Reviews of X-Dragon Era by Cloud Sky - Webnovel


  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



I highly enjoy this story. Unfortunately the translation quality is questionable at best. You never know whether the MC's name is going to be translated or not, or if he is going to be a she today. The main issue I'm making this review though is the fact that the last three chapters I've paid for are repeats of those directly before so I'm a bit upset even though I enjoy the story.

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I highly enjoy this story. Unfortunately the translation quality is questionable at best. You never know whether the MC's name is going to be translated or not, or if he is going to be a she today. The main issue I'm making this review though is the fact that the last three chapters I've paid for are repeats of those directly before so I'm a bit upset even though I enjoy the story.

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