29.16% Fairy Tail: My Magic Bathroom / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Fairy Tail

章 7: Chapter 7: Fairy Tail

I was currently walking to Fairy Tail, adorning a black t-shirt with a white cloak over it, a pair of white baggy pants and a gold necklace hanging around my neck.

With Fairy Tail being a wizard guild, obviously, I decided to remind myself of my magic that I currently had

[Star Magic - Lv. 1 (Upgrade: 500 Points)]

[Star Magic: Allows the user to generate and manipulate stars at will at the cost of Mana. The higher the level, the stronger and faster the spells, with less mana used and more control of the magic gained, allowing for more complicated skills to be made]

And my only spell as of now

[Stella Trabem (Star Beam) - Lv. 1 (Upgrade: 100 Points)]

[Stella Trabem: Mana is used to create a singular beam from the finger, generating a fast and strong attack the more mana inputted into the spell. Upgrading the spell increase the power, speed, size, and control of the spell]

I looked at the levels, wondering what the max was if there was any until a change appeared in the skills:

[Star Magic - Lv. 1/10 (Upgrade: 500 Points)]

[Stella Trabem - Lv. 1/10 (Upgrade: 100 Points)]

So, 10 was either the max of everything, or that was just a coincidence. Either way, I decided to use 600 Points to level up the both of them

[Star Magic Upgrade Purchased! Star Magic: Lv. 1 -> 2 - The power and speed of star spells have increased. Control of Star Magic has improved]

[Stella Trabem Upgrade Purchased! Stella Trabem: Lv. 1 -> 2 - The power, speed, size and control of the spell has increased]

[Star Magic - Lv. 2/10 (Upgrade: 1000 Points)]

[Stella Trabem - Lv. 2/10 (Upgrade: 200 Points)]

[Points: 2,458 -> 1,858]

I debated on upgrading both of them, if not at least Star Magic, once more. But, I decided to hold off on spending points for now as I ended up in front of the Fairy Tail guild.

"Huhhh~... Hoooo~..." I inhaled and exhaled deeply, hardening myself as I pushed the doors to the guild open- "Ow!" I yelped, a wooden stool hitting me on the head and sending my flying back outside.

I laid flat on the floor, my back planted onto the ground as I looked up at the clear blue sky with a blank face, "..." I decided to wonder if this was a good idea, but I kicked myself up off the floor Shawn Michaels style and walked into the guild once more, the sight of the guild members fighting entering my vision.

I looked around the guild and saw familiar faces such as Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, Elfman, all of them fighting and throwing stuff around the place; Cana, a busty brown-haired woman, drinking a barrel of alcohol; Mirajane, a white-haired beauty working at the bar, with Lucy sitting down and sighing heavily at everyone fighting like old times.

I thought about going over to the two girls and sitting beside Lucy, someone I knew. But then I remembered our latest situation and became hesitant. I didn't want the guild members to know of mine and Lucy's... situationship? If she decided to make a big deal out of it, which, knowing her she would.

I scanned the room once more and my eyes landed on Juvia. Usually, I figured she'd be ogling at Gray fighting with heart eyes, but currently she appeared to be in deep thought alone which no one took notice of as she was sat in the corner of the room.

"Huh..." I hummed, deciding to walk over to her out of concern. Hopefully, this wouldn't make matters worse as I ended up at her table, her eyes zoned out as she stared at the wooden table, "Hello" I said, no response, "He~llo" I said, a little louder as I moved my face towards hers, "Hello!" I raised my voice a little, with my face in front of hers causing her to startle and almost fall out of her seat. Fortunately, every other member was too busy doing something else to notice

"I-It's you...!" She widened her eyes in shock, but not before calming herself down and reverting to her usual dead-looking self, "What are you doing here?" She asked, slightly glaring at me.

"Well, I came by wanting to join the guild" I pointed at the seat opposite her, making sure it was okay to sit there to which she nodded, so I took a seat, "But then I saw you... and you looked down, you alright?" I asked, my hands linked in front of me as I saw her open her mouth to say something, but nothing did which caused her to avert her eyes and look to the wall beside us

"J-Juvia... does not know" She sighed, her voice full of sadness as she looked down at the ground, "Juvia feels... conflicted" She added, looking back to me with a stronger glare, "And it's all your fault!" She vented, but not before taking a breather and having tears in her eyes, some droplets forming and hitting us 2 and the space around us, "Is what Juvia would like to say... but..." She shook her head profusely, "No! Gray-sama must have some feelings for Juvia, even if only a little!"

I chuckled a little, which seemed to anger Juvia a little as she berated, "Is Juvia's feelings for her Gray-sama funny to you?"

I shook my hands out in front of me, "No, no" I placed my elbow on the table, resting my chin on my palm as I smiled brightly, "I just think you're cute, that's all" I beckoned as I saw Juvia widen her eyes once more as my words seemed to affect her. Positively, may I add, as I saw her cheeks reveal a very light shade of red.

'N-No! Juvia's feelings of love belong to Gray-sama!' She thought to herself, clearing her throat as she looked at me with a dead expression, "Flirting with Juvia before even giving your name... is this what all men do?" She rolled her eyes sarcastically, glimpsing at Gray occasionally with a conflicted expression.

"Only to beauties like you, Juvia" I replied, holding my hand out for a shake, "The name's Solis. It's nice meeting you, again. But this time, in a normal place" I joked, snickering silently.

"..." She looked at my hand for a few seconds, before raising hers from under the table and reaching out to grab mine, shaking it softly with her pale, cold hands (Even colder than Lucy's), "It's Juvia's pleasure" She said, her voice having a mixture of both sarcasm and happiness at the small yet kind greeting.

"If Juvia heard correctly, you said you're here to join the guild, correct?" She asked with a tilt of her head, no longer glancing at Gray here and there and focusing purely on me. I nodded at her question, urging her to carry on which she did as she pointed at Mirajane working at the bar, Lucy now absent as she appeared to have gone somewhere, "Then, Juvia recommends speaking to Mirajane about joining"

I stood up, "Thanks, Juvia" and waved her a temporary goodbye, walking to the empty bar and sitting in one of the seats, "Hello? Mirajane, right?" I spoke up, causing the girl to turn around at the sound of my voice

"Oh, hello!" The beauty with long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, large blue eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body, wearing her usual red dress greeted with a gentle smile, "May I wonder why you're here?" She asked, cleaning a mug carefully before she finished and placed it on the counter allowing herself to focus on me and stand in front of me.

"My name's Solis, and I was wondering if I could join Fairy Tail? I learned magic a few days ago and live in the area, and this place seems nice" I said, my smile not leaving my face as I didn't want to come off as rude.

"Oh my!" She gasped in response, clasping her hands together before reaching for a stamp under the bar, "Of course, it's a pleasure having you on-board! Where'd you like it, and what colour?" She asked enthusiastically, confusing me as I raised my brows

"Wait, that easy?" I wondered, "I thought I'd have to, like, go through a test or something?" My concern seemed to confused Mirajane as she tilted her head

"Why would we do that...?" She asked, carrying on as she acknowledged my silence, "Fairy Tail's a family, family doesn't test each other. All that matters is that you treat your guild members kindly and don't do anything to harm the guild" Mirajane finished, holding the stamp up high, "So, where and what colour?" 

"Wow..." My mouth couldn't help but twitch into a small smile. Fairy Tail... it was just how I expected it to be, and I was glad. 'Having a family to hang around with... I'm sure Solis would've loved to know how that felt' I thought to myself, a soft yet sad smile on my face as his memories began to flood me once more

I shook it off, my attention back on Mirajane who thankfully waited patiently as I came up with my answer. I pointed to the left side of my neck, "And the colour..." It was between a yellow-gold colour like my eyes, or white.

My clothes mainly consisted of white and black, they were just the best colours for clothing in my opinion. Though, after thinking a little longer, I opted on a colour similar to my eyes, which Mirajane could fortunately do as she stamped the Fairy Tail Logo on my neck

"Done!" She cheered, placing the stamp back where it was before clapping her hands loudly and screaming, "EVERYONE! WE HAVE A NEW GUILD MEMBER!" Her voice drew everyone's attentions, their eyes all on me as she pointed at me, "Introduce yourself, will you?" She whispered 

"Ehem..." I cleared my throat, standing up and presenting myself properly, "Hello! My name's Solis, Solis Xenova. It's nice to meet you all and it's a pleasure to become a Fairy Tail member" I gave a small bow, "I only recently learned magic, so I hope you can all teach me so I can improve and get stronger" I finished, straightening myself as I looked around the room, everyone was silent.


"WOOOO! NEW MEMBER!" Everyone began surrounding, Elfman particularly as he towered over me, wrapped his muscular arm around my shoulder

"You look like a real man! Even that introduction was manly, man!" He said, patting my chest which winded my a little, "The name's Elfman..." He grabbed my shoulders, bringing his face scarily close to mine as he glared at me, pointing at Mirajane and then a girl with short, white hair and blue eyes that looked similar to Mira, "And they're my sisters... so don't get any ideas, understood?" I nodded, causing him to laugh as he released his hold.

"Ignore him, he's crazy protective of his sisters even though Mira's the real one to be scared of" Gray, a man with spiky black hair, dark blue eyes, and a toned, muscular body spoke, placing his hand on my shoulder as I looked over my shoulder to look at him, "The name's Gray, nice to meet ya" He greeted, his shirt magically coming off and appearing on a table not too far from us

Wait... how the fuck did they do that? I watched him the entire time even when he had his shirt on, and he somehow stripped...? I decided to ignore it, though, as I heard someone say

"Gray, your clothes" Cana, a tall and slim woman with an ample bust, mid-back length brown hair, and brown eyes, said as she chugged on the barrel of alcohol.

"Ah! Where'd they go!" He raised his hands, looking around him for his clothing as he ran off looking for them.

"But..." I watched as Cana stood up, brushing past the crowd and wrapping her arm around my shoulder from the side, pushing her chest up against my arm, "You're a real hottie, aren't ya...?" She brought her mouth to my ear, blowing into it causing my body to shiver sensitively, "Say, can you hold your liquor? How about drinking with me~?" She slurred with a hick from all the drinking.

Not one to back down, I brought my mouth to her own ear and whispered flirtatiously, "How about you come to my place and find it...?" I saw her face flush, unable to handle the retaliation, "Though, alcohol probably won't be the only thing we'll drink..." I muttered deeply, her brain overloading, with the finishing touch being me blowing in her ear like she did to mine, causing her to lose consciousness which caused me to chuckle as I said to the others, "I think she might've drank too much"

"Yo, Solis! Cool name dude!" I looked to see Natsu, with an angry Gajeel behind him attempting to scrap him, "Sorry about last time, by the way! Welcome to the guild, man!" He held his hand out which I shook, "The name's Natsu Dragneel" He pointed behind him to Gajeel, "This metal-eating angry bastard is Gajeel, you probably won't like him"

"The fuck was that, Salamander?!" Gajeel yelled, sending a punch to the back of Natsu's head which collided, "I'll kill you!" And so, the two began to fight as the Fairy Tail members bet on who would win out of the two dragon slayers.

Fortunately, everyone now dispersed at least a little. Cana had been dragged into an empty room so she could recover from the 'alcohol'. Natsu and Gajeel were fighting, with Elfman, Gray, and a few others having joined in. And the others were doing their own things.

I looked around and noticed a few people weren't here still, such as Laki, Erza, Lucy, still, and Makarov himself.

"U-Um..." I heard a petite, cute voice coming from behind me. I turned to see a girl with long, dark blue hair that reaches down to her waist, and brown eyes.

Beside her, a small, white cat (who's race goes by the name of 'Exceed') with pink ears and brown eyes, two whiskers on each side of her face, and a pink bow near the end of her tail. This was Carla, the princess of the Exceed - from what I remember.

"Come on, Wendy... we've practiced this for any new members that join the guild" Carla instigated, pushing the shy Wendy into introducing herself to me. I found the display adorable, a small, white cat lecturing a girl.

"H-H-Hello..." She began, to which Carla nodded in joy as she seemed to have it, "N-N-Nice... to..." She kept it up, Carla's head nodding getting harder and faster in joy, "M-Meet you... My name's..." Wendy began to touch her index fingers together, unable to stay still as she looked around the place and avoided eye contact with me, "M-My name is... W-Wendy..." She and Carla widened their eyes, jumping up in joy as the two hugged, "I did it!/You did it!" They said, contagious smiles on their faces which affected me, a smile of my own appearing on my face.

"Good job" I clapped, celebrating for the girl, "I'm sure that must've been difficult..." I held out my hand to the girl, "I'm Solis, which you probably know... it's nice meeting you, Wendy" I smiled, causing the girl to blush shyly as she shook my hand, Carla nodding proudly like a mother.

As I walked around, introducing myself to as many guildmates as I could, a few minutes passed when everyone stopped as three figures came through the front door: Lucy, Erza - a beautiful girl with long, scarlet hair - and Makarov, a short, grey-haired man.

"Hm?" Makarov saw me, a smile appearing on his face, "A new member, ay...?" His face darkened, until he announced loudly, "You know what that means... it's PARTY TIME!"

"YEAH!" The guild jumped and danced in joy, music playing as everyone drank, danced together, sang together, etc.

Midway through the party, I had Lucy approaching me, finally, with a flushed face as she sat down beside me on an empty table quite far from everyone else.

"I-I didn't think you'd join Fairy Tail, Solis..." She said quietly, looking down at her hands placed between her thighs, unable to stay still as her body kept swaying due to being slightly tipsy from the small amount of alcohol she had.

"Is it bad that I joined?" I asked with my chin resting on my hand, chuckling as I saw her wave her hands out in order to correct herself, "N-No! T-That's not what I meant...!" She placed her hands back down on her thighs, looking at me out of the corner of her eyes, "It's just... unexpected, is all"

"Is that so?" I hummed, rubbing my chin, "Probably" I shrugged, "But, I recently learned magic so I don't think it's that surprising... plus, I pretty much live in Magnolia, so it made sense... And-" I could've stated other reasons for joining, which Lucy took notice of which is why she used her hand to cover my mouth and silence me

"Okay~ I get it" She began to sway side to side even more than before, her eyes halfway from closing as she rested her head on my shoulder, "You know..." She raised her head, bringing it to my ear as she whispered

"I was wondering... if I could use your bathroom tonight, Solis~"

I knew it was the alcohol talking, but that didn't stop my little brother from rising and poking through my pants which she noticed, grinning as she looked around to make sure no one was watching us before placing her hand over it, "Can I...?" She began rubbing it sensually, teasingly moaning in my ear, "Mmm~..."

I stood up, adjusting my pants to hide my boner as I lowered myself and whispered in her ear, "Sober up a little, and come to mine later if you still want to" I simply said, leaving her alone on the table as I waved goodbye to the drunken guild and headed home, nice and sober.


Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed reading

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Casual7 Casual7


STR: 31

VIT: 31

DEX: 31

MAG: 31

Points: 1,858]

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


