Jiang Nanzhou had been running around outside for two days, which of course Xia Lin had noticed.
After admitting to it openly, she naturally paid attention to their movements.
She learned they had met with Director Wang of the movie theater and President Wang of the children's publishing house, and even visited the Ministry of Education.
Xia Lin thought they were hustling for Lu Jingqiu's job placement. A mocking smile unconsciously crept onto her face, the people she had found this time were not ones that Jiang Nanzhou could talk to.
In West City, having connections, what could that do? They were nothing but low-level flunkies.
However, Xia Lin didn't know that not only had Jingqiu arranged for her job to be transferred to their town's primary school, but Gao Shu's job had also been arranged at the street office.
Jiang Nanzhou stayed in West City for two more days before he left.