
[Akame Ga Kill!]

After we finished eating a um sort of awkward atmosphere kind of formed. Not in the sense that anything weird was happening, but more like nothing was happening. I would take glances at the younger girl, and she would do the same, but we didn't talk. It's most likely my fault, as any attempts she made for small talk earlier were answered swiftly by me, but can you blame me?

I was supposed to be this girl's older brother, but unfortunately for her that older brother is no longer here. So how was I supposed to talk to her when I didn't even know who she was or her brother? So I just settled with limiting my actions as while I can certainly act the part of an older sibling I didn't know how their dynamic worked. Maybe they hated each other and argued profusely, or were perhaps really close and told each other everything. I just didn't have enough information to make assumptions so being quiet was the best course of option cause in any of those scenarios she just thinks 'Oh he's just being a bit quiet'.

While being quiet and all was fine what I wasn't fine with was how we weren't doing anything. We kinda both just sat at the table not conversing with each other. Was this what their lives were like every day? Maybe but regardless of whether it is true or not right now I have more important matters to attend to.

"Hey uh Sis, I'm going out for a bit," the little girl perks up a bit after hearing what I said.

"Oh did my Big Brother go on and get a girlfriend without telling me?" dejectedly she leans back and covers her face. "And here I thought you only needed me," while she most definitely was overplaying this bit to get a reaction out of me, I couldn't discount this being what their real relationship was like before my reincarnation, so I just played it safe.

"No, I'm just meeting up with a friend that's all," I keep my answer vague, short, and concise. I didn't want any chance for her to have a misunderstanding of any sort. "I'll be back in a few hours, so keep watch of the place,"

"Yeah I got it, keep safe out there Big Brother," hearing her response I exit the apartment and quickly make my way to the streets. Now that I was finally alone I could try out the [Travel] function of my system. Opening the menu up I press on the [Akame Ga Kill!] portal, but unfortunately, nothing happens.

[Warning: User is opening a Portal]

[Make sure any unwanted personnel is not present]

[Would you like to open the Portal]


Seeing the multiple warning screens got me a little nervous, but it also helped me understand my system better. It seemed that I could also have other people travel with me if I opened the portal with them nearby. Good to know for the future, but also was kinda annoying to know right now. As unsurprisingly I didn't want people to know that I could travel dimensions as of right now. So because of the fact my portals could take more than just myself I am forced to find a secluded area where I am certain only I would be there when my portal appeared.

This search led me to nowhere as I didn't know the area at all, and I wasn't going to risk being lost on my first day. So with no options left, I made my way to a public restroom where I hid in one of the stalls. Opening my system I did another quick scan of the place to make sure no one was there before disregarding the messages. Pressing the [Yes] the menu closed as a blue ethereal portal appeared before me. Stepping through the portal I am instantly aware that I am no longer in that bathroom stall as instead of the dark and enclosed stall, on the other side I am greeted by a brightly lit forest.

Looking around I am greeted by surprise nothing, but trees. For being a dimensional traveler it was kinda disappointing that my first jump led me to nowhere, but on the other hand I didn't even want to think about how much of a pain it would be to explain how I just appeared through a portal to any local denizens so for that I am grateful.

With my initial thoughts being aired out I started looking around to see if I could get a clue about where I was, but before I could get far two things happened to occur. The first one was that the portal behind me had vanished at some point. I don't know when it happened, but it was good to know that any portal I would make would disappear fairly quickly. However, the second thing most definitely intrigued me more.

[User has traversed to another world]

[Generating World Quest]


[Akame Ga Kill! World Quest]

You have traveled to the world of Akame Ga Kill! . . .

[Clear Conditions]




Seeing the quest appear got me excited until I read the contents of it. It seemed that the quest was kinda a fill-in quest until I interacted more with the world. Which I guess made sense as I didn't know anything about this world, but free information about this world I know nothing about would be cool too. Alas feeling slightly more dejected I close the tabs as I focus more so than ever on figuring out this new world.

I was plopped down into who knows where, but one thing I did know was that I wouldn't make any progress if I just stood there so choosing a random direction I set off to discover the world.


You know after walking around for what seemed like hours, and not finding anything I think I had the right to be a little mad. Scratch that I did find some things if you counted the same copy and pasted trees as something as I can tell you for sure that I found a lot of those. Letting a deep sigh leave my mouth I take a seat under one of those said trees I give my legs the deserved rest they earned up to this point. Man, was I tired, I mean who would have thought traveling to different dimensions would be taxing? Ok stupid question, but still why did I have to be plopped into the middle of bum **** nowhere? God my fatigue must be catching up to me.

'Maybe it would be a good time to head back' I thought I would immediately be into some action or even just be able to talk to another person, but oh well. I think I made some good process even if I didn't find much. Opening up my menu I go to press my [Travel] tab, but before my hand can reach it the earth trembled beneath me.

'What was that?" getting up I turned to see if anything was close to me, but moments later the sound of a loud crashing noise made itself known. Turning my head towards the direction the sound came from I debated whether I should go or not. I probably should have headed back I was tired and I didn't even know how the time worked between dimensions, but despite all that. I still closed the menu even if that sound was some sort of monster I was confident I could get a portal open before I got hurt. So making a mad dash on my two tired legs I quickly arrived at the scene of the crime.

Luckily the first thing that greeted me was not the jaws of some grotesque tall monster, but instead the clearing of a long dirt path. On said dirt path a wagon led by a single horse stood still with three people seen conversing just a little ways away. Two of those people stood at least a good head taller than the last person and were both wearing the same fur hat and coat. Which was a little crazy to me who had sweating profusely since getting here but regardless. But what was even crazier than those three was the massive brown creature that was bleeding out just a few feet away from them. It seemed to be dead, it even had one of its 'arms' lying severed from its main body.

Looking back to the three people talking among themselves I debated if it was safe to emerge from the tree I was hiding behind. Disregarding the fact that they somehow managed to kill that massive thing lying on the ground, it also didn't help that one of them was armed. Even if they were the shortest among the three I could see the sword they hung on their back.

Ducking behind the tree I had a decision to make, one that could end up with me dead if I didn't play this correctly. 'Should I approach them or not' They were the first people I had seen since I got here, but unfortunately for me, I didn't know if they were friendly or not. To top that off who knows if I even knew their language cause that would make a doubly hard to communicate. Man, this wouldn't be so hard if one of them didn't have a sword just ready for use. Peering back at the three people from earlier I see that while the sword person and one of the fur people were conversing the other fur guy was staring straight at the tree I was hiding behind. It was then when I peeked my head from out behind the tree again that our eyes met.

'Oh my go-' I couldn't even finish internally cursing as the next thing I knew the fur man was shouting.

"You from behind the tree come out, we know you are there," the man shouted. Cursing the gods wouldn't be of any help now that I was caught, but hey they at least spoke English. Even still I could just have left right then and there, but I guess I was more curious about where this was heading than just turning tail and leaving.

Slowly revealing myself from the trees, I have my arms up in hopes of them realizing the hopefully dimensional sign of 'Ah you got me'. Now that I was free from the tree cover and the three people were facing me I could make out how they looked. The two taller fur-covered people looked as if they were in their mid-30s, but what surprised me the most was the sword-wielding kid. He dressed a lot more lightly than the two others had wearing the classic button-up and sweater combo with leather gloves that added to his swordsman look, but what surprised me was that he was a kid like me. Having a youthful-looking face his green eyes stared into mine while his brown hair stuck out to the sides. Imagining that kids like him would have enough power to take out giants like the thing lying on the floor made me feel uneasy.

'Just what kind of world did I find myself in?' I internally thought to myself as I moved closer to the trio.

"That's far enough," one of the fur cover men said as I came to a stop as commanded. Looking over at the three guys it was easy to see that they were scanning me for any threats, as I was doing prior, but the main difference here was that they could do something if they perceived me as a threat. Conceding to my fate I waited patiently for the three to come to a decision about me. After thoroughly scanning me the two fur men turned to each other as they tried to discuss their thoughts among themself. Key word tried because from where I was standing I could hear everything they said.

"What should we do man?" One of them asked the other "I mean this kid doesn't look to be a mountain bandit, but at the same time we can't be so sure this close to the Imperial Capital,"

'They thought I was some mountain bandit are they stupid? I'm like the most unsuspicious person ever, disregarding the fact that I am traversing dimensions,'

"Should we just leave him here for a mountain beast to eat him," the other suggested. Hearing his 'partners?' suggesting the other seemed to consider it, but before he could voice his opinion the swordsman kid spoke up.

"Let's just let him come along with us," he said quite bluntly. The two men hearing this looked at him like he was crazy or something, but the kid just kept going "I mean look at him, do you believe some mountain bandit, would dress like that? If anything the first thing I thought was he was some merchant kid who got lost," Heaving heard the kid's reasons the two men looked at each other before agreeing to something.

"Alright kid, you listen here," directing his voice towards me I perked up and listened "We'll give you one chance because our hero here said so, but if you even so much as act suspicious while on the way to the Capital your out you hear me?!" It seemed that the swordsman kid's argument had won them over thankfully.

"Yeah, you don't have to tell me twice," I say. Hearing my response the two fur-covered men make their way to the front of the wagon.

"You'll sit in the back with him you good with that," one of the fur cover men asks the sword kid to which he just smiles.

"Even if he tried something I would stop him before he could even make a move," I am a little irritated by how little of a threat they now perceive me as, but it was better than being left along the road to fend for myself.

Climbing into the back I sit across from the sword kid as the wagon starts moving along the dirt path. As the trip continued the sound of dirt being crushed beneath us can be heard but other than that no one talks among themselves.

'Awkward,' I mean I guess no one wants to talk with a potential bandit among them, but seriously was their whole trip like this. I looked up at the fur-covered duo to see that one seemed to be on the lookout while the other was leading the horse.

'At least they were doing their job' Then again what else could they have been doing? Diverting my attention I looked over to the sword kid who also seemed to look over at the same time.

"You need something," he asked to which I sat a little more straight now that he had his attention on me.

"Oh no, don't mind me just your everyday bandit impersonator here," I tried to lighten the mood with some fake laughs and jokes, but it didn't seem to work. The sword kid seemed to be disinterested again as he glanced off to the side. Guess I had to rely on my other plan, clearing my throat loud enough to get the attention of the boy I shifted my attitude toward him.

"I don't ever think I ever properly thanked you for saving me earlier," hearing me the boy gave a confused look.

"Where you also in danger from the danger beast?" confusion is present throughout his question.

"I mean I guess you also helped me there but what I was thanking you for was helping me not get abandoned," I tell him to which he still seemed confused but not as confused.

"I guess I helped, but I was just stating what I thought," he stated

"Regardless of intention your words still swayed those two enough to let me be here and for that I am grateful," considering my words the boy thinks for a bit before a smile appears on his face.

"Guess I did do that didn't I," with a slightly happier mood I set off to phase two of the plan.

"By the way I don't think I ever caught your name?"

"Oh, I guess you're right my name is Tatsumi, and you better remember it 'cause before long everyone in the capital is going to know it," I could see the way his face brightened at the mention of him making it big in the capital. Guess it meant a lot to him, better shift the conversation that way then.

"Speaking of the capital I don't know if you could tell, but I've never been there before, Do you mind telling me about it?" I asked while Tatsumi gave me a funny look.

"You've never been to the capital? By the way, you dressed I would have thought you were born there or something,"

'Seriously do people here just not have good clothes or something?" I internally groaned, but I guess I had to play along now "Yeah it's true, while I may dress nice that's only because I come from a family of seamstresses. It's more of a local family-run business, but recently they've been trying to expand so they sent me to scout the Capital out," with my lengthy lie spilled out Tatsumi took a moment to process it before a look of understanding flashed on his face.

"So you've been sent out here to make money," he asks while I resist the urge to fall back at his oversimplification.

"I guess that's one way to look at it," hearing me say that he smiles at me.

"I guess you and I are more similar than we thought," this time it was me who gave him a confused look but he continued "You see where I'm from we aren't doing so well so some friends of mine set off with me to make money at the Capital," the way Tatsumi spoke about his reasoning to head off to the Capital, made me feel all the more guilty that I was lying to him. He just seemed like a genuine guy if you ignored the fact that he could probably kill most people before they even knew it.

"So where are these friends of yours now," I asked not even thinking about it, but the moment I asked I knew I had messed up. Tatsumi's face darkened while his gaze shifted towards the ground.

"We were sort of split up during our travels, so I was hoping that I would find them when I got to the Capital," he muttered as my guilty points just kept racking up.

"Oh, I didn't know I'm sorry," even if it sounded half-assed I truly meant it. Tatsumi didn't deserve a liar like me ruining his mood.

"No it's fine you couldn't have known," he said but it seemed the damage was already done as right after the same awkward silence from the beginning returned.

'Damn it just when I was getting some good intel,' I internally cursed, but this was purely on me. Me and my stupid big mouth. Leaning back in my seat I accept the fact that the next few hours would be in silence, but to my surprise, Tatsumi starts up a conversation with me.

"You said you're from a family of seamstresses right," sitting back up I nodded to his question which seemed to please him "Does that mean you know how to sew?" Hearing his second question I debated whether to lie or not, but ultimately I decided that I'd lied to this man enough.

"Well unfortunately I can't, sorry, if you mind me asking though why do you want to know," Answering his question I give one of my own.

"It's just that back in my village we took up all sorts of occupations in preparation for when we arrived in the Capital, and one of my friends took up sewing," he admitted while I took this chance to continue our conversation.

"So what kinds of things did you try to learn," Tatsumi seemed surprised that I was even remotely interested, but was happy to answer.

"So at first-" hearing him talk about how hard he worked to become a better person in preparations for his venture to the Capital made me all the more excited to visit this place that Tatsumi thought so highly of. But judging from how slow the wagon was going we were still a good few hours away. Well, I guess that didn't matter since Tatsumi was good company.

[Chapter End]

Authors Notes:

Hey guys Leo here just wanted to pop in here and ask you guys a quick few questions. If you're not interested that's fine just go about your day but for those who are I gotta ask how are you guys liking it so far?

What do you like about it?

What do you not so much like about it?

Also before I forget about the system interface would you guys like it more if I described what was on it or would you prefer if I did my whole stick of writing out what is on it? I couldn't care less, but it would be good to know what you guys would like.

Anyway, that's all from me, the next chapter should be out soonish, but I want to get some feedback first before writing so stay tuned in.

P.S. Now that I see it on web novel, should I make my paragraphs shorter? Or does it even matter? Just curious. 

- Author Leo

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


