31.48% Pokemon: Reborn As Ditto / Chapter 17: Looks? Let me show you my Looks

章 17: Looks? Let me show you my Looks

I take it up a notch, pinching her nipples through her clothes, and that's when Misty snaps out of her daze. "Stop!" she exclaims, her voice firm but laced with a hint of embarrassment.

I play the role of the innocent Pokémon, freezing in place, my eyes wide with confusion.

I stop immediately, looking up at her with a hurt expression, and ask in a pitiful tone, "Didn't you like my thanks?"

Misty's anger deflates, replaced by a mixture of concern and embarrassment as she takes in my vulnerable face. She thinks I might have genuinely misunderstood something, and she tries to explain it to me in a gentle tone.

"Ditto, this isn't how you say thanks. You shouldn't do this," she says, her cheeks flushing slightly.

I tilt my head, looking puzzled, and ask, "But why were those people I saw doing it, then?"

Misty's face turns a deeper shade of red, but she tries to power through the embarrassment. "This is called a kiss, Ditto. It's...only people who love each other do that."

I blink, my expression blank, and ask, "Love? What's that? Can you eat it?" 

Misty's face turns an even deeper shade of red, and she looks like she's about to implode from embarrassment. "N-no, you can't eat it, Ditto," she stammers. "Love is...it's a feeling, okay? It's when you care about someone deeply."

I nod, my eyes wide with curiosity, and ask, "So, it's like when I'm hungry and I care about food deeply?" 

Misty's face contorts in a mix of frustration and amusement. "No, Ditto, it's not like that at all," she says, trying to laugh it off. "You're not getting it, are you?"

I shrug, still looking puzzled, and Misty takes a deep breath, trying to explain it further. "Look, Ditto, when people love each other, they show affection in different ways. The kiss I told you about, it's one way. But it's not something you do with just anyone, okay?"

I nod again, trying to process this weird human thing. "Okay, I think I get it. So, love is like...special food for the heart?" 

Misty's face falls, and she looks at me like I'm hopeless. "Ditto, you're not even close," she says, sighing. 

Misty tries to explain again, speaking slowly and clearly, but I just nod and smile, acting like I'm understanding her perfectly. 

Finally, I snap my fingers and exclaim, "Oh, I get it now!" Misty's face lights up with excitement, thinking that I've finally understood what she's been trying to say.

"You must haven't liked my thanks because I have these," I say, pointing to my boobs and face, looking at her with a clarifying tone. "You must haven't liked it because I'm a biological female, or that's what humans say."

Misty's face falls, and she groans, rubbing her forehead. "That's not what I meant, dummy..." she mutters, shaking her head.

I act oblivious, still smiling, and suddenly activate my mimic ability once again. This time, I'm not copying anyone around me – I'm copying my own past self. I mean, who knows their own body better than themselves, right?

Creating a whole ass human from scratch will be hard, at least that is what my experience had told. But what if I just morph small things of an already made specimen? A specimen that is already human, just not male. 

I focus my mimicry on my own body, tweaking and altering my biology with an ease that'd make a plastic surgeon jealous. I start with the basics: widening my shoulders, reconfiguring my bone structure, and shifting my fat distribution to create a more masculine physique. My boobs flatten, my hips narrow, and my facial features sharpen. It's like I'm rearranging Lego blocks, except the blocks are made of flesh and bone.

As I refine my transformation, I start to get a bit carried away. I add defined cheekbones, a chiseled jawline, and piercing blue eyes that seem to bore into Misty's soul. I give myself a strong, angular nose and full, luscious lips that curve into a devastating smile.

And how can I forget the pièce de résistance between my legs. Now that was a bit of delicate work, but years of reading holy scriptures didn't betray me. 

Misty's eyes widen in shock, her mouth dropping open as she takes in the sight before her. "Wow," she breathes, her voice barely audible.

I mean, why wouldn't she be impressed? I've sculpted myself into a work of art, a masterpiece of masculinity. I mean, why stop at just being a dude when I can be The Dude?

Yeah, bitches, I lied. That's not how I looked in my last life, or I would've been drowning in bitches and booties.

Misty's eyes roam over my transformed body, her gaze lingering on my broad, hard chest. She seems to be mesmerized by the defined muscle, her eyes tracing the contours of my pecs. 

Her gaze then drops to my chiseled abs, her eyes widening as she takes in the sight of my ripped stomach. I can see her swallow hard, her throat bobbing up and down as she tries to process what she's seeing.

And then, her gaze travels lower, her eyes locking onto my impressive equipment. Even in a sleeping state, my anaconda is quite the sight to behold. Misty's face goes from flushed to beet-red, her ears turning a deep crimson as she can't help but stare.

I, of course, am still smiling innocently, pretending like I have no idea what's going on. Enjoying the show of century.

Misty's gaze is glued to my...lower region, her eyes stuck in a perpetual state of shock. I can almost see her brain short-circuiting, trying to process the sheer size and majesty of what she's seeing. 

Her lips are parted, her breathing shallow, and her face is on fire. I'm pretty sure she's never seen anything like this before.

Suddenly, she snaps out of her trance, her face flushing with embarrassment. "D-Ditto! W-What is th-this?"

This is what I call, The Slayer. 

"What's what, Misty?"

Smiling innocently with equal amounts of feigning confusion, I ask.

Misty's face is still bright red, her eyes darting around the alleyway as if trying to look at anything other than my body.

"Y-You're naked!" she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.

I look down, as if I've just noticed my state of undress. "Oh, yeah! I guess I am," I say, as if that was a normal fact.

She covers her face with her hands, as if trying to get away from the sight of my naked body. "T-turn around, Ditto! Put some clothes on!"

I almost wanted to laugh on seeing her still peeking from between the finger's gaps.

Misty's eyes widen as I take a step closer to her, my naked body towering over her. "C-Clothes? Why? Is this any problem?" I say while stretching my body, taking a feel of the new physique.

"What do you mean? You don't know what clothes are?" she asks almost curiously, her voice shaking slightly.

I maintained my innocent expression somehow.

"I don't know, Misty. You're always wearing those weird skins on your body. I thought they were a part of you or something," I say, my tone dripping with confusion, but God knows how I am keeping the smile from slipping out of my lips.

Misty's face turns an even deeper shade of red as she realizes I'm completely serious. "T-those are clothes, Ditto! You're supposed to wear them to cover yourself!" she explains pointing toward her clothes, her voice barely above a whisper.

I take another step closer, my body inches from hers and lean down to take a closer look at her clothes.

"Oh, I see. So, I'm supposed to wear those skins to cover this?" I ask, gesturing to my body.

Misty's eyes dart back to my face, her gaze locked on mine. She looks like she's about to collapse from embarrassment.

With a flicker of my mimic ability, I conjure up a simple white t-shirt and a pair of tight-fitting pants. The fabric stretches to accommodate my muscular physique, highlighting my impressive chest, shoulders, and arms. My pants are tight enough to showcase my strong legs and...ahem...other assets.

Misty's eyes widen as she takes in my new attire, her face still flushed from earlier. She looks like she's about to collapse from embarrassment, but at least she's no longer staring at my naked body.

I strike a pose, flexing my muscles to show off my magnificent physique. "How's this, Misty? Do I look good?" I ask, grinning from ear to ear.

Misty can't help but stare. Her eyes are glued to my body, her face flushed with a mix of surprise and admiration.

"Mmmm, y-yeah... it looks... it looks reeeally good... "

Misty's eyes glaze over, her voice trailing off as she continues to stare at Ditto's body. Suddenly, she snaps out of her daze, her expression changing from admiration to embarrassment.

"No, no, no! I didn't mean that! It's not... it's not good at all! You're... you're being indecent!"


We are nearly halfway to 300 stones guys; you can do it! I believe in you to make it possible.

If anybody wants to read 8 advance chapters, Check out my Patreon. I would also be grateful for the support. 

Link: patreon(dot)com/Abstracto_101 (replace the dot with the actual dot)

Abstracto Abstracto

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


