42.55% Marvel: gojo of the seven sets / Chapter 20: Chapter 20

章 20: Chapter 20

Nick Fury was having a really bad day, and when Nick Fury is having a bad day, you know that means bad news. Not only had something caused his Helicarrier to blare up as alarms went off all over — something that only happened in situations such as alien invasions, cataclysmic events, or world-threatening situations — but he had also received reports about a total systems failure at the supervillain prison. Fury rushed to the control room, barking orders. "What's going on?"

An agent quickly replied, "Sir, there's been a massive power outage across the city, and the supervillain prison systems have all gone down."

Fury felt a knot form in his stomach. "Is it the Big House?"

"No, sir," another agent answered.

"The Cube?"

"No, sir."

Fury felt a cold dread wash over him as he turned to Maria Hill. "Which one is it?"

Maria looked grim. "It's not the Vault, sir. It's the Raft."

"Motherfucker," Fury muttered. If the Raft was compromised, then the whole world was in serious trouble. "Call in the Avengers and all available agents. We need damage control now."

Fury led the team to secure the Raft himself, calling in Ms. Marvel as well. "If it's the Raft, it's all hands on deck," he told Maria, leaving her in charge as acting director. "Enjoy the title while you can."

As the Helicarrier approached the Raft, Fury's worst fears were confirmed. The entire prison was in chaos, and the structure was suddenly lifted into the air.

The Raft

In the Raft, chaos reigned. Zzzax, a supervillain whose body was composed of pure electricity, had broken free. His temper tantrum caused arcs of electricity to fly all over the place, wreaking havoc on the prison's systems. The bastard had just released every major villain in the city and more. Electricity rippled out once more, striking a helicopter with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, causing it to explode.

Villains like Wendigo ran around tearing the inside of the Raft apart before getting to the surface. Whirlwind and Absorbing Man started attacking the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that had arrived with Fury 20 minutes ago.

Agent Sharon Carter, on her way back to debrief, was suddenly redirected to the Raft. She landed on the landing pad, only to find the entire island in a state of chaos. Agents were trying their best to contain the prisoners with a few heroes assisting them. She found herself jumping to the side to avoid a dagger thrown by Bullseye. She shot him in the kneecap, incapacitating him.

As she was about to engage another prisoner, a body was thrown at her courtesy of Absorbing Man, whose body shone metallic gray after absorbing the metallic properties of the Raft. She rolled away just as something blasted up from the ground, tearing the metallic floor and melting the metal into liquid green goo — a sign of radiation. Looking down, she saw Radioactive Man, who leapt through the hole and high into the air. He grabbed her by the foot and sent her crashing into the ground.

Sharon coughed up blood, staining her combat suit red. Absorbing Man grinned maniacally. "What exactly did you expect to do here, hmm? You're literally useless against us, so why even bother coming here?"

Wendigo's nails lengthened into claws as he grinned maniacally, jumping down with the intent of dicing her up. As he got close, he was suddenly met with a barrier and suspended in the air, unable to move.

Gojo appeared, his eyes shining and a scowl on his face as he took in the chaos. 'What kind of shit show is this?' he thought. He mercilessly dove into the mind of a random villain, extracting information. 'So this is the Raft,' he realized.

Looking back at Sharon, who had already stood up beside him, Gojo's eyes pulsed before he said, "Begone." Wendigo was sent straight through the entirety of the Raft and into the ocean.

Sharon didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried when Gojo appeared in front of her. "Seems like I got here just in time." His palm raised towards her, and she suddenly felt her body heal immediately from her injuries. She was stunned, recalling the report she had read about him. Gojo had been seen reversing the damage in New York, undoing what seemed like irreversible destruction. Now, all her injuries were healed, and even the lingering pain from past missions was gone. "What did you just do?" she asked, her voice filled with awe.

Gojo didn't answer or look at her as he continued to observe the villains around them. Whirlwind, Zzzax, and Radioactive Man began to move towards them. Whirlwind twisted around, creating a large tornado. The villains unleashed a barrage of attacks — arcs of electricity from Zzzax, radioactive blasts from Radioactive Man, and the spinning fury of Whirlwind. An explosion rocked the area, damaging everything around them.

As the smoke rose, Absorbing Man whistled. "Well, that takes care of the insects," he sneered. But as they moved away, Radioactive Man suddenly noticed the smoke bending in a circular way. A blue light shone through, revealing Gojo with his arms crossed, his eyes shining. The smoke swirled around them as if they were covered in a transparent bubble.

The ground started to shake. Gojo immediately teleported, taking Sharon out of harm's way, avoiding a massive fist that tore through the metallic sheets of the floor. The attacker was Ironclad, a villain with a body covered in an iron-like exoskeleton, granting him immense strength and durability.

They reappeared at the far end of the Raft. Gojo placed Sharon down. "Stay here," he instructed before teleporting behind Ironclad in a bent position. He placed his hand on Ironclad's back. "Fly," he muttered, and Ironclad was blasted away with a forceful telekinetic blast, ripping the ground and sending other villains in the background flying.

Chaos erupted as more villains attacked. Blizzard fired his weapon, but Gojo teleported out of the way and appeared in front of him. Gripping Blizzard by the neck, Gojo slammed his body into the ground multiple times, creating a dent before Blizzard fell unconscious.

Gojo, meanwhile, was assessing the battlefield. More villains began to pour out, sensing an opportunity. Among them were Constrictor, with his deadly coils, and Grey Gargoyle, whose touch could turn anything to stone.

Constrictor lunged at Gojo, his coils whistling through the air. Gojo sidestepped effortlessly, grabbing the coils mid-air. With a twist of his wrist, he sent Constrictor flying into Grey Gargoyle, who attempted to turn Gojo to stone with his touch. Gojo teleported behind him, delivering a swift kick that sent Grey Gargoyle crashing into a wall.

"Pathetic," Gojo thought, surveying the fallen foes. "Is this all they've got?"

Suddenly, a massive shadow loomed over him. It was Titania, her immense strength capable of leveling buildings. She swung a fist at Gojo, who caught it with one hand. The ground beneath them cracked from the force of her blow, but Gojo remained unmoved. With a thought he charged up an enormous amount of telekinetic wave as he pushed the force into her, he sent her hurtling through the air, crashing into a group of escaping prisoners.

"Who's next?" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light.

Radioactive Man launched an attack, but Gojo used telekinesis to encapsulate the green radiation in a bubble. He compressed it, increasing its destructive force, and dodged an attack from Whirlwind. Gojo moved so fast that he appeared beside Absorbing Man and violently shoved the radioactive bubble into his side. Absorbing Man's skin corroded, and he screamed before being knocked unconscious.

"Damn teleporter!" Whirlwind cursed as he continued his assault.

"Who the fuck is this guy? Are you with the Avengers?" Whirlwind demanded.

Gojo didn't respond, moving immediately to engage more prisoners. Zzzax and Radioactive Man punched at him, but Gojo stood still, using his telekinesis to stop their attacks from reaching him. Radioactive Man and Zzzax regrouped, launching simultaneous attacks. Electricity and radiation filled the air, creating a deadly mix. Gojo raised his hand, forming a barrier that deflected the energy in all directions. The force of their attacks caused an explosion, but Gojo stood unharmed in the center of the chaos. He recalled that Zzzax's weakness was water and Radioactive Man's weakness was his own emotions.

Gojo wrapped Zzzax's body in a telekinetic field and teleported with him to the ocean below. Zzzax's electric form dissipated upon contact with the water. Whirlwind looked around frantically. "Where did he go?"

Whirlwind, seeing his comrades fall, attempted a desperate attack. "I'll kill you!" he screamed, spinning rapidly to create a massive tornado.

Gojo reappeared behind him, kicking Whirlwind so hard that his arm broke, and his body was flung into an iron pillar, rendering him unconscious. Radioactive Man attacked again, but Gojo teleported. As Radioactive Man searched for him, Gojo appeared in front of him, gripping his head with his hand.

"How are you touching me?" Radioactive Man asked.

"I'm not fully touching you. What you're feeling is my telekinetic shield," Gojo replied.

lifting him off the ground. "Your emotions fuel your power," Gojo said. "Let's see how you handle this." before shutting his mind down with telepathy. After taking them down he looks up and sees more supervillains pouring out.

"Enough," he declared, his voice echoing through the Raft. With a wave of his hand, he sent out a telekinetic pulse, knocking all the remaining villains off their feet. He moved like a blur, taking down each one with precision. A punch here, a kick there, each strike calculated to incapacitate without killing most of them.

Sharon watched in awe. "He's like a one-man army," she thought, barely able to keep up with his movements.

The remaining villains hesitated, fear evident in their eyes. Gojo's presence was overwhelming, his power undeniable. He scanned the area, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. "Anyone else?"

Most of them looked at one another before attacking Gojo knowing they would fail, but that was an option they'd take instead of just surrendering.

See this Gojo sighs, 'Tch,'

After taking them down, Gojo moved at incredible speeds around the Raft, knocking dozens of prisoners out by the second. His movements were a blur as he teleports all around, and within moments, the chaos began to subside as the villains fell one by one.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


