37.5% The Nemean Lion / Chapter 1: Prologue

章 1: Prologue

Harry Potter sprinted through the maze's winding corridors, his heart racing with a mixture of dread and determination. The Triwizard Cup shimmered like a beacon in the moonlight ahead, its gleaming surface almost hypnotic. The air around him was thick with the scent of freshly turned earth and ancient magic, and the distant, eerie roars of magical creatures seemed to echo off the labyrinth's stone walls.

As Harry reached out for the Cup, a flood of memories surged through him, vivid and overwhelming. The memories were tinged with both agony and triumph, transporting him back to the pivotal moments of his transformation.

He remembered the agonizing pain of the basilisk's venom as it coursed through his veins, an intense, burning agony that felt like it would never end. Fawkes' tears, falling like liquid hope, had brought a miraculous relief, healing his wounds and restoring his strength. Then came the moment of profound transformation when the blood of the Nemean Lion—used in the forging of the Sword of Gryffindor—had mingled with the basilisk venom and Fawkes' tears, creating a potent alchemical reaction that had altered his very being. The transformation had granted him extraordinary strength and heightened senses, a connection to the mythical beast that was both exhilarating and disorienting.

In the months following, Harry's physical changes had become undeniable. The subtle increase in his strength and agility soon evolved into something far more dramatic. His friends, particularly Ron, struggled with his transformation. Their friendship had fractured under the weight of jealousy and fear, leaving Harry with a lingering ache of lost camaraderie that shadowed his every victory.

But amidst the pain of that lost friendship, new bonds had formed. Daphne Greengrass, with her sharp intellect and unwavering loyalty, had become an unexpected confidante, offering insights and support that Harry hadn't anticipated. Susan Bones, with her steadfast kindness, had been a balm to his troubled soul, reminding him that he was not alone in his struggles.

Sirius Black's dramatic escape from Azkaban and the subsequent revelation of his innocence had brought Harry a profound sense of family and belonging. The discovery that Peter Pettigrew, not Sirius, had been the true traitor had deepened their bond. Despite the growing distance with Ron, Harry had found solace and strength in his connection with Sirius.

Harry's training sessions had been grueling but necessary. Under the watchful eyes of Sirius, Remus Lupin, and Severus Snape, he had honed the extraordinary powers granted by the Nemean Lion's blood. Each session had been a test of endurance and skill, pushing him to master abilities that were both exhilarating and dangerous. The training had prepared him to face the looming threat of Voldemort with newfound confidence and strength.

The revelation about Voldemort's Horcruxes had added another layer of complexity to Harry's already tumultuous life. The horrifying realization that a fragment of Voldemort's soul had once resided within his own scar had shaken him deeply. Though relieved that the Horcrux had been destroyed in the Chamber of Secrets, Harry's trust in Dumbledore had been irreparably damaged by the revelation that the Headmaster had planned to sacrifice him for the greater good. This breach had led Harry to rely more heavily on Sirius, Remus, and Snape in their quest to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes.

As they pursued the Horcruxes, only Nagini, the snake, remained. When Harry's name emerged from the Goblet of Fire, he invoked a magical oath to prove his innocence, a gesture that earned him a measure of respect but also bound him to the Tournament's challenges. Facing each task required not only his magical prowess but also his ability to conceal his Nemean Lion-enhanced abilities from prying eyes. The knowledge that wizards treated those with unusual transformations with suspicion made him wary of revealing his true nature.

Supported by a loyal circle of friends—Sirius, Remus, Hermione, Neville, Susan, Daphne, Tracey, Hannah, and Luna—Harry navigated the Tournament's trials. Their support was a lifeline, helping him strategize and manage his powers discreetly. His fellow champions—Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, and Fleur Delacour—offered camaraderie despite the competition. Fleur, with her Veela heritage, sensed something extraordinary about him, while Luna, with her Seer-like abilities, accepted his secret with a mix of curiosity and acceptance.

Now, standing at the heart of the maze, Harry's hand closed around the cool surface of the Triwizard Cup. A surge of raw, invigorating energy jolted through him, and as the world around him began to dissolve, Harry realized that the Cup was a Portkey. Panic surged as he found himself transported from the familiar grounds of Hogwarts to a dark, foreboding graveyard.

The graveyard was shrouded in an oppressive silence, broken only by the haunting echo of Voldemort's voice. The chilling sound sent shivers down Harry's spine as he faced the Dark Lord once more. But this time, Harry was different. He was not the same boy who had survived through sheer luck and courage. He was a warrior imbued with the strength and resilience of the Nemean Lion, ready to confront the ultimate test of his new reality.

As Voldemort's eyes locked onto his, Harry knew that this moment was the culmination of all his struggles and triumphs. He stood tall, filled with the power and resolve that came from his unique transformation, prepared to face whatever dark challenges lay ahead.

The Little Hangleton Cemetery was cloaked in an unsettling mist, the heavy silence broken only by the whispers of the night breeze. Tombstones, weathered by time and neglect, loomed like ghostly sentinels, their ancient faces bearing silent witness to the climax of Harry Potter's harrowing journey. The moonlight cast a pale, eerie glow over the scene, enhancing the palpable sense of dread that hung in the air.

In the center of the cemetery, Peter Pettigrew clutched the pitiful, childlike form of Voldemort, his face a mask of desperation and fear. Nagini, the monstrous snake, coiled beside them, her eyes glowing with a sinister intelligence, hissing softly as if aware of the impending clash.

Harry stood before them, transformed by the power of the Nemean Lion. The force coursing through him was palpable, his presence a blend of fierce strength and primal grace. "This ends tonight," he declared, his voice low and resonant, carrying a weight of finality that seemed to echo through the cemetery.

Pettigrew's defiance was a mere facade, masking his terror. "You think you can defeat us, Potter? The Dark Lord will rise again, and you will fall," he sneered, though his eyes betrayed his true fear.

Without warning, Nagini lunged at Harry, her fangs dripping with venom. But Harry's reflexes, sharpened by his Nemean Lion abilities, were swift. In a heartbeat, he shifted into his partial Nemean Lion form. His muscles tensed with the power of the beast, his senses honed to an extraordinary edge.

A roar, both primal and commanding, escaped Harry as he pounced. His claws, gleaming and lethal, sliced through the air with precision. Nagini's eyes widened in terror as Harry's massive form collided with hers. The force of his attack was overwhelming, an irresistible wave of strength and fury.

In a fierce struggle, Harry wrestled the serpent to the ground, his claws sinking into her scaled skin. With a roar of determination, he clamped his powerful jaws around Nagini's neck. The ancient power of the Nemean Lion surged through him, fueling his resolve as he delivered the final, decisive blow.

As Nagini's life ebbed away, Harry released her lifeless form, his chest heaving with exertion. The snake lay still, her threat extinguished forever.

Peter Pettigrew's face contorted with horror as he witnessed the demise of Voldemort's final Horcrux. "No! This can't be happening!" he cried, his voice a high-pitched wail of desperation.

Harry's gaze was unwavering, filled with righteous anger. "It's over, Pettigrew. Your master's reign of terror is finished."

In a desperate bid, Pettigrew raised his wand, but Harry's reflexes were quicker. The power of the Nemean Lion surged within him as he advanced with speed and strength. With a decisive motion, he disarmed Pettigrew, sending the wand skittering across the ground.

Pettigrew fell to his knees, clutching the weakened form of Voldemort. "Please, spare me," he begged, his voice trembling with fear. "I was only following orders."

Harry's resolve hardened as he faced the craven figure before him. "You betrayed my parents. You caused endless suffering. There's no forgiveness for what you've done."

Just as Harry prepared to deliver the final blow, a sudden noise from behind him drew his attention. He turned to see Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and a group of Aurors arriving, their wands ready and expressions grim.

"Harry, stop!" Sirius called out urgently. "Let the law handle Pettigrew."

Harry hesitated, his anger and thirst for vengeance battling with his sense of justice. Taking a deep breath, he lowered his clawed hand, his eyes never leaving Pettigrew's fearful face.

"You're right," Harry said, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions within. "He'll face justice for his crimes."

The Aurors moved swiftly, securing Pettigrew and the weakened Voldemort. As they were led away, Harry felt a profound sense of relief. The battle was over, and the shadow of Voldemort's terror had been lifted.

Sirius placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder, his gaze filled with pride and relief. "You did it, Harry. You truly are a warrior of great heart."

Before the comfort of Sirius's words could fully sink in, the moment was shattered by the chilling presence of Dolores Umbridge. Her eyes sparkled with malevolence as she pointed an accusing finger at Harry.

"A dark creature in our midst!" she screeched, her voice slicing through the tension like a razor. "A danger to the wizarding world!"

Harry's heart sank as Aurors surrounded him, their wands drawn and ready. The very people he had fought to protect now turned against him, blinded by fear and prejudice.

Sirius's expression darkened with fury as he stepped in front of Harry, his voice a protective growl. "You will not lay a hand on him," he declared, his tone fierce and unwavering.

But Umbridge only sneered, her disdain palpable as she issued her order. "Take him down. Now!"

Caught off guard by this sudden shift, Harry felt the weight of impending confrontation settling heavily on his shoulders. With a surge of determination, he squared his shoulders, bracing himself for whatever lay ahead.

Before any spell could be cast, the tension was cut through by the authoritative arrival of Amelia Bones, the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Harry's heart skipped a beat as he recognized her, knowing she was also the aunt of Susan Bones, one of his girlfriends.

"Stop this at once!" Amelia Bones commanded, her voice slicing through the charged atmosphere with unyielding authority. Her presence exuded power, and even the most resolute wizards faltered under her gaze.

Relief surged through Harry as Amelia's intervention defused the volatile situation. He silently thanked his stars for her timely arrival.

"Amelia, what are you doing here?" Sirius asked, surprise and concern evident in his tone.

Amelia's stern gaze remained fixed on Sirius. "I received reports of unauthorized magical activity and came to investigate. It appears I arrived just in time."

With a few swift wand movements, Amelia disarmed the would-be attackers and restored order. Her commanding presence brought a much-needed calm, and Harry felt a profound sense of gratitude for her intervention.

As the tension began to dissipate, Harry took a moment to collect himself, grateful for the reprieve from what could have been a dangerous confrontation. He knew he owed Amelia Bones a debt of gratitude and resolved to thank her properly once the dust had settled, acknowledging her pivotal role in ensuring that justice, rather than prejudice, prevailed.

As the disturbing news of the events at Little Hangleton Cemetery spread through the British Wizarding World, it ignited a whirlwind of shock and disbelief. The chilling sight of Voldemort's grotesque, weakened form had sent the entire magical community into a state of frantic unease. Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, had tried to dismiss the reports as mere rumors, but his resolve crumbled when faced with the undeniable reality of the Dark Lord's near-return.

In a reluctant admission, Fudge had to confront the grim truth. Voldemort had indeed come perilously close to rising again, and the implications of this revelation were far-reaching. The news sent waves of fear and uncertainty rippling across the nation, shaking the very foundation of the Wizarding World.

The Unspeakables, the enigmatic and highly skilled experts in the arcane arts, took on the task of examining Voldemort's remains. Their mission was to uncover the dark secrets hidden within the remnants of the Dark Lord's twisted essence. As they delved into the mysteries surrounding Voldemort, a series of startling truths emerged.

One of the most shocking revelations was that the Dark Mark, the symbol of loyalty to Voldemort, had to be willingly accepted. This shattered the previously held belief that many Death Eaters had been coerced under the Imperius Curse. The truth came out: those who bore the Dark Mark had embraced their loyalty to Voldemort willingly, choosing to serve him rather than being forced into servitude.

As the reality of these discoveries sank in, the Wizarding World found itself grappling with the fallout. The very pillars of trust and security were shaken, and the once-hidden truths about Voldemort and his followers were laid bare. The sense of betrayal was palpable, and fear and suspicion spread like wildfire through the community.

At the Ministry of Magic, whispers of doubt and unease echoed through the corridors. The revelations about Voldemort's influence and the nature of his followers threatened to unravel the delicate fabric of the magical society. It was a time of reckoning, where every truth uncovered seemed to shift the balance further.

Amidst this turmoil, Harry Potter and his closest allies faced their own battles. The news of Harry's transformation into a being with the power of the Nemean Lion spread quickly. The reaction was a mixture of awe and apprehension. Some viewed him as a beacon of hope, a powerful ally in their darkest hour. Others were filled with trepidation, unsettled by the notion of a young wizard wielding such formidable and unfamiliar powers.

For Harry, the newfound attention was both a blessing and a burden. He struggled under the weight of the expectations and the fear of rejection from those who couldn't understand his extraordinary nature. The looming threat of those who sought to exploit his power for their own gain cast a long shadow over his every move.

Yet, in the midst of this chaos, Harry found comfort in the unwavering support of his closest friends. Their loyalty and companionship provided him with a sense of stability amid the storm. Together, they stood united, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

As they navigated their complex new reality, Harry and his allies knew that their journey was far from over. The path ahead was fraught with trials that would test their strength, courage, and the bonds of their friendship. They were determined to confront the darkness that still threatened their world, drawing strength from one another as they faced an uncertain future.


In the cozy warmth of Grimmauld Place, Harry sat surrounded by his closest friends and loved ones. Neville, Hermione, Luna, Tracey, and Hannah were seated beside him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation. On the other side of the room, Susan, Daphne, and Fleur sat together, their presence a source of comfort and support. The crackling fire in the hearth cast a warm, flickering glow over the gathering, creating an atmosphere of both intimacy and urgency.

Sirius and Remus stood nearby, their faces serious yet supportive as they listened to Harry's proposal. The room was filled with the rich aroma of burning wood and the soft murmur of the fire, lending a sense of calm to the intense discussion about to unfold.

"Thank you all for coming," Harry began, his voice steady and earnest. He glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of each person present. "I've asked you here today because I believe it's time for us to consider a new path, a new beginning."

His friends and loved ones leaned in, their expressions reflecting a mixture of hope and apprehension. Harry's voice held a note of conviction that was both compelling and reassuring.

"After everything we've been through," Harry continued, "everything we've lost, I can't help but feel that staying in Britain is no longer an option. There's too much darkness, too many painful memories. I think it's time for us to leave, to start fresh somewhere else."

Neville, his face a portrait of solemn determination, nodded in agreement. "I've been feeling the same way, Harry. It's like we're still trapped in the past, unable to move forward. We need to find a place where we can truly heal."

Hermione, always the voice of reason and intellect, raised a hand, her brow furrowed with concern. "But where would we go? And what about our families, our homes?"

Harry glanced at Sirius and Remus, who exchanged a knowing look before Sirius spoke. "We've been discussing this, and we believe that the Quileute reservation could be a safe haven for all of us. I'm cousins with Billy Black, one of the elders of the tribe, and I'm confident we would be welcomed with open arms. There's plenty of space there for us to build new lives."

The idea seemed to resonate with the group, and murmurs of agreement filled the room. Luna, her eyes reflecting her attunement to the mystical, spoke up next.

"The energy there is different, Harry," Luna said, her dreamy voice carrying a sense of certainty. "It's like the land itself is calling to us, offering us a chance to heal and grow."

Tracey and Hannah nodded, their faces showing a blend of excitement and trepidation. Fleur, her natural elegance adding a touch of grace to the room, added her thoughts.

"I believe this could be a wonderful opportunity for all of us," Fleur said, her French accent lending a lyrical quality to her words. "A chance to leave behind the pain and sorrow of the past, and embrace a brighter future together."

Susan and Daphne exchanged a glance, their eyes reflecting shared determination and hope. Hermione stepped forward, her expression intense and thoughtful. "Actually," she said, drawing the group's attention, "I've been researching Harry's condition extensively. Based on my findings, I believe there might be a way for us to transform ourselves in a manner similar to what Harry has undergone."

The room fell silent, the gravity of Hermione's words sinking in. Hermione continued, her voice steady with the weight of her research. "According to the studies and magical theories I've uncovered, a blood transfusion from Harry could potentially allow others to share in his unique abilities. It's a complex and risky procedure, but it might be our chance to gain strength and unity in the face of future threats."

Harry's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and cautious hope flitting across his face. "You really think that's possible, Hermione?"

Hermione nodded firmly. "It's unconventional and involves significant risks, but if it works, it could provide us with the strength and resilience we need to stand together against any darkness that comes our way."

The room buzzed with a mix of excitement and apprehension as everyone absorbed Hermione's proposal. The idea of becoming like Harry, of sharing in his strength and abilities, was both thrilling and daunting.

Susan and Daphne exchanged resolute looks, their expressions reflecting the seriousness of the decision. Hermione's voice rose above the murmur, filled with determination. "If you're all willing to take this step, we could form a united front. But it's crucial to understand the risks involved."

Neville, Hermione, Luna, and the others looked at each other, their expressions a blend of uncertainty and resolve. Each had their reasons for wanting to join Harry in this extraordinary transformation, but they knew the decision was not to be taken lightly.

After a moment of tense silence, Hermione stepped forward, her eyes alight with unwavering resolve. "I'm in, Harry. If this is what it takes to secure our future and protect those we love, I'll stand by you."

One by one, Harry's friends moved forward, their voices steady as they pledged their commitment to Hermione's proposal. With each vow, their bond grew stronger, and the alliance between them solidified, ready to face the challenges ahead with newfound strength.

As Sirius stood beside him, Harry glanced at his godfather, a flicker of contemplation in his eyes. "The idea of settling with the Quileutes is intriguing," Harry began, "but I feel there's still so much of the world left to explore before I settle down."

Sirius's eyes twinkled with understanding and excitement. "You're absolutely right, Harry. The world is vast and full of wonders. We'll have plenty of time for new adventures together, and this new beginning might just be the start of something incredible."

With a renewed sense of purpose and unity, the group prepared to embrace their new path, ready to face the future with courage and solidarity, knowing that their journey was far from over.


The scene shifted to the shadowy labyrinth of the Department of Mysteries, where Harry and Sirius found themselves standing before the imposing figure of Saul Croaker, the Head Unspeakable. The air was dense with an aura of ancient secrecy, and Harry could feel a chill creeping down his spine as he stepped into the dimly lit chamber.

Croaker's piercing gaze met Harry's, his voice resonating with the gravity of their situation. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, thank you for coming. There is much we must discuss about Voldemort's final defeat."

Harry's expression was a mask of resolve. "We're prepared to do whatever is necessary to end this."

Croaker's eyes scrutinized Harry closely. "Mr. Potter, you're familiar with the prophecy that binds you and Voldemort, correct?"

Harry's heart skipped a beat. He nodded, his voice steady. "Yes. The prophecy was made by Professor Trelawney—it says that 'neither can live while the other survives.'"

Croaker's face remained solemn. "Precisely. The prophecy is central to our understanding of this conflict, but there are additional elements we must address."

Sirius leaned forward, his urgency palpable. "What do you need us to do?"

Croaker's gaze shifted to Sirius, then back to Harry. "I understand you've already destroyed all of Voldemort's Horcruxes. What remains is to eliminate the Homunculus—the vessel that contains the final fragment of Voldemort's soul. This is the only way to ensure his complete and irreversible destruction."

Harry's heart pounded with a mix of apprehension and determination. The weight of the task felt immense.

Croaker continued, his tone grave. "It must be you, Mr. Potter. The prophecy dictates that you are the one who must end Voldemort. 'Neither can live while the other survives.' It is your destiny to deliver the final blow."

Harry's eyes blazed with fierce resolve. "I understand. I've come this far, and I won't turn back now. Just tell me what I need to do."

Croaker nodded and led them through a series of winding, shadowed corridors. The air grew colder, the darkness deeper, until they reached a heavy door at the end of the hallway. Croaker pushed it open, revealing a vast, dimly lit chamber.

At the center of the room stood an ancient stone archway, draped with a tattered black curtain that seemed to flutter as if stirred by an invisible force. The Veil of Death, as Croaker explained, was a powerful artifact—a gateway between life and the beyond.

Harry's gaze was drawn to the Veil, a shiver running down his spine as he contemplated the gravity of the moment. "What is that?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

Croaker's voice was low and reverent. "This is the Veil of Death. It is said that once something passes through, it is lost forever to the realm of the living."

As Croaker spoke, two Unspeakables entered the room, carrying a small, grotesque bundle. Harry's stomach churned as he recognized the Homunculus—Baby Voldemort.

Croaker's voice remained steady, but there was an undercurrent of urgency. "This Homunculus is all that remains of Voldemort. To finally rid the world of his evil, you must cast him into the Veil. His essence will be completely and irrevocably destroyed."

Harry stepped forward, his heart racing with a mix of dread and resolve. The tiny creature's red eyes, filled with a mixture of fear and malice, met his gaze. He felt a wave of conflicting emotions but remained firm in his purpose.

"This is it," Harry thought, steeling himself for the final act. "This is the end of Voldemort."

With a determined breath, Harry reached out and took the Homunculus from the Unspeakables. The creature's pitiful whimper was a stark contrast to the monumental act that was about to take place.

"Goodbye, Tom Riddle," Harry whispered, his voice steady and resolute. Then, with a decisive motion, he hurled the Homunculus into the Veil.

The black curtain fluttered violently as the creature passed through, and for a moment, the room seemed to grow even colder. The fluttering ceased abruptly, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

Harry exhaled deeply, a profound sense of relief washing over him. The burden of years of struggle and loss seemed to lift from his shoulders.

"It's over," Sirius murmured, stepping beside Harry and placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Croaker nodded with a look of approval. "You have done a great service to the wizarding world, Mr. Potter. Voldemort is finally gone."

Harry looked at Sirius, a small, weary smile tugging at his lips. "It's really over, isn't it?"

Sirius returned the smile, his eyes filled with pride and warmth. "Yes, Harry. It's over. Now it's time to embrace the life you've fought so hard to protect."

As they walked out of the Department of Mysteries, Harry felt a surge of hope and anticipation. The end of Voldemort marked the beginning of a new chapter—a future unburdened by darkness and filled with endless possibilities.


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