Whatcha doing around these parts, hm? Hi, I have a name, and I'm the main character of this shitshow of a story.
So, wanna know more about me?
My favourite food is tangerines, and you are obliged to keep quiet about my taste and preferences.
I would say I'm a cheerful person, I like jokes, you know, I crack them from time to time.
Wanna hear a joke?
So there was a girl, right? Yeah, this girl got tired one day and started thinking of some stuff. Now, these things running through her head would be what most people call 'unhealthy', but this girl in particular thought it was fine. So what does she do next?
Find out next time on- never.
Anyways, great that you're reading this right now, aren't we getting to know each other so much better? Hey, let's be real, you don't need to read this story, but I'll be grateful if you do.
Who knows? You might like it.
Where was I? Oh right, about me. Well, you can find out more about me if you read the story. *Wink**Wink*
レビューを書く作者 Sumdud