16.66% MARVEL: The Crimson Bird / Chapter 1: a beautiful and chaotic beginning.
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MARVEL: The Crimson Bird

作者: tyronxxz

© WebNovel

章 1: a beautiful and chaotic beginning.


I decided to make another VERY different beginning, the previous beginning was quite cliché and quite used, so I decided to use another beginning that I consider interesting.


A chaotic world, that's Marvel—an endless tapestry of worlds and realities. In one reality, Spider-Man is a hero, swinging through the streets of New York City. In another, he's a villain, plotting against the very people he once protected. Or perhaps he's a toad, a wolf, or even a turtle—the possibilities are infinite. Each person, each reality, brings unique variations, some subtle, others drastic.

I've always relished surprises and the rush of adrenaline. The world can be beautiful or horrible, and perspectives vary wildly. To me, the world is whatever I make of it.

I love the unknown, the thrill of discovery, but I also appreciate moments of calm. Yet, the beginning of any journey should always spark interest, right?

And my beginning? It was chaotic, to say the least—a madness that I embraced with open arms.




"So, Lucius... How did your date go?" inquired a bald man with a gray mustache, as he polished a beer glass behind the bar.

"Sheer shit," I replied, my voice laced with annoyance. "The girl was my type, but damn, she was annoying. Taylor Swift was all she could talk about. Every damn word out of her mouth was Taylor Swift..." I gulped down more of my beer, recalling my mundane existence in this world.

It had been about ten years since I found myself in an orphanage, having seemingly transmigrated into the body of an orphan. Now, at twenty-five, unemployed and struggling to find a girlfriend, my life was far from extraordinary.

Sighing, I requested, "Give me more beer, Drake."

"Okay, okay..." Drake obliged, refilling my glass. I quickly emptied it, burped, and voiced my desire for something exciting to happen.

"Life takes many turns. Maybe one day, something cool will come your way," Drake offered with a smile.

I sighed. "Yeah, yeah... Just shut up."

He laughed, and I turned my gaze to the ceiling of the bustling bar.

I had always assumed I was in the Marvel universe, or at least some variation of it. However, my life had been anything but extraordinary—school, studying, and a repetitive routine. I longed for a grand adventure, but it always seemed just out of reach.

I remembered the time I saw Spider-Man waving at me from the rooftops. It had been a fleeting moment of excitement, and I had eagerly waved back, wondering what it felt like to swing through the city.

I yearned for that adrenaline rush again. The last time I had felt it was when...

Sighing, I decided it was time to head home.

Suddenly, the bar's door flew open, interrupting my thoughts. I turned to see a man fall to the ground. As a concerned patron approached to help, I narrowed my eyes, sensing something amiss.

"Hey man, are you okay?" The good Samaritan's voice held a note of worry as he bent down to assist the fallen man. But instead of gratitude, he received a vicious bite to the neck.


Confusion turned to horror as I realized what was happening. A zombie?

"AAAAGGHHHH!!" The victim's scream pierced the air, followed by shouts and screams from the terrified patrons. I watched, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and curiosity, as the newly turned zombie staggered to its feet.

Why am I happy...?!

The zombie's pale face scanned the room, its gaze landing on me. Fuck...

It lunged toward me, and I scrambled to my feet, knocking over a table as I dodged its grasp. Snatching a bottle from the fallen table, I swung it at the zombie's head with all my might. Glass shattered, and the zombie staggered back, dazed.

"Drake, do something, fuck!!" I yelled, my voice laced with panic.

Just then, a deafening noise filled the room, causing me to cover my ears. When I lowered my hands, I saw the zombie on the ground, a gaping hole in its head.

"Shit..." I muttered, my eyes fixed on the corpse. But my momentary relief vanished as the man with the torn neck began to convulse and rise, blood still flowing from his wound.


My heart raced as the zombie turned its attention to other patrons, biting and tearing at them with relentless ferocity. Some attempted to fight back, but their efforts were in vain. The door to the bar was flung open again, and my panic escalated as more zombies surged inside. I knew this was going to be a massacre, a horrible, bloody massacre.

"Haha... shit, shit, shit!" I muttered, my eyes widening in realization. Is this a zombie apocalypse...?!

Wait... Zombies... Marvel...

Marvel Zombies!? No, it couldn't be... Could it?

My thoughts raced as a zombie lunged at me, its mouth agape and blood dripping from its teeth. Instinctively, I grabbed the chair I had been sitting on and swung it with all my might, connecting with the zombie's head. It staggered, and I seized the opportunity to deliver a kick to its stomach, sending it tumbling to the ground.

Suddenly, a massive tremor shook the building, causing the lights to flicker and go out. The bar plunged into darkness, and I fumbled for my phone, turning on the flashlight. In the dim light, I beheld a horrifying scene—zombies devouring the very people I had been drinking alongside just moments ago. Their vacant eyes fixed on me, and my heart pounded in my chest.

"Haha... shit," I whispered, my voice laced with fear. Turning on my heels, I fled through a back door, sprinting down a dimly lit hallway. I knew Drake had mentioned an emergency exit nearby—a detail I was grateful for in this moment of crisis.

I burst through the door and found myself in an alley, the cool night air washing over me. I paused, surveying the street beyond. What I saw left me paralyzed, my heart pounding in my chest.

The sky was painted with an ominous orange hue, the clouds tinged with the color of flame. Buildings blazed in the distance, but it was a sight in the sky that truly chilled me to the core—a plane had crashed into one of the buildings, likely the source of the earlier tremor.

My eyes darted to the streets, where people ran in terror, their faces etched with fear as zombies pursued them relentlessly.

"Haha... What is this? World War Z?" I muttered, my voice tinged with panic and a hint of dark humor.

Nervous laughter escaped my lips, but it was abruptly cut short by another loud noise. Turning, I saw the zombies breaking through the door I had just fled from. Shit...

I squeezed my legs, willing them to move faster as I sprinted down the street. "Now, the music from Dead Island 2 would be nice..." I muttered, my heart still pounding in my chest.

I had always imagined my life in the Marvel universe to be easier—witnessing the Avengers fighting villains and living relatively normal lives. But a zombie apocalypse?!

"Don't fuck with me like this!" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with desperation.

My legs burned as I pushed myself to run faster, my lungs gasping for air. I dodged a flying car that crashed into a nearby building, my heart hammering in my chest. But it was the sight that greeted me as I turned the corner that truly made me want to piss myself.

In the sky, hovering above the chaos, was a figure clad in red and yellow armor—Iron Man. But something was terribly wrong. He was missing an arm, and his stomach was torn open, his organs spilling out.

"Haha... Hahaha... We're screwed. An Avenger is dead..." I muttered, my nervous smile faltering. Cold sweat trickled down my body as I processed the implications.

Iron Man turned and flew in the direction of another figure—a red and blue blur that collided with him, sending them both crashing into a building. Spider-Man. They had crashed into a hole in the building, and it seemed a battle was about to ensue.

I exhaled in relief and continued my frantic dash through the streets, my eyes taking in the chaos around me—fires, destroyed cars, and the relentless pursuit of the undead.

"This is fucking hell," I muttered, my gaze fixed on the destruction and horror unfolding before me. Screams of agony, the stench of death, and the relentless advance of the zombies filled my senses.

But amidst the terror, an unexpected emotion bubbled within me—excitement. The fear that should have consumed me was overshadowed by a strange thrill.

"Why does it feel so... good?" I whispered, my heart still pounding as I grappled with the conflicting emotions churning within.

I ran, seeking a place to hide, my smile fading as the weight of the situation settled upon me.

As I ran, I witnessed something extraordinary—a figure crashing into the window of a nearby building. It was none other than Iron Man, flying at full speed and crashing through the glass.

"Come on, Spidey, you can do it..." I muttered to myself, my eyes fixed on the building where a battle seemed to be taking place.

I quickened my pace, my eyes darting to the sky, where I spotted a helicopter—a rescue helicopter, perhaps?

But my attention was abruptly diverted as I felt something grab my leg. I turned to see a zombie—no, not just one, but dozens of them running towards me.

"Get away from me!" I screamed, kicking at the zombie that had a hold of me. But they kept coming. "Get lost!" I kicked harder, finally breaking free of their grasp.

I ran as fast as I could, but the weight of their pursuit bore down on me. Suddenly, I tripped and fell to the ground, feeling an excruciating pain in my shoulder as a zombie bit into me.

"NOOOO!!" I screamed, trying to escape their grasp. But it was futile. I felt more weight pressing down on me, their teeth tearing at my flesh and devouring me alive.


"I'm dead...? So I died like a random guy in a zombie movie," I muttered, finding myself in infinite darkness, able to see only my own body. I looked at my hands, or rather, what was left of them: bloody stumps with bones sticking out. I didn't feel any need to vomit or disgust; instead, I felt curiosity—a trait that had always defined me. Sometimes, when faced with fear, it would quickly dissipate, leaving only excitement or curiosity in its wake.

"You could say you're a simple random person in a vast world, a small fish in an endless fish tank," a voice echoed through the darkness.

"Who are you?" I asked, addressing the air, wondering if it was TOAA (The One Above All).

"No, although it would be intriguing to possess such immense power," the voice replied, its ancient and hoarse tone unchanged.

"Then who are you truly?" I asked, unafraid, as death had already taken me and I had nothing left to lose.

"I am... a wounded bird that yearns to recapture the feeling of flight, but my wings no longer heed my call. So, I shall bestow my wings upon you, and I want you to use them to soar," the voice answered, its desire to witness flight once more evident in its words.

"Your wings?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yes, my wings. I want you to break free from your mundane existence and enter a new world. I want you to show me that you can fly, little bird, even in the midst of a world engulfed in chaos," the voice explained, its desire for flight apparent. 

"So, now a god is granting me powers? I thought I would have received them when I first entered this world, not a decade later..." I said, a hint of frustration evident in my voice.

"Haha... no, I've always wanted to grant my wings to someone worthy. And you are that person, but the timing had to be right. Unfortunately, the world is now in a precarious situation due to the actions of a highly intelligent individual who has unleashed something beyond their control. However, you have the potential to stop them if you so choose. Or you can simply do as you please; the choice is truly yours," the voice replied, emphasizing the freedom that would come with the power. 

"A free being..." I murmured, my curiosity and desire piqued by the offer.

"Yes... So, will you remain a broken, wingless bird, or will you embrace your true potential and let your wings carry you to freedom?" the voice asked, its tone imposing, challenging me to make a choice. 

Suddenly, countless crimson eyes appeared, fixing their gaze upon me. "Well... it doesn't sound so bad at all," I agreed, meeting their intense stare. 

"Then it is time to surpass the boundaries of the known. It's time for you to break free from your confines and take your first steps into this chaotic and imperiled world. Be born anew into a world that could face its end," the voice said.


[Third-person POV]

Dozens of zombies feasted on a lifeless, shattered corpse, their bloodstained bodies littering the streets alongside burning buildings. However, two figures stood out amidst the chaos—one in red and yellow armor, and the other in a red and blue suit. Iron Man and Spider-Man.

Spider-Man's suit was drenched in blood, his mask almost completely destroyed, revealing his eyes and hair. He was missing one eye, and a portion of his skull was exposed.

"Tony, I'm hungry..." Spider-Man, or rather, Peter, said as he gazed at the zombies devouring a corpse.

"Just go find something to eat and stop bothering me," Iron Man, Tony Stark, replied, his eyes fixed on the sky as he pondered something of apparent importance. 

Peter sighed and scratched his head, a curious look in his eyes as he watched the zombies devouring a person. He approached them.

Suddenly, one of the zombies that had been feasting on the flesh was flung aside, its face destroyed and sunken. Several other zombies met a similar fate, flying through the air and crashing into the walls of nearby buildings, their bodies sunken and shattered. 

"Oh... that's new," Peter muttered, taking in the unusual sight. 

As he watched, the remaining zombies suddenly flew apart, their bodies exploding. 

Peter's attention was then drawn to a person whose body was rapidly regenerating—bones, muscles, veins, arteries, and skin all mending before his eyes. Piercing crimson eyes stared back at Peter, and a smile formed on the stranger's face. 

"h̲̬ͪ̒͢͞ě̶̄͏͓̲y̴̨̰͉ͩ͂.̵̲̤͋͐͢.̦̲̎͆͘̕.̴̅̚҉̯̣ş̶̯̪ͤ̽p̸̸͖̳̃͋i̵̧̙̺͑͛d͋̌͟͏̫͖e͑͑͏̛̤ͅy̶͓̼ͨͬ͜." The stranger greeted Peter with a chilling welcome.

Lucius smoothed his dark hair and smiled. "Ah... a nice little nap," he said, stretching his arms. 

Peter looked up at Lucius and simply stated, "You're... interesting."

Lucius observed Iron Man from a distance, a thoughtful look on his face. "Oh, this could be an interesting advantage or disadvantage," he mused to himself. "But, oh well... it's time to find out. Time to spread my wings and soar!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


