100% Immortal Soul Multiverse Journey / Chapter 4: CH4: Pushing Out the Boat and Kurumu's Melons

章 4: CH4: Pushing Out the Boat and Kurumu's Melons

I spent three weeks living in the Florida Everglades and building hidden realms undisturbed with time to plan. A soul-bound weapon wasn't easy to get my hands on here, far from any cultivation world. I sat on a stump next to a seal shaped like a thundercloud. I opened the cooler beside me, pulled a cold beer free, and popped the tab. My dog, a red pit bull I rescued from a shelter's kill list, barked and chased bees in the yard.


I thought the world's color would vanish after killing Tsukune, but I was wrong. Somehow, Tsukune's harem woke me up. Some old flame had ignited, and I wouldn't rest until I was pounding Moka's sweet pussy.


Having goals was a good thing.


As for Tsukune's body, it was covered in formations and stuffed into the deepest corners of my soul space. Kurumu was in a pocket dimension built to enhance her lust beyond even what Mizore and Yukari had to deal with. She hadn't known Tsukune was dead, but then again, he wasn't really; his soul was gone, but his body still lived. It was a vessel I planned to use for something.


Maybe I could go to the DXD and use Azazel's gender change gun on the body. Then I could go to supernatural, seduce Lucifer, and stuff that crazy angel's soul in it. Turning the devil into a breeding machine sounded like a badass plan.


I wrote all of it down on a tablet, filed under insane plans. Of my insane plans, there was my most direct path to lock 6.


My fastest way to unlock 6 was to acquire some ore filled with chi and work it into a weapon. After somehow making this weapon, I needed to use it for an extended period while bathing it in spirit art or, better yet, sage art.


I snorted as one of my hidden realms was broken into. It was quite the space, and whoever had entered it would be busy for quite some time. Maybe it was Moka and the rest of the gang.


Sage arts were the tools of peak Mortal Severing and Immortal cultivators. I was limited in this life, but my next one would have more options.


Pressure, regeneration, endurance, growth, lift, awe, and impact were all great fragments. I stared into my soul space. Two-spirit arrows were still beyond me. I could only form one at a time. If Moka had gone after me in the air, then my goose would have been cooked.


Too bad she wasted her one opportunity to finish me off. I sat squarely in the core realm with a body that survived Tsukune and her putting me through the wringer. Core chi powered my body and fragments. I stood a little taller than before, and my lifting limits had strengthened to unbelievable levels. The last time I rigged something together, I benched hundreds of tons, and my upper limit continued rising.


The core realm was insane. I still couldn't believe Tsukune fell for the old retreat move. He sped at me without thinking and with no defenses, believing he could survive anything I threw. Moka wouldn't make that mistake.


When she tracked me down, and I knew she would eventually, it would be a rough fight. It was clear to me they held back. Maybe Tsukune didn't care about Mizore. Kurumu seemed to care more about the snow girl than Tsukune.


I patted my dog's head. Apple was a good girl. I made sure she had plenty of water. She had the whole lake, but I wanted to make sure. I might only be gone for an hour, but it would be much longer for me.


One of the trees on my land had a heart in bright pink ink. I placed a hand on it and altered the time within. Time became 50 inside to 1 outside instead of the 50 inside to 1 outside it had been. Then, I entered the portal to a hidden realm of my design.


A bridge of swirling blue light connected me to a temple to lust. Flowers of every color spewed aphrodisiacs into the air. Nature monsters I captured on my way here filled the land of the hidden realm. 500,000 square kilometers of land stretched with flowing fields of flowers, endless forests, and deep rivers. Monsters here lived in harmony, spreading themselves over hundreds of years while trapped there.


I placed them here with everything they needed and wasn't disappointed. They had spread nature over a rich, fertile land, nurturing the only plants they had available. The chi in the air, while tainted with the demonic, was filled with the presence of nature.


Up in the air, I ran through my Eagle Strike kata, throwing my new spirit art, Roc's Claw, at electrical twisters that lashed like the talons of the legendary bird. Another blow cut the air and made it scream as blades of wind struck suddenly like lightning. My final claw swept with long blue lines of impact.


As I floated down from the bridge, a centaur woman with bright green hair and large horse ears approached me. She had her bow drawn and pointed at me.


"Roc's Grasp," A flash of mighty wind gripped the centaur and held her in place. She struggled, but her demonic chi was too weak to fight mine off.


"I always wondered how your digestive system worked," I said.


"Do you eat meat or grass? How much grass do you need to survive? You're bigger than a horse?" I loosened my grasp over her mouth.


"What is a human doing in heaven?"


"If this is heaven, then I am god," I said.


She stamped her hooves affronted and lashed her tail.


"Where I'm from, this is the work of a lowly landscaper. I only placed a seed and filled it with chi, then added your ancestors. I hope there were enough chickens, deer, cows, and pigs. None of you are eating each other, right?" I asked.


"We would never eat our own kind, and if you are God, then what am I thinking?" the centauress asked.


"That your males might have the urge to either bite your neck or pulp rival's fetuses with their phalluses." She stared at me in utter confusion. "Sorry, I'm still getting my grips on the centaur thing. I only grabbed a few monsters that felt nature-like. This place is a degenerate paradise. I'm surprised you're not masturbating while we speak. I have a hard-on, and I've only been here for a few minutes." I said.


"Is sex all you can think about?"


I stared at her mouth and imagined how well her lips would fit over my cock. 


"This place is dangerous even to me." I turned my attention to where Kurumu appeared and floated in that direction. An arrow struck me in the back, and I flicked the centaur away with Roc's Grasp. The technique fused the sudden feeling of awe from lightning with the force of a wave to make a terrifying hold and strike move.


What is more brutal than a sudden hold from a massive bird?


This place was ultimately a tool like any other. Hidden realms were fantastic at creating random resources. In the case of this place, the fertile soil was to die for. Nearly anything could grow in this hidden realm, which the locals called heaven. Before I went after Moka, I reminded myself to pull all the soil and water in this place to my soul space. Who knew what could happen with that much chi mixed with life-attuned earth and water? Maybe I should take some of the locals with me.


I had no idea what my soul space would do to them. A note on my tablet to add more land masse and round it off into a sphere landed on my list.


When I saw a massive woman larger than 100 meters bathing in a vast lake like it was a bath, I froze and stared. The woman's breasts were each larger than a fully grown elephant. Of course, I stared. I saw her ducts and knew I could stick my dick in them and have an actual tit fuck. Had I created a true hentai world?


I remember snatching the whole monster family in their human forms when they were nice and moderately human-sized. Where did the giantess come from? I don't recall anything that big.


The lady opened her eyes and narrowed them at me. She raised her hand and snatched at me. I flew around her arm and felt small twisters form in the air from her hand's passing. Her chi was barely body-tempering, but her sheer size and mass made up for it.


I remembered monsters interbreeding, but I added all of one kind. Did they eventually create superbreeds like this woman?


"Greetings, human. Why don't you stand still so I can catch and toss you in my mouth? I never thought I would find one of you, but that smell can't be mistaken. You're a fresh one, too, aren't you? Come on, don't be shy. I heard from my mother that you guys have a fetish for being eaten by big girls like me." She licked her lips and then stood up, towering over me before rattling the ground and getting on her knees, pointing her butt at me. A waterfall of fish, mermaids, and niads holding onto tiny hairs for dear life exposed themselves.


The giantess smacked her large-toned ass so massive that a small family could comfortably live atop it. She looked back and smiled before she grabbed one of her cheeks and pulled it back. Her massive butthole and pink cunny lips exposed themselves to me. The flash was so sudden and shocking I shielded my eyes and flew backward.


"Don't be shy. We can have a little fun. Be my toy and play house in my pussy or crawl up my ass. I know you want to." The woman licked and smacked her lips. "Not much use for tiny things other than toys and food."


I flared my pressure, and her eyes widened before she collapsed into the water, her head fully submerged. She struggled and fought, but her head could not rise above the water. Then I let up the pressure, and she emerged coughing and spluttering swimming pools worth of water.


"Your fetish doesn't interest me. Do not speak of it in my presence again." I said and moved on.


Some degeneracy was expected, but, well, maybe it was because she didn't have any prospective partners. That made me feel bad. That poor girl became a degenerate because she couldn't find someone. Maybe if I ever grew to that size, I could give her a proper fucking to knock away those silly fetishes.


I arrived at a great temple of marble columns and statues of various women and men completely naked. Grape vines encircled them, winding up columns heavy with their bounty, plump, purple, and bulbous. Bees darted from flowers surrounding the temple in vast clouds, adding yellow patches to the greens, purples, and reds. A sweet scent filled the air before I instantly went nose blind. I landed on a patch of stone clear of any statues.


Echoes rolled through the temple's depths as I made my way inside. This place wasn't of my design. I might have pushed the boat out, but the current took it on a journey. Chi swelled in the air, changed from my own into something mixed with numerous fragments that combined into the tremendous green road of fertility, the violet road of lust, and the white road of orderly expansion.


Monsters didn't have a human society to live within or humans to prey upon. Monsters solely populated this land, and it was heaven to them. But did that make me god?


I moved closer to a room within the temple's depths behind a large door set on steel tracks. Each door weighed hundreds of tons and would be impossible for any but Shinso vampires to move. Perhaps the giantess could give it a try after many more years.


A slit eye snapped open, and a sphinx yawned as she eyed me. Her womanly head smiled with black lips with hints of pink between them. A long, shaggy mane fell to her shoulders, framing her face. From her shoulders to her tail was a lion's body. She had to be over 50 hands tall and sported a pair of massive breasts bare to the world, held back by a jewel-encrusted bra. Eagle wings with steel feathers stretched from her back as the sphinx woke up.


To enter, you must ask me three riddles I can't answer." The sphinx said.


"My name is Atom, god of this world. I can get through with one. How many Roc's Grasp strikes can you withstand?" I raised my hand and channeled my core realm chi.


The sphinx backed into a corner and made herself look small. "You may enter, Lord Atom. I didn't know you were a god. This one's name is Nirit Johnson. Please spare me," Nirit said.


I approached her, and she shrank further. She only relaxed after I patted her face. "Continue being a good girl, and I might reward you," I said.


With a light touch, I rolled the gate open and entered the center of the temple, where Kurumu Kurono masturbated on a massive bed with a licking toy.


Fem cum left long slimy strings as she pulled the toy away and looked at me. "Tsukune will save me, but you won't get away with this," Kurumu said.


"We are far from anywhere you've known. The world outside is one of my creations. The monsters have lived for centuries here, breeding and crafting their societies. Time moves at a crawl for us compared to their own. I have been here only an hour less than a second passed outside." She stared at me with suspicious eyes. "We could have ten children. They could grow into adulthood and have children of their own long before anyone from the outside arrives if they knew this location." The door behind me slammed shut. "That door weighs hundreds of tons, and I'm the only one who can move it in this world," I said.


Kurumu closed her legs and huddled in on herself. Her massive breasts poked through her white t-shirt and exposed her huge nipples. Pink bled through the white as a heat rose to her cheeks.


"What did you do to me? The air here feels so good. My body is so warm it's on fire." Kurumu said. 


"Would you believe me if I told you I was a simple landscaper?"


"You're talking nonsense to distract me. Tsukune will save me watch, and we'll have sex in front of you after he does it." I grabbed her leg, and she moaned, screamed, and arched her back. Her legs opened, and I saw her urethra widen before she squirted, splashing my face.


I felt a powerful force trying to usurp control over my mind but batted it aside with my soul pressure. When her glazed eyes widened at my immunity to her charm, I wiped my face with my hand and tasted her. She tasted sweet, as cherry candy and a salty musk accompanied it, and that paired so well.


"I shape the land, or in this case, the pocket realm, how I want it. That's all my job was back in the day. I used to work for the most entitled, snot-nosed brats. You wouldn't believe some of my stories."


Kurumu stared at me. Her sweet violet eyes looked at me with barely hidden lust. "I'm curious why you even like Tsukune. He won't have sex with you. Do you have a fantasy about turning a gay man?" I asked.


I smiled and slipped a finger inside of her as she gasped. My finger tore her opening, taking her virginity. "Tsukune isn't gay." Kurumu moaned cutely as I brought my thumb to her clit. "He wanted to wait until Yukari was old enough and have sex with all of us like a real man."


I added succubus hymen blood to a small formation in my soul space. It might be helpful later.


She challenged me with a glare. One thing that all waifus had in common was their male-like love. They were devoted, selfless, and entirely unlike actual women. Tsukune could have had them all, but he decided to fumble and hesitate. 


"That sounds like an excuse to avoid responsibility. A man surrounded by women, especially a succubus he isn't having sex with, is gay." I placed my thumb on her lip and opened her mouth slowly. "He didn't have the most basic instinct of any man. He failed you, but Tsukune was never your destined one." I said.


"I don't believe you."


"Was he immune to your charm?" I asked.


She hesitated, and I stood up and gave her a clear view of my meat stick. Kurumu grabbed her breasts and pressed them together, touching her nipples against each other. "Are you going to fuck my breasts?" Kurumu asked.

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Check out my book I feel throttled here on this site so think of this story as advertisement. The better my other book does the more likely I am to write more chapters for this one.

Smut in the next chapters this is your only warning I'm into some kinky stuff and everyone is over 18 so its going to be wild.

Rosario should only last 5 to 10 chapters

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


