50% Reborn with Hancocks Superpowers in MHA / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Weather Hero

章 4: Chapter 4: The Weather Hero

It must've been around 6 o'clock at night when my mom shot up from her phone and ran straight into my Dads study.

She was talking to someone on the phone, but the call was like five seconds long, so whatever was said on the other side must've been real important.

I dropped my toys and climbed up on the couch. Grabbing the remote, I switched to the news channel and there I saw it.

A naked man standing in the center of the city, right in front of my dads statue. I flinched and looked away, covering my eyes in the process.

The man being naked wasn't the reason why I cowered like this, but because of all the dead people he stood in between.

Blown out brain matter on the concrete. Blood splattered all over the streets and buildings surrounded the carnage.

My toddler brain couldn't process this, and neither could my teen one.

I looked down the hallway and stared at the light illuminating from my fathers study. It wasn't difficult to put two and two together and figure out that mom…was going to go fight the villain that caused all this chaos.

Mom… was strong. She had to be or so she thought. Being married to the strongest man in American History put a lot of pressure on her, so in order to keep her late husbands image, she trained and trained to become a strong hero that could be considered a one man army, just like her husband.

She did achieve her goal. And people finally started putting respect on her name. Though, after dads death, she retired and all her efforts went to waste.

That's what I personally think.

"John, mommy has to go out, okay? Ian, watch him for me until I come back."

She came rushing out of dads study in her hero costume. She wore a silver skin tight suit with white lining in it. She had a grey face mask on that only covered her eyes.

It was kind of erotic, I guess, but because of the nature of her quirk, the more airy the suit was, the better it'd help her out in combat.

"Yes, Madam. You do be careful now. With Grock defeated, you're now the only Hero who has a chance of protecting this city."

The Retired Support Hero, Shield. His quirk allowed him to turn any object he touched with his right hand into a shield shaped object. The shield would have the same attributes from whatever it was created from.

Although he was way past his prime, he still chose to remain 'active' in order to protect our family. You see, Dad saved him and his family from a villain attack way back when and since then, Shield decided to devote his Shield to our family.

"I will. Hey, John…"

Mom came over and picked me up. "Mommy has to go out for a while, okay? I'll be back home in time to tuck you in for bed, I promise." She kissed me on my cheek and sat me back down.

I nodded at her which made her smile for a brief second before putting her serious face back on. Ian then looked at me then back at her and sighed. That was a strange look he gave me, but I ignored it.

"Promised myself I would never return. But this one is too close to home. And that quirk… I'm the only one who can suppress it."

Mom said underneath her breath. "Well then, I'm off! Ill be back before you know!" She turned back and winked before running into Dads study.

By pressing a hidden button behind some books, a hidden door opened which lead underneath our house.

Ian switched channels on the television which showed cameras all over our house and even underneath it. We could see her run off of one camera and onto another.

She… was fast, insanely fast.

I've read somewhere that she could go faster than Dad, but I think that was just fans being fans. Mom then reached this open cave area with a bunch of gadgets, and vehicles as far as the eye could see.

It was something straight out of a batman comic. I looked at Ian, shook my head and looked back. Mom jumped on a motorcycle that had no wheels. It just hovered in the air.

As soon as she got on it, it powered on and asked to confirm her identity. She said her hero name and then the next thing I knew, poof. She vanished from the spot.

"Teleport?" I said aloud. Ian smiled and said, "I guess to you, I would seem like that." I stared blankly and then realized that Mom doesn't really give herself enough credit.

Although she was 30 now and labeled herself as a retired old lady, her lightning fast speed was something to awe at.

'I was worrying about her when I should've been praying for the villain..'


Streaks of white and blue clashed throughout the city night. With speed no human eye could see, civilians couldn't do anything, but pray they weren't going to get caught in their path.

Cars, buildings, trees, anything that these two blurs would pass by would get destroyed to millions of pieces.

'This guy is quick! Any wasted movement-'

Noras arm was grabbed to her suprised. Carried by momentum, her body was flung through buidlings, causing her to vomit out blood and food.

"I was surprised when you showed up, Azure. I didn't know that you retired in some wasteland like this." The man slowly began walking through the rubble towards her.

Bloodied and bruised, Nora spit out some teeth and wiped away blood on her forehead.

"I thought your quirk only allowed you to mimic the air around you.."

She remembered that there was a drug out there that could enhance a quirk and its user. Though the chance of it succeeding was fifty-fifty.

You either feel the power up immediately, or you die on the spot from overdose.

"Now, Ms. Hero, I can compete with Heroes and Villains who were previously put above me. Homefront. Stargazer. Picture Perfect. ALL OF THEM! I'm not just your villain of the week anymore. But the Villain of the century!!"

His awakened quirk allowed him to grab the air around him and turn it into invisible constructs. A sword, shield, gun, knife, if he could visualize it, then he could create it.

Although the quirk awakening took away the drawback of having to hold his breath in order for his quirk to work, it added another in its place.

He couldn't use both parts of his ability simultaneously.

He started running through the building which caused it to shake. Blitzing before her, he created a dagger and came down on her. Noras eyes widened which caused a strong gust of wind to block his attack.

'She's still has fight?!'

He thought as he was sent flying back into the buidling across the street. Azure then stood up and walked out into the middle of the street.

"Alright, enoughs enough." A dark cloud appeared before her and rain soon came down. Thin air watched as the wounds on her body dispersed and healed within seconds.

Nora had control over the air which she used for attacking, lighting which she used for a sure hit attack/ a boost in speed, water which she used for defense/ healing and ice to stun her enemies and make them immobilized.

"John Hancocks wife. This wasn't going to be easy, but I knew that… I KNEW THAT!"

He slowly rose from the ground, and disappeared. Seeing this, Nora flew into the sky above and looked down on the city.

With her quirk revolving around how much stamina she had, she had to use it strategically. Looking around, she would see buildings topple one by one. On one roof a collapsing building, Thin Air jumped from the roof of it and into the sky towards her.

His size then grew to that of a 5 story building. He was able to do this by completely closing off all the airflow that could potentially come into his body which in turned allowed him to become bigger and stronger.

His speed was far greater than before as well. Before, she was just able to keep up with him, but now,..

With the force a 3000 ton building, she was punched out of the sky. She minimized the damage by creating a shield of fluff around her. However the force was still there and carried onto her.

She flew out of the sky and onto the streets. Using the wind to cushion her fall however, she glided on top of the roads and started skiing down the street.

She used water in the air to set up domes around civilians from alp over the city. For the ones that did get injured before she could, she healed them from deaths door and placed them inside domes.

This used up a ton of energy, but had to be done to ensure the safety of the people.

Landing a few blocks in front of her, Thin Air created a ten meter deep crater. Pipe lines exploded and sewage water and waste went everywhere.

'Ill have to end it all in one attack..'

She struck herself with lighting then coated her legs with the wind and water all in the air. Seeing her initiate her ultimate attack, he picked up two busses on the curb and planned to use them like swords since he couldn't use his awakened quirk without turning back to normal size.

With her enhanced speed, she left a trail of fire behind in her quake. The road split in two as the sheer head left behind caused it to melt.


Was all Thin Air could think before his body was cut into millions of little pieces of solidified air.

The chunks spewed all over the block before reforming into the giant he once was. In this midst off all this, a child ran out from its dome of water, hoping that they could run across the street and reach their family.

The giant reached its arm out towards the child while his other arm was still forming. The child looked back while running, seeing their impending doom coming.

"Your target is me, remember?"

Azure appeared between the child and Thin Air. "Don't look back, okay?" The kid said nothing and kept running.

The trail of fire suddenly wrapped around giant. Before realizing it was chained, Thin Air was lassoed around the city, being thrown into the already destroyed buildings that crumbled into dust under his weight

Azure flew up into the sky and tossed him back into the crator he once laid in. Thin Air went back into his normal human form, gasping for air while holding his throat,

"This ish imposshible!! You-You shouldn't even have been able to grab hold of me! HOW?!?! TELL ME HOWWWW!!!" His screamed echoed through every corner of the city, prompting Villains to stop what they were doing and start heading his way.

She raised her hand which created a thunderstorm. A golden thunderbolt slowly came out of the storm and pointed directly towards Thin air. It was double the size of Thin Airs giant form and was the final act of her trump card.

She could only use it once in battle however as it drained all her stamina and energy, leaving her in a vegetable state on some occasions.

"You threatened my city, my home, my people… You deserve to die for that, Villain scum.

But I took up an oath.

To never kill the likes of you,…

no matter what.."

The bolt slowly came down past her figure. Knowing that he was defeated, Thin Air sighed and and surprisingly, laughed.

"You have something to say?"!

She was using the power of wind to communicate to him from such a largre distance.

"Oh, well, it's nothing really. Just that my fellow comrades are roaming through this city right now, killing anyone they see…"

Her eyes buldged. Since her staminia was near depleted, the domes of water weren't as strengthen as they were towards the beginning of the battle.

As she looked around the city, she noticed that there was a thick fog covering the city that she assumed was from her battle with Thin Air. But in actual reality, it was from the quirks of multiple different people. Multiple different Villains.

Being so focused on him, she overlooked the fact that the villains would become more active in situations just like this one. Situations where the Hero was weakened and people were vulnerable.


"Hey, don't you…have a kid? How are-"

The bolt of lightning went through his chest, causing him to black out on the spot. Azure then fell out of the sky and landed near her cycle. She tried to activate it, but to no avail.

She tried over and over again, but with no stamina, she couldn't even use her legs to get up on it


She cried out as rain began poring down. Tears fled from her eyes as she thought of the worst.

"If they…" She said under her breath. "If they land a FUCKING hand on you…"

When she found out she was pregnant, she planned to retire from hero work, only stating that she'd come back out of it if she was the last hero available.

During her five years of retirement, she kept her body up and did daily exercise and activities, but when it came to her quirk, she couldn't practice it.

That's because whenever she used her quirk, the weather changes instantly in her vicinity and some villains can use that to pinpoint her location.

As it was done before in the past.

"That shouldn't be an excuse, Nora. Your son, your son is in danger because you neglected your other part of you!"

Coming out from the shadows, villains appeared armed and dangerous. One had knives for hands, another was built like a tree trunk. There was one that had a giant fan strapped to his back too.

"What do we have here?"

"Another hero?! And a pretty one too! Hey, lets take our time with this one like we did that other one!"

"Wait, but this isn't just any hero guys. She…. No, this can't be. She bares THAT crest?!"

They all looked at her chest and saw the wings of an eagle embedded into the suit. That eagle represented many different things to a lot of different people.





Although everyone knew that when they saw this emblem, it could only mean one person and one person only.


"His-His wife?! She's his wife! Azure!!"

The villains immediately jumped back and went on guard. No one dared to mess with Hancock and his family.

He treated those close to him like brothers and sisters and anyone who meased with them would face the consequences of being enemies with the strongest man in America.


The Villains looked at each other.

"He's….dead… and she's weakened…"

From a simple 'heh', the group bursted out in laughter as they slowly started walking to her again.

"And with No Heroes Left, Who's gonna stop us!"

Hearing this, Azure bit her lip hard enough to cause them to bleed. She didn't care about them in the slightest, but the thought of what they'd do to her child turned her stomach inside out.

"Die…" She mumbled.

"Hm? Did you say something?" One of the villains said.

"I SAID DIE, YOU BASTARDS!" Using every last bit of her strength, she leaped towards one of the men in a last stitch effort, hoping to bring atleast one of them down.

The man she lept towards was a little surprised at the fact that she could move in this state.



He kicked her out of the air, rendering her unconscious on contact. She flew back down to the ground and ragdolled. Her entire body went limp as the light inside her eyes died and vanished.

"The Wife of Hancock himself…." One of them sneared.

"What a fuckin joke."


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


