55.55% Teen Wolf: Dominant Alpha / Chapter 19: The Party

章 19: The Party


Today was the day of Lydia's party. Despite my initial reluctance to attend, Kadin had convinced me with the promise of a pool.

My plan was to hang out with the swim guys and socialize enough to hopefully earn a new nickname. Anything would be better than "Mental Mark," but "Grumpy Mark" wasn't the best so I figured it was worth a shot.

When I arrived at the party, the place was already buzzing with energy. Music was blasting, and people were everywhere, laughing and chatting. I quickly changed into my swim trunks in the back of my truck, eager to hit the pool.

I mingled for a while, enjoying the party atmosphere. The water was refreshing, and for a moment, everything felt normal. I was just another teenager at a high school party. As I floated on my back, staring up at the night sky, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Mark!" Kadin called out, waving from the edge of the pool. He jumped in and swam over to me. "Having fun?"

"Yeah, it's not bad," I replied, treading water. "Thanks for convincing me to come."

"No problem. I actually wanted to talk to you about something," Kadin said, a serious look on his face. "How would you feel about being the swim team's co-captain?"

I blinked in surprise. "Co-captain? But I'm just a sophomore."

"Exactly," Kadin said with a grin. "You've got the time to grow into the role. Plus, the way you defended Michael from Charlie the other day showed real leadership. The team respects you for that plus no one else wants the role besides Charlie and that's never going to happen."

I considered it for a moment. Being co-captain would mean more responsibility, but it was also a chance to make a real difference. "Alright, I'll do it, but you'll have to basically hold my hand because it's my first time on a team."

"Awesome! Welcome aboard, Co-Captain Mark," Kadin said, clapping me on the back.

"And you can call me Mars. since we will be spending the year together and I think will become quick friends."

We chatted for a while before he left to hang out with his friends.

As the night wore on, I saw Michael getting picked on by none other than Charlie near the snack table. I immediately made my way over.

"Hey, back off," I said firmly, stepping between Michael and Charlie. "Got a problem?"

Charlie sneered at me. "Just having a little fun, Grumpy. You gonna stop me?"

"Yeah, I am. Leave him alone," I said, my voice low and dangerous. I wanted to rub in the fact that I was just chosen to be the co-captain over him but that would only escalate the situation and I wasn't here to fight.

Charlie muttered something under his breath and walked away, shooting me a dirty look. Michael looked up at me, grateful. "Thanks, Mark."

"No problem. You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, just… people can be jerks," Michael said with a sigh.

"Stick with me at these things. I'll make sure they don't bother you again. You remind me of my brother—not really outgoing but comes out when with friends, you can reach out to me even if it isn't swim related" I assured him.

Just then, Lydia approached, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey, Mark," she purred, trailing her fingers down my chest tracing my scars. "Why don't you come with me? I've got a more private spot where we can talk."

I felt my anger flare up I still wasn't okay with being touched so freely by strangers and definitely not my scars. I wasn't here to play games. "Lydia, I'm not interested and you're dating Jackson," I said bluntly, stepping back.

She looked taken aback, clearly not used to being turned down. "What? You're seriously turning me down?"

"Yes, I am. I'm here for the party, not to be another notch on your belt," I snapped, my patience wearing thin.

Lydia's face reddened with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "Whatever," she muttered before stalking off.

I shook my head, trying to calm down. The last thing I needed was drama.

Just then, I felt a familiar, uneasy sensation. Scott was losing control. I scanned the crowd and spotted him near the edge of the party, looking distressed.

"I have to go," I told Michael. "Stay here and enjoy the party. If you have any problem Kadin is here he'll take care of ya," And started after Scott.

I pushed through the crowd, catching sight of Scott as he bolted towards the woods. I sprinted after him, determined to make sure that he didn't hurt anyone. I found him deep in the woods, on the verge of shifting.

"Scott, calm down!" I shouted, trying to reach him.

He growled, his eyes glowing yellow. He was too far gone. I had no choice but to shift. My body transformed, and I tackled him to the ground. We wrestled for a few intense moments before I managed to pin him down.

"Scott, you need to get control!" I snarled, using my alpha strength to keep him subdued.

Slowly, Scott's breathing steadied, and he shifted back to his human form. Exhausted, he looked up at me with wide eyes. "Mark… I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Let's get you home," I said, helping him to his feet. I made sure that no one saw two naked teens out on the streets, as we made our way to my truck. I tossed Scott an extra pool towel and change into my pants that I had left in my truck.

We made our way back our street, the night air cool against our skin. I dragged Scott inside and made sure he was settled.

As I helped settle in Scott into his house, the severity of tonight's events stayed on my mind. This talk needed to happen maybe he would finally understand that this wasn't a game.

"Scott, we need to talk," I said, my voice firm.

He looked at me, still shaken. "What's there to talk about? I messed up, I know."

"It's more than just messing up. You lost control, Scott. If I hadn't been there, you could have hurt someone. Allison or Stiles could have been in serious danger," I emphasized, my tone growing harsher.

Scott's eyes widened, denial flashing across his face. "I would never hurt them! I'd never hurt Allison or Stiles."

"I know you wouldn't want to, but that's not the point," I said, trying to make him understand. "When you're in that state, you're not thinking clearly. You're just reacting. And in that moment, you're a danger to everyone around you, including the people you care about most."

Scott shook his head, refusing to accept it. "No, I can control it. I just need more practice. It was just a one-time thing."

"A one-time thing?" I repeated, frustration building. "Scott, this isn't something you can just brush off. You're new to this, and it's going to take time to learn control. Until then, you need to take this seriously. If you don't, someone is going to get hurt."

Scott's face hardened with determination. "I'll get better. I have to. I can't be a danger to them. I won't let it happen again."

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I hope you're right. But until you do, you need to stay away from anything that can get you frustrated and angry. So, You're not playing that game tomorrow, Scott."

Scott hesitated, his stubbornness battling with the reality of the situation. Finally, he nodded. "Fine, but I will get better, Mark. I have too," that last comment was more for himself than it was for me.

"Alright," I said, relenting a bit. "We'll keep working on it together. But remember, you're not alone in this. Lean on the people who can help you. And don't take unnecessary risks."

Scott looked me in the eyes, his resolve clear. "I won't. I'll do whatever it takes to protect them."

"Good," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Get some rest. Tomorrow's another day, and we'll keep working on it."

Scott nodded, and I turned to leave, hoping that he truly understood the gravity of the situation. As I walked out of his house, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As I walked home, I couldn't help but think about what would have happened if I didn't go to the party. The possibility of losing being co-captain of the swim team, dealing with Scott's transformations—I had managed to keep everything under control so far.

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Word count 1437. Thanks for reading! Fun Fact during my senior year of high school (4 years ago) my friend had convinced me to try out for the swim team… I joined the Golf Team instead.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


