86.36% Overlord: My Reign as Ainz / Chapter 18: Recapturing cities

章 18: Recapturing cities


What was this woman saying about her virginity?

I just wanted to know if she had a map of the beast kingdom for my future conquest.

What kind of mindset does she have to come to that conclusion?

Okay, I couldn't resist taking a look.

In fact, it's happened to me often; I thought that once I kept myself busy with Shalltear and Albedo, I'd lose these impulses I feel every time I see a beautiful woman, but being with them only heightened my primal instincts.

Although if I get her pregnant and make you have my babies with wild magic... I'm sure Demiurge would approve.

I shook my head, I was already married, I should ask my current wives first.

Anyway, it's time to clear up the misunderstanding.

"I just wanted to ask if you had a map of the beast nation or what you know about its territory."

"Ehhhhhh" Draudillon went blank, her dignity in shambles.

"No, we don't have such a thing, traveling to the beast nation is suicide for humans," the prime minister responded honestly.

Mmm, I expected that answer.

"Okay, first we need to gather information."

I'll call Ninya.

"Swords of Darkness!"

"Ainz-Sama!" Ninya kneeled. "What do you wish from your servants?"

Mmm, Peter no longer speaks; it seems that the leader of the group now is Ninya.

Or maybe, since she's the closest to me, she's the one who speaks in these cases.


"I want you and your team to ride dragons and observe the terrain of the beast nation while the rest of us reconquer the city. Report on their natural defenses, how many soldiers are stationed, things like that."

"Understood, Master."

"Mm, if you have nothing more to say, you may go."

"I'll just say, I will soon create a revolutionary spell for the benefit of the sorcerer kingdom," she said confidently.

"Do your best," I simply replied.

Half an hour later, several dragons took off, and at that moment, I was with the commanders.

Mmm, should I introduce the Roman military hierarchy? They don't seem very advanced in the art of war.

I'll do it now before the reconquest begins.

"Enri, Go Gin, Leinas, Buser, Pe Riyuro."

All my top commanders greeted me.

It's time to copy a speech I saw in Game of Thrones.

I raised my hands, one with a closed fist and the other with an open palm, and asked:

"Which number is greater, 5 or 1?"

No one dared to speak, knowing the question was too obvious to be the correct one.

I lowered my open palm hand and moved my other arm with the closed fist.

"An army, a true united army, following a leader with a purpose. We are divided into various species with no military experience or order."

The Goblins, being summons and having a general, knew some strategy, but the others were somewhat immature. Maybe Buser and Re Piyuro are good leaders, but they were tribal leaders.

Moreover, the numbers were very unbalanced; Go Gin only had 100 trolls and 20 frost giants, Leinas brought 2,000 lizardmen, 2,000 humans, and 1,000 frogmen, Enri brought 4,000 Goblins.

Buser was second with the most troops, being in charge of 25 species from the Abelion hills with 8,000 troops.

And Pe Ryuro was the one who, out of fear, brought me more troops, with a total of 10,000 out of the 30,000 members of his species.

Lastly, I brought 4 dragons along with the adventurers, mostly humans, but I could see some lizardmen there.

"Your majesty, let my Quagoa go to the front lines, let me lead the troops."

"No, my trolls are bigger, please, your majesty, give me the honor."

Mmm, they are eager to serve.

"I'm going to explain the hierarchy of the army, so pay attention," I paused before explaining.

"The infantry soldier is the legionary," I started with what I knew about the Roman army.

"Each legionary will belong to a Contubernium of 10 soldiers who will camp together.

10 contuberniums will form a Century, led by a Centurion assisted, among others, by a second officer, the standard-bearer, and the guard officer."

"6 Centuries will form a Cohort, and 10 Cohorts will form a Legion.

These will be numbered, and the most important will be the I Cohort, which will have 5 centuries instead of 6, but with twice as many soldiers in each century.

Each legion will have a cavalry squadron."

"Do you understand?"

"How will we divide the ranks? I understand you want us to mix our armies," Leinas asked.

"Mnnn, like this, you five will be commanders of a legion each. I will be the commander of the first legion this time. Once we finish reclaiming the draconic kingdom territory, we'll decide what to do with the beast nation. The other positions in the army will be distributed among your most trusted soldiers. I've already calculated the troops we have. Normally a legion is made up of 5,000 troops, but since the numbers don't match, this time each legion will consist of 4,520 soldiers."

I stood to look at their expressions; Enri, Buser, and Go Gin were likely impressed by how quickly I made the division since they hadn't practiced mathematics in their lives. Leinas showed no emotion, and Re Piyuro listened attentively, still scared.

"Anyway, give me 4,520 troops to command and give Enri 1,000 troops and Go Gin 4,400 troops."

"Yes, your majesty," they all exclaimed.

The Re:Estize army I eradicated had 245,000 humans, but they were just farmers and the weakest races according to the author of this world.

My army consisted not only of humans but also of demihumans, who were several times stronger than a normal human.

Additionally, we have 4 dragons.

And if any player or player child appears, they have me.

The division of troops was equitable; each legion contained at least one member of each race. Thus began the invasion.

"Draudillon-dono, how about your troops stay in the rear or as non-combatants?" This way, the army would be the last to oppose the vassalization of the kingdom.

Draudillon nodded affirmatively, not caring a bit about my hidden intentions.

"Alright, I wish you the best of luck," she responded with conviction.


"Blue Rose, you will lead the search for humans in the city of Fiore, and you, Threat Silver Bird, will lead the adventurers of Levano."

The lost cities were Fiore and Levano, which made up a third of the country.

"Understood, Ainz Ooal Gown-Sama," Lakyus replied.

"At your command, Ainz Ooal Gown-Sama."

"Please call me Ainz, you don't serve me directly, you're just mercenaries hired to save humans, nothing more."

"Even so, your efforts to save them align with my beliefs as a priestess of water, thank you very much, Mr. Ainz."

"Oh, is that so? You're welcome."

I had sent another dragon this time to Hekkeran and Imina to observe the cities.

Within two hours they arrived, and I gave Enri (her goblin general) the mission to plan the strategy. We decided to launch two attacks simultaneously on each city.

Four hours later, the cities were completely ours. The troops, although numerous, were no match for a single legion of trained troops, much less three legions per city.

There wasn't much to say about the beastmen; they were of tiger, lion, puma, jaguar, etc. races.

Ten times stronger than a normal human, but none even reached level 40.

The highest I saw was a beastman around level 38, the leader of the enemy army.

This man was now in front of me, along with another dozen of his kind.

Those with me now were Sebas, Tsuare, Go Gin, Buser, Pe Riyuro, Enri Emmot, the goblin general, Leinas Rockbruise, Draudillon, and finally the members of Blue Rose as representatives of the adventurers.

"I'm not going to tell you anything about my country."

"I expected that," I said.


The general's eyes turned purple and he began to answer.

"What does your country primarily trade?"

"Our economy is based on food and human slaves for food, as well as livestock and precious stones."

"To which countries?"

"Mainly to our neighbor, the beastmen commonwealth, and slaves to the minotaur kingdom."

"Tell me the geography of your country."

I continued commanding the prisoner and then asked the same questions to the others.

Just when I was about to finish, I realized I had something else to ask.


"What do you know about the boastful minotaur sage?"


Evileye POV

The sorcerer king was not what I expected.

How powerful must he be? Is he a player?

Not only powerful,

Also charismatic, to convince so many races to join him.

But what's really terrifying is that he was careful with what he did, he wasn't blinded by his power.

Every action was consulted with his generals, especially that goblin general who for some reason serves that girl named Enri.

I thanked the gods that he apparently wasn't evil.

Currently, the demon was interrogating the enemy general, everything was going well for now.

"Is there anyone stronger than

 you in your country?"

"No, as far as I know, I am proclaimed the strongest in my nation."

The interrogation concluded, or so I thought until he cast the same spell again.

"What do you know about the boastful minotaur sage?"

The boastful minotaur sage?

"He is highly respected in our countries, even though we are rival nations. He invented many things, although he doesn't know how to make them except for surgeries to remove non-functioning body parts, or so I heard."

Surgeries, a barbaric practice when you have healing spells and potions, something cruel that fits how I see the beastmen.

I hate them, how they treat humans as food, what I've seen on those farms wouldn't let me sleep if I were human.

Luckily, I'm a vampire and don't need to sleep.

My companions, on the other hand, are a different story. I saw Lakyus devastated when she saw the mutilated humans, including children and babies, people forced to mate as if they were sheep.

Gargaran was furious, and even Tia and Tina couldn't help but show emotion.

Is this what the sorcerer king meant by 'preparing us for the world'?

The enemy general continued speaking, "He is twice as big as a normal minotaur, at one point he was the rightful king of the minotaur nation by conquest but he resigned and gave the position to a council, dividing the king's powers. Our system of government is taken from the great minotaur nation. I went to greet him at a diplomatic meeting, he was very calm. It is said that he dominated all the minotaurs to stop eating humans and just enslave them. At first, I was nervous because of the rumors that with his axe he can create cyclones, but luckily he seemed peaceful."

"He didn't participate in the war between minotaurs and beastmen, but it is believed he gave weapons to the minotaurs."

Wow, this minotaur must be unique, maybe a player.

"When was the last time you saw him? Are you sure he is alive? How long do minotaurs live?"

"It was 5 years ago, he was alive then. Minotaurs live around 150 years, but the boastful minotaur sage must be less than 200 years old by now."

"The minotaur sage will be a tough opponent..."

Said the demon, surprising us. I saw the incredulous faces of his officers.

"Thank you very much," said the demon as he crushed his head with the staff to my satisfaction.

"We're sorry, don't kill us, add us to your army, please!"

["Grasp Heart"]

The demon continued killing the defeated beastmen until only one remained.

"Does anyone have any questions for him?"

"I would like to ask something." Lakyus, a bit disturbed.


"Answer the lady."

"Don't you feel guilty for eating humans?"

"Why would I feel guilty for eating food?"

"Alright, I understand, sorry, you may continue," Lakyus replied coldly.

The beastman died crushed.


All are massacred, 120,000 corpses that I'll have to turn into death knights.

Mmmmmmmm, how should I proceed, declare war on the beast nation or...

In these cases, I felt like the original Ainz, not knowing the best course of action.

What to do, what to do...

For now, I'll make gifts to my legions.

"Listen to me, bring the fallen legionaries, I'll turn them into undead and add them to your legions."

Only 78 men had died from our army of approximately 22,000 troops, the goblin redcaps were overpowered.

Immediately, they brought me the bodies of the fallen.

I'll take a page from the Warhammer 40k book.

"From now on, the death knights of the legion will be called Dreadnoughts, they will be treated with the utmost respect, for even in death they will continue to serve."

I saw everyone looking at me with admiration, their opinion of the undead changed significantly.

"Boss, shall we attack the beast country?" Go Gin asked me.

"Haha, I'm eager," Buser said excitedly. He was a war fanatic, letting him command such an army only increased his love for war.

"It's Ainz-Sama!" Leinas said in a slightly fanatical tone.

"Umm, I was also wondering that," Enri said insecurely, probably didn't like what she saw in the war.

Pe Riyuro kept observing, his fear of me might have diminished but it was still there.

I felt a bit anxious not knowing the answer.

I think in the end there's only one option, war is inevitable if I want humans to be free.

"Who strikes first has a better chance of winning, we must attack before they secure their borders, the same with the Minotaur nation. There's someone there who seems interesting to me."

That minotaur could be an ally; if he refuses to cooperate, I'll take his items with [Dominate] to benefit Nazarick.

The minotaur nation seems more advanced than human nations if they've discovered surgery.

I should annex that species.

Unfortunately, the beast nation must be sacrificed if I want humans to worship me.

Maybe I'll annex the other beastmen country... the beastmen commonwealth, it was called.

I realized I had been silent for a moment, my officers looking tense, awaiting the order.

"March to the beast country and give them hell."


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  • 世界の背景

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