If she could get him for her department, she would have a long time to study him and decide how to progress from there. This giant baby was the first lead she'd found in her 400 years of life as a clue towards attaining immortality, so she refused to be rash. What's more, for all she knew Devil was a mighty being who could smite her out of existence if she made an attempt on his well-being.
"Devil…" She murmured his name for the umpteenth time since she learned of this strange existence. Black Fang turned towards the holographic display that showed his 1v6 fight against an entire competent Phenom team. She liked how he burnt the two bulky tanks in their own armor, using the metal protecting their frames into a weapon that resulted in their demise, and especially loved how he killed the leaping archer, but the remaining three gave him quite a bit of trouble.
Demonic Pornstar System, I believe you'll enjoy it a lot!