76.19% I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat / Chapter 32: New person

章 32: New person

The next few days passed, and one by one, we started to capture the SCPs. We managed to apprehend a handful of them, but many remained elusive, making our task seem almost impossible. Then one day, we received word that someone was coming to visit Site 16. I was instructed to meet them, and as they arrived, I saw a young person who appeared to be around 17 or 18 years old.

They had long yellow hair, wore glasses, and had a European look about them. Dressed in a jacket and gray jeans, they approached me with a friendly demeanor.

"Hi, I'm Billy. Nice to meet you, Able, right? I've heard a lot about you. Also, just to let you know, I'm non-binary," they said casually, acknowledging the biblical reference in my name.

I nodded in greeting. "Nice to meet you too, Billy. Welcome to Site 16. What brings you here?"

Billy smiled warmly. "I've been assigned here to assist with some research projects related to SCP containment. I'm looking forward to working with you all."

As we walked together towards the main facility, I couldn't help but wonder how Billy's arrival might change dynamics at Site 16, especially amidst our ongoing challenges with SCP containment.

As I walked alongside Billy, they glanced over at me with a curious expression.

Billy spoke up, breaking the silence, "So, Able, what's it like running a team of SCPs?"

I chuckled softly, reflecting on the complexities of managing such a diverse and unique group. "It's... challenging, to say the least. Each SCP comes with its own set of abilities, quirks, and sometimes, unpredictability. But it's rewarding too, knowing that our work here safeguards humanity from the anomalies."

Billy nodded thoughtfully, adjusting their glasses. "I can imagine. Must be like herding cats sometimes."

"Exactly," I replied with a grin. "But each member of Pandora's Box has their role, their strengths. We work as a team, and somehow, it all comes together."

As we continued down the corridor, discussing strategies and recent containment breaches, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Billy's fresh perspective and their readiness to join our efforts at Site 16.

Billy just looked at me. Hey can I meet your team

I nodded to Billy with a grin. "Sure thing. Follow me to the training room. Just a heads-up, though—some of them can be a handful, especially 682."

Billy raised an eyebrow curiously. "682? That sounds intriguing. What's it like?"

I led Billy down the corridors of Site 16, explaining as we walked. "SCP-682, also known as 'The Hard-to-Destroy Reptile,' is one of our most challenging SCPs. It's highly intelligent, incredibly adaptive, and has a strong hostility towards humanity."

Billy looked thoughtful. "Sounds like a tough one to handle."

"It definitely keeps us on our toes," I replied, reaching the entrance to the training room. Inside, various SCPs were engaged in exercises tailored to their abilities under the supervision of Foundation personnel.

We entered, and I gestured towards a section where SCP-682 was engaged in combat simulations with other SCPs. The atmosphere crackled with intensity as SCP-682 demonstrated its formidable strength and resilience.

Billy observed quietly for a moment before speaking again. "It's fascinating to see them in action. Each SCP has its own story, its own challenges."

"Indeed," I agreed. "They're not just anomalies; they're individuals with their own traits and complexities."

As we watched, Billy turned to me with a curious smile. "I'm looking forward to getting to know them better. And to contributing, too."

I nodded appreciatively. "Your insights will be valuable, Billy. Welcome to Pandora's Box."

Certainly! Let's continue the story:


Billy and I walked further into the training room, where various SCPs were engaged in their exercises. I introduced Billy to the rest of Pandora's Box, starting with Iris, who was overseeing a group of SCPs undergoing agility drills.

"Billy, this is Iris," I said, gesturing towards her. "She's our teleportation expert and helps coordinate missions."

Iris turned with a smile, extending a hand to Billy. "Nice to meet you, Billy. Any friend of Able's is welcome here."

Billy shook her hand warmly. "Thanks, Iris. I've heard about your abilities. It must be quite something, teleporting all over."

Iris chuckled softly. "It has its moments. Keeps things interesting, that's for sure."

Next, I led Billy over to where SCP-953, the fox spirit, was engaged in a friendly sparring match with SCP-853-jp, a humanoid anomaly from the Japanese branch.

"Billy, this is SCP-953 and SCP-853-jp," I introduced them. "They're both integral members of our team."

SCP-953 grinned mischievously, bowing slightly. "A pleasure to meet you, Billy. Don't believe all the rumors about me."

SCP-853-jp nodded respectfully. "Greetings, Billy. I hope our work here proves insightful."

Billy smiled warmly. "I'm sure it will. It's fascinating to see such diverse talents gathered in one place."

As we moved on, I spotted SCP-239, the young reality bender, practicing controlled bursts of energy under the supervision of Dr. Sophia.

"Billy, meet SCP-239," I said, pointing her out. "She's exceptionally powerful but needs careful guidance."

SCP-239 looked up, her eyes alight with curiosity as she studied Billy. "Hello, Billy. Are you here to see what trouble we're causing today?"

Billy chuckled nervously. "I hope not too much trouble, SCP-239. I'm just getting acquainted."

Dr. Sophia smiled warmly. "She's a handful, but we manage."

Finally, I led Billy to where SCP-049 and his son, now named Aiden, were discussing medical procedures in a quieter corner of the room.

"Billy, this is SCP-049 and Aiden," I introduced them. "SCP-049 is our resident medic, although his methods can be unconventional."

SCP-049 nodded politely, adjusting his plague doctor mask. "A pleasure, Billy. Medical science is a passion of mine."

Aiden, looking more like a miniature version of SCP-049, grinned shyly. "Hi there! Dad says you're new. Are you going to help us with missions?"

Billy laughed, charmed by Aiden's enthusiasm. "I'd like that, Aiden. It sounds like quite an adventure."

Throughout the introductions, Billy engaged each SCP member with genuine interest, asking questions about their abilities, their experiences, and their perspectives on being part of Pandora's Box. The team responded warmly, sharing anecdotes and insights while Billy soaked in the unique atmosphere of Site 16.

After the introductions, we gathered in a meeting room where Billy shared some of their own experiences and insights, contributing fresh perspectives to our approach in containing and understanding SCPs. As the discussions continued, it became evident that Billy's presence would indeed bring a new dynamic to Pandora's Box.

After that everyone went to eat as we did Iris asked Billy a question

Iris looked Billy. So Billy what Site do you belong to

Billy just looked at Iris before he answers. That would be site 27

I looked at Billy. So the technology branch

Billy just smiled and looked at me. Yup, also does he always eat that much

We all turned our head to see a lot of food on Scp 682 plate as the Lizard was finishing everything way to fast for anyone, will except for another person I turned my head to see my brother Cain just eating a whole lot of meat with the same speed as Scp 682

Iris raised an eyebrow at Billy's response. "Site 27, huh? That's the technology branch. Must be pretty advanced over there."

Billy nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, we focus a lot on integrating technology with containment and research. It's always buzzing with new innovations."

I chuckled at Iris's question about SCP-682's voracious appetite. "Unfortunately, yes. 682 has an incredible metabolism."

SCP-682, having overheard his name, grunted in acknowledgment as he scraped the last bits from his plate.

Billy's eyes widened as he watched the lizard finish his meal in record time. "That's... impressive."

Beside me, Cain continued to devour his food with equal gusto, barely pausing to breathe. His appetite was legendary among our team, matching even SCP-682's in intensity.

I shook my head with a smile. "Looks like you've met Cain. He's my brother, and he's always been a bottomless pit when it comes to food."

Cain looked up briefly from his plate, grinning sheepishly. "Hey, when you're immortal, you gotta find your pleasures where you can."

Billy chuckled, finding himself amused by the contrast between the stoic SCPs and the lively personalities within Pandora's Box.

After finishing our meal, we gathered in the common area where SCP-239 conjured up a holographic display to showcase some recent anomalies she had been studying. Iris and Billy exchanged ideas about teleportation and advanced technologies, while SCP-049 and Dr. Sophia discussed medical advancements. SCP-953 and SCP-853-jp shared stories of their previous encounters in containment breaches and missions.

As the evening progressed, it became evident that Billy's presence was not only welcomed but also enriching our team dynamics with fresh insights and collaboration opportunities.

The next day everyone was training, as Billy was just watching as I looked at Billy

Hey Billy. I said looking at him. can you fight

They just looked back at me. Yup, I can

As he pulled out something from his bag, as it was folded up metal, as he dropped and destroying the laws of Matter and physics it then unfolded into a Gundom.

I just looked at Gundom. Will that is something

Billy nodded with a grin. "Yeah, I like to keep a little surprise in my bag of tricks."

The folded metal transformed and unfolded into a towering Gundam, its sleek design catching everyone's attention. The members of Pandora's Box paused their training to admire the impressive machine.

Iris raised an eyebrow, impressed. "That's quite the piece of tech you've got there, Billy. Are you planning to test it out?"

Billy nodded, adjusting his glasses. "Absolutely. I've been fine-tuning it for combat scenarios. Thought I'd see how it holds up against some of the anomalies here."

I glanced around at the team, sensing their curiosity and excitement. "Alright, team. Let's give Billy's Gundam a proper test. Iris, Cain, 682, 049, 239, let's set up a controlled environment for combat simulation."

Iris nodded, already calculating the logistics. "Got it. I'll create a simulation arena where Billy can put the Gundam through its paces."

SCP-682 grunted, eyeing the Gundam with mild interest. "This should be interesting. Let's see what it can do."

Billy stepped forward, feeling a surge of anticipation. "Thanks, Able. I'm looking forward to this."

As the training area was prepared, Billy climbed into the Gundam's cockpit, adjusting the controls with practiced ease. The machine hummed to life, its joints moving smoothly as it awaited commands.

"Alright, team," I said, addressing everyone. "Remember, this is just a test. Let's see how the Gundam performs against our anomalies."

Billy nodded, his focus on the controls. "Let's do this."

The simulation began, with holographic representations of various SCPs appearing in the arena. The Gundam moved swiftly, evading attacks and deploying its own arsenal of weapons with precision. Each member of Pandora's Box observed closely, noting the Gundam's capabilities and how it adapted to different scenarios.

Throughout the session, Billy demonstrated both strategic thinking and technical prowess, utilizing the Gundam's advanced weaponry and mobility to effectively engage with the simulated anomalies. The team offered feedback and suggestions, impressed by the Gundam's performance and Billy's skills as a pilot.

After a successful round of simulations, we gathered around Billy as he powered down the Gundam.

"Well done, Billy," I said, clapping him on the shoulder. "That was impressive. Your Gundam held up admirably against our anomalies."

Billy grinned, visibly pleased with the results. "Thanks, Able. It's still a work in progress, but I'm glad it performed well."

Iris nodded in agreement. "Definitely. With a few more tweaks, it could be a valuable asset in containment and combat scenarios."

As we discussed potential improvements and future simulations, Billy felt more integrated into Pandora's Box, his unique skills and technology enhancing our team's capabilities in unforeseen ways.

Late that afternoon, Dr. Bright and Billy were working on a few new strategies to improve SCP containment. One of the new plans involved placing photos of the SCPs everywhere within the facility, hidden in various locations. The idea was that if an SCP ever broke out, Iris could use her powers to teleport them back into their containment using these strategically placed photos.

Dr. Bright looked over the blueprints spread across the table. "So, the key is to have these photos in locations that are both accessible and secure. We need to ensure they can't be easily destroyed or tampered with."

Billy nodded, adjusting his glasses. "Exactly. I've designed a special casing for the photos that makes them resistant to damage and also blends them into the environment. They'll be virtually invisible to the naked eye but will serve as anchor points for Iris's powers."

Iris, who was sitting nearby, glanced up from her book. "I can link my abilities to these photos, no problem. Just make sure they're well-distributed throughout the facility."

Dr. Bright tapped a spot on the blueprint. "We'll start with high-risk containment areas and branch out from there. This should give us a solid safety net in case of a breach."

Billy smiled. "And with the additional sensors I've been working on, we'll be able to track any movement and activate the teleportation sequence automatically if an SCP gets too close to a photo."

I looked over their work and nodded in approval. "This could significantly reduce the risk of containment breaches. Let's get started on implementing this system."

The next few hours were spent installing the photo devices and sensors around the facility. Billy's engineering skills and Dr. Bright's experience made the process efficient and seamless. Each photo was carefully placed in hidden but strategic locations, ensuring they would be effective in the event of an emergency.

As the afternoon turned into evening, the team gathered in the main control room to test the new system. Billy activated the central console, and the monitors lit up, displaying the locations of all the photos and sensors.

"All set," Billy said. "Iris, want to give it a test run?"

Iris nodded and focused her powers. One by one, she teleported small objects from different parts of the facility to the control room, using the photos as anchor points. The system worked flawlessly.

Dr. Bright grinned. "Looks like we have a winner. This should help us keep things under control, even if there's a major breach."

I turned to the team, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Great work, everyone. This is a big step forward for our containment protocols. Let's hope we never have to use it, but it's good to know we have this backup in place."

Billy nodded, satisfied with the day's work. "Agreed. Now, let's get some rest. We have another busy day ahead of us tomorrow."

As the team dispersed for the night, the facility felt a little more secure, thanks to the combined efforts and innovations of Pandora's Box.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C32
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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