
章 6: 6

A/N: Happy Birthday Kushina!

Ultimately she did not use her abilities to get home quicker. The location of Duy's training area is quite far from the Senju residence, so it took her some time to get back. When she did, the sky was more dark than daylight. 

She sensed that everyone was here, meaning she was the last one to come back. After taking her shoes off and going inside, she announced her presence.

"I'm home!" Kushina said.

"Welcome back Kushina-chan, you're just in time for dinner." Mito greeted her from the dining room.

"Ok, I'll go wash up before joining you guys." Kushina replied.

She did do a lot of physical activity today, even if it didn't tire her out or make her body odor unpleasant. The young Chakra Goddess still felt the need to wash herself.

'I wonder, do Otsutsuki's clean themselves like humans or do they have another way of keeping themselves clean? Honestly with their natural ability to perfectly wield chakra, it wouldn't be shocking if they could use a layer of pure chakra to get rid of all the dirt on their bodies. Actually I should see if I can do that, this way I'll never have to worry about becoming dirty during missions in the future.' She thought.

Once she cleaned herself up and changed her clothes, she headed down to the dining room. 

"Someone finally decided to come home." Nawaki joked.

"And someone is actually not the last one to return home." Kushina replied back jokingly, she took a seat next to Mito. 

"Huh? I'll have you know that I don't always come back home late! It's only recently that's been happening and you can't call me out for that since you've only been here for about a week." Nawaki defended himself while chuckling.

"Whatever you say Little Nawaki." Kushina smiled.

"Little Nawaki?! Oi! I'm older than you by a few years!" Nawaki retorted.

"So? You'll always be my Little Nawaki and I'll always be your big sister after Tsunade-chan." Kushina shrugged.

"That doesn't make sense!" Nawaki said.

"That's how women are Little Nawaki, sometimes we don't have to make sense in order to be right." Kushina wisely informed him.

Nawaki looked at her with a speechless expression before looking at his grandmother and sister for support. Unfortunately he became depressed seeing them both nod in agreement to Kushina's words. "Fine, you win this one." 

"How was your day Tsunade? Mito?" Kushina asked.

"Pretty good, it's nice to relax for some time away from the war. Though I have a feeling sooner or later the old man is going to send me back out there." Tsunade answered.

"Same old as usual, just an old woman enjoying her time at home. By the way Kushina, would you like to see Hashirama's notes that contain his bloodline jutsus?" Mito offered.

"I would be honored, it would be a travesty to First Hokage-sama if his jutsus were not learned and used to protect Konoha if possible." Kushina would be a fool to not learn Hashirama's jutsus if given the opportunity. 

Granted it's not like she needed them, but why not take the opportunity? It'd be a good way to troll Madara, Onoki and Kakuzu. 

"I still can't believe you can actually use the bloodline of grandfather." Nawaki's voice contained a hint of awe.

Of course Nawaki and Tsunade had been informed about Kushina's abilities. So far they knew about her Mokuton, Sharingan, Byakugan and her excellent chakra control. It shocked them to the core seeing someone with as many bloodline abilities like the young jinchuuriki.

"Yeah though I probably won't use it as much as your grandfather since I prefer fighting in close combat." Kushina has always been a huge fan of hand to hand combat. She excelled in it in her previous lifetimes. 

"Oh? Maybe we should have a little spar tomorrow then. I myself prefer to fight that way as well." Tsunade spoke up in interest.

"Who wouldn't with that monstrous strength of yours? Combined with your violent temper, you can be a real monster at times nee-san." Nawaki mumbled a bit too loudly.

"What was that?" Tsunade glared at her brother.

Nawaki quickly changed his tune out of fear. "N-Nothing! Nothing at all Tsuna-nee!" He shuddered.

"Hmph! That's what I thought." Tsunade snorted.

"Nawaki, don't be rude to your sister and Tsuna don't bully him." Mito lightly scolded her grandchildren while chuckling.

""Yes grandma."" Tsunade and Nawaki said at the same time.

"I'm up for a spar, we can do it in the morning." Kushina agreed.

"By the way, earlier I saw you running around the village with that guy everyone calls the Eternal Genin. What was that about?" Nawaki asked.

Mito and Tsunade looked at Kushina, both somewhat knowledgeable about who Nawaki is talking about. 

"His name is Might Duy, he may be known by that insulting nickname. But Nawaki let me warn you." Kushina's eyes turned firm, her tone becoming serious. "Never underestimate him, he is not weak or talentless by any means. He has unrefined talent in taijutsu and great physical prowess. The only reason why his rank isn't higher is because he's currently content with his situation." 

She then went on to explain Duy's training routine and how she trained with him for a good portion of the day. They were all stunned hearing Duy's routine.

"200 laps around the village?! That's insane!" Nawaki exclaimed.

"It's excessive, however it shows the man's dedication and will to go on even when his peers berate him. His stamina must be comparable to that of a Senju or an Uzumaki to constantly go through that kind of training." Mito acknowledged with respect. 'It seems the old monkey has overlooked a hidden gem in the ranks.' 

"2 sets of 5000 push ups and sit ups on top of 2000 punches and kicks? Yeah there is no way I could do that everyday and that's not even all he does according to you. How in the world did you make it through that?" Tsunade wondered, she's done her fair share of intense training but nothing on the level of Might Duy. She could not see herself running around Konoha more than 100 times nearly every day. 

"Well I'm not exactly normal either, I put myself through similar intense training to help build my physique. I'm not one to brag often but I'm quite proud of my natural physical strength." Kushina smirked at the end of her sentence. 

One day, she'll be able to level an entire city with just one punch like Monkey D. Garp. 

Of course she's talking about doing so using only her physical strength and a bit of Haki. 

Her Gura-Gura no Mi gives her the power to destroy the world, destroying a city is nothing if she uses her Devil Fruit powers. 

Let's not talk about her other abilities.

The family of 4 continued their dinner, engaging in conversation the entire time. 

'I can't wait until my body grows up, I want to fuck Mito and Tsunade so badly. But as they say, patience is key!' Kushina mused in her thoughts, subtly checking out both older women. 'Don't worry Mito, soon I'll turn you back into the sexy milf you once were.' Her lustful thoughts continued.


"Are you ready Kushina?" Tsunade asked.

"Yep, ready as ever." Kushina replied.

It was the next day, the two were outside at the training ground within the Senju Clan Residence. Outside with them is Nawaki and Mito, they wanted to see the spar since they had nothing better to do.

"I wonder how Kushina will fare against nee-san." Nawaki wondered out loud as he looked at both women standing across from each other.

"I have a feeling she's gonna surprise us." Mito said. 'Let's see where her current level is at, from what I can tell even though she's eager to join the academy. Kushina-chan has no intention of staying there long.'

"Good, then let's do this." Tsunade smirked at the younger girl. 

Kushina nodded, using Soru she quickly appeared right in front of Tsunade.

Tsunade, taken aback by Kushina's speed, instinctively jumped back to create distance.

"Woah! She's fast! Was that the Shunshin no Jutsu? (Body Flicker Technique)" Nawaki said out loud.

"No it wasn't, I felt no chakra being used. It seems to be Kushina-chan's natural speed." Mito is impressed, Kushina's speed was definitely Jonin level. It's amazing to think someone as young as Kushina could achieve such speed using no chakra to enhance themselves. 

Kushina again sped directly in front of Tsunade, not intending to allow her to create space again between them. This time Tsunade was prepared, their forearms collided which generated a shockwave from the fierce impact. 

Both women jumped back before charging forward towards one another. Throwing a fist to the other, their fist collided and generated a bigger and stronger shockwave than the last one. This was due to Tsunade using her enhanced strength technique and Kushina's own natural strength. She does have the physical strength of prime Whitebeard after all.

From there on they started trading blows, Tsunade launched two punches that were either dodged or deflected. As Kushina spun to deliver a roundhouse kick, which the older blonde avoided then returned a kick of her own. She missed, seeing her opponent jump to try another kick. Tsunade deflected it, Kushina spun in mid air, twisting her body around smoothly in the air as swiped her heel down.

Blocking the heel kick, Tsunade quickly grabbed onto Kushina's ankle and tossed her toward a tree. The young red-haired Uzumaki flipped onto her feet and shot back towards Tsunade. Again they exchanged blows, Tsunade throwing chakra enhanced punches at a fast pace while Kushina used her arms to deflect them. Then she strikes back by throwing several palm strikes that Tsunade mostly deflects or evades. They continued to trade attacks.

Kushina chose not to utilize any of her doujutsus and only relied a bit on her Observation Haki. Because of this, some of Tsunade's strikes that were not enhanced by chakra landed. She landed blows on Tsunade as well. 

"This is fun Tsunade!" Kushina exclaimed in excitement as she parried another punch from Tsunade.

"You're right, this is pretty fun. I usually prefer to fight more like a brawler because of my advantage in strength. But I'm still skilled enough in taijutsu to fight at high speeds." Tsunade replied while avoiding another roundhouse kick to her head.

What the blonde didn't say is that she has to fight like this and use her super strength at the same because of how Kushina is pressing her. Granted she's not going all out by any means, though she is having to put in a lot more effort than she originally intended to. 

Kushina tried to knee Tsunade, the blonde blocked it using her own knee. Unfortunately she was a tad bit late reacting to Kushina's follow up kick that did land on her stomach. Which gave Kushina an opening to land a punch on Tsunade's face that sent her back stumbling a few steps. 

"Damn it! You little brat!" Tsunade snarled, nearly using 75% of her full speed to charge towards Kushina. 

Kushina smirked as she and Tsunade's fist collided once more, unleashing a huge shockwave that cracked the ground. The younger girl was surprised when Tsunade suddenly used the Shunshin no Jutsu to appear high above her. 

Tsunade launched an axe kick down that was filled with chakra. Kushina jumped back as Tsunade's kick formed a big crater in the ground. 

If she wanted to she could've ended this spar a while ago, hell she didn't even really need to jump back she could've just flown in the air if she wanted to. But she was having fun and did not want the spar to end too early. Kushina is actually gaining a lot out of this fight, more than she usually does whenever she spar with her wood clones. While she may have the memories of her past experiences, her current body still needs physical experience. The more experience she gains, the quicker her experiences from her past lives can fully adapt into her body. 

Kushina's peripheral vision allowed her to see she was standing by a tree, an idea quickly came to mind.

To the shock of everyone present, Kushina with a grunt uprooted the tree using only one hand! It was odd to sight seeing a little girl as small as Kushina causally carrying a tree with one hand. What happened next shocked them even more.

"You're super strong Tsunade-neesan but I'm stronger!" Kushina launched the tree towards the older blonde at high speeds!

Tsunade's eyes widened in shock, she quickly reacted and destroyed the incoming tree with a chakra enhanced punch. Thankfully the bisected parts crashed into other surrounding trees that were far away from their home.

"Are you crazy?! No actually how can a girl as young as you have such monstrous natural strength?! I didn't even sense you using chakra to pull that tree out of the ground!" Tsunade exclaimed in both anger and shock.

Kushina sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "I did warn you guys that I was pretty strong physically."

"Bullshit! This doesn't qualify as just 'pretty strong'. Do you plan to go to the academy to just bully the other poor academy students?" Tsunade said with a raised eyebrow.

"….No?" Kushina replied.

Tsunade gave her a blank stare before shrugging. "Whatever, it's not my problem. Let's call it a draw."

"Ok." Kushina shrugged. Although she was a bit disappointed she couldn't show off a little more. She knew she would have plenty of chances to do so in the future. 

Call her petty but she couldn't wait to show off the Rasengan. While she didn't mind if Minato still ended up mastering the jutsu, she had no intention of letting him take the credit of creating it. 

"I can say for certain that you are going to be a massive bane to our enemies once you become a shinobi." Tsunade commented as they walked over to Mito and Nawaki.

"You should know that's the plan. I told you guys that I plan to become the Goddess of Shinobi." Kushina said.

Tsunade nodded, she knew that Kushina has a strong chance of actually backing up her claim. She also realizes that Kushina may be the game changer that Konoha needed in this war. Tsunade can tell Kushina was not close to going all out against her. 

"So grandma, Nawaki, what do you think?" Tsunade asked.

"That was awesome! Kushina I had no idea you were that strong! If you can fight against nee-san on that level, then you are definitely stronger than me!" Nawaki exclaimed in excitement before realizing what he said. "W-Wait you're actually stronger than me even though I'm a few years older…" He became depressed. 

Kushina laughed while Tsunade shook her head in amusement.

"As crazy as it may sound, I feel pretty confident saying no Chunin can handle her. I'm not even sure if regular Jonin could either. Some of her attacks were powerful enough to cripple a Jonin in one blow if they landed. It's insane to think that she can do that without amplifying her strength with chakra. Her speed is certainly Jonin level. To be honest, I don't see her staying Chunin rank for long once she graduates, let alone Genin." Mito gave her opinion.

'And to think this doesn't include her fuinjutsu skills or any real utilization of her chakra. Her speed can probably reach Kage level if she amplifies herself with chakra. Hmmmm…it might not be suitable to make Kushina a jinchuuriki any time soon. Her combat prowess will be way too valuable for her to not be on the front lines of battle. Yet it's possible Kushina will already be powerful enough to protect herself by that point. Also she may be much more suited to being a jinchuuriki than myself due to her being an Uzumaki with the Mokuton bloodline.' Mito thought to herself.

It seems this old woman has a lot to think about in a short amount of time. If necessary she did not want to place her burden upon a young child.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


