80% Yuan Zun: The Ancestral Dragon / Chapter 47: Chapter 47 - Taking Back What's Mine

章 47: Chapter 47 - Taking Back What's Mine

If one were to describe how Zhou Yuan looked after his partial dragon transformation it could be explained with a simple word.


His sleeves burst out as fine crystal-like scales covered his hands and forearms.

The scales shined like crystals, they were Crimson red which seemed to display a certain elegance and luxury.

There was some growth of scales on his cheeks, but this did not make him look bad, instead, it increased his charm.

He did not become Buff like Wu Huang but his height did increase somehow and he looked even leaner.

Zhou Yuan used only partial dragon transformation as his body could not handle the full dragon transformation.

But still, it was enough to beat the shit out of this bastard.

"It's all thanks to your dear father", Zhou Yuan said sarcastically, "He sealed the Resentment Dragon Poison in my body to make me suffer, but he could not imagine that I would use this very power to kill you"

"Isn't it ironic?"

Hearing his answer Wu Huang was taken aback as he could tell that Zhou Yuan was not lying and he could feel a deep fear from his blessing, this made him terrified as if just standing in front of Zhou Yuan would kill him.

He could feel the Maleficent and Sinister aura from him, he understood that DRP was very vindictive and hostile, just the thought of it getting in contact with his body terrified him as it would very likely devour his blessing.

Suddenly his face changed as he realized Zhou Yuan's intention, "Y-You Crippled Dragon how dare you covet my blessing."

"Hmph that was never yours, to begin with, You are just a thief", Zhou Yuan said as he disappeared in a burst of speed, he appeared in front of Wu Huang caught his face in his claws, and threw him out to the opposite direction, he also discreetly opened a gate in the barrier so that he could leave with Wu Huang, as it was very likely that his battle with Wu Huang would break the barrier and the tyrannical Qi could also harm Yaoyao, he could not allow that so he quickly took him outside.

He rushed after him, and in a blur of red, he passed Yaoyao, Luluo, and the others.

Except for Yaoyao, everyone could only see blurs of golden and red pass by them, Yaoyao saw Zhou Yuan and nodded in relief as she understood that Zhou Yuan wanted to take this battle outside the barrier.

Arriving at the place Wu Huang would land, Zhou Yuan jumped up and performed an Axe kick, Just before he could hit the ground, Wu Huang's body arrived there.

And what he envisioned happened.


With a crunch, the attack landed directly on Wu Huang's Torso, he vomited blood, as he was hurled to the ground.

The momentum of his fall was very great, it was also boosted by the impact of the kick he took from Zhou Yuan.


A very large crater formed on the ground, the moment Wu Huang touched the earth.

Large pieces of rock were thrown in the air.

Zhou Yuan also landed and once again rushed to Wu Huang.

He took out the Heavenly Yuan Brush and used its 3rd and 2nd Runes simultaneously.

'Myriad Transformation'


The brush transformed into Metal Locks that bounded and constantly absorbed the genesis Qi of Wu Huang.

Zhou Yuan did not say a word as he started raining down punches on Wu Huang.

This time however all his attacks were fueled by emotions, all the anger, disgust, and suffering he felt over the years poured on Wu Huang through his Punches.

Each punch was stronger than the last.




All kinds of sounds were created as his punches landed on Wu Huang.

Wu Huang was struggling to keep being conscious.

"W-wait Zh-zhou Yuan stop this, I can give you anything you want but please leave me", Wu Huang managed to utter.

Hearing this Zhou Yuan stopped for a moment before he once again continued.


"Nah you don't have anything I want and Sacred Dragon blessing is not included since it is mine to begin with", Zhou Yuan nonchalantly replied.

After some time the scales on Wu Huang's body also broke as they could no longer endure any more pressure in addition Wu Huang was not able to boost them with Genesis Qi.



Wu Huang was once again bloodied as his scales broke he shouted at the top of his lungs as the pain was too much to handle.


Unfortunately, Zhou Yuan showed no mercy and continued.

This went on for a while after which Wu Huang went unconscious as he could not handle the pain of his bones being broken, and his meridians getting destroyed one after another.

Seeing that he was unconscious, Zhou Yuan stopped and called back the Heavenly Yuan Brush.

He also absorbed more than 75% of Wu Huang's Genesis Qi.

While his Genesis Qi may not contain Sacred Dragon Qi, it was still affected by it to a certain extent as it had stayed in his body for 14-15 years.

Zhou Yuan sat down and began inspecting his Genesis Qi and soon found hints of Golden colored qi in it.

This and his urge to devour them confirmed him that it should be a small strand of Sacred Dragon Qi.

He collected all of them and tried to control them through the Omni python Qi.

While he could not control it in the beginning, after a while it changed.

He found that he could certainly control the Sacred Dragon Qi using the Omni python Qi, but it was a bit difficult.

But he was satisfied with it, as he had a plan that would give him all the time in the world necessary to absorb the blessing.

He thought of his plan and smiled, sometimes his genius even frightened him.

After drawing various Genesis Runes and boundings necessary to immobilize Wu Huang and prevent him from Escaping he left to reunite with Yaoyao.

He needed to deal with the other ones quickly so that he could proceed with his plan as he needed Yaoyao's assistance.




After a long time

Wu Huang who had just regained consciousness tried to open his eyes which felt very heavy.

As soon as he opened his eyes he was greeted by the sight of the wide sky which tinged with yellow.

He tried to move his body but immediately felt excruciating pain.

It immediately made him alert.

He tried very hard to move his hands and legs but found that they were locked in one place and upon looking he found that they were bound by some Genesis Runes.

He also realized that he could not utilize his Genesis Qi no matter how hard he tried.

He grew even more scared.

On the other side, Zhou Yuan, Yaoyao, and Luluo were sitting on tree stumps eating barbeque made by Zhou Yuan.

They looked and acted very relaxed as if they were on some vacation.

5 bodies were kept behind the place where they were seated.

Upon closer inspection, one would find that they were the claimed geniuses from the Dongxuan Continent.

All of them were dead and all their belongings were loo-taken away by a certain treasure lover.

Yaoyao was seated to Zhou Yuan's side, she leaned on him after she finished her food.

Luluo seeing this smiled wryly but could not say anything as both of them looked too good together.

Both Zhou Yuan and Yaoyao sat in silence with their eyes closed.

After some time Zhou Yuan opened his and nudged Yaoyao a little to wake her up from her little nap, although he also didn't want to get up as their little nap was very much enthralling to him.

On a side note, Yaoyao smelled very good, she didn't use any perfume but even so, her smell seemed to calm him down.

Yaoyao woke up with a little huff she seemed a little annoyed.

"Yaoyao after this I will take you to relax in the pool which should also benefit your spirit. I need your help otherwise I wouldn't have gotten you involved.", Zhou Yuan explained gently.

Hearing him Yaoyao nodded slightly as she got up and clasped his one hand.

Zhou Yuan nodded to Luluo as he floated in the air while using his Genesis Qi to take the 5 bodies with him.

Luluo also followed him.




Wu Huang was growing more each second as he realized that he had been held captive by Zhou Yuan.

Soon he heard a voice that made his blood run cold.

"Well-Well, our little prince finally woke up from his beauty nap.", a mocking voice sounded.

5 thuds sounded as if something was thrown on the ground.

As he looked at the source of the sound he once again froze when he saw the 5 bodies of people from the Dongxuan Continent with whom he had reached a cooperation.

He once again felt despair as his last hope of being saved was dashed.

"Anyway Yaoyao let's get to work, you prepare the runes needed while I give him a taste of what I got from his father.", Zhou Yuan said as he began to walk towards Wu Huang all the while having a smile which showed that he was harmless.

However, seeing this smile Wu Huang shuddered as he realized what was going to happen now.

Reaching his side Zhou Yuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Have a taste of this poison which your father left inside me."

"Now DRP devour his blood essence, but do it slowly and make it very painful.", Zhou Yuan conveyed to Dragon Resentment Poison as it roared in agreement.

A mass of red in the shape of a dragon came out of Zhou Yuan's palm.

Soon it stared at Wu Huang as if confirming something before it roared and rushed towards him.

"Z-Zhou Yuan please stop this don't let this thing touch me, please", At this point all pride and majesty were flushed out of Wu Huang as he realized that he was going to die a painful death, although his spirit would be saved it still did not negate the fact that he would experience the pain of dying slowly.

This was exactly Zhou Yuan's plan, by torturing him and wearing down his spirit he wanted to weaken Wu Huang's soul, and coupled with the Genesis Runes he and Yaoyao had discussed it would be an easy task for him to Immobilize Wu Huang's soul.

And he also wanted Wu Huang to suffer from the pain of the torture from DRP.

As soon as the red mass came into contact with Wu Huang it quickly entered his body, for some time he didn't feel the pain he was expecting but just as he was about to rejoice he was hit by a wave of pain so intense that he roared.


It was like having multiple ants and insects eating away at you slowly at the same time.

He pleaded but the pain did not stop, on the contrary, it increased as time went by.


Wu Huang's throat had gone sore due to shouting at the top of his lungs for this long.

He could his vitality slipping away from him as his body grew weaker which signaled that his Blood essence was being devoured.

His body was a treat for DRP as it had been refined by the Sacred Dragon Qi, while it could not devour the Sacred Dragon Qi the body refined by it was still a big treat for it.

This went on for about 30 more minutes before Zhou Yuan felt that Wu Huang had only sparks of vitality left.

His face looked pale and haggard and his hair white.

He withdrew the DRP as he approached Wu Huang to land the final blow.

Crouching down he whispered in his ears, "Go ahead and survive with your spirit, I would take your sister as mine meanwhile you cling to your pitiful life."

Hearing him Wu Huang was so angered that he shouted or tried to, "Y-You poof".

But just as he opened his mouth he pitted blood and went immobile.

Zhou Yuan seeing this was stunned for a while and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry as this guy seemed to have died from anger.

But when he thought of a various novel in his past life where the protagonist made someone else die from anger, he realized that he had achieved something legendary.

Putting away his urge to laugh, he turned around and nodded to Yaoyao who got ready.

As a precaution, Zhou Yuan also cut off Wu Huang's head so that his spirit could leave the body, only then would the sacred dragon Qi come out.

Zhou Yuan stared at his corpse with full concentration, he had reached here so no mistakes should be allowed to reduce his harvest this time.


All of a sudden, Wu Huang's headless corpse began to tremble faintly. A split second later, a flash of light dashed out from his stump of a neck, the roar of a dragon echoing within it.

A faint translucent dragon silhouette was revealed within the light.

The dragon silhouette was ancient and noble, like a gift from the heavens.

Zhou Yuan stared at the dragon silhouette with various emotions. He could feel the intimacy and familiarity around it.

This should be the 1/3 part of Sacred Dragon Blessing.

This familiarity must have originated from his own body which previously housed the Sacred Dragon Blessing.


The Omni Python Qi in Zhou Yuan's Qi Dwelling began to stir violently. A hiss seemed to echo, filled with an indescribable thirst and desire.


The translucent dragon silhouette coiled in mid-air for a moment, before suddenly sweeping downwards.

However, it was not headed towards Zhou Yuan but Wu Huang's decapitated head.

Soon a palm-sized illusory figure rose from his head, there was a layer of glittering starlight wrapped around Wu Huang's illusory Spirit like a set of clothes. It was the protection of these star clothes that allowed Wu Huang's Mid Illusory stage Spirit to separate from his body.

"Hmph, cockroach", Zhou Yuan said as he signaled Yaoyao who made a hand sign and used her spirit power to activate the various Genesis Rune they had prepared.

In an instant, Several Genesis Rubes formed around the Sacred Dragon Blessing and Wu Huang's spirit.

In an instant both were immobilized, the genesis runes used were not simple as they were various types of soul, genesis qi blocking runes, and soul weakening runes which made Wu Huang's control over Sacred Dragon Blessing weaker.

But the runes did not stop the advance of Sacred Dragon Blessing, they only managed to slow down its advance.


The Omni Python Qi in Zhou Yuan's Qi Dwelling began to stir violently. A hiss seemed to echo, filled with an indescribable thirst and desire.

Zhou Yuan just stretched his hand and the Omni python qi emerged as it began to create a suction force that seemed to be intent on absorbing the sacred dragon blessing.

Seeing this scene Wu Huang who was in his spirit form was angered, he also felt aggrieved as he found that he could not pull the sacred dragon blessing back to him.

He could only painfully watch as the Sacred Dragon Blessing was devoured by Zhou Yuan.

As soon as Zhou Yuan devoured the last piece of it Wu Huang's mentality exploded.


Wu Huang completely lost it this time, his eyes entirely red. He had not acted in such a manner even when his physical body was slain earlier, all because he clearly understood the functions of the sacred dragon blessing.

As long as he possessed it, it would only be a matter of time before he rose again!

However, there was nothing he could do no matter how angry he got. The only thing left of him was his Spirit, and it would not be easy for him to escape from Zhou Yuan, let alone try to do anything to the latter.

Dazzling starlight exploded from Wu Huang's Spirit, sweeping him up as it soared into the sky, before disappearing as if penetrating through space itself.

"Zhou Yuan, I will never let you off!"

As Wu Huang's Spirit disappeared, his howls filled with incompetence sounded.

Zhou Yuan seeing this did not stop him but just calmly gazed at the sky.

"I have taken back what was mine from you Wu Huang, I promise that in the future as long as you don't target me and my loved ones I won't hunt you down."

Zhou Yuan felt very light for some reason, whether it was emotionally or physically.

As soon as he absorbed the Sacred Dragon Blessing some very interesting changes occurred in his body which were extremely beneficial for him.





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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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