Zoe questioned her, looking directly into Layla's eyes and continuing. "Moreover, look how he has been flirting with Madison and making her dance to his tune like a puppet, even though you're right in front of him, and you haven't even shown a bit of jealousy or discomfort at it. Isn't that weird, to say the least? If he is in a relationship with you, shouldn't he at least have a sense of commitment to you?"
"Exactly! This is what I have been trying to make you understand the entire time, Lucifer." Eva exclaimed and pointed an accusing finger at him. "You don't even know what it means to commit yourself to a single person, and you've already gone after multiple women. It's like you have no boundaries when it comes to lust and desire. You're a complete womanizer who can't control yourself! I mean, seriously, what's up with you? Why can't you control yourself and stop thinking with your dick all the time?!"