.

Rose and I were immediately on alert. When Alice call from god knows where she currently was above the ocean then something must have been going to happen and it was certainly was nothing good.

"We should do what?" Esme asked just when I heard someone gasp.

Rose and I turned around and there they were. With shocked expressions, wide opened eyes and slack hanging yaws, Sue Clearwater and Charlie Swan were looking at us. Well more me since I was supposed to be dead.


"Ah…What now?" I pushed out when I suddenly felt Rose's hand on my arm as she jerked me in the other direction and rushed off with me while Esme followed us.

"You know running won't help. They saw us." I pointed out.

"I know but at least now they won't shout "You are supposed to be dead." in the middle of a shopping mall." Rose grumped.

Behind me I heard Esme talking to Edward and telling him who we just had run into. As bad as that was I couldn't help but think that on the bright side at least it wasn't Bella who had stared in shock at us.

Once we arrived back at home Edward and Emmett were immediately at the car and opened the doors for us girls.

"I called Seth apparently their visit was supposed to be a surprise. He had no idea they were coming." Edward informed us.

"Alice had send us text massages and Jasper tried to call.." Emmett reported.

"Yeah, we know. We got her text massages when we were on our way back home. The reception where they were must have been really low."

"Happens on a transatlantic flight." Emmett shrugged.

"I hope Charlie and Sue are going to be alright. We just left them there." Esme worried.

"Maybe we should visit them and explain. I could make them my lasagne and my apple pie. Charlie used to be really fond of them." I offered.

"Honestly I thought the pack would have told Charlie and Sue about Anna, they do know about the existence of our kind and that we are Vampires." Esme pointed out.

"They wanted to but as Seth told me Charlie didn't want to know too much. Apparently Billy Black was explaining everything to him and at some point Chief Swan called it a day for good. He didn't want anymore." Edward explained.

"I'll go and call Seth." I said and we got our shopping bags before we went inside.

Seth told me that Charlie and Sue were quite shocked when they arrived at Sue's sister's place, luckily no one of the two of them had a heart attack. We agreed to meet up on Monday after school to give Sue and Charlie time to come clean with the fact that I was not dead.


"I wish I could say that this smells good but it just doesn't," Edward quipped as he stood next to me and wrinkled his nose.

I rolled my eyes at him and pushed my elbow into his ribs. He covered the spot I hit with his hand and faked pain.

"Very funny," I rolled my eyes again before I went on putting the apple pie into a box to be able to transport it.

It was strange to think about what would happen in only a matter of minutes. I never had a close relationship to Charlie Swan though he was often at Kevin's place.

Not really a wonder, Charlie lived only on the other side of the street and would come over whenever a game was on to watch it together with Kevin.

The police Chief of Forks was a man of few words but that was not the case when he was seated in front of a TV and watch sports. He kind of remained me of my grandpa. He also used to comment sports events.

My mom and my grandma always teased him and proposed that he should try out for a sports commentator. Grandpa was very loud in front of the TV and commented with a burning passion. At least he had the requirements for the job.

Maybe this was why I liked Charlie a little. He remained me of my grandpa.

It was somehow weird to see him again back there at the mall though the shocked expression that he wore was funny. But who wouldn't be shocked to see a dead girl alive.

Seth filled them in on everything and they had the weekend to deal with it what meant there was hope that that visit would go over well.

"Are you ready for this?" Edward asked as he locked an arm around my waist, kissing the opposite side of my neck while I got the lasagne ready.

"Edward I'm not made out of glass. I'm a big girl and besides I can defend myself pretty well." I stated firmly, cranked my neck to face him and gave him a look.

"Your fire I know." He rolled his eyes and pouted.

"Yeah, and besides it's not like anyone is going to attack me there or are you expecting Sue to jump on me with her cooking spoon?" I just couldn't resist.

Edward rolled his eyes at my remark and pulled himself even closer to me while his hands gripping his opposite forearm still firmly around my body as his thumbs started to brush over the underside of my ladies.

I inhaled sharply, shook my head and tired to keep it together.

"I wonder if Charlie and Sue already got over the-dead-girl-isn't-sooo-dead-thing. I don't want to overwhelm them." I voiced my concern while I was packing the apple pie that was already in a plastic box and that Charlie loved so much back then in Forks into a bag.

"We'll see when we'll be there." He sight, burying his face in my hair inhaling my scent.

"Yeah, let's hope for the best." I murmured.

Edward pulled away from me and I cranked my neck to see him looking at me for a long second before he shook his head in mild concern.

"What?" I huffed out, a little bit annoyed.

"Are you really O.K.?" He asked carefully.

I knew he was talking about the whole thing with my parents look-alikes.

"Yes, Edward I am fine but you won't if you ask one more time…." I threatened.

"Alright, alright." He held his hands up in surrender before placing them back on my hips.

"We're ready to go." I announced when everything was packed.

"I'm not." He hummed.

"And why if I may ask?" I queried while I turned around to face him.

"Because I don't think I can let go." He mumbled and squeezed my hips lightly to underline his point while he let his head fall on my shoulder gluing his lips to my skin.

"Emmett was right you are a honrball." I laughed shaking my head.

"What….egh…that…" he stammered out fighting for words looking like a deer caught in the headlights while I became smugger by the second.

"See what you are doing to me, I'm not even able to think straight." He pouted while his eyes twinkled with mischief.

I smiled devilishly at him while stepping closer to him placing my hands on his board chest and running them down his well build abs before placing a hot kiss on his throat. His breath caught as a respond to my actions while his hands claimed firm hold on my hips.

"And you seriously wonder why I want you all the time?" He eyed me like a lost puppy when I pulled away to look at his face.

"I really don't know what you mean." I was playing innocent.

"Sure you don't." He growled lowly.

I smiled at him and slid my hands from his chest over his hips down to his stone hard bottom and squeezed him.

"You are trying to kill me." He said half frustrated while nuzzling his face in my neck.

"Nope. I just love you." I pulled back and gave him a chastised kiss on his cheek.

"And if you are being good you might get a reward tonight." I cooed

"You are spending way too much time with Rose and Alice." He growled again.

"Honey, I know how to drive you crazy even without their help though they are great teachers." I murmured.

It was not that I didn't want him just as much as he wanted me, in no way. It was just that with my body still being for the most part human I was sexually more then satisfied with what we did. Well except of what we wouldn't do until we were married. I was aware of the fact that it was different for Edward. There were days were he needed physical contact for hours no end but unfortunately my partly human body had it's limits.

My fiancé gave me an Eskimo kiss and pouted again.

"Man you are so whipped bro." Emmett commented passing through the kitchen.

"I take it as a compliment from someone who is as experienced in being whipped as you are." Edward shot back.

The made Emmett stop in his tracks.

"What did you say?" He raised an eyebrow at my fiancé.

"You heard me." Edward answered.

"I'm not whipped." Emmett stated. The tone of his voice was warning Edward to correct himself.

Edward only rolled his eyes.

"Listen little brother I'm the man in my marriage and….." suddenly his voice died down in his throat and his entire body tensed.

"And my dear husband?" Rosalie's voice sounded amused but I could also hear the threat hidden in it.

"Ahhhh…..welllll," Emmett swallowed hard and glared at Edward telling him with his eyes that he knew that Edward started that conversation knowing full well that Rose was around.

"And I'm completely and totally in love with you the most beautiful being on this planet." He tried to safe his skin more like his fun time but when it comes to Emmett it's the same.

"And." She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm completely whipped." He admitted in defeat.

"Yes, you are." She confirmed smiling and placed a light kiss on his lips before disappearing upstairs.

"You are going to get that back when you are least expecting it." Emmett threatened before taking off after his wife.

"That was mean." I swatted Edward's upper arm.

"Maybe but funny." He shrugged.

Really! Boys and their behaviour.

"We really have to go now. It's getting late." I told him he sighed.

"O.K." He kissed the tip of my nose. I ran my hand up his chest and started playing with the hair at the base of his neck. He shiver in respond and closed his eyes starting to purr lightly.

"Anna," he groaned in a tone I knew every well. It was the same tone he used whenever his desire for me got unbearable.

Without another word his lips found my neck and he brushed them greedily along my skin while his hands glided down my sides, the combination of his hands and his mouth on my body made my breath hitch.

"Edward," I breathed huskily and folded my hands around his face bringing his lips to mine for a passionate kiss before my lips wandered to his neck.

Edward's POV:

"I love you so much," I murmured breathlessly when we broke the kiss.

I just couldn't help myself. I needed her more then I ever realized I would. The desire, the lust, the pure utter need I felt for my mate was not knew to me but with each passing second it was harder to suppress this essential need to be united, to be close to my mate.

I was about to try to pull myself together for the visit I had to endure when I noticed that Anna was nibbling on my neck what wasn't helping my situation.

"Love," a tortured groan fell from my lips.

"Shhh," she ordered in a breathy voice.

I felt my breathing increase and I had to close my eyes as I stumbled a little back and collided lightly against the counter. My member was throbbing painfully in my pants.

Suddenly I felt her sliding down on my body, her little, warm hand leaving a trail of liquid fire where she touched me until she was kneeling in front of the huge bulge in my pants.

"Love, you don't need to," I tried to argue.

"I want to," she smiled up at me and her hands went to open the top button of my jeans before I heard the zipper being pulled down.

I breathed out roughly when I felt her pull my pants and my boxer briefs agonisingly slow down my legs and I heard a tiny giggle when my length sprang free and greeted her.

Suddenly she looked unsure of herself and bit down on her bottom lip before she looked up at me.

"Rose and Emmett are the only ones around, right?"

"Yes," I hissed out, "and they do not pay any attention to us."

"I hear that." She rolled her eyes and concentrated on my painful problem.

I eagerly looked down at the sight in front of me, unable to look away. I shuddered when she lifted her warm hand and touched me, slowly sliding my foreskin back. My eyes briefly snapped shut without my permission at the feel of that sensation.

Anna stroked me a few times before she leaned in and placed a little kiss on my tip causing my member to jerk in her hand.

"Anna," I hissed out between grit teeth. My need for her made me more sensitive then I usually was. She seemed to see the torture that I was feeling because she was not teasing me like she usually liked to do but I felt her lips on me against before her tongue darted out of her little, hot mouth circling my swollen head.

My hands gripped on the marble counter as my head fell back and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

Soon I felt her warm, sweet mouth around me while one her hands moved to the back of my thighs as the other was wrapped around the part of me she couldn't fit into her mouth.

In exact the moment when I looked down at her she looked up at me with a sexy glint in her eyes while my hardness was firmly between her plump lips. I could feel myself becoming harder at the image in front of me. My breathing became quicker and left my mouth in ragged gaps.

"Jesus…..Anna," I groaned while shivers of pleasure were running like a wildfire through my body.

Her hand that was wrapped around my length stroked me in perfect rhythm with the movements of her delicious mouth.

I felt the nearing release as her talented tongue was assaulting my sensitive head. She was circling her tongue around my length, rotary, while giving my swollen head little teasing licks that felt unbelievably good.

When she moaned around me I bend a little because of the ecstatic feeling that coursed through my frame.

"That…..feels…. so good," I stammered hoarsely, knowing I was almost there.

"Love I," I tried to warn her but she wasn't about to let go of me. It worried because she wasn't allowed to consume more of my venom.

Panicked I looked down at her unable to pull away by myself but the look in her eyes as they gazed back at me told me she knew what she was doing. I trusted her judgement and let myself fall.

I closed my eyes and felt her moan around me again as her lips pressed down on me and she sucked hard on me. That was all it took and I came apart in her mouth.

Anna stroked me until I finished coming inside her mouth. She slid my member passed her slightly swollen lips, smiled at me as she stood up and went over to the sink.

She spit the content out and rinsed her mouth before she grabbed a paper towel and cleaned me up while I was still in daze supporting my weight on the counter behind me.

"Feeling better?" My lovely mate asked me before she place a kiss on my lips as she zipped my pants up.

A sly smile formed on my lips and I nodded.

"Thank you my love," I said as I captured her face in my hand and placed a proper kiss on her lips.

"The visit doesn't have to be long," she offered.

Anna's POV:

"Sounds good." Edward growled playfully while he looked beautiful in his post coital glow. I smiled warmly at him before turning around to get the foot. When I passed him he swatted my backside lightly.

"Behave." I laughed at him.

"I won't tonight." He promised and I giggled. Seemed like he took the little quickie as an appetiser for more later on.

Only Edward and I were going. Originally Esme and Carlisle were also planning in to visit Sue and Charlie but Seth informed us that too many Vampires might be a little too much for them. After how Charlie figured out about the existence of Vampires I can't blame him.

With Edward's mad driving skills it was a rather short ride to the place where Seth stayed.

"Ready for this?" Edward asked as we arrived at the front door and I pressed the dishes into my torso while Edward knocked on the door. A few moments later Seth opened the door wearing his usual toothy grin.

"You brought food!" His grin got wider. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I made it in my house. Doesn't it smell offending to you? I mean the Vampire scents and so….."

He shrugged.

"Got used to that and besides I not about to pass the opportunity to get a piece of your delicious apple pie." I always used to bake an apple pie when Kevin was going to a bone fire to La Push.

"O.K." I laughed lightly.

"Oh hi Edward," Seth grinned at my Vampire.

"Good evening Seth." Edward was polite as ever.

"Let me help you with that." Seth said and grabbed the dishes.

Edward and I stepped inside and went to the living room where Charlie and Sue were sitting on the couch and looked at me with wide eyes, not quite believing what they saw.

Charlie opened his mouth but not a sound escaped his lips Sue wasn't in any better condition. Guess they still couldn't quite believe it.

"Hi, it's nice to see you again." I broke the awkward silence.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. San," my fiancé nodded.

"By any chance is there an alien hidden in your wardrobe or a wizard in the broom closet?" Charlie asked in an emotionless voice glancing in Seth's direction.

"You know if there is then now is the time to tell me." Chief Swan added in a serious tone.

"Haven't met a wizard or an alien yet." Seth shrugged unimpressed.

If they only knew. I snickered in my mind.

"So let me get this straight. First Vampires, then Werewolves and now a Vampire Slayer." Charlie raised an eyebrow at Seth while Sue took everything in that was happening in front of her.

"Pretty much." Seth answered with a smile on his face.

Charlie let out a long breath and shook his head.

"So you are immortal too?" He asked me after a while.

"It seems like it." I smiled and Edward squeezed my hand while his body tensed. Before I even had time to wonder why he tense I heard the reason.

"Dylan was a Werewolf as well, then?" Charlie's face turned grave and I heard a loud growl coming from my right side.

"What was that?" Sue asked, looking startled and a little scared.

"I apologise for my rude behaviour but that topic is rather sensitive and I don't appreciate it to be reminded." Edward bowed his head a little.

"Of course." Charlie nodded looking apologetically at Edward and me.

"So how was it to get to know about the world of supernatural?" I queried changing the topic while sitting down with Edward on the love seat opposite of the married couple.

"One minute I'm on the beach and repairing my boat the next a guy pale as a ghost with the most freakish blood red eyes walks out of the ocean and was in front of me before I was even able to register it." Charlie began.

"He pinned me against my boat and was about to bite me when I heard Seth and Jake yelling and running my way. The next thing I knew was that they exploded into giant dogs." He shook his head.

Sue patted his arm lovingly.

"When Billy explained everything to me I though that I lost my mind or he his." He shook his head again.

"You just sat there on his couch not moving or saying a word for four hours straight." Seth laughed.

"You have to be fair it was a lot to take in." Sue threw in, defending her husband.

"Yeah," Charlie agreed.

"Does anyone else want a piece of Anna's famous apple pie?" Seth asked already on his way into the kitchen.

"Wait I'll help." I called after him leaving Edward alone with Charlie and Sue.

We cut the cake and went back into the living room.

"This is defiantly worth the trouble of the travel." Charlie commented, eyeing the cake with hungry eyes while Sue raised an eyebrow at him.

When Charlie didn't seem to have noticed she cleared her throat to get his attention.

"Oh of course your cooking is absolutely delicious and so is your apple pie," he stammered nervously as he tried to safe his skin.

Sue still didn't look too happy but let it slid and brought her fork with a piece of the pie to her mouth and moaned.

"This is delicious." She gushed.

"Haven't you ever tasted my pie?"

Sue gazed soberly at me before she started to laugh.

"I do value my life which is why I never gotten into the way of hungry Werewolves and their food."

"O.K.," I nodded a little taken aback while Edward gave me a slightly disgusted and disbelieving look. It made me wonder what he saw in her mind.

"Are we here alone?" I asked wondering where her sister and her sister's husband where.

"My sister and her husband went out. We offered to look after the little angle. They took our offer gladly." Sue reported.

"But Seth is living here with them?"

"Yeah but my aunt does not trust me with the little one yet. At least not to take care of her on my own." Seth shrugged a little disappointed.

"It's her first baby you know how she is," Sue tried to cheer her son up.

"There is something that we would like to give you," Edward began as he fished the envelope out of his inner jacket pocket.

"It's from the entire Cullen family." I added.

Seth looked at the envelope and titled his head to his left.

"What is it?"

"Aya and her family will move to Belgium in a couple of months," as Edward said that Seth expression looked pained and panicked. "That's why we made sure you receive a place in the university in Brussels. This here is a full scholarship." Edward handed the envelope to the stunned Seth.

"I know that Aya is not giving you the time of the day but there is a way to get her to talk to you." I smiled at him.

"As you know Aya is highly gifted and that she is rather cold because she tends to see everything soberly and analytically but there is one thing she is passionate about and that is medicine."

"Really?" He looked hopeful.

"Yes. Aya will also go there to study. This university has one of the best medical programs in the world. This is your best shot to get her." Edward encouraged.

"And Batiste agreed to help as well. He will tutor you. That means you will have to go to their house where you will have the chance to be close to Aya and when she sees that you have an interest in medicine she might warm up to you a little." Seth looked delighted.

"But don't forget it will not be easy and she will probably take quite some time before she will give in." I warned him.

"As long as she allows me to be close to her." Seth grinned widely before his face fell.

"But I can't accept that." He handed the envelope back to Edward who refused to take it back.

"I never really thanked you for trying to safe my mate. So this is my thank you. Jake didn't have that much trouble to accept his." Edward pointed out and Seth looked puzzled.

"He received the land that is located opposite your service station. You wanted to build a hotel and a lot for the trucks there didn't you?" I questioned.

"Yeah," he nodded and looked at the envelope in his hand.

"Please accept or he," I pointed at my Vampire, "will be grumpy all the time because you refused the gift." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he caved in after a few moments.

Sue beamed with pride as she went over to her son and the both of them opened the envelope to read the letter inside while Charlie shook his head in amusement and mutter something about "women" under his breath.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C55
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


