100% Tensura: but it's murim? / Chapter 16: Ch 16 - Heroine's clichés (2)

章 16: Ch 16 - Heroine's clichés (2)

"You're an Oni, but how come you don't have horns?" This is the first thing I ask the transmigrated woman standing before me. As soon as she sat down, I couldn't help but blurt out the question.

Meanwhile, the kids grew anxious. They thought that the woman in front of them might be their mother, who had left them in the human cities. All kinds of scenarios about what had happened in the past began forming in their minds as they listened closely to her answers.

Obviously, I have some plans to make use of this situation well.

"I... I trained to hide them. If I don't do that, I wouldn't be able to go to the places where humans live." Thus, she answered.

This is the anchor point.

The kids imagined various scenarios in their minds. "She left us so she could come back and meet us again, didn't she?" they thought. They envisioned a mother, regretfully leaving her children in the safer human cities because they didn't look like ogres. In their minds, this poor woman had trained herself hard to hide the horns on her forehead, all so she could reunite with her kids.

Despite her cold expression, this was the image she projected to the children.

This misunderstanding is... quite convenient.

Ryn-chan looked at her expectantly. "S-so, you didn't abandon us?" Tears welled up in her eyes, building up without falling because she fought the urge to cry.

"What—no, in the first place I'm—" The woman began to panic. "In the first place, I'm not your mother!"-- is what she wanted to say. But, of course, we couldn't let that happen now, as it would disrupt my plans.

"Nox-kun, please take your sister outside and make sure she calms down before coming back," I interjected, cutting off the woman's words before she could reveal the truth.

She was a bit surprised at this, and stopped the words on her tracks. Nox looks at her with a little frown, he wanted to say something to me but he holds it in before he took his sister away.

After they soon left, I immediately went to business. "Must be hard for you, huh?" I smiled when I stated that.

She looks at me with confusion evident in his eyes, "Huh?" But then she tries to correct my thoughts, "Um, I'm sorry, but actually... I am not their mother."

Magic perception translation: 'He is quite handsome in real life, but if it weren't for his terrible personality, I might just fall for him.'

Ah is that so, thanks for the compliment. I like my personality too.

"Ah, that... I already know," I said, flashing her a closed-eye smile once again. To that, she raised an eyebrow.

"What I meant to say was... Naria Izawa-san," I paused deliberately as I said her full name. Her eyes widened in shock. 'But... the chief and I never told him my full name, did we?' -- she thought with suspicion.


The man in front of her seemed dangerous now, simply because he knew her name. But the shock I gave her was nothing compared to what I was about to reveal.

"How about becoming the kids' actual mother?" I stated. It wasn't a question, despite the question mark. I knew that, and so did she. But she still can't help but was taken a back.





"Pardon me, what?" Naria asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Hm? Like I said, just act as their real mother. I'll pay you handsomely, of course."

"I heard you the first time. What I meant to say was, what the fuck?" Naria's shock was evident. Ah, she was so stunned that she forgot all the fear she had built up while talking to me.

I suppose I need that fear back, actually.

"...Come on now, can you not do me that favor? As a fellow Transmigrator?" That's when her wariness comes back.

Her mind races wildly, probably from her thought acceleration. "What... No, How...?"

Magic perception translation: 'The plot changes too much! I doubt if it's because the butterfly effect since I didn't touch anything else except for Shizue and Ramiris. Shizue and Chunma shouldn't have meet in the first place. So how and...'


That's what she felt. The novels she used to read had terrifying narrations, but they were just fiction, and she could always remind herself of that. Back on Earth, the psychotic main character seemed distant, a figment of someone's imagination. But now, facing him in reality, the terror was palpable.

Most self-insert characters would create harems with their favorite characters, bash ones they disliked for fun, and become perfect Gary Stus or Mary Sues—adored by everyone and always right. Even when authors threw challenges their way, they'd overcome them easily, and any failures were inconsequential, often resulting in the death of a character already doomed from the start.

But Chunma was different. His story was too realistic. There were no tags for bashing or harems in his fanfiction.

Everyone died. 

Not a single character was spared, because his role as the demon faction's leader demanded it. He created no harems, no romances, and he didn't bash anyone. Every character who crossed his path met their end simply because he wanted it so. The author, like an impartial god, showed no favoritism. No one was safe.

At least, that's what I gathered from reading her mind too much. How crazy her mind is...

«That's kind of crazy... but don't you think that story is so different from what you are now?»

Even Jester said the same thing...

Well, I won't say I wouldn't do that if--- Hm? Right, this is the world where Rimuru-san and Veldora-san live. Rimuru-san is a pacifist at heart, while Veldora just follows whatever Rimuru says.

I suppose if I hadn't met the both of them... I'd do just that. After all, the fact that I am the heavenly demon does not change. Then is it safe to say that the me from that fiction did not encounter Rimuru-san and the others?

I voiced my thoughts once more, "If you listened to my request, I'll grant you a wish." It's not like I don't know what she wants. Obviously she'd want me to spare her life, knowing perfectly what kind of main character I am, at least from what she reads.

She frowned, but a face of realization came to light. "I... I'll do it. If you give me two wishes instead." Hm? Two wishes?

Magic perception translation: 'I can beg him to spare my life with my first wish, but I will save the second wish for something more important—to spare the lives of those I ask him to spare.'

Huh, I guess they're characters she favors. Having read the novel, she probably likes the supporting characters who were Rimuru's subordinates or those generally appealing to readers. I suppose I can manage that much; after all, I'm not bound to act like the fiction she read.

Thus, I accepted her terms, I did so while speaking it out loud, "Sure, however you must immediately tell your wishes, right this instances."

With this she won't change her mind too.

"I... I wish to be spared from any mistakes I make in the future," she stammered, her voice trembling.

I listened silently as she continued, "And I wish... I wish that you will spare anyone I ask for."

Thus she finished speaking. As for my response, I said, "I accept your terms." Her face showed immense relief upon hearing that. "Thank goodness," she sighed.


Magic perception translation: 'Now he won't kill my Diablo! I went over to chat with Shizue-san and even talked to her about the mask. I told her that if she ever needs it fixed, she can come to me! Haa~ so much for getting Daddy Noir's attention.'

...Ha? 💢

Magic perception translation: 'Welp, not to steal him from Rimuru, but I'm thinking of visiting Veldora's cave too. A reverse harem doesn't sound too bad~'

💢 —The heck? 

A main character that's much more powerful and handsome--- as you said before, is standing right in front of you. Why the heck do you want to have a go with that butler and a childish lizard???

Right, this is how an average fanfiction main character would act. It doesn't matter when you're transmigrated, you'd see everyone else as just a characters inside fiction...

"Well then, I'm looking forward to working with you..." (Naria)

Magic perception translation: 'That being said, I wonder if I can sail my ship in this world, daddy Guy should definitely go with Leon!'

Oh so you're not just a reader but also a fujoshi, good to know.

"Ah, but just so you know, I will still kill anyone you defended if your reason for sparing their life is inexcusable," I mentioned this with a smile.

Ah, why did I get angry again? Well doesn't matter I guess.

"Eh?? But that wasn't the agreement---"

*Slide* just as she was about to complain, the door slid open. It was Nox and Ryn the teary-eyed Ryn had let it all out outside as her brother comforted her.




To be continued

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


