85.71% The Enlightened One In the Murim / Chapter 6: Heaven's Judgement!!!

章 6: Heaven's Judgement!!!

|| Broken Fist Sect Grounds ||

After a few minutes, the rain of arrows stopped, and the dust cloud began to settle.

"Is... is he dead?"

"He... he should be. Even martial masters can't handle that amount of arrows."

Finally, the dust cloud settled, and everyone shook in terror. There was not a single scratch on Dojin's pristine body; even his clothes didn't have a speck of dust on them.

Dojin grinned as he banged the ground with his Ruyi Bang making the whole sect grounds shake and crack under its might. "Now it's my turn."

[Buddha's Divine Realms: Second Realm]

"Retreat," someone shouted with all his might, sensing the coming terror.

[Heaven's Mighty Sweep]

Dojin leaped forward, the Ruyi Bang extending and sweeping through the air like a living serpent. The sect members scattered, but not fast enough. The staff struck with lightning speed, sending bodies flying in all directions. Dojin moved with elegant precision, each swing of his staff a deadly ballet. His opponents' weapons shattered on contact with his Ruyi Bang, their attacks futile against his overwhelming strength.

"Retreat! Fall back!" again someone yelled from the chaos.

"Too late," Dojin muttered, his lotus pupils glowed with a fierce light as his grin widened. He twirled the Ruyi Bang, creating a powerful gust of wind that knocked his enemies off their feet. He dashed through the disoriented crowd, picking off his opponents one by one.

In the midst of the battle, a large figure emerged from the shadows of the sect's inner courtyard. It was the Broke Fist Sect's second-in-command, a hulking man with a scarred face and massive gauntlets around his fists.

"You've caused enough trouble, brat," the man growled, swinging his gauntlet in a wide arc.

Dojin blocked the attack with his staff, the impact creating a shockwave that rippled through the air. "And who might you be?" Dojin asked, pushing the man back effortlessly.

"I am Won-Jin, the vice-leader of the Broken Fist Sect," the man replied, his eyes narrowing.

"Nice to meet you, Won-Jin. Let's see what you're made of." Dojin smirked, tightening his grip on the Ruyi Bang.

Won-Jin roared, charging at Dojin with his fist raised high. Dojin met him head-on, their weapons clashing with a deafening clang. They exchanged a flurry of blows, each strike faster and more powerful than the last. Sparks flew as their weapons collided, the ground beneath them cracking under the force of their attacks.

"You are strong," Dojin admitted, deflecting a particularly fierce swing. "But not strong enough."

Dojin kicked him in his midsection, launching him like a cannonball.

"You haven't seen anything yet," Won-Jin got up with some difficulty and snarled, his eyes glowing with energy. He unleashed a wave of black ki, aiming to overwhelm Dojin with its sheer intensity.

Dojin casually sidestepped the attack and with a final, powerful strike, disarmed Won-Jin, shattering his gauntlets to pieces. He followed up with a swift kick to the chest, knocking the vice-leader to the ground.

"Yield," Dojin commanded, his staff poised to strike.

Won-Jin glared up at him, panting heavily. "You... you can't defeat the Broke Fist Sect. Our leader will crush you."

Dojin's expression hardened. "We'll see about that."

He knocked Won-Jin out with a single, decisive blow and turned his attention to the inner sanctum of the sect.

As Dojin advanced deeper into the Broken Fist Sect, the atmosphere grew tense. The remaining sect members cowered in fear, clearing a path for him as he strode confidently toward the inner sanctum.

The grand doors of the sect's inner sanctum loomed ahead, adorned with intricate carvings of fierce dragons and ancient symbols. Dojin pushed the doors open effortlessly, stepping into a vast chamber lit by flickering torches. At the far end of the room, a massive throne made of dark stone sat, and upon it, the figure of Jo Cheon-Woo, the Demon Fist, loomed large.


Jo Cheon-Woo rose from his throne, his golden gauntlets gleaming in the dim light. One gauntlet extended up to his shoulders, exuding an aura of formidable power. His eyes burned with a fierce, unyielding intensity as he stepped forward to face Dojin.

"So, you are the one causing all this trouble," Jo Cheon-Woo said, his voice a deep rumble. "I commend your bravery, but it will be your downfall."

Dojin smirked and crushed the lollipop in his mouth, unfazed by the imposing figure before him. "I'm not here to exchange pleasantries, Jo Cheon-Woo. I'm here to end your reign."

[Strike of The King's Fist]


Aiming his gauntleted shoulder at Dojin, Jo Cheon-Woo charged fiercely.


Dojin met the attack head-on, stopping the charging Jo Cheon-Woo dead in his tracks. The resulting shockwave from the clash crumbled the floor into fine pieces.

"Impressive," Jo Cheon-Woo admitted, his eyes narrowing. "But you haven't seen the full extent of my power."

[Unending Fists of Destruction]


He unleashed a flurry of punches, each one faster and more powerful than the last.

Dojin parried the barrage of punches with ease, his Ruyi Bang spinning like a whirlwind to deflect each strike. Despite the ferocity of Jo Cheon-Woo's attacks, Dojin remained calm and composed, his expression nonchalant, there was not a hint of struggle on his face.




Finally, Dojin parried the fist to the side, creating a wide opening which he capitalized on immediately by fiercely kicking Jo Cheon-Woo's chest. Jo Cheon-Woo folded like a doll around Dojin's kick as he streaked through wall after wall like a comet.

Dojin stepped outside through the crumbling walls.

"You've had your fun," Dojin said, his voice steady. "Now face your judgment."

[Buddha's Divine Realms: Fifth Realm]

Dojin leaped hundreds of meters into the air, his Ruyi Bang glowing with radiant light. He hurled the staff skyward with all his might. The sound barrier shattered.


The weapon pierced the clouds, creating a large hole in the sky.

"You shouldn't have massacred that tribe."

Jo Cheon-Woo watched in shock and fear as the Ruyi Bang ascended, vanishing behind the stormy clouds. "What... what are you doing?"

Dojin hovered gracefully in the sky, an immense halo ring glowing with divine light behind his back. His golden orange aura blazed with unparalleled power, and the robes around his waist fluttered fiercely in the turbulent wind. His Lotus pupils glowed with divine radiance as he raised his hand high.

[Heaven's Judgment]

His voice echoed like thunder across the heavens.

Ruyi Bang, now expanded to an enormous size, began its descent, parting the clouds with a thunderous roar, it hurtled toward Jo Cheon-Woo with unstoppable force. The winds howled in fury, the sheer power of the attack shaking the very heavens.

"Wh-What Tribe? No-No! This can't be!" Jo Cheon-Woo roared, raising his gauntleted arms in a desperate attempt to block the attack.

The Ruyi Bang struck with the fury of the heavens, the impact creating a deafening explosion. The ground trembled violently as the staff smashed into Jo Cheon-Woo, the force of the blow obliterating his defenses and driving him deep into the earth. The entire sect trembled under the might of the attack, and a massive crater formed where Jo Cheon-Woo once stood. The resulting shockwave blew the sect to smithereens, sending debris flying in all directions. Even the distant Gon-Myung town felt the tremors, its inhabitants looking on in horror as the ground quaked beneath their feet. In the aftermath, a deafening silence fell, punctuated only by the distant echoes of destruction. The sheer power of the Ruyi Bang left an indelible mark on the landscape, showing the overwhelming might of the divine weapon.

As the dust settled, Dojin stood at the edge of the enormous crater, looking down at the defeated figure of Jo Cheon-Woo buried beneath the rubble. The Broken Fist Sect lay in ruins, its stronghold shattered beyond repair.

Dojin's expression remained calm as he turned away from the destruction. "Your reign of terror is over,"

With his task complete, Dojin walked away from the ruins, his Ruyi Bang shrinking back to its normal size and returning to his hand. The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting a warm light over the landscape.





To Be Continued... 

Guys Just Donate 1 Power Stone each... That's all I ask.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


