83.33% My Hero Academia: From The Ashes / Chapter 20: 20. Sports Festival Round 2

章 20: 20. Sports Festival Round 2

-Divine Right-

"Would you be so kind as to bring in our gear?" Mei said sweetly, batting her eyelashes at Izuku, who laughed.

"They are on their way," he said.

The group entered the base and familiarized themselves with the layout, as they figured it should be similar to the other bases. Melissa was nervous as she looked around. Ochaco came up and hugged her. "You got this, Mel," the gravity girl said with a smile.

"Thanks, Ochaco," Melissa stopped. "Hey, everyone!" she called out to the team; they all stopped and looked at her. "Thank you! I know this is a crazy, quirkless girl, but your believing in me is more than I could ask for."

"There is nothing to thank us for, fair maiden," Fumi said, stepping forward. "Your desire to be a hero is just as strong, if not more so, than ours. Your methods are noble, and your heart is right for the cause. We would be villains for not recognizing those traits."

"I agree with my brother; so many people would call us villainous for our visages; we take great delight in making them eat those words," Dark Shadow added.

"Momo and Izuku vouched for you, and after getting to know you, I believe in you, too," Mina said with a smile.

"I don't like it when someone tells me I can't do something," Itsuka said, flexing her arm.

"You're nice and much better than Brighton," Toru yelled.

"I think what you are doing is amazing," Koji said. "I want you in our class. Besides, my bunnies like you also."

"Well, if the bunnies said so," Hitoshi laughed.


While the group had finished the tour, she noticed that Mei was unpacking the support gear she had been working on, and Melissa was getting her gear initialized and ready to go, but Izuku was missing. She wandered outside the base and saw him there; he looked out to the forest, seeming lost in thought.

She walked up, making some noise so as not to startle him, before she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Sometimes I wonder if they are watching?" Izuku said, looking around.

"Who? Your parents?" she said quizzically.

"Yes," he smirked. "In a way, I hope they are so I can rub it in their faces; part of me wants to scream and yell, asking them if they can finally see me. I don't know if I want to tell them to fuck themselves or…"

"It's complicated," she said, her hand still on his shoulder. "I am not going to stand here and try to say that I understand your situation or offer some sage advice because you got the wrong girl standing here for that." She smiled when he laughed a little. "What I do know is that after the USJ, they didn't reach out, and if they do now, it is because they see what we see, and the world now sees."

"What is that?" he said, looking over his shoulder at her.

"That you are a strong, caring man with a brilliant future ahead of you," Kyoka smiled at him tenderly. "You are going to go on to amazing things, Izuku. If they reach out now, it is for the wrong reasons. I want you to know I am here for you, not some false front but the one I have come to know. I am not the type of girl you need to put on a false front with; that is what I like about you. Just be you." He noticed a faint blush dusting her cheeks.

He turned and touched her shoulder, "Thank you, Kyoka." He leaned in and kissed her cheek quickly, causing her to go nuclear, but distracted her enough to let him escape her retaliatory strike.

"I am so going to get you for that!" she yelled, chasing him back into the fort.


The forts had giant tables; the group could stand around with a medieval-looking map marking the castles.

"So, everyone knows where everyone else is, at the very least," Ochaco said, looking down at the map.

"I think they are looking for larger encounters, ribbit," Tsu added, pointing to the open area in the center. "But I highly doubt that would happen, not till things get later."

"I agree," Itsuka said. "There are smaller trails and stuff that run through the forest; I bet everyone is going to sneak through trying to catch people off guard."

"Technically, we don't have to do anything," Hitoshi smirked. "We can just sit back and let them come at us," he looked around the table at his teammates. "But what is the fun in that."

"Just taking our armbands would be enough for a team to move into second place," Melissa said as she leaned over the table. "It is impossible for us to lose first place unless they take our castle flag."

"That won't happen," Izuku said.

"We are going to be a huge target," Melissa continued, "My points are enough to sway second place." She looked at her 2k armband. "So, we should just sit back and play defense. That would be the smart thing to do."

The people at the table just nodded, "But what is the fun in that," Hitoshi repeated, and everyone smirked. "Let's show up and show out." The table looked at him. "Look, if Izuku says the castle flag is fine, we are all guaranteed to advance. But they aren't." He said, pointing to the other classmate's fort.

"There is no way Bakugo will play defense," Momo said. "Shota will try to talk to him about point values and what they should do, but Bakugo is too hot-headed."

"He isn't stupid," Izuku said. "He just believes that the only way to be a hero is to beat the villain no matter what."

"So he is going to go out there and beat his chest," Mina said. "He is going to go after the other forts for the glory of beating them and "showing them their place," Mina added to the air quotes.

"It is going to split their forces," Fumi said. "Some will follow Bakugo, others Shota."

"I believe we should wade into this battle," Dark Shadow said. "I want to ensure that those from 1-B do not advance."

"I don't like Bakugo," Tsu said, holding her finger to the corner of her mouth. "But I like the others enough not to let them fall because of him."

"I say we march to the middle of that clearing," Melissa said. "And let them all know if they want some."

"They can come get some," the rest of the team said.

"Are you okay sitting back and just guarding the fort?" Mina said, looking to Izuku, who just nodded.

"I am sure I won't be bored too long," he smirked. "I am sure that someone will try and attack the castle."

"Oh, I hope so. I have some babies I am dying to try out," Mei said with a devilish grin. "And I have some things for all of you." Mei gave Izuku a wink as a crate floated in, "First, we have some rocket packs, 5 to be exact, an electro disc launcher," she held up a futuristic-looking rifle. "Each of these babies will fire an Electromagnetic disc that, once it attaches to the target, two wires will trap the target then zap the shit out of them." Mei's eyes began to gleam. "Nothing that will kill them but should immobilize them for a minute. Each disc has two charges. You can trigger the second charge by hitting this button on the rifle; it will trigger for all the discs you have out."

"Then we have some standard smoke, percussion, and sonic grenades!" Mei opened a box revealing earbuds. "Communication and sonic protection." She replied. "Mina, I made some grenades for you to store some acid in; Kyoka, I created some special for your sweet cheeks."

Mei opened a box with three metal orbs and a bracelet that she handed to Kyoka, "Put that on," Mei opened her laptop and started typing some things. The orbs sprang to life and started hovering around Kyoka. "Sonic Amplifiers!" Mei said with a smile, you can plug into them and amplify your sound. "Careful, they can be pretty devastating!" Kyoka began to grin.

"Hitoshi," Mei said, handing him a mask. "Artificial vocal cords are non-electric, so they will help you mimic someone's voice, and you should be able to use your quirk with it; careful, that is the prototype Melissa and I whipped up. The plates should help you, but we are unsure how long they will function, or the best estimate is 45 minutes."

"Hydraulic Bracers are a support item that detects incoming enemies and extends a telescopic metal pole to push the wearer out of harm's way. And Hover Soles, boots with turbines implanted inside, allow you to hover." Mei sat back with a huge smile.

"Holy shit Mei," Itsuka said. "Did you make enough stuff?"

"Oh yeah, that is just what I brought for you guys!" Mei cackled with just enough hint of an evil scientist to make everyone slightly worried; Izuku, for some reason, found it hot.

Everyone was looking at the gear and dividing it up, though they did leave some of the rifles at the base. Koji looked at Melissa, wondering where her gadget was. Melissa took a metal band from a box, fit it around her head, and then put a Kabuki mask over it. There was this rumble from the staging area as a 55-gallon metal drum fell over, and all these white diamond shards came rolling out; some moved over and lifted two more drums, bringing them over to her.

A group of small robots started gathering around Melissa's feet. They clustered together to form what looked like a flowing white cloak, complete with a golden sash and trim around the hood and cuffs. As more of these microbots appeared, they began to take on the appearance of white Kitsune Tails with golden tips, swaying and flowing behind Melissa, making it seem like she was standing on a golden cloud.

Koji whispered, "Wow!"

"That is fucking cool!" Itsuka said, reaching out to touch one of the tails only to dip away from her.

"You can't just go grabbing a girl's tail like that," Melissa said with a sultry tone. "You have to buy a girl dinner at least first." Melissa was thankful for the mask to hide her blush when she heard Itsuka mutter.

"I will be sure to remember that."

"You look pretty like that, Melissa," Ochaco said. "Like a fairy tale come to life."

Tsu put her finger by her mouth, "When you debut, that look will make you popular! Is there anything we need to keep an eye out for?"

"The only one I can say for sure is Denki," she replied. "The bots are insulated from an attack such as his, but I am unsure how they will respond if he goes all out. Same with Shoto, and depending on the size of the blast, Bakugo. But we are not fighting them, or we shouldn't be."

"We don't know what our opponent's quirks are, so we need to be careful," Momo said. "Mei, were you able to get any security features on the guns."

"Yup," she tapped her laptop, and all the handles lit up; she placed a palm scanner down. "Everyone put your hand on the scanner even if you are not taking a rifle, so if you need to use one in the field, you can."

After they were done, Mei asked Izuku, "Can you help me with my gear?"

"Of course," He said, looking at the rest. "Good luck, if you need me, I am on the coms. You are all going to do great." As he went to walk away, he squeezed Mina's hand. "You will be wonderful out there; I just know it."

Mina blushed and returned the squeeze.

-Mei and Izuku-

Mei entered the tent where her crate was. Mei smiled over her shoulder as she undid her uniform and let it fall off her shoulders, exposing her back to Izuku; she took off her sports bra and stood there with her back to him. "We need to attach the spinal link first."

Izuku nodded as he pulled the long metal device out of the box. Walking over, he placed it on her back; she shivered, "That's cold," a slight moan escaped her lips when he leaned down and kissed her neck. She couldn't stop the giggle when his teeth lightly grazed where his neck and shoulder met. She took his hand and reached them to grab her breaths; once he had them in his hands, she put her arms up over her head and reached back to pull his head against her neck. She turned her head, and her lips met; soft moans escaped her lips as he caressed her breasts, her nipples hardening under his touch. His eyes opened wide when she reached down and rubbed his crotch. "I can't wait for you to fuck me tonight," she said as she pulled away. "Now help me with the rest," she purred.

Izuku was looking forward to tonight even more than before. "These neuro links are going to cause quite the ruckus," he said after taking a deep breath.

"It is going to be a shit show, but we already have them patented, and the software is pituitary, so everything should be alright," Mei replied. "After you mentioned it, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I can't wait to show these things off." She shuddered as the spinal connection powered up, the little pricks of it becoming operational. She pulled on her traditional bra and modified top. When Izuku floated out the four metallic tendrils and attached them, Mei laughed as they sprung to life. "This feeling is intoxicating," Mei said, hugging herself.

"Let's do this," she grinned. AN: Yes, I gave Mei Dr. Octopus's arms

-The Future Winners-


"You are acting too rashly," Tenya said, pushing up his glasses. "If we leave the base undefended, we stand a large chance of having our flag stolen."


"First, his name is Tenya," Shoto said, "and he is correct. You are proposing that we attack 20 other hero course students and nine others from General Studies, all of whom we have no idea what their quirk is."

"Couldn't you just freeze all their castles?" Denki inquired. "Then we can walk on up and take the flags."

"And if they have a counter?" Shoto said.


"I will follow you into battle, mona mi," Yuga declared.

Denki, Sato, and Eijiro agreed to go with Bakugo, leaving Tenya, Mezo, and Shoto on defense.

-The Mighty Thunder Lizards-

"Okay, so I just checked with Midnight, and there is no rule that says we have to keep our flag at the top of the castle on the pole, but it does have to stay in the castle," Set said as she walked into the planning room.

"I think we should hide it up behind a beam or something," Hiryu said, "Or maybe within a wall,"

"I can remove one of the stones with my quirk, and we can place it there," Reiko said, looking at the wall. "The only problem will be the missing motor, but if we do it in the ceiling in a darker corner, it could cancel it."

Kinoko returned, "I have booby-trapped the grounds; once we leave, I will activate the trap." She giggled wickedly.

"And our resident mad scientist?" Manga questioned.

"That girl had portable autocannons that she is setting up; they are firing rubber bullets, but still," Niren said, shaking his head.

"I like her!" Yui said, smiling.

"She is inspiring," added Pony. "I think we should hide the flag and go offensive!"

"Neito will try to come for our flag, right?" Yui said to Set. "Should we take his?"

Set, thought about it, "Okay, we will go with hiding the flag and trusting our defenses to deter people or at least give them big ouchies if they get in. We promised Washu she would get a chance to fight that Mei chick. If that Melissa girl shows up, we get Reiko close to yoink her points, and I will run them back to base to get recorded." She pointed to The Future Winners castle. "If they come out to attack, we go after their flag; we try and swipe Neito's flag; if we pull that off, we turtle up and fight our asses off. If we get Divine Right's flag, we trade it back to them for some top-point people's armbands."

"We just need to make it to the next round for now," Niren said, smacking his hand into his fist. "Unless the top team has a total breakdown, they are advancing; we need to target the others to ensure we advance."

"So we head to Divine's castle to see if we can steal their flag. Let Washu get her inventor to fight on, seeing if we can yank some armbands. If that fails, we go after the others," Set said, looking around the table as her team nodded in agreement.

-Team Domination-

"We force Divine Right to come out and fight us by taking out their classmates; then we show Set and the others what happens when they betray us!" Neito said, standing on the table, his arm outstretched dramatically. "After we crush them all, we will ensure that we and our allies advance to the third round. Juzo and Ibarra will guard our castle, the rest of you with me to glorious victory!"

His team cheered, ready to go out and show these glory hogs of 1-A just how great 1-B was.

-The Future Heroes of Japan-

Mineta stood before his team. "They have what we want; they have what we deserve, and we are going to go out there and take it!" he yelled. "They look down on us; well, once we take their seats, we will look down on them!"

He received a smattering of applause.

"Do they, though?" Pamela whispered to Nathaniel; she pulled her long reddish brown hair into a bun and stabbed a pencil through it to keep it there; her beautiful green eyes and pale skin had caught the attention of their leader, to which she was indifferent. He could stare all he wanted.

"It doesn't matter," Nathaniel responded. He nonchalantly tussled his brown hair, "All I needed to do was make it to this event." His brown eyes stared off to the sky. "This is just another step to my glorious future."

"Right?" Pamela said as she walked away to look at the map with the General Studies Students.

"Your friend is kind of weird," said a girl with aqua-colored eyes and blue-black hair. She was one of the more excellent people Pamela met during this event.

"We are just in the same class," Pamela said dismissively, "What about your leader?"

The girl laughed, "He came in about talking about respect, about us earning our place and stuff, so I just went to see what the whole thing was about, then they started talking about war and this other bullshit. How they looked down on us, and that pissed me off" The girl sighed. "Then that Izuku guy gave his speech, and that inspired me. At first, I didn't even want to be a hero, but now…"

"So a hot guy gave a good speech, and now you want to be a hero?" Pamela said, teasing some. "Sounds like a crush Suijin."

"He is hot; I mean, if he asked me out to dinner, I would say yes, super-fast," she giggled and twirled some of her hair around a finger. "But he is right; everyone can be a hero; we must work for it. I didn't realize I had put myself in this box until he started talking; I don't want to live in a box. What about you, Pamela?"

"I believe we need to do more for the planet," she said. "Getting this far will get my business proposals looked at more at tomorrow's expo. I talk to plants, not very hero-worthy material, not in the conventional sense; I like that he talked about innovation, pushing boundaries."

Daia leaned over, "We should be ready for battle!" he said; his voice was deep and rich, and he was very intimidating due to his size, standing at 6'7 and with a broad build. "Let us prepare a battle plan!" Pamela and Suijin smiled and nodded, expecting him to say something else; instead, he walked out of the room. Then they just laughed. Bunji shook his head and ran out after Daia.

Bunji was only barely 5'0 ft tall, very short for a boy; his black hair was kept short and proper, and his looks were completely ordinary; he had been roped into this whole escapade by Daia; the two had been friends since kindergarten. Daia, though large, was not as strong physically as his size would lead you to believe. It was his quirk. The balloon allowed Daia to inhale air stored in his body's pockets; he could use it to float or exhale; unfortunately, it wasn't with a lot of force.

Bunji could accelerate very fast, but only for 2 seconds, and then it took a bit before he could do it again.

Miu came in, wiping her brow and pushing her snow-white hair away; her storm-grey eyes greatly contrasted her tanned skin. "Okay, Suijin, I made many puddles for you. The grounds around are soaked. I found a few barrels, but those are still filling up." Miu's quirk allowed her to make Rain clouds. It sounded terrific, but the intensity and size of the clouds were minimal; if used in conjunction with her best friend Suijin's ability to control water, they made a good team.

Koki came over to the table and sighed. "We are so going to get beat up!" He pulled his long stone-grey hair back into a ponytail, "I don't know why I let Mineta talk me into this; all I can do is turn into a statue, not even an unbreakable statue."

"I believed it when he started talking about how all the girls would think how good-looking you were if we won," Miu said, laughing. "I swear that is all the two of you talk about!"

"Is wanting a girlfriend so bad!" he lamented.

"Yes, when you ask out five girls on the first day!" Suijin replied. Koki groaned and hung his head.

"Did he ask out five girls on the first day?" Pamela said.

Suijin nodded, "He asked Miu out, then me, while we were sitting next to each other, and he has already asked every girl in general studies!" Koki groaned louder and let his head thud on the table.

"When you say it like that, it sounds so bad!" he said, trying to defend himself.

"BECAUSE IT IS!" Miu, Suijin, and Pamela all said. "Between that and Mineta…." Suijin added at the end.

"Are we talking about Koki asking everyone out?" said their last teammate. For lack of a better description, he was ordinary in every way. No one would look twice at him, and you almost forgot he was there, like now.

Everybody jumped at his voice, "HOLY SHIT TIM! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?" Koki yelled.

"I have been here since the beginning," he responded. He then recounted snippets of everyone's conversation up to this point. And that was the exciting part; his name was TIM; it wasn't short for anything; there was no other name, no last name, nada. Right there on his school-issued identification was TIM. Everyone just assumed that was his quirk; in fact, no one had asked him exactly what his quirk was, like now. No one asked, and they forgot he was there again.

"Miu, Suijin," Pamela said. "I want to talk to you both after this if we don't advance; I have an idea for the three of us." The two girls nodded as they heard someone clear their throat.

"All right, troops," Mineta said, standing on a table. Daia, Bunji, Koki, and Nathaniel will join me in a glorious battle. Miu, Pamela, and Suijin defend the castle."

"What about me?" Tim said.


After Tim told them he had been there again since the beginning and recapped the conversations, Mineta shrugged. "Um, defend, I guess?"

-Control Booth-

"Is that boy supposed to be on the field?" Midnight asked over the coms.

"Who?" came Snipe's response.

"That kid right there with Future Heroes. The ordinary-looking one!" Midnight replied.

"I don't see him on the list," Present Mic said. Aizawa was also looking over his paperwork, wondering if he missed anything.

"Nezu, we have a possible situation," he relayed.

"I heard everything and am looking in on it right now," Nezu replied as the silence filled the air. "No, he is a student, and he did qualify."

"So what do we do about it," Snipe said. "Do we address it?"

"If no one else noticed till now, we should just let it go. The teams have been picked and are already in the planning stages; doing so now would cause havoc and unnecessary delays."

"Who are we talking about?" Snipe called out over the radio.

"I forgot," replied Midnight. "But it is time to get this show on the road."


The number one hero in Japan was, for the most simple of terms, annoyed. His conversation with Melissa had gone, for lack of a better word, terrible; Mirio had gotten into a fight with Izuku over Mirio's belief that Izuku had somehow poisoned the mind of his Young Hado. It would match up with what All-Might wanted to believe about Melissa.

The way she looked at him, with such anger and hurt. She had been right that he hadn't even considered giving her One for All; it never crossed his mind. The worst part was he didn't have an answer to that question. He had been injured years ago; he could have trained her up and passed it to her well before the entrance exam. He knew what type of girl she was; her desire to be a hero burned so bright that she stepped out as a quirkless hero before the world.

He and Mirio had returned to their seats after being released from the medical wing, and an official complaint was filed against Mirio for his actions. He knew Mirio was supposed to be confined to his quarters, but All-Might didn't want to leave the boy alone stewing in his thoughts. Mirio was staring daggers at the screen, but he saw his protégé eyes soften when he saw Melissa appear on the screen.

This could be salvaged. All-Might thought Melissa was just confused and needed to be shown a better way. She was angry, but hopefully, they could work past that. Maybe Mirio was the answer.


Furious was not the correct answer to his feelings, but it was part of it. He was embarrassed, not only for his actions but because he had lost control and lost to Izuku yet again. He was getting fed up with that bastard, filling Nejire's head with nonsense; he had all but confirmed that she was this special kohai she kept talking about. He was doing all he could to learn more about the people on Izuku's team. And this Melissa Shield.

She was quirkless and still wanted to be a hero, which he could respect. He felt terrible because she had fallen under the spell of that bastard, much like Nejire had. He had to figure out a way to free them both. She could be inspiring properly; she just needed someone to show her the way.

When the bell tolled for the start of the second round, he turned his attention to the big screen. Like his mentor, David Shield, and so many others worldwide, he was stunned when Melissa came floating out of the castle, followed by her team in what could only be described as a hero outfit, and floating on a cloud. Wait, isn't she quirkless? He thought.



"Illogical; they have the most points to lose; their armbands can shift the balance for second place, not to mention they are leaving their castle defended by only two members," Aizawa said. "They should be focusing on defense; even if they lose their castle flag, the individual flags plus some others would be enough to secure that they advance to the next round."


"Of course, you boys don't get it," Midnight said, interrupting them, "these kids are not going just to sit back and wait for the great evil to come to them or a hero to appear! They are going out to meet their enemies head-on! Laying it all out online, like heroes who want to change the world. These children, oh how inspiring!" she cooed.


Once he heard Midnight's commentary, he could see it spreading throughout the crowd. The crowd roared, watching them come out and head to the center. Not only had Izuku made such an inflammatory speech, they were fighting out there fighting to back up his damn speech. While all the time he sat back in the castle, he knew that Izuku was powerful, but he hoped to see him swarmed under for being such a cocky bastard. Maybe that would help show his teammates, Nejire, and the crowd that he was talking.


She pouted some, not seeing Izuku marching out with the rest of his team, but she understood that with just him and that Pink-haired girl he was kissing in the locker room, someone was bound to attack the castle. She wondered just how strong her Kohai was. Then she thought of the kiss, how hot it made her feel; it still lingered even after all this time. YuYu still made her for running off like that.

But she explained to YuYu that her Kohai had multiple girlfriends and could be one, but she had to get to know the head girlfriend first. The head girlfriend was beautiful and seemed to be interested in kissing her, so it was possible that not only could she get a super sexy boyfriend but also some super sexy girlfriends. Nejire was trying to explain how excited she was at the idea and how when she kissed her Kohai, yes with permission, it made her so wet, she would have let him do her right then and there.

YuYu just held her head in her hands before she reached into her bag and took a bite of a special brownie Duncan had made for her; of course, it was all part of the plan, and Nejire, lover of all things sweet, immediately asked for some. YuYu needed to calm Nejire down so she didn't do something crazy, and so she could get a better explanation.

-Inko Midoriya-

Self-pity is never good, but that was all she could feel now. She had tried for years to get him to accept the reality that he was quirkless, to open up about the bullying and the problems he was having, but he just didn't. He wouldn't let go; the teachings told her he was worthless but still her son. She tried to get him to join a quirkless community where he could live out his days in peace. Hisashi had wiped his hands off Izuku after the diagnosis; he had even mentioned just giving Izuku up. She had just grown tired of his constant talk of heroes and how he wanted to be one. His constant denial of his reality had just become too much to the point where two ships passed at night.

Hisashi called her and still loved her. They would meet when he was in Japan, and her world was good again for those few days or hours. His passion would reignite the spark and carry it off. He always asked her to come with him, and the last time, she said yes. Izuku was old enough to handle himself; he would go to whatever fate awaited him, and she would live her life again. She followed up after hearing about the accident; no need to rush back was music to her ears. There are no lasting injuries; more fantastic news is that his being an invalid and quirkless was just a step too far. Then she had found out she was pregnant, he had called to say he had recovered, and Hisashi made a clean break. They would start over, and he would do whatever he would do.

But that was not supposed to entail developing a quirk, growing so big, strong, and handsome looking. Not only did he make it into the U.A., but he also scored the highest on the entrance exam, survived a criminal attack, and found at least one beautiful girlfriend. That was even worse when she started researching who the girl was. Momo Yaoyorozu was the only daughter and heiress to the Yaoyorozu Corporation. An heiress her son was dating an heiress.

In his damn speech, he just about came out and said quirks should be used freely. She had never talked to them about the ideals of the Meta Liberation, but he was standing in front of the whole world; no wonder Hisashi had been called back. There was going to be a lot of questions. They could get Izuku to return to them, especially if they introduced him to his little sister. She hated it more as she thought about it, manipulating him so, but their new life was now in jeopardy; a screw-up of this magnitude was bound to cause problems.

Not to mention this quirkless girl on the screen, now looking like a Divine Kitsune with the aid of technology; this was shaping up to be a bad day for her, just simply terrible. She looked at the ceiling and wondered what she had done to deserve such a thing. She prayed that another member hadn't already gotten to Izuku before they did.

-David Shield-

Microbots, his daughter, was using microbots. All-Might wasn't answering his phone; what was happening in the world?


"I have the basic information on Izuku Midoriya; I am having trouble bypassing the U.A. firewall to connect to Melissa's computer."

David Shield just stared at the screen.


Melissa's team made it to the center of the clearing. They saw some of Bakugo's and Neito's teams come bursting into the clearing, followed by some general studies teams. The second team from 1-B was mysteriously absent. Maybe they were attacking the castles?

"YOU FOOLS PREPARE TO MEET YOUR FATE FOR YOUR ARROGANCE!" Nieto yelled as he raised his hand to the sky.


Nieto and the General Studies made a break toward Melissa and the others, and Bakugo and his people raced to intercept.

"Well, Captain?" Ochaco said with a smirk.

Melissa looked at the faces of her team. They were ready to follow her lead, "I say we show the world that we are the heroes of tomorrow, and we don't need anyone to save us," she raised her hand and pointed at the groups carrying them. "Let's kick some ass!"


-Team Thunder Lizards-

"Set. Shouldn't we attack the other castles?" Niren asked as they made their way through the forest.

"No, we stick to the plan. If we can get their flag, we can retreat then; then we hide till we can redeem the points at the last moment," Set grinned. "We can do this. You up; draw her off so we can launch our attack."

Washu smirked, holding her bracelet to her mouth, "Deploy Goliath, my location." The crowd cheered when a giant metal cylinder launched from behind the Lizard castle and came crashing down just on the forest's edge; the cylinder popped open, smoke shrouding the capsule. Washu raced into the smoke.

The crowd was in stunned silence when Washu emerged from the smoke in a giant exoskeleton armor; she stood over 7 feet tall now; on the right arm was a giant Gatling gun, and the left arm had two mechanical pincers that held a large metal shield. "COME AND FIGHT ME MEI HATSUME! SO YOU MAY BOW DOWN TO YOUR BETTER!" she yelled over the machine's speakers. The stadium cheered but quieted down quickly, waiting for the response.

Giant tendrils emerged from the top of the castle and launched Mei from the top to just outside the castle walls; she landed with the other two rising. "Metal shield, how quaint!" Mei held two black metal cylinders in her hands; one ignited into a fantastic blue energy shield, the other in the other. Mei smirked triumphantly, "KNOW YOUR BETTER!" A blue energy saber ignited. "Behold my plasma blade!"


"It is as close as anyone has come to one," Eraser said in awe.

"You want some Washu? Come get some!" Mei yelled.


"Yes, Kinoko?"

"What is going on?"

"A mech with a Gatling gun is about to fight a metal octopus with a lightsaber," Set said, stunned.

"Ok, good; for a second, I thought I ate the wrong mushroom," Kinoko said as Washu's armor hovered off the ground slightly and shifted left to draw Mei away. The crowd went wild!

-Infinite Arcana-

"I am fucking in love with those two!" Infinity yelled as the popcorn bucket flew.

"They are amazing," Sylvia replied.

-The Mighty Thunder Lizards-

They came charging out of the clearing; Setsuna split her body and took to the air, heading towards the flag; Reiko, with Pony and Niren flanking her, raced to get in range of the flag to rip it free. Manga out, and the words Kaboom appeared overhead, falling towards the castle walls. The crowd cheered; Set raced over the smoke towards the flag, and Hiryu came out of the forest to the left, racing to attack from a different angle; Yui attacked from the right. She threw a handful of pebbles that suddenly turned into giant boulders mid-flight.

An unknown force suddenly grabbed Set and Hiryu; the boulders stopped in mid-flight, and Reiko, Pony, and Niren were violently flung backward into the air, all by this green energy. Manga heard the whispered words "Goodnight!" as he collapsed.

Izuku Midoriya stepped emerged on top of the castle, one hand extended glowing green. He smiled and snapped his fingers; the boulders went flying back towards Yui, who dived for cover; Hiryu was sent crashing into where Reiko was, all of Set's body parts, including the hand that she had sent to attack from the south and steal the flag were all smashed together there in front of Izuku.

"I am hoping that after this, we can try and talk, but unfortunately, that blonde ass hole in your class pissed me off," Izuku smiled. Set grimaced as it felt like every part of her was being squeezed. Izuku waived his hand and sent her barreling in a ball into her group. Reiko tried to pull her in a different direction, but his quirk was too strong for her, till suddenly she felt her quirk grab hold of Set; she looked up to the castle; he had let her save her friend from being hurt badly.

Yui saw her life about to become a world of pain as one of the boulders was about to hit her, only for it to shift in midflight and narrowly miss her. Hiryu braced for impact with the ground only to feel his momentum lessen before impact.

"Clever girl," Izuku whispered; suddenly, all around him erupted in green fire; Kinoko felt herself grabbed and thrown towards her group. "You guys are excellent. Too bad Big Mouth messed it up for you."

The crowd cheered at the power display, and the heroes watching immediately pulled out phones and started to call their agencies; this kid had just repelled a very complicated assault on his own and may have just demonstrated two quirks.


"Kinoko Komori of class 1-B, her quirk is mushroom; she had launched a sneak attack hoping to have some mushrooms probably make their way over to Izuku before she activated them, probably incapacitating him; he was able to notice, and what you saw was another aspect of his quirk, he can agitate things on a molecular level thus creating fire." Aizawa smiled behind his scarf.


He had been there when Izuku was pulled aside for the second practical, and he didn't like it. He didn't like it when he saw Mirio and some retired old pro enter the arena. He didn't know anything about the pro, but Mirio had been and still was one of the most promising young heroes to come through the halls of U.A. in recent years. He had trained his quirk into a fine-honed weapon and had started to add strength to his already terrifying abilities. Mirio had a bright future ahead of him, so sending him to fight an examinee didn't sit well with Aizawa, especially when it sounded personal between the two.

Then Izuku destroyed them both and calmly walked away. Aizawa knew something was wrong with this kid and went to the kid's file. That made Aizawa even more curious; the kid had undergone a drastic change in over a year, raising some questions. He didn't see any information about the parents, and as he dug deeper, they were gone; Dad left when he was five, Mom left when he was 16, accident, change, all the details he could find.

Then he saw him when he became a student, dating Momo, a top student, friends with two girls in the support department, and beef with Bakugo and Brighton. Well, the second one was well warranted. But Bakugo it seemed deeply personal; they always seemed to be on the edge of violence; he had told All-Might not to put them together for the battle trials, but he did anyways. Aizawa watched the video of the battle; it was deeply personal. There was no audio, but Aizawa could read lips; he had learned that being underground, he didn't always have the luxury of a boom mic or a surveillance van.

He read over the file, which was extremely late in development, seemingly due to the accident. Near-death quirk triggers were extremely rare but had been known to happen. So this kid had lived most of his life quirkless until recently but had fantastic control. After reading the kid's written exam, Izuku was brilliant. He had incredible displays of power and a chip on his shoulder, but he didn't go out of his way to overshadow his teammates. He didn't need Mina in the battle trials; after watching what he just did, he was certain Izuku could probably steal everyone's armbands and flags. The way some of the other teachers would look at him, All-Might in particular, now Mirio is attacking him before the match. There was so much potential, even in his exciting speech, calling heroes and people to stand up and improve.

Not to mention the USJ, some things weren't adding up; maybe he would get his answers if he just asked.


He sat alone on a private plane en route to Japan as images of his son surrounded by green fire were on the screen in front of him. The images flickered between the massive brawl, the mech battle, and Izuku's power display. He looked down at his phone messages from Inko, messages from the Army. He grabbed his phone and considered returning Izuku to his side; maybe he would blame Inko or use Izumi. There had to be a way to turn this to his advantage, even if Izuku were to lose now. After that, display intern offers would come flooding in; maybe he could steer Izuku to a member of the MLA. Yes, he could salvage this; when he did, he would see his position rise. He would just need to bend Izuku to his will, it shouldn't be that difficult.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


