33.33% Superior Reed Richards / Chapter 24: Chapter 24

章 24: Chapter 24

"You want to fight him here, in the heart of New York City?!" Ben asked, looking at me in bewilderment. His eyes were wide with surprise, and his eyebrows shot up so high they seemed to disappear under his cream-colored cap. "Stretch, have you lost your mind?!"

At that moment, we were inside the Fantastic Machine, slicing through the air like a metallic beast, heading to meet Nick Fury. The exterior of the machine gleamed under the morning sun, and its engines emitted a monotonous hum, creating a sense of inevitability about the upcoming meeting.

"Water is Namor's element; he's stronger there than on land," I began, trying to remain calm despite the tension that gripped me. "Meanwhile, we're not as strong in the water; in fact, we're quite the opposite."

My words hung in the air like misty clouds, concealing the impending storm.

"Well, I burn just as well underwater as I do above it," Johnny said, smiling so broadly his grin seemed capable of igniting the very atmosphere around us. Mischief danced on his face, and his eyes sparkled with anticipation for the upcoming challenge.

We had indeed tested Johnny's abilities underwater, and after numerous experiments conducted in various conditions—from sunken ships to deep-sea volcanoes—we concluded that he could indeed burn like a beacon, cutting through the dark water.

"But what about the rest of us?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in doubt and addressing the other team members. "Ben, in his rocky form, isn't exactly a great swimmer, not to mention Namor moves underwater as fast, if not faster, than he does on land."

My words carried enough weight to be considered seriously.

"There's also the matter of the osmotic cannon," I said, pointing to the hefty weapon. "Its effectiveness would be nullified underwater."

"But what about collateral damage?" Susan asked, her voice soft yet decisively firm. Her concern for the city's safety and its residents was evident in every word.

"That's where Fury comes in," I replied with a slight smirk, trying to inject some optimism into our serious discussion.

At that moment, as the sun began to reach its zenith, painting the sky in unique hues of dawn, we arrived at our destination. The meeting place with Fury was located away from the bustling city center and out of sight of curious citizens.

The Fantastic Machine, a marvel of engineering, easily crossed a masking barrier that to the untrained eye appeared as a mere shimmer in the air, like a heat haze over a desert. But once we passed through it, we were greeted by a scene worthy of the pages of a science fiction novel.

A group of operatives, dressed in uniforms that seemed to blend with the environment, went about their tasks with such concentration it seemed they noticed nothing around them. Beside them were devices and technologies decades ahead of civilian science. These machines, with their unusual shapes and blinking indicators, created the impression that we were on the threshold of a new era of discovery.

The atmosphere around us was filled with anticipation; every sound from the equipment, every rustle of the operatives' uniforms, added a vibration of tension and expectation to the air. Yet, despite all this, there was a confidence in our abilities and a belief that we could face the challenges ahead.

Here, at this secretive base, a significant group of operatives had gathered, their names known to anyone even slightly interested in the world of superheroes and special agents. Alongside Nick Fury, with his ever-watchful single eye, were notable figures such as Maria Hill, his loyal right hand, Natasha Romanoff, the master of espionage and combat known as the Black Widow, and Clint Barton, whose sharp eye and arrows never missed. Each of them, with their unique stories and skill sets, had come together to discuss the impending threat.

However, Fury intrigued me the most... Thanks to my current abilities, I could sense the metal inside his body... Before me stood not a living man.

"I can't say the same," I replied. "Let's skip the formalities and get straight to the point, specifically Namor McKenzie."

"I see why you're not invited to parties," Clint Barton muttered, his voice carrying a friendly tease. He stood slightly aside, smiling as if anticipating the unfolding conversation.

Fury simply nodded in response to my words.

"I've reviewed your plan," he finally said, his voice deep and confident, leaving no room for doubt about his resolve.

This was not surprising, but rather expected. Fury was always a step ahead, anticipating the moves and decisions of both allies and adversaries.

"And what have you decided?" I asked.

The question was only to gauge Fury's reaction, for in reality, I knew he would accept the plan, as it provided him with many valuable tools.

"It's a solid plan," Fury said, his voice sounding approving, but his face remained an impassive mask, revealing no emotion. It was his trademark style—to always keep his composure, regardless of the circumstances.

This intrigued me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to conceal my surprise and a slight dose of skepticism. According to my calculations, the chosen location was ideal—its topography and position gave us a tactical advantage I could only dream of.

"That location is not suitable. I can't tell you why," Fury said, his voice tinged with regret, as if he himself was not pleased with the turn of events.

His gaze told me everything. Most likely, there was a state facility at that location, well-hidden.

The tension in the room was palpable; everyone exchanged glances, trying to decipher what could have made Fury reject such an apparently perfect plan.

Natasha Romanoff watched the proceedings with a slight smirk, Maria Hill looked cautious, and Clint Barton seemed ready to propose his alternative.

"Do we have any other options?" I asked decisively, seeking a way out of the situation, aware that time was running out and we needed to act swiftly and effectively.

Fury nodded and said, "This area..."

= Some Time Later =

The area Fury suggested wasn't far from the previous location.

After numerous issues were resolved, it was time to prepare the battleground.

"Director Fury, have you positioned your men around the perimeter?" I asked Fury.

"Yes, Dr. Richards."

"In that case, activate the Net."

The Net—several dozen devices that, when combined, performed multiple functions: creating an enclosed battle arena and harnessing the energy from the water mass's movement, thereby reducing the tsunami.


"Begin," Fury commanded into his earpiece.

In the next second, as if responding to his order, the space before his eyes came alive, transformed.

Numerous Quinjet fighters, metallic birds of the era, powerful and unyielding, soared into the sky with the characteristic roar of their engines. They descended to a level almost tangible to the naked eye, their silhouettes starkly outlined against the pale sky, heralding the coming storm.

"Falcon-1 ready," came a clear, decisive voice.

"Falcon-2 ready," echoed another voice, no less confident.

"Falcon-3 ready," the tone carried readiness for action.

"Barton ready," Clint said with a smirk.

There was playfulness in his voice, but also an unwavering confidence in his abilities.

Each of these acknowledgments was like an oath, a confirmation of their readiness for battle, for heroism, for the trial that lay ahead. They were not just voices in the ether; they were heralds of determination, embodiments of fearlessness and dedication to their cause.

After all the pilots had spoken, the moment arrived. Time to execute the plan.

"Fire," Fury's command was like a verdict.


Numerous advanced missiles, like birds seeking freedom, launched from their nests. Their flight was swift and relentless, filled with deadly purpose.

Their target was Namor, or more precisely, his trajectory, which cut through the space menacingly, presenting a threat. Everyone knew well that Namor could evade the missiles, but he wouldn't be able to maintain his original course all the way.

Fury's gaze was fixed on the map showing the trajectory of the King of Atlantis. Just a few minutes ago, the trajectory had Namor heading straight for the center of New York, but after numerous missiles... the current trajectory led Namor directly to the arena.

"Mission accomplished," Fury said. "The rest is up to you, Dr. Richards."

=Reed Richards=

"Understood," I replied, looking at the wave looming ahead.

Thanks to the device and my sense of metal, I knew Namor was approaching. His power and speed filled the air with anxious anticipation.

"Get ready," I said, looking at my family.

Over the time spent with them, it was hard not to consider them family.

"I was born ready, Stretch," Ben said in his rocky form.

Johnny, like the embodiment of fire itself, transformed into his fiery form and soared into the sky, leaving a trail of sparks and heat. His laughter echoed in the air, like a challenge to the elements.

"The most handsome member of our team is ready," he said, his voice light and carefree, but every movement was filled with confidence and skill.

Johnny's older sister simply took a deep breath and exhaled, then nodded.

At that very moment, when the tension reached its peak, Namor and his unstoppable wave crossed the red line, the invisible boundary that marked the start of my field.


The Net, an invention born of many nights of research and dozens of experiments, absorbed the incredible wave. The kinetic energy contained in this mass of water began to transform, as if obeying an unknown spell, into a completely different form of energy, filling the air with a thrill and sparks of potential power.

Unfortunately, our tests on the mass of water were not the end. I managed to react to Namor's attack only thanks to my newfound power.

With Magneto's power now flowing through my veins, I managed to stop the thrown trident, as if snatching victory from the jaws of defeat at the last moment. However, what followed the trident was something I was not prepared for.


Namor's fist, powerful and unyielding like the nature he commanded, met Susan's force field. Namor's gaze fell on Sue, and deep in his eyes, I saw something I didn't like.

"TIME TO SMASH!" Ben shouted, rushing into battle.

The arena closed, locking the King of Atlantis with us in one field. This, in turn, meant it was time for stage two.

"Position number two!" I shouted, reaching out with my new power to the osmotic cannon.

Sue, Ben, and Johnny nodded. They understood perfectly what needed to be done.

As the battle flared up with new intensity, Ben, indomitable and steadfast like a mountain, confronted Namor. Their clash was filled with primal power, reminiscent of the collision of two elements.

Meanwhile, Johnny, embodying the unstoppable force of fire, began to unleash streams of flame on Namor and Ben. Thanks to his position in the air, he could do this with incredible ease.

Credit to the King of Atlantis, despite the onslaught from Ben, Johnny, and Sue, he remained unfazed. I knew well that such damage meant little to him.

"YOU THINK THIS CAN BREAK ME?!" Namor roared, his voice full of defiance and unyielding will. His words sliced through the air like a blade, reminding everyone of the unconquered power he represented.

In the next moment, his fist, imbued with all his anger and strength, broke through fire and stone, clashing with Susan's force field. The blow was so powerful that Ben, despite his invincible nature, was lifted a couple of meters off the ground like a light leaf in the wind, and Sue felt a pressure comparable only to the force of storms crashing against cliffs.

"Ready," I whispered with a slight smile on my face.

"IMPERIUS REX!" Namor bellowed, gathering all his rage and power into those words, trying to break through Susan's impenetrable force field. His voice echoed off the invisible walls of the dome, creating the illusion of multiple echoes, as if nature itself was amplifying his challenge.

"I'm sick of you already," I said, my words calm but filled with determination. My hand pressed the trigger of the osmotic cannon without hesitation, a device born from countless hours of research and experimentation.

In the next moment, the weapon's power hit Namor's body. He felt the full force of the invention, and judging by his reaction, the weapon worked exactly as I expected.

"KHAA!" Namor choked, his hands clutching at his throat. In his eyes, one could see the instant realization of what was happening, mixed with confusion and painful surprise.


With a single click, I stopped the weapon. Namor still couldn't regain his composure. He didn't understand what was happening to him, why his strength had left his body.

"Bastard..." Namor whispered, looking at me with hatred clearly etched in his eyes. "Coward."

That word was the trigger. By this point, the power the Net had gathered was under my control, allowing me to understand some facets of my new strength.

"Is that so?" I asked with a slight smirk.

I raised my hand, and at that moment, a beam of energy began to condense above my palm.

"And you're a complete jerk," I said before sending the beam of energy toward Namor.

Arcane_Eso Arcane_Eso

Stones for the God of Stones! Souls for the Throne of Souls!

章 25: Chapter 25

Thanks to the Net, I was able to sense the energy, and once that happened, manipulating it became much easier.

Shaping this energy stream, holding it, and determining its direction felt like a dance, where every movement, every step was pre-planned and executed with flawless precision.


The energy beam, released from my weapon, pierced through the air, cutting through Namor's body with surprising ease, as if he were a mere shadow rather than the mighty ruler of the seas. The water behind him parted before the power of the beam, like the Red Sea before Moses, leaving behind only emptiness and a trail of destruction.

"Khah!" Namor coughed, his eyes filled with disbelief and pain as he focused on his abdomen, now marred by a hole disrupting the integrity of his powerful body.

"Thank Fury," I said, my words sounding like a verdict as I watched Namor's eyes slowly close, seemingly refusing to accept their fate.

Indeed, Nick Fury had asked me to keep Namor alive, insisting that his place was behind bars, not in a grave. According to my one-eyed friend, Namor would be imprisoned for many years.

"B-Bastard..." Namor's last words were whispered through pain before darkness enveloped his consciousness, rendering him unconscious.

Anticipating questions and doubts from my teammates, I noted, "He will live. I aimed to incapacitate, not kill him."

These words brought relief to Sue and Ben, while Johnny, descending from the sky, couldn't hide his surprise.

"Didn't think Magneto could do that. Reed, are you sure you got his powers?"

Johnny and Ben were unaware of our battle with Magneto, where he had demonstrated exactly such abilities.

The research on Max Eisenhardt's X-gene, known as Magneto, had been my secret project, known only to a select few. I explained that this was done to ensure we had enough power for the next encounter with such threats.

"The thing is, I managed to harness incredible energy to create what I did," I replied, feeling the Net's energy completely drained. "Magneto can do similar things without any problems."

The prospects made Johnny shudder.

"I wouldn't want to go through that again," Sue said dryly.

Hugging her shoulder, I tried to convey all the support and confidence I could muster.

"I promise you, it won't happen again," my words were not just a promise but a vow, given not only to her but also to myself, a vow to protect our world and those who live in it from any threats.

Burying her face in my chest, Sue whispered back, "I believe you."

Those three words sounded like a ray of light piercing through the clouds, a reminder that despite all the difficulties and trials, faith and love can overcome anything.

Ben and Johnny stood beside us, watching with warm smiles.

However, this moment of peace and unity was short-lived. I sensed the approach of a dozen armed individuals moving in our direction. These were SHIELD agents, arriving to take Namor, who was still unconscious.

Leading the group was their director, Nicholas Joseph Fury, or rather, his puppet. Fury's single eye fell on Namor, now bearing an unnatural hole, and his brow raised at the sight.

"He's alive," I said. "And he will survive."

Fury appraised me and, smirking, said, "I'll take your word for it, Dr. Richards."

He then looked at his subordinates and added, "Take him."

SHIELD agents, with their characteristic efficiency and precision, embodied discipline and professionalism. Their movements were coordinated and exact, like a well-oiled machine operating with remarkable synchronicity. Namor's hands, feet, and neck were shackled with devices that left him no chance of escape, demonstrating that SHIELD had extensive experience handling superhumans whose power required special measures.

However, my attention was drawn to something else — the collar around Namor's neck.

This item stood out with its uniqueness and the intentions behind its creation. Upon closer inspection, I realized its purpose: X-gene suppression. It was a technological marvel, capable of changing the rules of dealing with mutants, and the fact that SHIELD had such technology was concerning.

In my own research, I had long since developed a similar device, but seeing it confirmed that my technology was not the only one of its kind.

The collar suppressed the X-gene. While my technology surpassed what SHIELD had, still...

"Thank you for your help, Dr. Richards," Fury's voice was firm and sincere.

He extended his hand for a handshake, symbolizing not only gratitude but also recognition of our contribution to the cause. "Without you and your team, this wouldn't have ended so smoothly."

I shook his hand and said, "I hope he will remain behind bars for the rest of his days?"

Fury looked at me. Now that I knew he was a puppet of the real Fury, I began to notice the details...

Those glassy, almost motionless eyes betrayed him for a split second, giving his entire figure a touch of carefully crafted masquerade.

"Of course, Dr. Richards," Fury said. "There is no other way."

"That's all I wanted to hear from you."

Fury nodded and, bidding farewell, left with Namor. The Fantastic Four and I gathered our equipment and waited for the Fantasticar, which the autopilot had parked nearby.

"What's bugging you, Stretch?" Ben asked me.

My rocky friend, like the rest of the team, knew me inside out.

"Is it that obvious?"

"No," Johnny shook his head with a slight smile. "But I remember you having that look only at certain moments. What-AUCH!"

Johnny received a slap from his sister, who said, "My brother means that you rarely have that look."

I sighed but eventually said, "I have a bad feeling about Namor."

"What do you mean?" Sue asked, her eyes puzzled.

I understood why my words seemed strange. From their perspective, the issue of Namor shouldn't arise again since SHIELD had taken him...

"Let's just call it my paranoia," I said, deciding not to dwell on the matter for now.


"What's everyone having?" I asked my team.

In that moment, standing before the choice of dinner, I felt a lightness after the tension of the battle. The decision to return home and order food seemed like the perfect way to recharge and strengthen the team's spirit.

"Mexican or Italian?" Ben asked Alicia with his usual easy confidence and warmth. His voice filled the room with anticipation, creating a friendly competition between culinary traditions.

Alicia Masters, with a slight contemplation as if weighing all the flavors of the world, replied, "Let's go with Mexican."

Ben, smiling as if he had just gifted her the world of flavors, exclaimed cheerfully, "You heard the lady."

Internally noting Ben and Alicia's choice for Mexican cuisine, I pictured their dinner—enchiladas wrapped in soft corn tortillas, filled with juicy meat and generously covered in aromatic sauce, likely their choice based on past preferences.

Johnny, meanwhile, had gone on a date with his girlfriend. At least that's what he told us.

Then my gaze fell on Sue, who was immersed in her discoveries, working on documentation. Her dedication to science and research always inspired admiration in me.

"I'd like Pho," her soft, thoughtful voice sounded like music, inviting us to momentarily escape reality and imagine the warm, flavorful Vietnamese soup, where delicate notes of spices and freshness intertwined.

"Got it," I nodded, locking in our family dinner in my thoughts before finalizing the order. This evening promised to be filled with warmth, world flavors, and a sense of renewal after the trials we had faced, surrounded by those who were more than just friends or a team to me.

—= Johnny Storm =—

"...That's how our team handled Namor McKenzie," the blonde finished his story, his eyes shining with pride and unmistakable excitement. His lively, energetic gaze rested on his date's face, sparkling with amazement and admiration.

They were in an upscale restaurant Johnny had reserved through his connections and reputation as a member of the famous Fantastic Four. The air was filled with the aromas of exquisite dishes and light music, adding a special charm to their meeting. The candlelight on the table and soft lighting created an atmosphere of coziness and warmth, making the evening truly unforgettable.

The girl couldn't suppress a gentle smile that blossomed on her face as she listened to Johnny. This smile reflected not only her pleasure from the story of her hero's adventures but also Johnny's unique talent for storytelling, bringing his tales to life. His words were full of humor and liveliness, making each moment of the story burst into vivid colors in the listener's imagination.

The soft glow of the lamps illuminated their table, creating a halo around the couple, setting them apart from the rest of the world. Waiters passed by, carrying dishes that were not just food but culinary masterpieces, adding to the sense of exclusivity and sophistication.

This evening in the upscale restaurant, filled with tales of heroic exploits and the magic of each other's presence, not only deepened the bond between them but also reminded them that behind every feat lies real emotions, dreams, and aspirations.

After gazing at the lovely smile on her face, Johnny dared to say, "Tell me about yourself. As I understand it, you're not from around here?"

Crystal's smile tightened for a moment.

"Am I right that you're from Europe?"

After Johnny spoke, the tension eased, and she replied, "Yes, I'm from Norway..."

Inwardly, Crystal cursed herself for having to lie to Johnny...

—= Namor McKenzie =—

The King of Atlantis regained consciousness, engulfed by a wave of excruciating pain that washed over his body with unfamiliar intensity. This was something entirely new for Namor McKenzie, the great and powerful ruler of the seas, who had until now considered himself invincible. Pain was a cruel teacher, revealing unknown pages of sensory experience.

"Welcome back, Mr. McKenzie," a voice dripping with irony and cold disdain reached his ears. The voice sounded hauntingly familiar, like an echo from a distant past, bringing Namor back to long-forgotten memories.

Straining forward, trying to focus through the veil of pain, Namor's gaze fell on the source of the sound. There stood Fury, whose figure, despite the passing years, remained steadfast and commanding.

"Fury," Namor muttered, his voice sharp and pained. "I thought you had aged and died long ago."

Despite the circumstances of their meeting, moments of their shared past surfaced, when, as captain of the Howling Commandos, Fury and Namor had shared the hardships of war, fighting side by side against common foes.

"I'm glad to see you too," Fury replied, his voice calm and assured, his face showing no change, as if carved from stone. "Since you're awake, I think it's time I explain your current status."

Looking around, Namor realized he wasn't just being held in this grim place; his strength was bound by shackles, depriving him of his power. The metal collar around his neck and the cuffs on his wrists symbolized his complete helplessness in this situation.

In that moment, Namor remembered everything that had happened to him, and the fury in his eyes intensified severalfold.

"I can see by your eyes that what I'm about to say won't make you happy..."

Judging by the gritting of the King of Atlantis's teeth, Fury was right in his assumptions.

—= Reed Richards =—

First and foremost, I decided to check SHIELD's databases. I needed to understand how SHIELD had acquired such advanced weaponry.

"Hmm..." My gaze slid across the screen, analyzing the information that unfolded before me. The structure of SHIELD's database protection had undergone significant changes, forcing me to adapt my methods and once again penetrate their defense system. It was like a chess game, where each move required a new strategy and anticipation of the opponent's next steps.

"Now let's see... I see," I muttered as the coveted information finally appeared before my eyes. It soon became clear how SHIELD had acquired this cutting-edge technology. The source of this technological marvel was a mutant named Forge, whose unique technopathy ability allowed him not only to "hear" technology but also to create things that seemed miraculous even to the most advanced minds.

Forge's power turned him into a living bridge between the world of technology and humanity, allowing him to bring the boldest ideas and concepts to life. The fact that SHIELD had managed to persuade or force him to work for them opened new horizons for the organization in terms of armament and defense.

Soon, all of SHIELD's developments were in my hands again, and I said, "Chronos, what happened while I was gone?"

"There was an explosion at Oscorp."

Arcane_Eso Arcane_Eso

Stones for the God of Stones! Souls for the Throne of Souls!

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