
章 11: chapter 11

Yuki looked at Miri with a slightly flushed face and said, "You're absolutely right, it's quite messy here. I don't like to admit it, but I've never been good at tidying up." Miri replied, "I can see that, Princess.

But you didn't answer my question about why there is so much clothing on the floor." Yuki explained, "I have my own problems sometimes.

I can't decide what to wear, so instead of neatly putting my clothes back in the wardrobe, I just throw them on the floor.

And on days when I'm tired, I often take off my clothes and throw them on the floor instead of putting them in the laundry basket.

But now my chaos is a thing of the past because I have a sweet little maid who will take care of my room and make sure everything is tidy."

Miri frowned and asked, "Princess, can you please open all your wardrobe doors? I need to check something if it's going to be one of my tasks." Yuki hesitated but reluctantly opened all the doors of her wardrobe.

She covered her face with both hands for a moment, feeling embarrassed. Miri was surprised by the amount of clothing Yuki owned, but what didn't surprise her was that most of Yuki's clothes were not neatly sorted in the wardrobe but simply thrown in. Miri looked at Yuki and with a shy voice, Yuki said, "Stop staring at me like that.

I know what you're going to say. You should know that I collect my dirty laundry in a basket once a week and leave it outside my room for my maids to wash. And when my laundry is done, they leave the clean clothes outside the door in the basket.

You can probably guess why my wardrobe is so untidy. I simply don't have the patience to neatly put away my clothes." Miri noticed that not the entire wardrobe was messy.

Behind two doors, all the items were neatly organized. Yuki explained, "Those are old clothes like underwear, blouses, and sleepwear that are too small for me.

That's why they're sorted like that because I have no use for them anymore. Most of the clothes behind these two wardrobe doors should fit you, Miri. They are the clothes I wore or didn't wear when I was 12 to 13 years old.

So you can wear anything behind these two wardrobe doors. In fact, I insist. It's an order. You don't have any other choice anyway.

The only clothing item you currently have is the maid uniform and the clean underwear you're wearing.

You can also take fresh underwear and sleepwear. Yuki gave Miri a angry look and said, "No, Miri, you can't refuse my offer unless you want me to get angry again."

Yuki then asked Miri, "And were you able to get an idea of your duties now?" Miri replied softly, "That's not a problem.

I know what my task will be." Yuki handed Miri fresh underwear for tomorrow and sleepwear and said, "Here you go." Yuki then said, "Now I will show you my kitchen, and then we'll be done for today.

I'll show you where your room is in the chambers, as well as where the maids' bathroom and kitchen are, which you can use freely." Miri told Yuki, "I don't need to see your kitchen anymore.

I already know what to do." Yuki agreed and said, "Alright, if you say so, Miri, I believe you.

One more thing, you can freely use my kitchen and make yourself something to eat whenever you want. You can also use my bathroom.

The same goes for the maids' kitchen and bathroom. One question, Miri, can you cook?" Miri replied shyly, "I think I can manage to make something for myself. I can cook a little." Yuki said, "Now that's settled, you can rest and go to sleep for today since you're tired after everything that has happened.

Tomorrow, you can start your work calmly. I'll take you to your room now, Miri, and show you the maids' bathroom and kitchen."

Yuki grabbed Miri's wrist and pulled her along as if Miri was her doll. Miri whispered softly to Yuki, "Princess, can you please stop grabbing my wrist and treating me like a doll?" Yuki replied, "No, I can't. You are my doll, my property. Accept it, Miri.

Whether you like it or not, you belong to me." Miri sighed and thought to herself, "You're crazy, Princess. I just can't stand up against you. I don't like it, but I should still listen to you because I have no idea how long the Princess will be interested in me, and she can be quite creepy when she gets angry, which I don't like at all."

Yuki showed Miri the maids' kitchen and bathroom, and when Yuki was done, she brought Miri to her room.

Yuki opened the door to Miri's new room and said to her, "This is now your room. Do you like it, Miri?" Miri was speechless as she really liked the room. She whispered to herself, "Princess, is this really my room? Can I sleep here and call it mine?" Yuki looked kindly at Miri and said, "Yes, Miri, this is your room.

It belongs to you. I can see that you like it." Miri looked at Yuki with a happy and grateful face and said, "Thank you, Princess, for letting me sleep in such a beautiful room.

Really, thank you." Yuki's heart skipped a beat as she saw how happy Miri was and how she thanked her.

Yuki spoke kindly to Miri, "No problem. If you have any questions, feel free to come to me." Yuki walked over to Miri, who was sitting on her new bed, and gently stroked Miri's head. "You should rest, Miri, and go to sleep soon.

I will leave you alone now and go back to my room."In Yuki's room at night, Yuki spoke to herself, "Oh, Miri, I'm crazy about you. I never thought that even I would someday be able to feel love and desire for another person.

You're so sweet, you drive me wild." Yuki noticed how she was slowly getting wet between her legs.

Yuki spoke to herself, "Miri, I would love to hold you tightly right now, cuddle with you, and kiss you.

Oh, Miri, if you only knew how much I would love to bring you into my bed, snuggle with you under my blanket, or even ravish you.

"As I think about it, I would also really like to tie you to my bed, so that you are at my mercy and I can play with you relentlessly until you beg me to stop, my love.

Yuki rubbed her clit a little more and imagined the wildest fantasies of what she would love to do with Miri if Miri were tied up in her bed.

Yuki talked to herself, "Miri, you will come to love my dominant nature, especially in bed, when I will play with you and mercilessly fuck you until you beg me for mercy."Yuki tried to calm herself down and said to herself, "Calm down, Yuki.

It's still too early to worry about such things. Relax, Yuki tried to calm herself down, but suddenly she remembered what Miri had said to her.

But Miri told me that she finds me pretty and attractive, and that she thinks my figure is beautiful.

So maybe my chances aren't so bad after all. I will show Miri what a wonderful and strong woman I am, who can take care of her.

Anyway, I really need to calm down now, or else I won't be able to sleep."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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