50% Book of Champions: a Kuroinu Crossover SI / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Book of Champions: a Kuroinu Crossover SI Book of Champions: a Kuroinu Crossover SI original

Book of Champions: a Kuroinu Crossover SI

作者: Pale_man

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

"Cause of death, drowning…"

As I read the inscription on the giant stone slab, my emotion went haywire. My face is distorted into an ugly expression, denial. I was in denial, unfair and unjust the words I could describe my situation. 

Why did I die?! I was graduating high school! I could finally chase my dreams, and you're telling me I died because the driver of the boat was an idiot!? Why do I have to suffer over someone's incompetence?! 

I wanted to roar in anger at the being that holds the slab. But his stoic, and stone cold expression instill enough fear in me to not do it. But I also know there's no use in being angry at the reaper. It's just there to escort you after all.

I sat down at the chair provided to me by the reaper. Exhausted from holding back my fury, "So what now? Do I get judged?"

The reaper put aside the slab, his face overshadowed by the dark hood, however his piercing eyes that emits a grayish glow penetrates the shadow. He took a piece of candy and began unwrapping it, "Usually that is the main apparatus, however due to some new factors yours is different Mr. Alex."

My eyebrow raised in interest, curious I replied without much thought, "What is it?"

The reaper put the white candy on his mouth, "I assume you're familiar with the term isekai?"

Hope and excitement immediately swell within me, "Y-yes, I read most in the genre."

Alex hates to admit it, but isekai is a shameless guilty pleasure for him. It's one of the things he looks forward to once his class is done. He doesn't have a girlfriend; it's one of the only comforts he has for an exhausting day.

"No need to be ashamed," The Reaper said, " It's a fantasy most enjoyed, and for you that fantasy will become a reality today if you accept the offer."

"Originally, I opted to send you to the afterlife; Heaven or hell, that's for your religion to decide," The reaper chews the candy, the sound of which makes me a tad bit awkward, "... However when you died, the way your soul transitioned to limbo was to say the least buggy."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, buggy? As in a bug in a software or game. So the matrix is quite realistic… hmm

"Your soul glitch when it transitioned here, I don't know how myself; as we are still investigating it, " The reaper's tone has a hint of annoyance.

So it is a glitch, huh! I'm a fucking bug! That's pretty funny, maybe my soul bugged due to my sheer anger towards the driver of that boat.

"Souls can just do that from time to time?"

The reaper leaned back to his chair, "No, our world has iron-clad rules, of which cannot be easily malfunctioned, it is why supernatural phenomenon is rarely seen; it can happen. But not to a large degree."

I figured that much, it seems my reality is boring with its ever-present physiques. but rarely seen? So there's a chance, those weird occurrences I encounter in the night are possibly supernatural! Oh, thank god! I don't know what I would do if I saw a ghost.

"How does that relate to me though?"

"Just like genes, the soul holds information, while it's not as unbendable as DNA, as it shapes with experiences you have in life. It still has a fundamental foundation…" The reaper rubbed the bridge of his nose, " That foundation is a form of identification, the information that you Mr. Alex, belong to this world."

Sweat drops form on my forehead, as nervousness festered in my mind, "Am I an outsider?" 

"No. you record shows you are born from here," The reaper voice turned annoyed, "But for some reason, that ID was corrupted and the world did not recognize you. "

The reaper sigh in exhaustion, "Other death, and also gods has taken an interest in your situation, due to an almost impossible possibility has occurred…"

"A native soul was not recognized by the will of the world."

"And unfortunately, we could not just proceed with the normal process of either, the afterlife or reincarnation. " The reaper begins to bite down on the candy, "And the most agreed solution is to transfer you out of this reality."


That's a lot to take in. I'm basically a cosmic anomaly… I don't know what to think of this. How do you even begin to process that?! My puny mortal brain couldn't handle this bullshit. But hope still remains in me. Transfer? As he said before, it's basically isekai.

"Yes, what you are thinking is the solution," the reaper's monotone voice disrupted my thought.

"So I just get thrown into a different world?"

"An oversimplification, but yes that is the proposed outcome." The reaper snapped his finger, and a white scroll manifested in the air. The reaper handed the paper to me.

"Umm, and this is?"

"A contract." The reaper plainly said, "Don't fret, this is not a devil's contract, this is merely proof that you consented to being removed from your reality. And any action you do, will be outside of us."

"All the contract is asking is to take full accountability and responsibility for your future action, and any consequences of those actions will not come back to us."

 Jeez! That's intense, so if I sign this, I will be isekai into another world. Now, I'm dead, it's not like one of those novels where the MC was taken from their world and forced into another one. I died, and I hate to say this, naturally no matter how unfair it seems to me it's still a fairly normal way to die. And it sucks, I cannots my friends and family again but what can I do? I'm deceased! And I can't go to heaven or hell, or reincarnate as the Reaper implies I'm a glitch, an anomaly in the matrix; Gosh that sounds so cool.

But wait, before I sign this – my choice is clear as day – I have to ask something.

"Do I get a power of some sort? Don't get the wrong idea Mr. Reaper, I'm okay with having no power if I get sent to a similar reality like ours," I sheepishly sigh, " What I'm trying to say is, what if I get sent to a dangerous fantasy world?"

"That is covered with this," The reaper holds up a leather book, wrapped by a black belt. "This will give you power, talent or any advantages. And this also acts as a form of inter-dimensional passport, this will guide you to your new world."

He handed the book to me, and in excitement I tried to open it. But the belt won't unlock, in confusion I look up to the reaper for answers.

"The book will open once you're in the new reality."


I scratched the back of my head.

"So I just signed the contract? " The reaper nodded, he gave me a pen.

Without hesitation, I signed the contract. I gave the scroll to the reaper, he looked at it and nodded. He curled the scroll, and put it in a weird box.

"That's done, I hope you will be the only anomaly, dealing with this situation is tiring to say the least, " The reaper stood up, showing how tall this guy is. He makes Shaq look like the average 5'8 man.

He claps his hand, and a door forms at the center of the office. "This will be your gateway Mr. Alex. You could proceed now, but remember the terms of the contract, do not forget it."

I nodded. With a beating heart, I slowly opened the porcelain door, and what greeted me shocked me. Stars of all colors painted the plain darkness, making it look like a universe of its own.

"Just jump in, the book will immediately transport you to your new world."

I gulped, and I looked at the reaper, his expression tells of trust. So mustering up my courage… I jumped.


Immediately the book hovered at my chest, and a transparent chain shot inside the book, and penetrated my chest. And I felt my soul become heavy. My vision turned dark, only accompanied by my hope, this thing will guide me safely to my new home.


My eyes shot open, I breathed heavily from the nervousness I felt before jumping into that door. My nose tingles, at a familiar scent; and my eyes watered due to the air of this place.

"Trees? Forest?" I muttered, as I gaze in wonder at the horizon carpeted by rich natural green, the sky is all too familiar, that shade of blue and the white that accompanies the sky of my previous reality, is all the same.

However, the sheer vastness of this forest immediately reminded me that this a new reality, a new world, familiar but new. I breathe the fresh air, trying to calm my excited spirit, however a rebellious smile splits my face. Betraying my restraint, But can you blame me? 

A new world is in front of me! The natural curiosity of humanity became intense at the prospect of living, and uncovering what lies in this reality.

"I have to control myself…" I grasped my chest, and felt something dangling, "huh?" 

I opened my buttoned shirt, and saw a chain sticking out of my chest. Curious and alarmed, I grabbed the chain, and lightly pulled to see if it hurts. What happened next shocked me, the book that the reaper gave me came out of my chest without resistance, a startled sound came out of my mouth.

I observed the book, and immediately remembered what the reaper said.Excited I tried to open the belt, and lo and behold the belt came off the book opened on its own. A blinding light shone like a bacon, as an robotic yet ethereal voice rings out.

The Book of Champions has been activated! Would you like to commence the roll?

"Uh… yeah?' I slowly said, still unaware of what this book can do. 'The voice is in my head, neat.'

The pages turned wildly, like being blown by a powerful gust of wind. And suddenly it stopped on a page with a drawing. It depicts a topless man with bandages wrapped around his belly and biceps, a red-mask with two horns. And the most striking of all, is the two swords the man wields. A red, strange katana accompanied by a normal looking one.

I read the text next to the drawing.

"Yone, The Unforgotten…" I read aloud, "Well, this guy certainly looks cool; but he seems familiar…"

Would you like to synergize? Yes/No

Hmm, let's just say yes, what's the worst that could happen? This is my gift after all! It's not gonna kill me.


And I immediately regretted it. 

My head is assaulted by agonizing pain, something is being shoved down my mind and is causing immense pain. My body, chest. Hot pain, body is changing, hurts like hell.


I screamed.



The pain in my head ceases immediately, a fraction of a second that hellish pain vanishes like bubbles popping. Though, an uncomfortable throbbing lingers on my skull.

"There's a strange scent in the air; a foul odor," I muttered. 

The world in my eyes has been altered, the previous greenness of the forest, the brown dirt – that I stood on – was now replaced by an ethereal color. Wisp of otherworldly blue, swims in the air. Warm yet ominous oranges embodied the celestial sun. The scent of the world is now incomprehensible, I cannot describe it; yet it is so familiar.

I should be alarmed at my altered senses, yet I cannot bring myself to – let's just say burst into panic – an instinct, of which I describe Phantom like, holds my mind. I know, it isn't my instinct, it's someone else's.

My nose wrinkled, the foul and strange scent still lingers. My hand instinctively went to "my" sword? 


Looking down, a curved blade hangs on my hip; Grasped by the hovering bondages that wrapped around my stomach. "A katana?" indeed a familiar weapon, one of which I've seen a thousand time, in the previous world.

In the front of tattered clothes, a small metallic mask, depicting a horned demon, with its eyes closed and feral mouth. An oni…


Similar masked, adorned my hip like a belt.

The name came out of my mouth, my tone as I muttered that word is laced by anger. But my mind demands me to stay calm. In my subconscious, Alex screamed at the outside emotion.

I grabbed the metallic bust. There I immediately felt a malevolent aura emanating from it. My eyes narrowed, and with surprising ease and familiarity I crushed using my pale hands. Purple shards of light exploded from the crushed head, and seemingly guided by the wind themselves. The shards of light form a vortex around the palm, and with startling instant. A red-blade at my palm. Strange letters, that resembles kanji characters, is engrave near the hilt of the sword

Taking the other sword, I wield both blades. With extreme dexterity, I twirled the twin blades. Letting them dance with the wind. The air follows the edge of the swords, blurring them with my speed.

I ceased with my actions, and laid the swords to rest. I have to address that foul smell. It is familiar, like I've smelt it before. But my memory didn't ring at the phantom familiarity.

Looking around, I tried to gauge the direction of the stench. Up north, I immediately noticed smoke raising up the trees. I thought it was a campfire, but the sheer size of the smoke indicates, the most obvious thing, an accidental or intentional fire. The scent intensified, at my deduction. 

My instinct told me to go towards it. But the rational side of my brain screamed not. Why would I go there? I questioned in my mind, Investigation the foreign replied. What do I investigate? People? There's a chance they're hostile, and my survival instinct screamed to my body not to proceed. However the phantom instinct, was stronger then my better judgment and I proceeded towards the smoke.

Follow the wind, it will guide you

A whisper, not my own, echoes in my mind. And I followed its advice. I bolted toward the smoke, a freighting speed, not of human capabilities, powered my sprint. The world became blurry as I ran across the forest. 

The stench became heavier, and I know I'm close to my destination… Eventually, the scent became too strong, and I stopped. Hopping at a tree branch I observed the source of the smoke. A village composed of wood was burning, 1 to 6 homes were charred to ash, and the others were still burning. The stench of death and fresh blood, now accompanied the strange odor, and I realize this was not an accident.

I jump down the branch, to the village. I readied my swords, and I walked across the ruined occupation. On my way, I saw corpses, human corpses littered the ground. Their bodies were destroyed, by what I assume only in an animalistic way. Their stomach and guts were torn out their bodies, limbs severed brutally. And organs displayed, in some sort of mockery.

Dread forms in my mind. The human in me shouted at such inhumane atrocities that I am seeing. Alex in fear and anger calls for the cause. But the otherworldly instinct suppressed that emotion, making concerningly calmly at such brutal sight. 

I kneeled one of the corpses, a man- no, a boy, had his chest ripped open by some creature. His deathly expression is that of agony and helplessness. Sadness, fear, and anger brewed within me, but I controlled it. I can only offer them a proper burial and prayer for their tortured mortal vessel.

"But before that…" I turned towards a figure standing in the shade of the tree. Their feature is obstructed by the shadow, but it is clear then any other day, that is not human, "I assume your part of this massacre."

My nose wrinkled at its smell. The figure laughed in mockery, a sense of animalistic sadism laced its tone. I brandished my two swords, and took a stanch, "You smell of demonic stench, whatever you are."

The monster continued to laugh, and went outside the shadow. And once I saw it, the word immediately came to my mind.


The orc's body is built of fortress muscle, each limb covered in huge condition skin and muscle. It is an apt figure of what an orc to me is. A monstrosity of physical strength. It wields a bastard sword. Bigger than any normal blade perfect for this abomination. My eyes narrowed and my two swords harder.

The orc roars in feral might, with the sword ready it dash towards me ready to crush every bone in my body. I grinned at the predictable attack, without letting the beast reach me I runned towards it. The orc surprised by the lack of fear is momentarily confused, but before it could regain its composer a silver blade cut through the arm that holds the weapon. There wasn't even a sound of flesh tearing, due to the sheer speed of the slash. 

The orc's disgusting gaze slowly widened, but before it could process what just happened, I immediately followed my attack with another slash. This time to its left leg. The beast falling to the ground, due to the off balance

Both limbs flew across the air, before they could reach the ground I jumped back to create distance.

I watched the orc look at its decapitated arm, and with realization of what just happened. It screams in agony.


Its pitiful scream disrupted the forest, making birds land a few moments ago. My eyes widened a bit, as the orc tried to go towards me. But with its severed leg, it could only crawl like a worm. Seeing this pitiful display, I sigh and clean my mortal blade of its vile blood. 

Saving it the struggle I walk towards it, the Orc started with furious and animalistic hate. I merely smiled, "Now in any other circumstances, I would have ended your pitiful existence before you could even breathe…"

"But, unfortunately I need you alive," My voice carry no emotion, aside from coldness," I need you to led me, to the fucker who destroyed to this town."

"I assume one pig couldn't ruin an entire village… So where are the others? And how many are you?" The Orc fortunately understands what I am saying, though unfortunately that intelligence could result in more stupidity.

The orc laughed in pain, its gaze plagued by mockery. "Puny ghoul! Rock would not tell anything!- Argggghhhhghh!!!!'

I used a branch to stab the open wound of the orc, making it scream in agony. "I will not give you the comfort of death, till you vomit the information I need."

I know this is a futile endeavor, this animal is too stubborn and stupid to provide any useful info. Lest its camp. But, I am angry right now and I want to vent a bit. Using the stick, I stabbed it to its eye, making it feel another type of pain. 

"I would destroy every functioning organ, you have a pig," I said to the squirming orc.

'Till you run of breath, you will feel every single type of pain your receptors can feel."

For 20 minutes, the forest was filled by screams of agony, who knows what type of person could inflict such scream from an orc.


"Well… that resulted in absolutely nothing," I wiped my hands of the blood of the beast.

The orc presented till death, not a single ounce of useful insight came out of its disgusting mouth. It was futile and a waste of time to say the lease, but I guess it's one of the things I could offer for the deceased people of this ruined town. A sort of indirect revenge I guess.

Speaking of people, I finished burying the townsfolk. Again a useless action that does absolutely nothing other than waste time. But I couldn't bring myself to see them rot without a proper resting place. 

"om ami deva hrih…"

The prayer came out naturally, it sounds Buddhist but I'm not familiar with that religion. Hmm. 

Putting my last heart at the dead, the only thing for me to do right now, is to continue in finding the person or thing that caused all this death. The odor that guides me here, I realize, was from the orc. And once that pig died the scent slowly died too, leaving me blind to say the least. The winds are chaotic, I still cannot read it properly.

The fire rages on the other homes, dies when the sun sets, and darkness eventually takes over the world. A shame, that the first civilization I'd encounter in this world was destroyed and the first thing I witnessed was bloodshed.

"Not a fun, first impression."

"What an interesting sight~"

"!!!" Turning around with blinding speed, and drawing my mortal blade. I turned to the intruder ready to streak. 

But my aggression died, when I gaze at the old-lady. I sigh, and put aside my blade, "It is not wise to sneak up on people, old lady."

The elder lightly chuckled, she went toward me and sat across my seat, "Indeed, but seeing your previous action, that could be forgiven~"

I sigh, the elder has the stench of something, it's not the same as the foul odor that the orc has. This one smell, ethereal, "What is an elder doing in the forest? At night no lease."

The elder lady once again chuckles, she grabbed the basket she's carrying and put it in the middle. Fruits and herbs, and other flora. She grabbed one of the fruits. An orange and handed it to me, I looked at her in confusion, "Take it, I assume you're hungry."


"Oh, don't worry I didn't poison it," I grabbed the orange, and smelled it. There are no toxins, the ones I could smell at least. I sigh and begin peeling it. 

"You're certainly a curious one, " She said, I looked at her, "When I first noticed you, my old heart almost stopped; it is not everyday you'll find a revenant just wandering around…"

My eyes gleamed with interest, revenant? The word weirdly feels right, in describing me, "But when I saw you buried the bodies, my concerns died down."

"And why's that exactly?" I took a piece of orange and ate it, I surprised by how sweet it is.

The elder smiled, "There's no undead that will concern themselves with burying human corpses~ And how you fought with those swords, it's not akin to that of a normal undead.."

I closed my eyes, "It is a reasonable action to take, am I not correct? Corpses are a breeding ground for pathogens and disease, if left unattended it could start a plague."

The old lady's eyes momentarily widened in shock, but was quickly replaced by a chuckle. "Hahahaha!"

I was surprised by her laughing. What is so funny? Did I say something stupid.

"Indeed! What you did was the right course of action…" The elder wiped a tear from her eyes, "But hearing it from a revenant of all things, is certainly funny, hehe."

"I could sense curiosity in you," The elder said suddenly said, "Yes, I could sense a lot things in you, revenge and anger is quite prominent in your soul~"

"You could see souls?" That is concerning. What is she?

"No, but when you deal with magic all your life, you'll gain a sort of six-sense for these kinds of things~" The elder said in a jolly tone.

"Yours, has the stench of being that has set foot on the "other side" just like the undead, were you differ from them, I noticed, is that you have a soul to begin with~'

"Hmm. Does that mean undead creatures usually don't have a soul?" I question, this is getting interesting.

"Yes, you cannot bring the dead to back to living, doing so is a transgression of the natural rule; and the punishment is heavy," She said in serious tone, "But, humans and dark-elves continuously go against it, though what they bring back in this world is but a mockery of life. A basterize version of a living being."

That's heavy… So, it's somewhat similar to FMA, bringing the dead back to that world. Will only create an imperfect being of life, sometimes they bring back not even the same person they wish to see alive.

"But you are different, not only do you have a soul, you also have humanity in you. A compassion I felt when you offer that prayer to the dead~"

"I was taught to respect the dead," I said, "You're saying that I'm not supposed to have a soul? Well, as you say I have one… "

"Not much of a talker, I presume." She said.

Noticing the night has fully set in, I looked at the strange old woman, and said "It is night, are you sure it is safe for you to be in here; there's a chance there's still orcs around."

She grinned, "Oh~ don't concern yourself, a few pigs will not be the end of me."

"Uh-huh, I have a question: why exactly did they attack this town?" That's been in my mind for a while, the obvious answer will be pillaging. In fantasy works, orcs usually attack villages for some sort of conquest or something. But I noticed something here, the only corpses here are males, there's not a single woman.

The old woman has a thoughtful expression, "Well, it could be that this was a strategic attack by the dark queen, this town is quite close to Ken, where one of the Princess Knights resides."

Dark queen? Princess Knights? Yeah this is a fantasy world, "I assume there's a war going on here."

"You are correct, though from your voice you're not familiar with this war are you?"


I stayed silent.

The old-lady closed her eyes and nodded, "Perhaps could you tell your name?"

"Why the sudden question?" I asked, It's quite late to ask for my name.

"I am trying to prove something…"

Okay… Do I tell her my name? I think not, I don't trust her enough, how about this lets go with that name for now.

"My name is Yone, and while we're at it, I think it's fair for me to ask for your name too."

She chuckles, "indeed! So Yone, an easterner name huh, hehe; My name is Yaga."

Yaga? Baba Yaga? Eh might be a coincidence.










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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


