
Chapter 10: Gym Competition in Pewter City

After dealing with the samurai boy in Viridian Forest, Gary felt refreshed and pushed through the forest swiftly. By noon, he had arrived at the entrance to Pewter City.

Compared to Viridian City, Pewter City had more urban characteristics. The dark gray color scheme matched its rock-themed style perfectly.

However, the small shack in front of him, with rocks strewn all over, seemed a bit odd.

"Come on, let's make some money. Young man, do you want to buy some rocks?" A fit man wearing a knitted hat asked enthusiastically.

This must be the former head of Pewter Gym, Brock's cheap dad, Flint.

"Uh... Uncle, do you have this kind of stone here?" Gary took out a piece of paper and drew a glass-like stone with a pattern of genetic threads inside.

"Oh, let me see... no." The strange old man selling stones shook his head helplessly.

"See, it's not that I won't buy it; even if I give you a chance, you won't have the goods." Gary spread his hands: "So, close the stall and go home as soon as possible. I have to challenge Pewter Gym."

"Do you want to challenge Pewter Gym?" Flint suddenly raised his head.

"I am a Pokémon trainer. Of course I want to challenge the official gym recognized by the Pokémon League." Gary answered matter-of-factly.

"Oh~ Brock is very strong, boy, can you do it?" Flint asked.

Gary curled his lips: "Brock from Pewter Gym specializes in Rock-type Pokémon. There is an Onix in the lineup that is over level 20, which is more difficult, but calling him 'very strong' is still a bit exaggerated.

"It seems that you are the type who prepares strategies in advance." Flint nodded appreciatively.

"If it was the previous gym owner, he would indeed be more powerful, but Brock is a newcomer. I heard that he has to do housework and take care of his younger brothers and sisters every day, so his training time may be limited." Gary said bluntly: "If it weren't for Onix taking advantage of its size, I'm afraid Pewter Gym would soon be ranked at the bottom of the list of official gyms in Kanto, right?"

This is not Gary's alarmist statement. Among the eight gyms in Kanto, Pewter Gym and Cerulean Gym are currently the worst.

The reasons are almost the same. Flint from Pewter Gym and Misty's older sisters from Cerulean Gym, these two former strong gym leaders disappeared suddenly.

Brock and the four little girls in the Cerulean Gym have not received much formal training, and the gym's strength has plummeted.

In contrast, Erika from Celadon City took over the gym from her family smoothly and performed much better.

"Oh~ It's all Brock's irresponsible father." Flint sighed and pointed ahead: "Follow the main road and you will reach Pewter Gym. You can go."

"Well, uncle, we will meet again later." After greeting Flint, Gary continued on his journey.

Judging from Flint's appearance, it should not be long before he returns to the gym. Soon Brock will be able to put aside the burden of his family and pursue his dreams.

A few years later, the fully formed Brock returned to guard the Pewter Gym. At that time, the newcomers in Kanto knew what strength meant~

Thinking of that scene, Gary was quite looking forward to it...

Instead of going directly to the gym, after entering Pewter City, Gary went to the Pokémon Center as usual.

He was so busy traveling in Viridian City that he forgot to register for the Indigo League.

Therefore, Gary immediately came to the Pokémon Center in Pewter City.

Giving the Pokédex to Nurse Joy, he logged in the trainer information to the main computer of the Indigo League.

Nurse Joy smiled and returned the Pokédex to Gary: "Okay, the registration for the competition has been completed."

"Excuse me." After thanking Nurse Joy, Gary checked the physical condition of Eevee and the others, took a break to drink a cup of coffee, and then adjusted his condition and came to Pewter Gym.

As a traditional gymnasium with a long history, the door of Pewter Gym is decorated with rocks with a very chronological feel, which looks solemn and solemn.

Gary thought about Brock's melancholy character and couldn't help but chuckle. It really suited Brock's style.

"Eevee, are you ready? In our first battle, we must win beautifully!" Gary said confidently with his arms crossed.

"Bui!" Eevee leaned on Gary's shoulder and responded in a very dignified manner.

"Ding~ The Kanto series of missions, heading towards the Indigo Plateau, begins.

Current progress (0/8).

Current task: Obtain the Pewter Gym Badge.

Reward: 500 achievement points, skill disk: [Scroll]. "

"Come on, come on~" Gary raised his eyebrows with a smile, and finally started to complete the main mission.

Without hesitation, Gary opened the door and entered Pewter Gym.

Walking through the dark corridor and arriving at the gym's battle venue, Gary frowned. The Pewter Gym was not so poor that it couldn't even turn on the lights, right?

Snapped! While Gary was complaining, a spotlight came down from the roof.

A man with a spiky head and narrow eyes wearing a green vest was sitting cross-legged on a seat not far from Gary.

"Who is coming?" Brock asked with a serious look.

I have to say that before the painting style collapsed, Brock still had some masterly style.

"I am Gary from Pallet Town, here to challenge Pewter Gym!" Gary took a step forward and said loudly.

"It's interesting. You and Eevee look very close. In that case, I will accept your challenge!" Brock stood up and snapped his fingers.

Snapped! The sky was bright and the lights in the entire gym were turned on. Gary also saw the whole scene.

The venue is league-standard in size, the pipes and steel bars on the roof are exposed, and the decoration style is very hardcore.

Brock stood up and walked to the gym trainer's command position.

"The rule is 2 vs. 2, do you have any questions?" He took out a remote control switch to turn on the rock field, and the rocky battle field closed from both sides to the middle.

"No problem, come on." Gary nodded awkwardly.

There are no professional referees, and Gary didn't expect to have professional descriptions of the rules of the game.

"Then, my first choice is it! Come on, Onix!!" Seeing that the venue preparations were completed, Brock took the lead and sent out his trump card, Onix.

The two-story-tall Onix is quite visually oppressive from a close distance.

This is also Brock's strategy. He will scare you first, and many newcomers will be confused.

Gary looked at the Onix with interest: "This Onix is still young, right? It seems that its size has not reached its limit."

Hearing Gary's statement, Brock frowned slightly. He was meeting a ruthless person, and he was not intimidated at all!

"Stop talking nonsense and take out your Pokémon." Brock urged.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon. Eevee, let's go!" Gary waved his hand, and Eevee jumped into the field decisively.

"A normal Eevee, it seems you don't have much combat experience." Brock smiled easily.

"Really? Let's get started!" Gary smiled mysteriously.

My Eevee is not an ordinary Eevee; it is Professor Oak's Eevee...

"Let me tell you how cruel the gym competition is, Onix, use Tackle!" Brock was not polite and directly moved to attack.

"Uh!" The huge Onix swooped down, its head as big as a millstone rushing straight towards Eevee's small body.

"Quick Attack." Gary snapped his fingers.

"Bui!" The wind blew under Eevee's feet, drawing a white electric light and easily avoiding the attack of Onix.

"The huge body not only means strong strength, but also takes away most of its flexibility." Gary said calmly.

Although there are trainers who train Onix in agility, Onix's physical condition means that it cannot dodge and move around. As long as it misses a hit, it will definitely be beaten!

"Eevee, Bullet Seed!" Gary was not one to suffer, so he greeted him with a Bullet Seed backhand.

Eevee stuck to the back of Onix, opened his small mouth, and shot a string of green seeds from the machine gun at the back of Onix's head.

Bang bang bang! Even if you have a stone head, hearing this sound is quite painful!

"Is this a Grass-type move?" Brock's head was covered, "Can Eevee learn this move?"

Seeing Brock stunned, Gary was also rude: "Eevee, Sand Attack!"

Eevee turned his body and kicked his hind legs!

Bang, a ball of sand was slapped directly on the face of Onix... How should I put it, it's not very harmful, but it's very insulting...

"Damn it, Onix, dig a hole in the ground!" Brock's combat awareness is still very good. If it's not good for a direct confrontation, then he will take a roundabout way.

Digging holes to surprise your opponents is also a good idea.


Gary grinned: "This is a gift from you yourself, Eevee. Aim at the hole and use Water Gun!"

Boom! The strong water column rushed into the cave entrance, and Brock's face became angry.

"What is this?! Is this Eevee? Are you cheating? It's definitely cheating, right?"

Boom~ No matter how surprised Brock was, the Onix couldn't stand it anymore, and it directly dug out of the ground, sputtering

 at the same time...

"Thunderbolt..." Gary's purpose is to kill you while you are sick...

Zap... The golden electric light lit up, and Eevee's electric shock directly surrounded the Onix soaked in water.

"Uh!" The Onix straightened up in pain, and then fell to the ground...

"It looks like I won this one~" Gary spread his hands.

"Well... you did win..." Brock scratched his head: "There is something about this Eevee..."

Gary smiled, encouraged Eevee, and then took back his little cutie.

"Charmander, it's you next."

Looking at Brock, Gary showed a kind smile: "Then, the second half. Let's begin~"

Brock: (????)...

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


