100% Book of Champions: a Kuroinu Crossover SI / Chapter 2: Chapter 2:

章 2: Chapter 2:

This chap is shorter then before, due to me having a lot to take care of. And it took me a while researching about Yone! It's pretty stupid of me to pick a champion that resides in Ionia.

But besides that, enjoy the chapter.


"Yaga huh," I said out loud.

Yaga's eyes narrow at my words, she grins, "Hoh? Is there something wrong with my name?"

I shake my head, biting down on the last piece of orange, I answered, "No, it's just that name is a witch's name…"

Yaga's eyebrows raised in interest, "Baba Yaga is a famous witch in my 'culture' though I hope you don't find it rude."

She chuckles and shakes her head, she takes out an apple for her basket and begins peeling a knife. Don't know where she got that from, "I take no offense, Yone. And calling this one, that, is not that far off from my job, if you can call it that."

I look at her in interest, waiting for her to continue, "I am a shaman, a freelance one."

She's a shaman? Well, now her being out here makes more sense. And that basket is full of materials I presume, "A shaman huh, can't say I met one."

She sighs, but her smile remains, "I expected you to be a lot more surprised~ But, what did I expect? You're the most surprising here."

I chuckled at that, I don't know if she's calling me mysterious or just weird. Though one shouldn't have a sort of guard, shamans don't work alone. At least to my knowledge, which came from video games, and books.

"Why are you alone here though? I know you can do magic, but I don't think that's helpful in fending off a bunch of monsters."

She looks at me, "Heh, I don't have a choice dear. Due to the war with the dark queen, all magic that is outside Celestine's blessing is considered heretical," A somber tone, replace her jolly.

"I was in a group of shamans, but we were haunted by the church," She said, a tinge of sadness floating on her eyes.

The church huh? This world is not that far off from my previous world, in history, when Christianity became the dominating belief other faith was considered blasphemous, groups of differing ideas were haunted and either persecuted or killed. I think the Salem witch trials were the most famous of the bunch.

I mentally sigh, so I have to deal with religious zealots eventually huh?

"They were killed I presume."

"Sadly yes, I was able to escape using an illusion to disorient the hunters…" She shows her left arm. The skin looks charred and dry, my eyes widened, "The spell took a toll on my old body, hehe, if I were any younger I would've escaped unscathed."

The sadness in her eyes is replaced by the jolliness of before and she smiles. Probably, not a good idea about this any further. "But enough about me! How about you, revenant? What's that red mask you're wearing?"

I put my hands on the mask she is talking about, unfamiliarity and familiarity brew in my mind. The mask is not my own, nor this body, yet I find this mask so familiar. Like I have been living alongside it all my life. I closed my eyes, and smiled.

"This mask is the remains of an azakana, of which I have slain."

She raised her eyebrow in interest, "Azakana? I can't say I'm familiar with that term."

"They're a lesser type of demon, a parasitic spirit that feeds off negative emotion," I answered, "though they are considered weak, in the hierarchy if they are able to devour enough negative feelings they will evolve into a much more dangerous being."

She rubbed her chin, "And that mask is a demon corpse. So you were able to kill it?"

I hummed, "Partially, I was able to defeat it in a duel, but It was able to get hold of my head and somehow injected itself into my body. Though, I'm certain that it will not alter in any way."

I find it curious, how I am saying this like it has happened to me; new information coming inside my head. Knowing it came from the book inside my body, I deduced it is harmless but I find it uncomfortable.

I look at Yaga, who is now thinking about something. She looked down and pointed at my hip, "Those masks, are they Azakana too?"

I nodded, "These are the demons that I have haunted sealed, unlike the mask I am wearing I have fully defeated these parasites."

"Hoh? How did you manage to do that?"

"To seal an azakana, you must know its true name so that you can see its pure form." I said.

"So, you are not only a revenant but also a demon slayer!" She laughed in wonder.

"So did you wake up to haunt these demons?"


A somber, yet determined voice rings in mind. 

"If they're terrorizing the people here, then I will haunt them." Truthfully, I don't like the idea of dedicating my whole new life and haunting these creatures, especially when this goal is not my own.


I have other goals in mind. You know, making money being richer than Elon, finding a beautiful girl and having a family. Though, making money is the most important goal in my heart. And hopefully this world can offer me that; though it saddens that there's no technology in here.

"I came to this town, due to the stench of the orc which resembles that of an Akazana," I said, "And I planned to kill the others that caused the ruin of this town."

Both me and this Yone, agreed to kill the fuckers that caused this shit. For me in anger in seeing such atrocity, and the other out of a sworn duty.

"Heh, you remind me of those Knights, though you are much more patient than them," Yaga said, "Though take this as a warning, if you see a knight of Celestine it will be wise to not reveal yourself to them. You reek of death, to say the least in their eyes you're very much an undead."

I nodded at her words, I'm not planning to associate myself with them.

"And also, I advise you to avoid Kaguya the most, due to her being an easterner she will easily tell of your nature, " Yaga added.

She took out something in her basket, a bottle wrapped in cloth. She offered it to me, "Take this, it will help in finding the orcs. Or the more appropriate words, help them find you."

I look at her, "Are you sure about this Yaga? I assume this is expensive to make, giving it to a stranger for free?"

She scowled, she tsk and said, "Please, I could easily do one of these again. And helping you, lightens my conscience knowing I'm directly aiding a man slay demons, hehe."

She's honest. I give her that, I guess that comes with age. I took the flask, and instinctively I bowed, I didn't bother resisting the instinct; I"m quite thankful for the flask, and information she provided.

"I am grateful for your help," I said, "And in gratitude, I will help you with.."

With a monotone voice, I asked, "Do you even help, Yaga?"

She roared laughing, "Of course I do! What do you think I am? An immortal? I just need you to help me go outside the forest."

I chuckled at that.


Before I left, I helped Yaga in traversing the forest. Though she is the one who knows the path of the forest, I am just helping fend off animals. Surprisingly, the animals like bears, wolves and sometimes boars are quite prominent in these woods. Unlike the forest back home, where the animals are secluded and monitored by the government, not letting any dangerous wildlife anywhere near human neighborhoods.

I said farewell to the old-woman. I was tempted to follow her till we found human settlements, but she declined. 

"That would be a waste of time, "She said, " Besides! I'm still foraging for materials."

So with a bit of worry, we parted ways and I'm once again alone here. Stopping in a nearby river, I sat down. I need to know where the orcs reside now, it couldn't be far as the attack of that town was recent. And I predicted, they settled camp somewhere here near the town; their still living beings after all, so they have to rest to continue on wherever they are going.

I look at the river, gazing at my reflection. "Hmm, I need something to hide my face," As Yaga said, I could not go near any settlement without the occupants having their blades pointed to my neck. 

As I watched the fish gently swim in the water. I couldn't help but feel tired. It hasn't even been a day and I'm already exhausted… From finding that destroyed village, to seeing human corpses, and fighting that orc my thoughts have been tiring to think. And the warnings of Yaga too, about the so-called Princess Knights.

I snickered. 

Bunch of possible problems piling up. My expectation for my new life is that comfort and easy path. I mean, I am granted the opportunity to start anew, now not shackled by the previous burdens and responsibility of the former. I know this hasn't been a day! But my overthinkful mind is already stressed at the incoming future problems.

"I guess I expected too much. If I wanted an easy life then I should have just stayed dead," I muttered.

But it doesn't matter. I'll endure it like all the problems I've faced, I'll continue forward no matter what.

I look towards the shimmering river

Shaking my head, I resume my walk to particular nowhere, as I still don't have any leads that could guide me to the orcs. Though there's the potion that Yaga gave me, however based on her words the potion acts as an attractor; now it is common sense not to drink/eat any weird concoctions from strangers – especially if the stranger has the name and is a supposed witch. But the little time with the woman, I was able to gauge what kind of person she is.

I took out the flask that I wrapped to my side. It is made of glass, though the glass is foggy – I tried to clean it but the misty stains will not come off. The liquid inside the container is that of Vermillion red, taking off the lid the aroma of the mixture has the tint of mint; alongside other unidentifiable odors.

Saying all that, I have not caught the stench of any toxins I knew of. However, I will still hold on drinking the potion; while I somehow trust that old woman, I will not risk any chances. Who knows? While there might be no poisons, there's a possibility that the mixture has a material that I am allergic to.

"The best chance I have is to find a settlement of humans near this forest…" An off-chance they have insight on the path of the orcs, seeing the sheer size of that fire and the smoke, it has to have alerted a few other towns near and outside the forest.

Yaga also talked about the dark queen, and a war raging in these lands. Maybe the opposing humans of the war, I guess the forces of that Goddess: Celestine, will investigate that destroyed town? To help any survivors, but personally seeing that town I don't think they'll find anything that draws breath, aside from graveyards I have made.

I chuckled, I should be concerned why I'm laughing at such a macabre topic. I shaked my head. I followed alongside the river. I've read a couple of books that say to follow a river's stream to find civilization, however saying all that, I did not fully process the information that I've read in the past; as why would I? I'm a student, living in a city. Why would I need to know how to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together, and traverse a jungle? The only jungle I was in back then, is concrete.

But my stubbornness to not learn comes back to bite me in the ass, cause I'm clinging to incomplete information – information that could end or save my life. Seriously, how those primitive videos I often see, from time to time, on youtube makes living in the damn wood look so freaking easy. From all gathered from the videos, all you need to survive is a damn stick and a dream. 

I'm getting off topic. 

I eventually reach a part of the river that seems to loop around, a spherical shape I roughly imagine. The water's stream is not that strong here, and putting my hand in the water, it's a lot warmer too. My mouth gaped at the sheer abundance of fishes swimming here, due to the stream being calmer and the temperature a lot more warmer, the fishes might use this place to rest; to not consume much energy.

I grinned, "This place is perfect for people to live by…" Close accessible food source, hopefully indicates a settlement nearby.

Walking around the area a bit… Lo and behold, a green flag perched atop of a sign. The old wooden board reads.


"Mighthold… The town's name I presume," and also beck? That word means stream right?

My emotions went wild, finally a civilization! 

I cautiously follow the crudely made path of stone slabs. My eyes are peeled for any human, and my body is ready to evade any eyes. I remembered my appearance is supposedly not accepted with humans who follow the goddess, my excitement almost got the better of me.

I need to find something to hide my appearance. Jumping on a nearby branch to hide and to think, I need to be careful around people, going off to what Yaga said, there's a chance most people in this town are religious zealots. If the people are peasants or a bit poor, that possibilities will be higher; due to the lack of education, which leads to ignorance.

And with ignorance you have to be careful with. Sure if it's one guy then it's pretty harmless, just a bit concerning. But with many people who are ignorant you have to be extremely careful with your actions, due to their lack of understanding individuals who have higher education will easily be able to control the masses. And if the church has an iron grip on these people then my life will be tiresome.

Ignorance is a weapon that can rival the atomic bomb, after all. 

Shaking off these thoughts, I concluded a cloak will do; a fabric long enough to obscure my mask and upper body. Aside from my demonic mask, going shirtless in any community is a one way ticket to meeting the authorities.

No matter what your beliefs are.

But how can I find one?



I went through the path, but before I could see any houses, I jumped to a tree. Being careful not to let my mortal blade be snag by the branches, I jump tree to tree until I eventually reach the light. What greeted me was a town, obviously enough, but unlike the ruined town the houses here are built using stones and wood. Immediately, my view of this town is "rich" – well, as rich as a medieval town can be. And different from the previous town, this place is a lot bigger, as it will take me a while to count the many houses.

Looking at the sides of the gravel road, where many townsfolk walk – this place is busy – people with their wooden stands, sales, food and other things. I saw a bald guy wearing an apron selling metal tools like shears and scissors. While others sale, vegetables, fruits, and meat. Hell I even see a lady selling a whole ass cow.

"What is this place? The capital?" I joked to myself.

Though there are many interesting sights, my main goal is to find a cloak. So I surveyed the area, using my enhanced vision to make my job easier. After a while, I saw a fabric being dried outside someone's home, its size is comparable to that of a blanket. 

"That's it."

Faster than any normal person could perceive, I flew out the tree to the home. I cut the wind like a ballistic missile, and in a second I reach the blanket. I swiftly grabbed it, and bolted to the woods. 

7 seconds passed by.

My speed is freightniggly inhuman.

Without wasting more time, I put the blanket over my head, and covered my chest and stomach. Using the bondages to securely tie the cloth to my arms to not let it come off. And there I have it, my appearance is obscured.

Though I am concerned about my sword, after a while I concluded that I will leave it be. I rationalized that I could pretend to be a wandering swordsman looking for a place to rest. And is not that much of a lie, as I really want a temporary place to settle.

Now, I can't just use the path I've taken to enter the town that will be extremely suspicious. So I need to find the real entrance of the town.

"Sorry for stealing your blanket…"


You know, when I took the job of a guard I thought it would be much more exciting than just sitting at the entrance all day. Don't get me wrong, I love this job! It pays well, and sometimes if I get lucky the merchants will give me a tip. But, like all jobs, if you work for it long enough it will eventually get mundane; no matter how much it pays.

"Sigh~" I melted into an expression of boredom.

"What got you so tired, Fred? Been drinking all night?" My friend and coworker said.

I shaked my head, and lazily rubbed my eyes, "Nah, just bored… this job is so mundane on days like this, Krin."

Krin chuckled, he sat down and put aside the polearn, "Fucking hell, there was supposed to be orc warband that destroyed Acton, it supposed to be stressful, why do we feel boredom for Goddess sake!"

Yeah, there's that bad news. The orc warband laid ruin on a town near the mountains, reports says none survive. And yeah, this is supposed to be alarming news, but due to the town being a place for traveling merchants to regularly stop by, the mayor has increased the level security of the town, to make the merchants stopped by more. The town has become a sanctuary for them.

And the news that a Princess Knight was coming also contributed to that. 

Not gonna lie, I, and Krin are excited about that. The Princess knights are after all, the goddess' champions having her blessing in all that jazz. Making them one of the most influential people in all Eostia. And if the Princess Knight is Maia, Hoh! I will do pretty much everything to impress her, in order for me to join the black dogs.

My fantasies were broken, by Krin suddenly standing up, "Fred stand up, a person is coming."

Swiftly I returned to my position.

I stared at the road, and saw a tall man wearing a cloak around his head, obscuring his features. I look at Krin, whose face is now painted with caution. I stood straight, and readied my spear.

The person got closer and closer, until he was just a few feet between us. And with this distance I immediately saw the blade that hangs on his side. I gulped, it's a long and curved blade similar to that of the Queen of Mercenaries.

A swordsman?

" State your business, stranger!" Krin shouted.

The stranger stopped in front of me, I awkwardly looked at Krin.

"Hello gentlemen…" The stranger's voice is deep, "I am a wandering Swordsman looking for a place to rest."

He is a swordsman!











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