
Chapter 1

I was walking to my workplace, taking an alley to cross the road quicker and reach the office building faster.

Then, I disappeared in a gust of wind. I had no idea what happened next other than the fact that I was experiencing extreme pain. It felt like my body was being pulled apart, and the pain was so intense that I could no longer feel anything.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, startling and surprising me. It was a robotic voice with no emotions at all.

<<Acquisition of unique skill [Malicious One] successful.>>

I couldn't even think about what I did to gain something like this. Malicious One? Who's malicious? Me?

<<As compensation for the permanent loss of the original body, extra skill [Universal Shapeshift] is given.>>

Some time passed and I figured out what's going on here. I somehow transferred to another world, like in those fanfictions and isekai light novels.

And this thing is saying that I lost my body. Why? Because I couldn't handle the transfer? I don't know why, but I already have a hunch about what's happening here.

I guess I'm honored to ascend into a higher being. I can already feel some sort of power and authority that I didn't have as a human.

<<Acquisition of unique skill [Honored One] successful.>>

And suddenly, I find myself in some kind of cave, filled with the dead bodies of creatures that look like dragons. I am a giant serpentine shark, tied by multiple ethereal chains. I can feel that the chains are weak right now; I can break out.

And I did. I struggled with all my might, and with a snap, I could move my body. I felt enormous energy inside me, some kind of magical energy, which I understood as magicules when I looked into myself. I felt that I could transform into anything I wanted to.

I don't know how I understood that energy, but I do know that this feeling of being able to transform is from Universal Shapeshift, which was given to me as compensation for the loss of my human body.

So what if I just take a human form then? Or even a dragon form? I mean, I feel like I can transform into literally anything, from a paper clip to a planet.

I tried to transform into a human, and gradually my form began to shrink. Slowly, I touched the ground with my two feet. I could literally feel the power to destroy the cave with a single touch, and I don't know if I can hold my strength back if I touch someone.

I looked at myself in a puddle in the cave.

'I look cute and hot,' I thought to myself as I ran my hand through my white hair. I once again looked at the puddle and smiled. I have purple eyes and an ahoge, with a medium premium bust, and I'm currently butt naked.

I willed my magicules to form into clothes with Universal Shapeshift, and in an instant, I was enveloped in a bluish-purple aura.

After a few seconds, the aura dissipated, leaving me clad in a white robe adorned with purple accents and black trim. The robe featured long sleeves, a sash around the waist with gold patterns, and a blue ornament attached. Underneath the robe, I sported a black skirt, with a black scarf elegantly draped around my neck. The overall ensemble resembled that of mage or sorceress attire.

Before I had any time to inspect myself and my beauty, I sensed danger and turned around, alarmed.

I found myself attacked with a devastating kick to my ribs, though it did nothing other than cause a small numbing sensation. But now, you pissed me off..

My hand glowed a striking red before a laser-like beam shot out, leaving the area it struck molten and burned. The enemy dodged it by the nick of time.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I growled, dashing towards the man who kicked me. He was obese, wearing a clown mask with angry features and had green hair. I punched him in the guts, sending him flying 40 to 50 meters before he struck the ground. The caves shook and rumbled from the force of my power.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" An obnoxious laughter rang out, and before I knew it, the man jumped out from the crater I created with his body. Despite the cracks in his mask, he laughed anyway. He looked at me and said, "Oh! Oh! You are angry. I can feel it. I can feel your anger."

"I don't want to... I don't want to die, so I will leave now. Anyway, though... I do see some interesting things here. I was looking for the Charybdis, but before I had the chance to do anything with you, you had already gained sentience. Colour me surprised. This will be good and interesting information for him," he said cynically before disappearing in a poof.

"Motherfucker!" I cursed, looking around. I cranked my magic sense up to maximum, a skill I had gained when I transformed into my human state after universal shapeshift. I sensed the surroundings, extending my awareness to about 2 to 4 kilometers. It was surprising. The cave I found myself in is within a giant forest.

I could also feel a surprising number of powerful presences, one of which was enormous, almost equal to my own power. I sensed the magicules, and then another presence—this one at least ten times bigger than the other.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself, looking around the cave. It was indeed a sealed cave, something that felt like a prison for me. I remembered being sealed away, possibly because I was considered a calamity.

So, I did what no being in my situation would ever do. I raised my presence to the maximum like a flag and obliterated the cave in an instant and then I flew out of there, heading straight for the enormous presence I had sensed.

Within seconds, I was flying over a giant city or town of some sort. Before I had any chance to descend, I was approached by a person whose gender I couldn't ascertain. They had wings and blue hair with a cute face and were shorter than me by about a foot.

Looking at me with an unreadable gaze, he raised his hand and said, "Stop right there. I don't know who you are, and I don't care if you are beautiful or anything. But if you come with harmful intentions, I will not let you harm my country." He looked at me, waiting for an answer.

'I guess he was alarmed by my presence when I maximized it, and seeing that I flew straight here in an instant, he must have been on high alert. That must've been what happened,' I thought.

I looked at him and said, "I sensed some powerful presences here. One of them was you, and another was at least ten times stronger than you. I came here to understand where I am. I do not know what this place is. I was not aware until quite some time ago. So, do tell me if you have some information to share," I said with a smile.

I could see a small pink tint on his cheeks before he shook it away and said, "I do know some things you might want to know. Also, do you have a name?" He paused briefly before continuing, "My name is Rimuru Tempest, and I welcome you to my country, Tempest, if you don't have any harmful intentions as you said."

I opened my mouth and said, "My name is... Huh? Why can't I remember my name? I don't think... I don't think... What... What's happening? I cannot remember it." Seeing my confusion, he must have felt bad and said.

"You don't need to say it if you don't remember it. Anyway, come on let's go down to my country. We can have a chat and then get to the serious issue." I nodded at him and followed as he flew down.

We touched down in front of the castle built at the far end of the town, and we were met with an entourage of relatively strong people. My eyes immediately went to the loli with pink hair on the side, looking at me with excited eyes, which I completely understand, because it's me after all.

She ran towards me with an excited smile and began inspecting me all over, poking at my arms and all over my body.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked her with an amused smile on my face. I could feel she had no ill intentions towards me; instead, I sensed almost a familial sensation from her.

"Hm?" She looked up at my face, nodded, and opened her mouth to speak. "I'm checking if you're really Veldora's daughter."

"Veldora? Who's that?" I asked, confusion evident on my face. Rimuru spoke up from the side, "Milim, she just gained sentience, how could she know Veldora?" Just like that, a comical shocked expression appeared on her face.

I noticed something when I looked at Rimuru—I could feel a stronger connection drawing me towards him. I don't know what it is, but it's nothing romantic at all.

"Hey, why do I sense a strangely familiar presence inside you?" I asked, still wearing the confused expression from when the pink loli said I was Veldora's daughter.

"Hm?" Rimuru turned to me, his face showing surprise and awe. Then, he looked like he was talking to someone else, even though no one opened their mouths. He suddenly nodded. 'What the hell is he doing? Is he talking to the air or something?' I thought.

"I'll tell you later. Anyways, let's go in and discuss this whole thing to diffuse the confusion," he said with a serious tone. I nodded, and the pink-haired kijin invited me in with them.

'I wonder what he's going to tell me,' I thought as we walked inside...

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


