22.22% Superman in mha / Chapter 4: chapter 4: Meeting the Experts

章 4: chapter 4: Meeting the Experts

Clark was lying on the hospital bed, his blue eyes wandering around the white, sterile room. The soft morning sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow on the white sheets.

The smell of antiseptic hung in the air, mixed with the faint aroma of fresh flowers someone had left in a vase on the bedside table. Suddenly, the door burst open with a bang, making the boy jump in surprise.


All Might announced, his thunderous voice echoing through the room. The boy couldn't contain the smile that spread across his face.

"Dad! You shouldn't be shouting in a hospital!"

All Might paused dramatically, scratching his chin. "Ah, yes! You're right!" He then leaned in, whispering in a tone that was still loud enough to be heard in the hallway: "I am here... silently!"

The boy laughed, feeling the tension leave his body. All Might approached the bed, his heavy footsteps making the floor tremble slightly.

"So, my boy," All Might began, sitting down in the chair beside the bed, which creaked dangerously under his weight,

"what a show you put on at the amusement park, huh? Turned that roller coaster into a real light spectacle!"

The young hero lowered his gaze, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble."

All Might placed a gentle hand on his son's shoulder, his smile never faltering. "Don't apologize, my son. You saved many lives today."

Clark smiled shyly. "I didn't mean to cause such a commotion..."

"Nonsense!" All Might exclaimed, giving Clark a pat on the back that almost sent him flying off the bed.

"A true hero always causes a commotion! It's like I always say: if you're not breaking walls, you're not trying hard enough!"

"Dad," he laughed, "I'm sure you've never said that."

"Well, I'm saying it now!" All Might grinned, his teeth gleaming. Then, his face turned serious for a moment.

"But seriously, young Clark, you did a great job. You saved many lives today."

The boy's chest swelled with pride. "Thank you, Dad. I just wanted to be like you." All Might was silent for a moment, his eyes shining with emotion. Then, he hugged Clark tightly.

"You're already better than me, my son. Much better." He straightened up a bit in bed, his blue eyes meeting his father's.

"But what if it happens again? What if next time I can't control it?" All Might ruffled his son's hair affectionately.

"Don't worry about your Quirk, we'll work on it together. Remember: a true hero isn't one who never falls, but one who always gets back up!"

The boy nodded, feeling inspired. "Thank you, Dad. For everything." "You're welcome, my boy!" All Might smiled, before standing up and wiping a tear from his own eye. Then, he struck another dramatic pose.

"Well, enough of all this emotion! We have work to do!"

He looked at his father, confused. "Work?"

All Might nodded, his smile returning in full force. "Yes! As soon as you get out of here, we're going to visit some friends of mine. They're Quirk specialists and will help us better understand your Quirk and how to control it. We'll do some tests to make sure you're ready for anything!"

The young hero smiled, feeling more determined than ever. "I'm ready, Dad. Let's do this together." All Might raised his fist in the air, his smile as bright as the sun. "That's right, my son! Together, nothing can stop us! Now, how about we sneak out of here and go get some hot dogs? I heard the cart on the corner makes the best in the city!"

Clark laughed, shaking his head. "Dad, I haven't been discharged yet."

"Ah, details, details!" All Might made a dismissive gesture. "A true hero doesn't let anything stand between him and a good hot dog!" As they laughed together, the boy knew that with his father by his side, he could face any challenge that came his way.

The future might be uncertain, but one thing was clear: the love between father and son was stronger than any Quirk.

A Hero's Welcome The afternoon sun was shining brightly as they left the hospital. A crowd of fans and reporters was waiting for them, cameras flashing and excited voices echoing through the air.

"All Might! Clark! Over here!" the reporters shouted, pushing each other to get the best photo.

Clark felt nervousness growing in his stomach, but All Might placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Relax, young Clark," All Might whispered with a smile. "Just wave and smile."

He nodded, mimicking his father's confident smile as they walked towards the waiting car. The driver, a middle-aged man with a thick mustache, couldn't contain his enthusiasm at seeing the two enter the vehicle.

"It's an honor to transport you, gentlemen," he said, his gaze alternating between the road and the rearview mirror.

"You did an incredible job at the park."

"HOHOHO! Thank you, my good man!" All Might replied with his characteristic booming laugh. "We're just fulfilling our duty as heroes!" The young hero watched the urban landscape pass quickly by the window, his thoughts drifting to recent events.

He turned to All Might, a question burning in his mind.

"Dad," he began hesitantly, "why are people praising me and saying I did a good job? I was the one who caused all that chaos in the park..." All Might looked at his son, his blue eyes full of understanding and affection. He leaned in, placing a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Clark, my son," he said, his voice soft but firm, "you can't decide when your Quirk will awaken. That's beyond our control. But what you can control are your actions, and that's what you did. In an emergency situation, you chose to help people, to protect them. That's why they praise you. No one blames you for the awakening of your power. They admire you for the courage you showed."

The young man's eyes filled with tears, and he hugged his father tightly. All Might returned the embrace, holding his son close.

"Thank you, Dad,"

Clark whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I... I was feeling so guilty."

"There's nothing to feel guilty about, my boy," All Might gently patted his son's back. "You're a hero, and I'm incredibly proud of you."

The rest of the trip to the airport passed in comfortable silence, broken only by the occasional enthusiastic comments from the driver. At the private airport, a small crowd was waiting for them. The nervousness returned to the boy, but All Might was there, smiling and waving as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"Come on, Clark!" exclaimed All Might. "Show your heroic smile!" He took a deep breath and smiled, waving shyly to the crowd.

To his surprise, the response was warm, with applause and shouts of encouragement. Before boarding, a reporter quickly approached, holding a microphone firmly. "Clark, can you tell us about the hot spring you created in the park? They say they might end up building a town around it. Do you have any name in mind?"

The boy looked at his father, who gave him encouragement with a smile. He thought for a moment and then answered, "Well, if we have to give it a name, how about Smallville?"

The reporter smiled, satisfied with the answer, as the crowd applauded. All Might laughed and patted Clark on the back. "Smallville, huh? I like the sound of that, my boy!"

A Journey to Discovery Already aboard the luxurious private jet, the young hero settled in next to his father, looking in wonder out the window as they took off.

"I've never been on a private jet before," he commented, his eyes shining with excitement.

All Might laughed, adjusting his seatbelt. "There's always a first time for everything, my son. Enjoy the view!"

As they flew above the clouds, All Might began to tell funny stories from his past missions. The boy laughed so hard he almost spilled his soda.

"So you really got stuck in a porta-potty during a mission?" he asked, still laughing. All Might made an exaggerated grimace.

"Yes! And let me tell you, it was not heroic at all!"

The hours passed quickly, filled with laughter and conversation. Near the end of the journey, Clark noticed that All Might had fallen asleep, a serene smile on his face. Looking at his father, he felt a wave of love and gratitude wash over him.

Despite being a reincarnated soul, his current physiology was that of a child, which inevitably affected his mentality. His memories of a past life sometimes seemed distant and hazy, like a half-forgotten dream. But one thing remained clear: in his previous life, he had been an orphan, never knowing the joy of having a true family. Now, looking at All Might - his father, his hero - Clark felt a happiness he had never imagined possible.

The jet began its descent, and he spotted a futuristic facility surrounded by dense forests. The cutting-edge technology was evident even from a distance, with gleaming buildings and drones patrolling the surroundings.

All Might woke up, stretching with an exaggerated yawn. "Ah, looks like we've arrived, young Clark!" He looked out the window, his smile widening. "Are you ready to find out more about your powers?"

Clark nodded, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement. "I am, Dad. With you by my side, I know I can face anything."

All Might placed a hand on his son's shoulder, his eyes shining with pride. "That's the spirit, my son. Always remember: you're stronger than you think."

As the jet landed smoothly on the runway, Clark knew a new adventure awaited them. He still had a lot to learn about his powers and about being a hero. But one thing he already knew for sure: with his father by his side, he could overcome any obstacle.

Meeting the Experts As soon as the jet landed, a diverse group of people approached to greet them. All Might smiled broadly at seeing familiar faces.

"Clark, my boy," All Might began, "let me introduce you to some very special people." An elderly man, short and with a stern expression, was the first to approach.

"This is Gran Torino, my former mentor," said All Might, with a mixture of respect and a slight tremor in his voice.

Gran Torino looked at Clark with keen eyes. "So this is the young prodigy? I hope he gives less trouble than you, Toshinori."

A kind-looking elderly lady came next. "This is Recovery Girl," All Might introduced. "She's the best in medical care for heroes."

Recovery Girl smiled at Clark. "It's a pleasure to meet you, young man. I hope I won't need to use my powers on you, but I'll be here if necessary."

A small animal, which looked like a mix between a bear, a mouse, and a dog, stepped forward. "This is Principal Nezu," said All Might. "He's one of the most intelligent beings you'll ever meet."

Nezu tilted his head. "Fascinating! I can't wait to analyze your Quirk, young Clark."

All Might paused, his smile faltering for a moment. "Unfortunately, Sir Nighteye couldn't be here with us today, but his contribution to the planning of these tests was invaluable."

A tall man with blonde hair and glasses approached with a warm smile. "Hello, I'm David Shield, an old friend of All Might's and a scientist specializing in hero equipment."

Clark smiled, remembering the stories his father told about his scientist friend. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shield."

Finally, a girl about Clark's age, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, stepped forward. "Uncle All Might!" she exclaimed, quickly hugging the hero before turning to Clark. All Might laughed.

"And this is Melissa Shield, David's daughter." Melissa looked at Clark, her eyes widening with a mixture of curiosity and admiration.

"So you're All Might's son? I've heard so much about you!"

Clark felt his cheeks heat up under Melissa's intense gaze.


he managed to say, his voice coming out lower than he intended. For a moment, the two young people stood there, staring at each other, as if the rest of the world had disappeared.

There was an energy in the air, a feeling that something important was about to happen. All Might and the other adults exchanged knowing looks, but no one dared to break the moment.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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