60.71% Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Important Plans

章 17: Chapter 17: Important Plans

"What do you think of Lord Robb, Jon?" Rickard Karstark asked Lord Umber as they walked with Lord Hornwood towards Robb's temporary office in the Dreadfort.

"I'm not sure what to make of him, but his reputation speaks for itself," Lord Umber replied, scratching his beard thoughtfully.

"It's impressive what he has achieved at such a young age, but there are many inexplicable things about his accomplishments. Have you heard the rumors?" Lord Hornwood asked.

"Heh, about how he knows everything that happens around him, strange sounds wherever he is, or people fainting without him being nearby? Or more importantly, that the gods communicate with him through his dreams?" Lord Umber chuckled.

"Twelve name-days and his legend is already greater than many war veterans," Lord Karstark nodded.

"The North will be in good hands when Old Ned passes the torch to him," Lord Umber continued hopefully.

"I wonder why he asked us to stay here," murmured Lord Karstark.

"I have no idea, but I hope the wait is worth it. My wife is waiting for me," Lord Umber said with vulgar gestures.


The Solar of Dreadfort

"Welcome, my lords. Please, take a seat. We have much to discuss," I greeted both lords with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord Robb," All lords nodded.

"To begin with, I want to thank you for your support in this campaign against the Boltons," I started the conversation.

"It is our duty as vassals of House Stark, Lord Robb," said Lord Karstark, sipping the beer I had prepared for them.

"Even though it is your duty, you did not hesitate to trust me by placing the lives of your heirs in my hands. I can say with absolute certainty that they acted magnificently. They are great warriors and deserve the honors they received after the infiltration," I said sincerely.

"Heh, SmallJon has already used his newfound fame to win himself a lady," Lord Umber laughed heartily.

"Heh, he deserves an adventure after carrying Roose Bolton around by the legs through his castle," I replied, laughing.

"Why did you call us here, Lord Robb? I appreciate your words about my sons, but I think this conversation will be a bit more serious," Lord Karstark said impatiently.

"Let's get serious then," I replied. "My father, Lord Stark, has given me full control over how to act against the Boltons and the use of the territory in the future."

"Ned did that? Why?" Lord Umber asked.

"Because he trusts me, and I have plans that I need to accomplish in less than two years to prepare us," I said seriously.

"Prepare us for what, Lord Robb?" Karstark asked.

"War, my lords. Prepare us for a war that is coming," I said with a furrowed brow.

"My dreams are not exact. They do not tell me who, what, or how it starts, but they show a war that will engulf the entire North. I do not intend to hesitate in preparing for any eventuality," I continued.

"Bah, do you believe that, young Robb?" Lord Umber snorted.

"Do you doubt it after what happened to Ramsay, Lord Umber?" I asked.

Lord Umber shifted uncomfortably in his seat, recalling the chilling scene of Ramsay Bolton's death.

"Similarly, even if there were no war, my plans involve the economic growth of our homeland, as well as weapons preparation that could be used against the Wildlings in case of another incursion. You lose nothing by supporting me in this, my lords," I assured them.

"What do your plans consist of, Lord Robb?" Lord Karstark asked, adopting a thoughtful posture.

"First of all, investigating your houses to see if there are any spies in your territories. And don't think it's because I doubt your loyalty, but we have already found several spies within Winterfell being paid by the Spider of King's Landing, by Littlefinger of the Vale, and by Tywin Lannister. I imagine that due to the remote location of your territories, there won't be any, but we must be sure before continuing with the plans," I began listing the tasks ahead.

"Next, the former Bolton territory will be occupied by our four houses. The Starks of Winterfell, the Hornwoods, the Umbers, and the Karstarks will take command of this territory and create the largest town in the North," I continued my explanation.

"But the workforce needed for this would be higher than we can provide even if we work together," Lord Umber pointed out.

"The guards of Dreadfort!" Lord Hornwood exclaimed. "That's why you were so merciful with the guards, isn't it, Lord Robb?"

"Exactly, Lord Hornwood. The guards will pay for their crimes by protecting and aiding in the construction of the new town," I confirmed with a smile.

"In addition, the profits my family has gained from vodka are more than enough to start with the expenses," I continued.

"But the town is just a façade, isn't it, Lord Robb?" Lord Karstark asked, smiling slightly before continuing, "You said you planned to prepare us for war, and a single town won't help with that."

"That's right, Lord Karstark. The town will serve to attract attention so that the rest of Westeros ignores the true reason why so many people will be migrating to work in the town," I explained.

"I want us to quietly bring in all the blacksmiths and builders we can to start creating armor, weapons, and everything necessary for war. My family will be in charge of preserving and buying food just in case. The metal used will be bought by my family for the time being. Before returning to Winterfell, I will conduct a thorough search of this territory. Perhaps I will find a steel mine or some metal that can be used," I continued.

"Now, let's talk about plans to improve the overall economy of the North," I continued.

"First, we will build new vodka factories close to the Dreadfort. Additionally, we will start breeding and selling products from various insects I have encountered in my travels," I continued with my explanation.

"Insects, Lord Robb? How can simple insects contribute to the Northern economy?" Lord Umber asked.

"Haha," I laughed heartily at that question, taking a moment to calm my amusement before continuing, "Listen to all the advantages we could gain, my lords."

Opening a drawer of the desk, I began to take out different products I had obtained throughout the years, placing them one by one on the desk before motioning for the lords to come closer and inspect them.

"First, silk, my lords. When I traveled through Torrhen's Square, I found this type of larvae that produces this high-quality silk in acceptable quantities. Then we have honey and wax from these bees I found in Deepwood Motte. These bees survive and continue to work even in the harshest winters that have affected the North. Next, we have this pigment produced by scale insects found in Moat Cailin, and the most important product for the entire North, a fertilizer that has improved crops in Winterfell by three times the original yield last year," I explained with a smile.

"Before we continue, I want you to understand that these profits will go to the North, not specifically to our families. Each will retain a percentage, but the majority of the gains will be used for the good of the North in general, not specifically for our houses. and if I find out someone stole from us, I hope they pray to the old gods for mercy, because I won't have any" I told them seriously.

"Understood, lord robb. I'll leave my son with you as a sign of trust, and I'll stay here to check the work for a while, my wife can take care of the last hearth in my stead" said lord Umber.

"Then I will go back to Karhold, lord robb. Either way, my heir and second son will continue with your group if that is good with you. If anyone needs any help with anything, don't hesitate to send a raven. I'll leave a third of my bannermen to help with the construction and security" said lord Karstark while walking out of the solar.

"Me too, Lord Robb. I'll go back to Hornwood since it is so close to the Dreadfort, I'll bring any mason or blacksmith I can find" said lord hornwood.

"You have my thanks, everyone. I hope this is the beginning of a fruitful relationship" I told them with a smile on my face.

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, we will probably skip the construction because i have no idea how to write it or if it would be interesting to read, im not sure for now lol.

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