When she heard him ask this question, Zoe raised her eyebrows in surprise, not expecting him to put it in such a way. However, she knew that he was right. There were indeed a lot of pros to being his girlfriend, and as long as she could deal with the fact that she would have to share him with other girls, everything would be perfect for her.
She also considered what her relationship with Nathan had been like. The two of them dated for a while, but she was always the one who made decisions and took care of things. Not to mention how Nathan's attitude annoyed her quite often, making her wonder if it was even worth it to keep dating him. 'But if I broke up with him for Lucifer, then wouldn't that mean I am just jumping from one guy to another for the sake of getting a rich boyfriend? Is that something I should do? And won't I be labeled as a gold digger if I do so?'