
Mana Core II

Forming a mana core for the first time was a harrowing experience, particularly for a four-year-old body. The process caused an influx of mana that could result in surrounding damage and placed a heavy toll on the body. Consequently, it was common for the person to sleep for a certain length of time, usually a day, as their body adapted to the presence of the newly formed mana core. Thankfully, mana itself acted as an excellent catalyst for bodily adaptation.

And so, I was plunged into a deep sleep. Or at least, that was what I assumed as I began dreaming of my past life once again.

In this dream, I relived the day I decided to become a Climber. It was during the chaotic years following the initial appearance of the Towers, a time when governments were just beginning to cope with the sudden invasion.

My father and I argued intensely that day. He was a man of few words, and I rarely went against him when he was angry—except for this instance. The argument grew heated for obvious reasons. As a shrewd businessman, my father funded one of the largest guilds for Climbers. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps and stay in the business line.

But I had different plans. Despite not knowing if I had any talent, I was determined to climb the Towers and fight the aliens to avenge my mother's death.

Looking back, it would have been an idiotic decision if I didn't have talent. Climbers below S-class had an alarmingly high mortality rate, especially during those early years when information about mana and the aliens' powers was scarce.

The memory of that day played out vividly in my dream. I remembered my father's stern expression, his clenched fists, and the deep lines of worry etched on his face. "This is madness," he had said, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and fear. "You're throwing your life away!"

"I have to do this, Dad," I had replied, my voice resolute. "For Mom. For everyone who lost their lives."

His silence was heavy, filled with unspoken fears and unvoiced pleas. It was a silence that haunted me even in my dreams.

I woke with a start, the memory lingering like a shadow in my mind. My body felt different, lighter, and more energized. The mana core had formed, and I could feel its presence, a small, pulsating sphere of energy at my sternum.

I sat up, taking in my surroundings. The room was quiet, bathed in the soft light of dawn. My mother must have checked on me during the night, ensuring I was safe and comfortable.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, feeling an unfamiliar but thrilling sensation. I could feel it now—mana.

Excited, I focused on my newly formed red mana core, urging the mana particles to travel down to my feet and augment them. The sensation was exhilarating.

'It's about the level of an F-class Climber, just as I deduced,' I thought with a grin as I moved forward. The world seemed to blur slightly as I crossed the room at a speed that was astonishing for a child my age. I managed to control the mana well enough to avoid crashing into the wall.

'Even someone with a red core can augment themselves to superhuman levels,' I thought, grinning wider at the prospect of my potential.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and my mother and father entered, followed by my siblings, maids, and doctors. The room filled with a mix of concern and curiosity as they took in the sight of me standing there, wide-eyed and energetic.

"Lancelot!" my mother exclaimed, rushing to my side. Her hands were gentle but firm as she examined me for any signs of injury.

"Are you alright?" my father asked, his voice tinged with worry. He exchanged a glance with the doctor, who nodded and stepped forward to check my vital signs.

Elara and Lucas hovered nearby, their faces a mix of amazement and relief. "You really did it," Lucas said, his eyes wide with pride.

I nodded, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. "I can feel the mana," I said, trying to keep my excitement in check. "It's incredible."

The doctor finished his examination and smiled reassuringly. "He's perfectly fine, just experiencing the effects of his new mana core."

My mother let out a sigh of relief, pulling me into a gentle hug. "We were so worried, Lancelot," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "You were asleep for so long."

"I'm okay, Mama," I reassured her, returning the hug.

"How does mana feel?" my mother asked as she released me, her blue eyes twinkling with a smile.

"Incredible!" I replied, unable to hide my childlike elation. Mana always felt incredible because it was. It was akin to gaining an enormous amount of energy. Someone with just a bit of mana would never have to worry about getting tired doing normal tasks. Of course, eating was still required because nutrition was necessary, but mana could do so much more.

My father ruffled my hair, his smile wide and proud. "What weapon do you want to try, Lancelot?"

What weapon? The obvious choice was the sword, a weapon I had mastered in my past life. Decades of training had allowed me to create my own effective style. With a sword, I could easily defeat my older siblings in a fight, even though my current mana level couldn't compare to what I had before.

But the spear was also worth considering. In the real world, spears are often considered superior to swords due to their reach and versatility. Mana helped close the gap between the two, but many still viewed swords as superior in combat.

"I want to try the spear and also the sword," I responded after careful thought. This was the best answer. A sword could serve as my go-to weapon while I built up my spearmanship.

My father's eyes lit up with approval. "A wise choice. The spear is a versatile weapon, and knowing both will give you a strong foundation."

My mother looked on, her smile warm. "We'll arrange for training in both. I can help train you in mana and help you advance your mana stage as well."

"In fact," my father's eyes gleamed as he looked at one of the knights, "Count Arlen sent you a very special gift."

The knight nodded and quickly fetched the gift. It was a long rectangular box, wrapped in expensive silk. With a swift motion, the knight opened the box, revealing a coloured sword that wasn't even made of wood.

Were they expecting me to be able to use this sword? I suppose with mana, it wasn't impossible, but still...

"This," my father said, his voice filled with pride, "is a sword made of Mythrilite. It is a precious metal, much lighter and more durable than most swords. It will serve you well until you achieve a green core."

I stared at the sword in awe. Mythrilite, also known as the inferior variant of mythril, was nonetheless an excellent and rare metal to make weapons out of. The blade shimmered under the light, its surface almost seeming to pulse with hidden power.

"It's beautiful," I whispered, reaching out to touch the hilt. It felt cool and smooth under my fingers, perfectly balanced.

My father smiled. "It is indeed. Count Arlen was very generous. This sword will aid you greatly in your training and future endeavors."

I bowed my head in gratitude. "Thank you, Father. And please convey my thanks to Count Arlen as well."

My father nodded, clearly pleased. "Of course, Lancelot. Now, let's see how it handles."

He handed the sword to me, and I took a few experimental swings. The blade moved effortlessly through the air, responding to my every command with precision. It was as if the sword was an extension of my own arm.

"This is incredible," I said, unable to hide my excitement. It was truly a perfect sword for someone who had just awakened.

'I could probably use this well until I hit puberty,' I thought, examining the blade closely.

With this gift in hand, it was time for my training to officially begin.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


