50% One Piece - White Haired Pirates / Chapter 2: Chapter 01 – Reincarnation & Welcome to One Piece

章 2: Chapter 01 – Reincarnation & Welcome to One Piece

"Where am I?" A nameless figure opened his eyes only to find himself standing in a queue kilometers long. Strangely, all the other illusionary figures like himself were motionless.

"Oh, am I dead?" he thought, trying not to stand out. Soon enough, two royal guard-like figures appeared near him, almost as if teleporting.

"Huh, did we hear something from here?" said the first guard.

"Must be your imagination. We've been guarding the Reincarnation Parade Hall for two full eras, nothing like that happens," replied the second guard.

"Hmm," Guard 1 looked around quickly. "Must be. Let's go." After this, both guards disappeared.

"Phew, saved," thought the nameless figure, finally understanding his situation: dead, yet somehow retaining consciousness during the reincarnation cycle. 

As the queue progressed, his turn came. He was teleported to Room 1, where an options wheel appeared before him and started spinning, then soon stopped.

"Universe #12321bauef23, Planet #134bu9eq – Reincarnation #Homo sapiens, Male," he strangely understood the runic language without knowing it.

Next, he was teleported to another room where a similar options wheel appeared and began spinning, then stopped.

"Ability - Absolute Six Eye :: Penalty - Partial Memory Erasure."

Just after reading this, a sharp pain spread throughout the nameless figure. Simultaneously, he was teleported to his new planet.


West Blue – Year 1492

The seas, usually calm during the cold month of February, roared with thunder and lightning. Among the tumultuous waves floated a sturdy Adam wood basket, carrying a newborn boy with striking white hair. After hours of struggle, it neared an unnamed island.

The basket soon got caught in a fishing net and was discovered by a boy around 8 or 9 years old.

"Pops, look what I caught—a baby! You were right, the sea holds wonders. Babies, and even treasure boxes," the boy exclaimed, eyes gleaming with excitement.



"Give me that! You could hurt such a fragile child, you idiot!" the boy's father yelled, swiftly and carefully taking the baby cradle from his hands, afraid he might drop it.

"Thank goodness the kid's still alive after that sea storm," muttered the father, but his expression changed when he saw the child's otherworldly blue eyes.

"Hey kid, remember, you caught no baby in the sea. Got it? If I hear rumors in the village, your food for the next two days is gone," the father threatened sternly.

"Why? Why would you do that?" the boy protested his father's sudden cruelty.


"What I say is final. Got it?" said the father in an authoritative tone.


"This baby might be royalty. I'm not sure if bringing him back to the village is the right decision. Anyway, I can't make such a heavy decision. Let the village chief decide the fate of this kid," the father thought to himself, well aware of how unforgiving the world could be. If news of this royal child got out, the village would face immense challenges protecting him.

Soon, both the father and the boy departed back to the island with the newborn with white hair.


8 Years Later

A boy could be seen stealthily approaching one of the poisonous snakes in the island forest, which was focused on hunting a rabbit. As the boy neared the snake, he waited for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Soon enough, the rabbit approached the snake. The snake finally struck, and at the same time, the boy slashed his knife with precise accuracy, striking before the snake could.

"Swoosh" Slice

A bizarre scene occurred: the snake successfully bit the rabbit, only to have its head removed a second later. This was evidence of the boy's hard work over the past Eight years.

"Mantis stalks cicada unaware of the oriole behind," muttered the boy, reflecting on his stealth practice. "A little bit lacking. Need to improve reaction time, need to predict more, see more," he continued, silently critiquing his performance.

After cooking and eating the meat from the snake and the rabbit, the boy was preparing to head towards town when he heard the sound of an explosion.

"Haa, those bastards sure are persistent. It's already the fifth raid in three months," the boy thought. "These slave traders are raiding the village again. I guess it's time for me to leave this island."

The boy, named Shinichi by the village chief who had died in an earlier slave trader raid, knew it was time to go. Of course, the chief had been betrayed, poisoned, and backstabbed by his own trusted men, despite the numerous traps spread throughout the island. Otherwise, he had repelled the traders' ships the previous three times. Human hearts are hard to predict, and with enough money and the beginning of the Pirate Era, who wants to rot on this small island not even big enough to be marked on the world map?

Their target was, of course, the great Shinichi, with his striking looks, creamy white hair, and most importantly, captivating otherworldly blue eyes, A.K.A Six Eyes. Valued at more than a billion if auctioned at Sabaody Archipelago Island.

The reason there had been no raids before was because the navy branch had suppressed their greed, lust, power, ambition, and desire. But since the execution of Pirate King Roger and the beginning of the Pirate Era, things had changed.

Ever since the Pirate Era began, those gang bastards' ambitions started to rise. The situation became:

"If Roger's pirate group of less than 30 members can SHIT on the navy and the world government, which has more than 70 countries under its rule, why can't I, with my gang, shit on a navy branch with less than 200 soldiers?"

Soon, chaos erupted as many gangs grouped together, ready to set sail. But sailing the Grand Line was no easy job. They needed potential crew members, money, and a ship as basic requirements. The best place to get startup funds was, of course, their own villages, towns, and cities.

So, as I said, many villages, towns, and cities were slaughtered. If there was an estimation, civilian deaths would be more than 50 million.

As for me, the great Shinichi, I will take revenge. Not for some noble cause, but because Roger's final words brought me great inconvenience as a 8-year-old kid. An introvert like me is now forced to set sail on the sea. The great me, deprived of 8 hours of sleep, forced to over exercise and work for extra stamina... everything has changed.

I have decided that my first goal is to make everyone related to Roger live worse than death. I will destroy their valuables without making my life any more difficult.


With that in mind, I reminded myself again: I had finally unlocked Conqueror's Haki. I looked at the unconscious birds falling to the ground. But I paid no heed and moved towards the burning village, ready to settle this once and for all.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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