In an era where the coexistence of Awakened beings, and dungeons became commonplace, Hwa Aerin, a Non-awakened human just wants a peaceful life in the countryside after quitting her job. But fate doesn't want her to have peace just yet, as she finds her life transformed by her sudden awakening.
Now everyone keeps bothering her to give them some tea, literally tea.
"Unnie, hurry spill me some tea." Said one of the A-Rank Awakener to her
"Haewon-ah, I'm brewing tea not spilling it."
"Don't be a boomer, Unnie. You know that your pipping hot tea is the craze now!"
A certain S-Rank awakener keeps coming back for more of her tea.
"Aerin-ah, spill me more of your tea. I'll help you tea shopping in the dungeon later."
'Argh, why are they keep telling a tea pun to me'
レビューを書く作者 RoseFaery