50% Naruto: Territory System / Chapter 1: Valley of Beginnings
Naruto: Territory System Naruto: Territory System original

Naruto: Territory System

作者: JesterEmper0r

© WebNovel

章 1: Valley of Beginnings

The concept of territory exists in most living beings. 1722 species of animals are territorial in nature, protecting their spaces from intruders with intimidation and violence.

Humans themselves are a prime example of the importance of territory. From houses to villages, to cities, to countries, and even continents, these places represent different scales of separation between humans.

People from the same continent are grouped into categories like Europeans or Asians, usually because they share some common characteristics. These categories are further divided into different cities within a country, each with unique people but resembling each other in some way due to their shared national identity.

The sheer size of some cities, which hold millions of people, makes it hard for residents to get along. Differences in race, religion, culture, or traditions often lead to conflict. Villages, the first example of human communities, make it easier for people to connect. Their smaller population pushes residents to interact and reduces fear of those who are different.

However, some people would still rather watch the world burn than get along with others, or God forbid, 'socialize.'

This is the kind of world I find myself in—a world where fights for territory occur daily. The cycle of hatred, propagated by a single being representing the will of a goddess, makes it almost impossible for these different villages to unite.

Not that Zetsu needed to do much; humans are assholes by nature. We have continued to war in a 'civilized' and 'modern' world like Earth. So of course, if you give everyone the possibility to become a super-powered individual capable of wielding the elements, you will definitely just end up with a bunch of terrorists.

For power corrupts, and in a world where you need power to survive and children are soldiers, everyone ends up mentally ill with dreams of grandeur.

That's right! You might have guessed this by now, but I, Adam, have been transmigrated to the Naruto world.

Now, you might think that I would have some cheat or something to help me survive as a 21st-century civilian in a fantasy world where ninjas aren't sneaky assassins but walking tanks.

And you would be right! As a devout believer in the God of Cheats, Noah Osmont, I was blessed with a system!


[Territory System Overview]

[System Name: TerraCore]

[Initial Status:

- Territory Name: Hidden Valley

- Current Level: 1

- Key Resources:

- Wood: 0 units

- Stone: 0 units

- Food: 0 units

- Ryo (currency): 0 units

- Population: 1 inhabitants (Must attract settlers)

- Reputation: Unknown (Newly established)

- Buildings: None yet

- Special Structures: None yet]

[Current Policies:

- Resource Allocation: No resources yet.

- Labor Distribution: Managed by Host until more settlers join.]

[Recent Events:

- Transmigration Shock: Host arrives in the Naruto world, adjusting to his new reality.]


Well, I guess I did bring one thing with me from Earth, and that's how broke I am.

Seriously though, no starter package or anything?

I woke up like an hour ago under a tree, when I am sure I was sleeping on my bed. I have been checking the system and it's capabilities for a bit.

And this starter quest has revealed some intriguing and promising things.


Starter Quest: Establishing Hidden Valley

Objective: Host arrives in the Naruto world, finding himself in a secluded valley. The initial goal is to establish a functional and secure the territory known as Hidden Valley.

Quest Steps:

Survey the Land:

- Task: Explore the valley to assess its resources, potential threats, and suitable locations for essential buildings.

- Objective: Identify key areas for construction and strategic development.

Build the Central Command Cabin:

- Resources Needed: 20 units of wood.

- Task: Gather wood and select a suitable site within the valley.

- Objective: Establish a command center to coordinate future activities and manage resources.

Recruit Settlers:

- Task: Attract inhabitants to populate Hidden Valley.

- Objective: Increase population to support the territory's growth and productivity.

Establish Basic Farming:

- Resources Needed: 30 units of wood, 20 units of stone.

- Task: Clear land, prepare soil, and construct a Basic Farm.

- Objective: Ensure sufficient food production to sustain the population.

Set Up Initial Defenses:

- Resources Needed: 40 units of wood, 25 units of stone.

- Task: Build watchtowers and basic defensive structures.

- Objective: Protect Hidden Valley from potential threats and secure its borders.

Implement Chakra Taxation System:

- Mechanism: Introduce a system where citizens contribute a percentage of their Chakra to support territory development and defense.

- Objective: Harness Chakra to enhance Host's abilities and strengthen territorial infrastructure.


- Successful completion grants Host the foundation of Hidden Valley, a modest population, and initial resources.

- Access to basic facilities and infrastructure for further development.


Most of it looks like normal things you would expect from a system revolving around territory.

But that Chakra Taxation System...

Later, now I need to focus on surviving in this forest.

Ok, so the Central Command Cabin should be my Town Hall of sorts. I guess I need to go find a suitable place to build it.

Wait, how would I build it? Does the system have something to help me? Because I ain't no engineer.

Hmm, let's see...


Building Panel: Available Structures

Central Command Tent

- Resources Needed:

- Wood: 20 units

- Description: Initial command center for coordinating activities and managing resources.

Level 1 Farm

- Resources Needed:

- Wood: 30 units

- Stone: 20 units

- Description: Provides basic food production to sustain the population.

Basic Housing

- Resources Needed:

- Wood: 50 units

- Stone: 30 units

- Description: Provides shelter for settlers, allowing population growth.


- Resources Needed:

- Wood: 40 units

- Stone: 25 units

- Description: Provides early warning against potential threats.

Training Grounds

- Resources Needed:

- Wood: 60 units

- Stone: 40 units

- Description: Facility for training and improving combat skills.

Resource Depot

- Resources Needed:

- Wood: 50 units

- Stone: 30 units

- Description: Storage facility for surplus resources.

Small Market

- Resources Needed:

- Wood: 40 units

- Stone: 20 units

- Description: Facilitates trade and commerce within the territory.



- Select a Building: Choose a structure from the panel above.

- Check Resources: Ensure you have enough wood, stone, and other required resources.

- Initiate Construction: Follow the system's instructions to begin building the selected structure.


Huh, so the system will help me build it. Good to know.

I should go scout the area for a suitable place to build.


In a valley surrounded by mountains hiding it from the outside world, a 17-year-old teenager can be seen walking around a forested area.

The boy heads deeper into the middle of the valley, searching for a place to settle and claim as the start of his land.

Finally, Adam arrives at approximately the center of this valley. A clearing greets him as a suitable location to build, providing enough space to construct his initial buildings and some cover from hostile forces as the tall trees hide it from any outsider.

Now all that is left to do is figure out how in the hell he will gather the wood needed to build without any tools.

'Hey system, are you sure that you don't have a starter pack or something? I don't need a devil fruit or anything OP, just an axe would be appreciated.' The human tried negotiating with his system, though its lack of intelligence just made him look stupid to any being reading his mind.

'...No answer, huh? Guess I'm on my own.'

'Let me think... I am in the Naruto world, so does that mean I have Chakra myself? How would I even tell? Actually, since I didn't have it back on Earth, maybe it will be easier to sense if something is different about my body.'

Adam sat down in the clearing, closed his eyes, and focused on his breathing. He remembered scenes from the anime and fanfiction where characters meditated to sense their Chakra. He tried to clear his mind and feel any energy or presence within himself that is different than what he is used to.

After a few minutes, a warm sensation began to spread from his core, flowing through his limbs. His eyes snapped open in surprise.

'I have Chakra! Okay, this changes everything.'

Standing up, Adam concentrated on channeling his newfound energy from his abdomen where it seems to be concentrated to his chest, arm and then finally his right hand.

'That was easier than I thought, now I wonder if this actually did anything... here let me try this.'

He focused on a nearby tree, not a big one like those hiding his base location, just a regular sized tree.

Then Adam punched it.

Incredibly, even though the boy had held back in case he hurt himself, the tree trunk still shattered under his punch. Unable to hold itself up now that its support was gone, the tree fell to the ground with a crash.

"Nani the fuck?" Adam exclaimed, shocked at his apparent strength.

'How in the world did I do that?! I just coated my right hand and arm in Chakra. Is my Chakra different since I'm not from this world? Since my body isn't like the people here?'

'Do I even have Chakra? Or is this another energy that I just happened to be able to use in the Naruto world?'

The boy kept questioning this scene, not realizing that his very nature is responsible for his strength.

Humans back on Earth are completely mundane with no real 'super' powers. But that is not because they themselves are weak. Rather, the universe they exist in is devoid of the very concept of the supernatural.

Now of course, humans being humans, still managed to recreate that concept, either from ignorance or something else. Some even managed to peer through the void between universes in their dreams, 'creating' the worlds of Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto on Earth.

Finally, some lucky or unlucky people, depending on where they land, managed to slip right through the cracks of their universe.

If they manage to survive and evade the various eldritch gods (known as R.O.Bs) and abominations, and land in a safe-ish world like Adam, the journey alone would change their souls in a fundamental way.

The effects of the change are not completely clear, but one thing is certain: these people will fundamentally change the world around them. Whether it is in a good or bad way depends on them.

Oh, and it apparently makes Adam real good at punching things.

Now that we are done with this lore dump, let's go back to him, shall we?

Adam finally stopped questioning reality, for now, and decided to just roll with his punches. Pun intended, as he quite literally steamrolled the needed 20 trees for his first building.

With the required wood gathered, Adam took a moment to catch his breath. He marveled at the strength he never knew he had, still feeling the residual warmth of Chakra coursing through his veins.

'Okay, focus. I have enough wood now. What's next, system?'

A translucent panel appeared in front of him, detailing the instructions for building his first structure: the Central Command Cabin. Adam carefully reads through the steps.

'Looks like I just need to select the location and confirm it,' he thought, eyeing the clearing around him. He walks to the center and mentally selected the spot.

With a confirmation in his mind, the system sprang into action. The wood he had gathered glows with a soft light and started to arrange itself into the shape of a cabin. Adam watched in amazement as the tent assembled itself piece by piece, a sturdy structure taking form in front of him.

However, he felt a sudden drain on his energy, realizing that the process used his Chakra.

'This is... pretty cool, even if it uses my Chakra, ' he admits, a small smile forming on his lips. 'Now I have a place to sleep and manage my territory in the future.'

The Central Command Cabin was modest but functional, with a table, some chairs, and a basic storage area. Adam stepped inside and felt a strange sense of accomplishment. This was the beginning of his new life in the Naruto world.

'Next up, I need to think about food and defense,' he mused, remembering the building panel he had seen earlier. 'The Basic Farm should be my priority.'

He checked his resources again and realized he needed stone for the farm. 'Great, time to find some rocks to punch.'

Adam sets out once more, exploring the valley for a suitable source of stone. As he walked, he couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't come across any animals yet.

It wasn't like he was particularly quiet when punching those trees. So you would think that somebody or something would have seen and interacted with him. But no, nothing. Just the sound of trees rustling in the wind.

Lost in thought, he almost missed an outcrop of rocks ahead. 'There we go,' he thought, quickening his pace. He approaches the rocks and, with a deep breath, channeled his Chakra into his hands again. He struck the rocks, breaking off chunks of stone with surprising ease.

Gathering the stone took some time, but Adam felt a growing sense of purpose with each piece he collected. Returning to the clearing, he set down the stone and once again called upon the system.

'Time to build a farm,' he thought, selecting the appropriate spot nearby. As before, the materials glowed and began to assemble themselves into the farm structure. This time, the drain on his Chakra was more noticeable, leaving him feeling exhausted.

Adam watched with satisfaction as the Basic Farm took shape, a small plot ready for planting. 'Alright, I think I need to plant something in here now.'

But as he prepared to gather more resources, a wave of fatigue washed over him. The repeated use of Chakra had taken its toll. 'I should try to learn more about my Chakra. If I can do this much already, imagine what else I might be capable of,' he thought. But right now, he needed rest.

The farm can wait, he can forage for food on the morning. Or catch fish on the nearby river.

Adam makes his way back to the Central Command Cabin, his steps heavy with exhaustion. Realizing that the Cabin lacked a bed, he checked the system for a solution to this problem.


Furniture Panel:

-Simple Bed:

- Cost: 10 wood

- Effect: Increases recovery rate of Chakra and stamina during rest.

-Wooden Table:

- Cost: 5 wood

- Effect: Provides a place to plan and manage resources.

-Wooden Chair:

- Cost: 3 wood each

- Effect: Provides a place to sit, slightly increases comfort and morale.

-Storage Chest:

- Cost: 8 wood

- Effect: Allows storage of additional resources and items.


- Cost: 7 wood

- Effect: Allows storage of books and scrolls, can boost knowledge gain.

-Cooking Station:

- Cost: 15 wood, 5 stone

- Effect: Allows preparation of food, which can boost health and stamina recovery.


- Cost: 10 wood, 10 stone

- Effect: Allows crafting of basic tools and items.

-Training Dummy:

- Cost: 10 wood, 5 stone

- Effect: Provides a target for practicing combat skills, increases training efficiency.


'10 trees for a bed?! The whole cabin took 20! And that's with a table and chairs! Wait, it says that it boosts recovery rate of Chakra and stamina. Huh.'

'Anyway, using the build function took a lot out of me,' he muttered to himself. 'I'll need to rest and recover my Chakra before I can continue. I don't think I can even build a bed now, let alone go gather the wood needed.'

Laziness and tiredness overriding his need for comfort, Adam made do with simply sitting on a chair and putting his head down on the table like he is at school.

A couple minutes later, he gets back up, either because he is uncomfortable or sleeping like this reminded of waking up at 6 to go to school.

Then he aligns three chairs next to each other before laying across them all, thanks to them not having armrests.

As he finally starts to fall asleep, the events of the day replayed in his mind. From discovering his Chakra to building his first structures, it had been an overwhelming but productive day. Sleep soon claimed him, the soft glow of the system's interface fading into darkness.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


