MARVEL: The Crimson Bird MARVEL: The Crimson Bird original

MARVEL: The Crimson Bird

作者: tyronxxz

© WebNovel

coming out of the shell.

"Hello..." a voice made me open my eyes. I found myself in a white void, facing a man with a white tunic and golden eyes. He had white hair and a beard. "Where am I...?" I asked, confusion clouding my mind. I couldn't remember anything—not even my own name.

"My name is... I'm 20 years old... I like anime, manga, comics... I remember that, but why can't I remember anything else!?!" I grabbed my head, hyperventilating. "Do I have a family?!"

"Calm down, kid... You're dead," the man said calmly.

"Dead...?" I whispered, my eyes widening.

He nodded and continued, "You just died in a car accident. You are a lucky person who was able to enter my divine zone. I sometimes send people to heaven or hell. You can call me... Well, I don't have a specific name. Call me whatever you want."

He began to walk through the endless white expanse and said, "Honestly, your life was... average, very average. That's why I decided to give you a chance to go to another world, explore, have fun..."

"Another world...?" I mumbled, processing this information.

"But... I want to return to my world," I said, my voice filled with longing.

The man shook his head. "It won't be possible. Even as a divine being, I have rules I must follow. I can't send you back to your world. But I can send you to many others... countless worlds."

"I... I don't know..." I mumbled, unsure of what to do. "I just died, and now you're telling me I have to live in another world...?"

"You can't choose, right...?" The god said as he approached me. He looked at me with a sympathetic expression and said, "Then I will have to do this... Remember, you have to live life. And life can be horrible as well..."

He grabbed my face, and I felt an intense pain wash over me. I tried to scream, but no sound escaped my lips. "I will give you a power that you want, a power that you desire but don't know you want. Will you be a hero or a villain?"

Suddenly, everything went dark.


[Third-person POV]

Several people entered a completely white room, wearing lab coats. One of them carried a stack of papers and began to dictate, "Subject B1R4, Nathan Edwards, 18 years old, born April 15, 1948. He is an orphan, perfect for this experiment. Although we have few samples of the serum, shall we proceed?"

A scientist with glasses standing next to him said, "Yes... We will proceed, but this time, the serum will be transmitted through the air in the room. Is the process ready?"

The other scientists nodded in agreement. The scientist with the papers continued, "The super-soldier serum with several modifications. Let's hope this works. We need to be successful... There have already been some failures... Seven, to be precise. It's annoying..."

The other scientists nodded, their eyes serious. One scientist approached the 18-year-old boy, who was chained with several chains that held his arms and lifted him into the air.

"Don't you think the chains are a bit excessive? It's probably another failure, and this room is resistant to several types of missiles," the scientist commented as he examined the boy. The boy had black hair that reached his shoulders, a blue shirt, and blue pants. He was unconscious, his eyes closed.

"No... If this goes well, the chains will be unnecessary, but they demonstrate our progress so far," the scientist replied as he adjusted his glasses.

He continued, "Let's begin the experiment. I hope we make progress this time. Also, continue with the other test subjects. We need to push forward with this project..."

The other scientists nodded and began to leave the room. A single scientist remained in the middle of the room, turning to look at the boy. "I hope we make progress with you, Subject B1R4..."

The scientist left the room, and the thick metal door closed behind him. Half an hour later, vents in the ceiling opened, releasing a dark blue gas into the room. The gas filled the room, and the boy began to move slowly. Drops of blood ran from his nose and ears, and he started coughing. He opened his eyes, brown eyes filled with fear, and looked around the room.

The boy tried to move but found himself unable to. He began coughing up blood, his body convulsing as he struggled against the chains. He screamed in agony, his feet kicking at the air in a desperate attempt to escape. Suddenly, his movements stopped, and he stared at the ground, blood slowly dripping from his nose.

Half an hour later, the gas in the room disappeared, and the door opened. The scientists entered the room, one of them approaching the chained boy. "He's still alive... His breathing is shallow, but he's alive... We have been successful," the scientist said, a look of relief on his face.

The scientists sighed in unison, and the scientist in front of the boy took out a knife from his pocket. "Let's do a quick test to see the changes from the original serum..."

The scientist grabbed the boy's hand and stabbed it with the knife. The boy twitched slightly, and blood dripped to the ground. The scientist removed the knife and watched, fascinated, as the wound on the boy's hand regenerated before their eyes. The flesh slowly came together, closing the wound. "Fascinating... High-speed regeneration. It's truly fascinating," the scientist murmured.

"Let's prepare the tests. I want firearms, sharp weapons, even grenades. I want a variety of weapons, but don't go overboard. Let's start with the sharp weapons first..."

The scientists nodded, their eyes gleaming with fascination. Unbeknownst to them, the boy's eyes were slightly open, but they soon closed again, his breathing shallow.

Time passed quickly...

Nathan Edwards, or his current designation, B1R4, was tied to a metal bed, his body bound with thick steel chains.

The boy stared at the white ceiling with empty eyes, his mind seemingly blank, his soul lost.

A scientist approached and said, "Hello, B1R4. I hope you are ready for the tests. I hope you make us happy, do you understand...?"

The boy did not respond, his gaze fixed on the white ceiling, his eyes cold. The scientist sighed and said, "Well, time for tests!"

The scientist walked towards a metal table, upon which lay various sharp objects—saws, a machete, knives of different sizes, and a hand axe. He grabbed a butcher knife and said, "Well, let's start with something soft."

The scientist approached B1R4 and said, "Just stay still and don't move, understand? It'll just be a little cut!"

He grabbed B1R4's arm and sliced it open. The boy twitched slightly but made no sound. A large cut appeared on his arm, blood dripping onto the metal bed and slowly falling to the ground. Even the bone was visible through the gaping wound. "Well, regeneration seems to be underway..." the scientist commented.

The grotesque cut on B1R4's arm began to regenerate at a rapid pace, even the bone knitting back together. The scientist watched, fascinated. "Incredible... Without a doubt, fascinating," he murmured.

The scientist continued to use various sharp weapons on B1R4, cutting off his toes and fingers, even removing one of his eyes. The scientist smiled as a new eye appeared in the empty socket. "Beautiful..." he whispered.

Time passed, days, months...

A different scientist took over the testing. B1R4 was chained to the wall, and the scientist took out a gun and loaded it. "It's a good thing I still know how to use these weapons," he said to himself.

He aimed at B1R4's stomach and pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through B1R4's stomach, exiting from the other side. B1R4 remained silent, making no sound. The scientist watched with a smile as the hole in B1R4's stomach began to heal within seconds, the wound regenerating completely.

"Okay... Time to use the flamethrower," the scientist said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.


(Ten years later)

In a white room, a person with long black hair that reached the floor sat against the wall. He wore a white short-sleeved shirt, his muscleless arms covered in countless scars. His regenerative ability was undoubtedly surprising, but when the scars regenerated, they became visible. His face bore dozens of cuts—on his cheeks, forehead, mouth, almost everywhere.

He looked at the white ceiling with dead eyes, his gaze empty. Although he possessed a great regenerative ability, his strength was not exceptional. He could destroy wood easily, but stone and metal were beyond his capabilities.

The scientists observed B1R4 through a large one-way window, able to see him without being seen.

"It's decent, but... It's disappointing. It's already 1976, ten years have passed, and we need another success. This one is decent, but his strength is disappointing..." muttered a scientist with gray hair. He sighed and said, "We need to use another subject. They have the right one, right...?"

A younger scientist next to him said, "Yes, sir! We have another test subject. He is young, sixteen years old, and was captured by our employees during a small-scale fight in a town."

"Okay, use him. I want this to work this time..." the scientist said, his eyes fixed on B1R4 through the large window. "He never moved... He never defended himself. He only moved occasionally, but only to make minimal movements."

The scientist shook his head, confused. He had expected at least some resistance, some sign of life in B1R4's eyes, but there was none.

"Well, let's use the serum on the new subject."


[Nathan's POV]

I can't move, or rather, I can barely move. I still remember when I first woke up, the first thing I felt was unbearable pain. What a shitty life... That god brought me here, and now I'm being used as an experimental subject. What a shitty existence...

He told me that he would give me powers, but I don't know if he did. All I have is this great regenerative ability, but the pain is unbearable. How many times have they cut me? How many times have they burned me? How many times have they opened up my stomach...?

I think hallucinations are now normal. A large black crow, as big as a human, stood in front of me. Its voice was deep and wise as it spoke to me. "Why don't you get up...? Get up, don't you want to fly through the skies?"

"Ah... Ah..." Minimal sounds escaped my lips. The crow moved closer, its large eye inches from my face. Its eyes were crimson, like blood. "You are weak... Your life, your desires, your mind, all weak. You are not hungry, you have no life. You are just a bird locked in a cage. Why don't you defend yourself? Can you do it? That's why I'm here."

I looked into the crow's crimson eye, unable to move. I wanted to move, to break free from this place where I had been tortured for years. I wanted to feel the sun, drink something, eat food, live life...

"Soon, soon your cage will fall and break. At that moment, remember me, remember my eyes, how I am. I am..." The crow was about to tell me its name, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. A great tremor shook the facility, and I looked around frantically, unable to move my body.

"I... want... to get out..." I muttered, raising my hand and pointing at the door. But suddenly, the door flew off its hinges, and I was plunged into darkness.


[Third-person POV]

Several people in tactical suits were walking through an old, dilapidated hallway. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and one soldier used the flashlight attached to his gun to illuminate the area. "Damn... 1940, so this place has existed since then? It's been almost 75 years. This place looks like a damn horror house. Being a mercenary is more interesting, exploring places like this..."

"Shut up, we need to explore this place. A mission is a mission, plus the pay is good. We haven't had good pay in a while," said one of the soldiers. "Well, well, I was just saying..." the other soldier muttered, his gun in his hand.

"I'll split up," said a mercenary with a hoarse voice. "I'll take four people with me, you go left, and I'll go straight through here."

The others nodded and divided into three teams of five.

The mercenary with the hoarse voice continued, "Let's go this way. We need to find that serum for something."

They walked through the old facility, their flashlights illuminating cobwebs and dried bloodstains on the walls. "Damn, this place is really old..." one of the mercenaries muttered.

As they walked, one of the mercenaries, who had been playing with his gun, noticed a room without a door. He pointed his flashlight at the sign next to it, which read "B1R4."

The mercenary with the hoarse voice looked at the sign and said, "Let's go in, maybe there's something useful. Three of you stay outside to watch for attacks."

The others nodded, and the mercenary with the hoarse voice entered the room with another soldier. He shone his flashlight around, taking in the white ceiling, walls, and floor.

"There's too much white... It seems they liked that color, huh?" the hoarse-voiced mercenary commented. He focused his flashlight on a specific part of the room, but suddenly, a noise caught his attention. He turned quickly and saw his partner fall to the ground. "Oh shit!" the mercenary shouted. The mercenary with the hoarse voice pointed his flashlight at what appeared to be an old corpse. The body was incredibly pale, and the bones were visible under the skin. "Idiot! You almost scared the shit out of me! Get your ass up now!"

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I didn't see the door," the mercenary said, quickly standing up. He looked at his hand and noticed a cut. "I hate cuts, shit."

The blood that had been on the door slowly dripped into the dead man's mouth. "God... It looks like a mummy," the mercenary commented, shining his flashlight on the body. "So this is B1R4?"

Suddenly, the corpse's eyes snapped open, revealing piercing crimson eyes. "Huh?" The mercenary was grabbed by the face, and the "corpse" began to bite his neck fiercely. "AHHHHHHH!!" The mercenary's scream echoed through the room. The mercenary with the hoarse voice shouted, "But what the shit--" Suddenly, the "corpse" stood up with inhuman speed and grabbed the mercenary, slamming him against the wall. It began to bite and suck his neck without stopping.

"ARRRGGGGGHHHH!!" The mercenary screamed, and the others rushed into the room, their guns pointed at the figure biting their boss. "Boss!!"

"What are you doing!? Shoot!! Ah--" The hoarse-voiced mercenary's voice cut off abruptly as his neck was broken, his head barely held together by a thin piece of flesh.

"Shoot!!" A soldier screamed, firing his gun non-stop. The bullets went through the figure, but it continued to move towards them. "I'm... thirsty..."

He moved faster than the human eye could follow, grabbing two mercenaries with his hands and slamming them against the wall. With a sickening crunch, their heads exploded from the enormous force. B1R4 turned and looked at another mercenary, his eyes filled with an unquenchable thirst. "Ah... thirst..."

The mercenary tried to escape, but his leg was cut off, and he fell to the ground. He looked on in horror as B1R4 approached, grabbing him by the head and biting his neck with fury. The mercenary desperately fired his gun, shooting the man who had been biting him. But even as the body of the decapitated mercenary fell to the ground, the mouth on his neck continued to devour him. In seconds, the mercenary's body went limp.

"Ah... Ah... I feel... alive," B1R4 murmured, blood dripping from his mouth. He touched his face and felt that his cuts were gone. He felt... alive.

B1R4 opened his arms wide and shouted, "Yes... THIS IS LIFE!"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


