100% Yu-Gi-Oh! in Another World! (Everything Can Be Solved By Dueling?!) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - A Big Difference

章 2: Chapter 2 - A Big Difference

I've finally made up my mind on which deck to roll with, and I've gotta say, I'm going with Link Generation.

The ease of summoning those Link Monsters is just too good to pass up. Plus, there's a good mix of useful cards like Texchanger and Decode Talker.

And then there's Decode Talker and Rasterliger—these cards are total game-changers for starter.

Compared to the other decks, Link Generation just feels more versatile and quick-paced, which suits my play style perfectly. So yeah, I'm all in with Link Generation!

Still though, the villagers keep staring at me. I get it—my attire is completely different from theirs, but seriously, can't they look somewhere else?

I sighed. I mean, it's like they've never seen someone in different clothes before. I just want to get through town without feeling like I'm some kind of museum exhibit.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to deal with it for now.

I really need to find a new outfit that blends in better around here. I mean, I can't exactly walk around in pajamas when everyone else's sense of clothing is completely different from mine.

It's like I'm wearing neon in a room full of pastels. Time to do some serious shopping and sort this out.

As I looked around, I saw a group of people surrounding a merchant. They were all really well-dressed, way fancier than the usual crowd.

Maybe they're nobles or something? I should probably check it out. I got closer and tried to see what was happening.

(Merchant) : "Ladies and gentlemen! Good morning to all! Yesterday, I got lucky and pulled this very rare card!" The merchant announced, pulling a card from his pocket. "Atlantean Pikemen!" The crowd around him seemed totally amazed, clapping their hands like he'd just shown them treasure or something.

(Ace) : 'I don't get it,' I thought to myself.

(Merchant) : The merchant, all excited, continued his pitch. "It has 1400 Attack! It can easily defeat Level 1 Monsters! Many nobles wanted this card, but as tempting as the money they offered was, I'm here to bid this card today!" He declared.

Wait, what? He's bidding a card with just 1400 Attack? That doesn't even sound powerful. How is this card very rare?

I scanned the faces of the people around me—they were all nodding, some even whispering amongst themselves, clearly impressed.

I was beyond confused now. Maybe there was some hidden strategy or collector's value that made it valuable?

(Merchant) : "10 gold coins for this card!" The merchant shouted, and before I knew it, people around me started upping the bid. 30 gold, then 45.

They were getting so excited, and I was just standing there, scratching my head in utter confusion.

I mean, it's just a normal, vanilla card, right? And from what I could tell, it looked completely useless. Seriously, what's the big deal? Am I missing something here?

The auction kept going, and the numbers kept climbing. 60 gold, 80… It was like these people were possessed!

Still, I stayed put—not because I wanted the card, but because I genuinely needed to know why everyone else did.

(Ace) : I raised my hand and asked, "Sir, is that card really valuable? I mean, it's just a level 2 vanilla monster with 1400 attack, right? At most, due to its Level, Spright engine can use this, but there are just better cards than that." As soon as the words left my mouth, I noticed everyone turning to look at me with confused expressions.

A moment later, the confusion turned into laughter. I felt a bit embarrassed but couldn't shake the feeling that I was missing something important.

Maybe I should have done a bit more research before speaking up.

(Merchant) : The merchant looked at me with an incredulous expression and exclaimed, "What're you talking about? Of course it's valuable! It has 1400 Attack! A Level 1 monster has no way of beating it! Plus, if this card is equipped with Power of Kaishin, it'll have a whopping 1600 Attack!"

I just stood there, feeling really confused. I mean, sure, 1400 Attack vanilla monster can beat all main deck Spright monsters, but it hardly seemed groundbreaking to me.

And Power of Kaishin? That card is for Aqua monsters only. While the merchant continued to sing the card's praises, I couldn't help but wonder if I was missing something or if the merchant was just in his own world.

(Ace) : I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "But sir," I started, trying to reason with him, "Atlantean Pikemen at least has some use in Tearlaments due of its Attribute. But this car is just a normal monster! I can't see any use for it!"

Everyone around me paused for a moment, seemingly bewildered by my outburst, then erupted into laughter. It was clear they thought I was the odd one out.

(Merchant) : "What're you talking about, kid?" The merchant chuckled, wiping away tears of laughter. "Tearlaments? What even are those?"

The merchant, not missing a beat, waved the card in my face, his expression a mix of pity and annoyance.

(Merchant) : "This card," he emphasized, "is something many would fight for. You just don't get it, kid. So scram before I call the guards."

The room resumed its intense bidding as if nothing had happened.

I just stood there, feeling more out of place than ever, wondering if I'd somehow stepped into a world where the META is a Normal Monster and an Equip Spell. My Yu-Gi-Oh knowledge didn't apply here.

Wait a minute, does that mean they're way behind the current Yu-Gi-Oh meta that I know of? If that's the case, am I not the strongest duelist around here?

The thought hit me like a ton of bricks. I mean, I've been playing with all the latest strategies, and these folks seem stuck in the stone age.

They're literally unaware of the more advanced moves and combos that modern decks can pull off.

I scanned the area, looking at all these so-called "duelists" who were losing their minds over what was essentially ancient history to me.

It was like they were crazy for these relics while I held onto something newer, more powerful, and definitely more strategic.

If that was really the case, then I had the upper hand, didn't I? I should probably be a bit more careful about revealing too much, just in case.

But also, this was my moment to test my skills.

With a new surge of confidence, I could totally take on these guys around me and see where I stand.

I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. My heart raced, but I knew I had the skills to back up my words.

I stepped up and faced the merchant, who was still chuckling, clearly underestimating me.

(Ace) : "Alright, sir, you and me both. Let's Duel," I said, maintaining a confident tone. "If I win, I'll get that card you're holding. If you win, my entire deck is yours."

(Merchant) : The merchant's laugh was louder this time, as if he found the mere idea hilarious. "So basically, your whole deck in exchange for this card? Sure! I can easily beat you, kid! You'll regret this!" He quickly arranged a table for us to duel on.

I took a deep breath to steady myself. There was no way I could lose this. I'd studied the game inside and out, while he seemed stuck in the past, laughing at a challenge he thought was beneath him.

We shuffled our decks and drew our starting hands. The merchant looked at his cards and grinned as if he already had the game in the bag.

(Merchant) : "Alright, I choose heads and you'll be tails!" The merchant declared, flipping a coin into the air. It landed on heads. "Alright! You go first!" He said confidently, a smirk creeping across his face.


[ACE] : 8000 LP | 5 Cards

[Merchant] : 8000 LP | 5 Cards

[Turn 1]

(Ace) : "Alright then," I replied, accepting the reality. No point in grumbling about it. I glanced at my starting hand – Spool Code, Texchanger, Cynet Cascade, Launcher Commander, and Suppression Collider.

It wasn't the best hand I could hope for, but it wasn't the worst either. A lot could still happen.

I took a quick moment to strategize. Gotta play smart. Starting with Texchanger could give me a good setup if I can pull off some combos later, and Cynet Cascade might just be the Trap I need to keep things rolling.

(Ace) : 'Let's see what I can cook up,' I thought to myself, putting Texchanger onto the field with. "Normal Texchanger, set one and pass." I announced, making sure to keep my tone confident. No need to give away that I had any doubts.

The merchant's smile didn't fade. He was probably already thinking three steps ahead. But that was fine. I liked a challenge.

(Ace) : "Your move," I said, folding my arms and looking him straight in the eye. I knew I had to stay sharp and ready for whatever he'd throw at me next.

[Turn 2]

The merchant took one look at my board and started laughing. Loudly. Before long, everyone around us joined in.

(Merchant) : "Y-your monster only has 100 attack?! You've gotta be kidding me! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!" He wheezed, barely able to catch his breath from the laughter.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he calmed down. Wiping a tear from his eye, he straightened up.

(Merchant) : "Alright kid, let me show you what true power is! I normal summon Dancing Elf!"

At that moment, I couldn't help it; I did a facepalm. The absurdity of it all was almost too much.

(Merchant) : "I activate Black Pendant, equipping it to Dancing Elf!" The merchant declared with a flourish, clearly proud of himself.

Everyone around us gasped in surprise and then broke into cheers. The little Dancing Elf, which originally had just 300 attack, now boasted a whopping 800 attack thanks to Black Pendant.

I sighed, feeling a mix of disbelief and amusement. Was this really the best he could do? All this fanfare for an 800 attack monster?

I couldn't help but shake my head as the crowd buzzed with excitement, acting like he'd just pulled off the greatest combo ever.

(Ace) : "Alright, I'm going to the Battle Phase and attack your puny Texchanger!" The merchant declared, pointing dramatically to the Texchanger on the board.

(Ace) : I sighed and shook my head. "Activate Texchanger to negate your attack. Response?" I asked calmly, almost bored.

Everyone around us looked baffled by my confidence. To them, Texchanger was just a weak 100 attack monster with a basic effect of negating an attack Once Per Turn and allowing me to Special Summon a monster from my hand, Deck, or Graveyard. Nothing fancy, right?

(Merchant) : The merchant frowned but quickly recovered with a smug grin. "I've got nothing, but so what? It's only Once Per Turn! Once I summon another monster, your Texchanger is done for!" His confidence was almost endearing, really. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

He seemed to forget that Texchanger's ability to Summon a Monster made it far more valuable than they were giving it credit for. Guess I was about to give everyone a little reminder.

(Ace) : "Alright, I Special Summon Suppression Collider from my Deck," I said, barely suppressing a yawn. This duel was starting to feel like a chore.

The audience around us gasped, eyes widening in disbelief.

Suppression Collider lumbered onto my field, its 2800 Attack and 2600 Defense glaringly larger than anything else on the table.

You'd think by their reactions that I'd just pulled a rabbit out of a hat.

(Merchant) : The merchant practically fell to the floor. ""W-What?! How?!" He stuttered. Clearly, he hadn't expected anything this strong to pop out of a so-called "puny" card.

His whole plan of hitting Texchanger and pushing forward seemed to crumble under the sheer size of Suppression Collider.

Everyone standing around looked baffled, probably recalculating their assumptions about the value of small monsters with disruptive effects.

I just focused on the field and thought about my next move. If anything, the reactions made me chuckle internally.

They'd underestimated Texchanger and it only made the moment sweeter.

(Ace) : "It's still your turn," I said, waving my hand to signal that it's still the merchant's turn. This was far from over, but at least the odds were now heavily tilted in my favor

(Merchant) : "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! WHERE IS THAT CARD FROM?! HOW MUCH ARE YOU WILLING TO SELL IT TO ME?! TEXCHANGER AND SUPPRESSION COLLIDER?!" The merchant's voice rose to a pitch that almost hurt my ears.

Everyone around us was buzzing with excitement and confusion. Clearly, no one had seen this coming.

The merchant's eyes were wide, almost desperate as he examined the cards on the table, likely running all sorts of mental calculations.

(Ace) : "Sorry, but they're not for sale. Now, it's still your turn," I said, trying to keep my voice calm and casual.

The crowd looked at me with a mix of envy and disbelief.

The merchant continued to stare at my cards like they were some kind of rare artifact.

It was obvious he wanted them. To them, their worth went beyond what any sum of money could match, but I knew that already.

The duel was about more than cards; it was about skill, luck, strategy, and the thrill of outsmarting your opponent.

For a brief moment, I considered his likely offer, but then dismissed it. Victories are priceless in this world after all.

I watched as he fumbled with his cards, searching for any possible escape route. His fingers twitched, and the confidence he'd had just a few minutes ago was nowhere to be seen.

It was almost like watching a sandcastle crumble under the pressure of the tide.

He finally looked up, eyes wide, and knew he was grasping at straws. Even with all his bravado, it was clear—this game was over.

(Merchant) : "I... I surrender," the merchant stammered, looking dejected as he handed Atlantean Pikemen he had planned to bid.

I couldn't help but smile as I took it from him. Honestly, I didn't have much use for the card myself, but I knew how valuable it was to them.

(Ace) : "I'm going now," I said, trying to make my exit. But as I started to walk away, the group of well-dressed people quickly surrounded me.

(Person 1) : "Sir, I have a beautiful daughter! And I have a lot of money! How much for Texchanger and Suppression Collider?!" One of them blurted out.

Seriously? Trading your own daughter for some cards? There's no way I'd agree to that. Even if you have stacks of cash, I'm not selling.

(Ace) : "I'll remind you that they're not for sale," I said, trying to keep my cool. "If you want them," I added, looking each one of them in the eye, "Duel with me." I said it seriously, laying down the challenge.

They all started to hesitate. They knew there was no way they could defeat me. I started to walk again, and this time, they weren't following me.

Thank goodness. I knew they were envious of my cards; I could feel their piercing stares. But honestly, I didn't really mind it.

I'm just too strong in this world's current format. But hey, as long as it gives me an advantage, I'm all for it.

As I was walking, I noticed a wooden sign with a shirt on it. I'm guessing it's a clothing shop? Hopefully, I'm right. I can't keep wandering around in pajamas.

So, I entered the shop, and it was packed with shirts and pants. But man, they all looked... Medieval.

But hey, as long as people stop staring at me, I don't mind it.

(???) : "Ah, welcome, sir!" A female clerk greeted me as soon as I walked in. "Woah, you sure have unique clothing! Where do you get it from?" She asked, clearly curious.

(Ace) : "Ah, I bought it from a wandering merchant. I thought it looked cool. It's comfortable as well," I lied, trying to sound casual. I mean, why would I ever reveal that these were just pajamas from Earth?

(Rona) : "Ah, I see. Everything aside, welcome to Eleanore's Tailor Shop! My name is Rona! How may I help you?" She said with a bright smile.

(Ace) : She seems like a good person; I hope nothing bad happens to her. "Well, just show me some casual clothes, pants, and a pair of shoes," I replied.

After a while, I found myself wearing a white tunic with a leather jerkin over it. I also had on long black trousers and a pair of sturdy black boots. I'd say it fit me quite perfectly.

(Ace) : Feeling like I was back in the old days, I took a moment to appreciate my new look. "It fits me perfectly! How much?" I asked.

(Rona) : "Only 3 gold coins and 5 silver coins!" She replied cheerfully.

I still had no clue how the currency in this world worked, so I pulled out Atlantean Pikemen card I had gotten from beating that merchant awhile ago.

(Ace) : "Can I pay with this instead?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't find it too odd.

(Rona) : "Sure! Let me take a look at the card," she said, stepping closer.

I handed her the card, and she began to inspect it. Her eyes widened in surprise as she examined it.

(Rona) : "Sir! This card is way too valuable! Are you sure you're willing to trade this card for the clothes you're wearing?!" She exclaimed.

(Ace) : I shrugged, trying to play it cool. To be honest, this card has no value to me. "Yeah, it's fine. I like these clothes," I said with a grin.

(Rona) : "But sir, if you sell this to nobles, you'll get five or more lands easily! Are you sure?" She asked, trying to confirm my purchase.

(Ace) : I could see the concern in her eyes. "It's okay," I reassured her with a smile. "Let's just consider this a token of our friendship, alright? Just give me 10 gold coins for the change."

She looked like she was about to protest but finally nodded, a mix of disbelief and gratitude on her face.

(Rona) : "T-thank you so much for the purchase! I'll get your change! Please wait!" She said, hurrying off into a room.

(Ace) : While waiting, I mentally checked in with the System. "Hey, System. What's up with this world's meta? Vanilla monsters with Equip Spells? Seriously?"

(System) : The System's voice was as calm as ever. "This world is different from yours, World Champ. If you haven't noticed, during the duel with the merchant earlier, he played a 60-card deck with only one Extra Deck monster."

(Ace) : "60 cards? Who plays a 60-card deck with only vanilla monsters? Unless you're running Igknights or some kind of Zombie Pile, a deck like that is just useless." I muttered under my breath, shaking my head.

But then again, as long as it gives me an advantage, it's okay. I'd welcome it with open arms.

(Rona) : Then she came back from the room, looking a bit flustered. "H-here you go, sir! 10 gold coins!" She said, handing me a pouch of gold coins.

(Ace) : I smiled as I took it. "Thank you so much!" I waved at her and headed for the door.

(Rona) : "Pleasure doing business with you!" She called out cheerfully, waving at me as I left the shop.

While nobody was looking, I discreetly put my pajamas and the gold coins into my Inventory in the System.

I sighed in relief once I knew my valuables were safely stored.

(Ace) : "Alright, where to now? This is just a village, isn't it? I wonder if there's a kingdom nearby?" I thought aloud, pulling up the map in the System to check.

Lost in my thoughts and focused on the map, I had no idea that a group of hooded figures in a back alley had their eyes fixed on my back.

MochiGreenTea MochiGreenTea

Sorry for the short Duel, but I promise I will make it better! ʕ•⁠ᴥ•⁠ʔ

It'll get better from now on!

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


