
章 5: Mastering New Techniques

Back in his room, Asuma felt a mix of exhilaration and exhaustion. The encounter with the Fengus Lions and the successful completion of the trial had taken a lot out of him, but it also invigorated his spirit. He knew he had to master the techniques from the scrolls to fully utilize his newfound abilities.

He picked up the scroll containing the Shadow Clone Technique. Having already learned it with his instant mastery skill, he decided to put it to practical use. Forming the necessary hand signs, he created multiple clones and had them practice various jutsus and combat maneuvers. Each clone retained the knowledge and experience gained, allowing Asuma to rapidly improve his skills.

Next, he opened the scroll for the Summoning Technique again, this time focusing on mastering the nuances of the jutsu. The first attempt had drained his chakra significantly, but he now understood the mechanics better. He practiced the hand signs repeatedly until he could perform them flawlessly.

With his clones practicing other techniques, Asuma moved on to the fire-based jutsus. He started with Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning, a technique that involved creating a cloud of hot ash that could be ignited to produce a powerful explosion. Using his heightened control over fire, he mastered the jutsu quickly, ensuring he could use it effectively in combat.

Next was Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique, which allowed him to release intense streams of fire in the shape of a dragon. The technique required precise chakra control to maintain the dragon's form and direction. Asuma practiced it multiple times until he could summon and control the fiery dragon with ease.

Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet was another powerful technique that involved shooting a concentrated stream of fireballs. The speed and intensity of the fireballs made it a versatile attack, useful for both offense and defense. Asuma trained rigorously, integrating the technique into his combat repertoire.

Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction was one of the most powerful fire techniques in the scrolls. It involved releasing a massive wave of fire that could incinerate anything in its path. The sheer scale of the technique required a significant amount of chakra, but Asuma's mastery over fire and his enhanced chakra control allowed him to perform it with devastating efficiency.

Moving on to the clone techniques, Asuma practiced creating clones using different elements. The Smoke Clone was particularly useful for stealth and evasion, while the Wind Clone and Water Clone provided versatility in combat scenarios. Each clone had unique attributes based on the element used, allowing Asuma to adapt to various situations.

He then focused on mastering the wind and water techniques. Water Release: Water Dragon was a complex jutsu that created a massive dragon made of water, capable of overwhelming opponents with its sheer force. Asuma practiced the technique until he could summon the water dragon with precision and control.

Wind Style: Breakthrough and Great Breakthrough were powerful wind techniques that could create massive gusts of wind, capable of blowing away enemies and obstacles. Asuma integrated these techniques into his combat style, using them to enhance his offensive and defensive capabilities.

Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique involved creating a powerful waterfall that could wash away anything in its path. The technique required significant chakra and control, but Asuma's training allowed him to perform it effectively.

Water Release: Water Bullet Technique was another versatile attack, shooting high-speed water bullets at opponents.

After hours of intense training, Asuma took a break, reflecting on his progress. The combination of his innate abilities, the techniques from the scrolls, and the guidance from the Fengus Lions had transformed him into a formidable ninja.

In the evening, Asuma decided to revisit the forest where he had met the Fengus Lions. Using the Summoning Technique, he called forth Nian, Nuwa, and Yali. The lions appeared in a puff of smoke, their eyes gleaming with curiosity and anticipation.

"Nian, Nuwa, Yali," Asuma greeted them. "I want to practice more and strengthen our bond. Will you help me?"

Nian, the smallest lion, nodded. "We will help you, Asuma. Show us what you have learned."

Together, they practiced various techniques, with Asuma summoning clones to simulate combat scenarios. Nian, Nuwa, and Yali provided valuable feedback, helping him refine his techniques and strategies. The bond between them grew stronger, built on mutual respect and a shared goal of becoming the best.

As the night fell, Asuma sat with the lions, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and purpose. "Thank you for your help. I feel more prepared than ever for the challenges ahead."

Yali, the largest lion, spoke with a reassuring tone. "You have great potential, Asuma. Continue to train and hone your skills. We believe in you."

Asuma nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "I will. Together, we will achieve greatness."

With that, Asuma returned home, his mind filled with the events of the day and the possibilities of the future. The journey ahead was long and fraught with challenges, but he knew he was not alone. With the support of the Fengus Lions and the mastery of his new abilities, he was ready to face whatever came his way.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


