80% Honkai impact: Kevin kaslana multiverse journey ( Tensura ) / Chapter 124: Ch-13 <Inportant lessons >

章 124: Ch-13 <Inportant lessons >

After the destruction of the forest by Bianca's powerful lightning strike, Otto's spies quickly reported back to him.

Otto Apocalypse, the overseer of Schicksal, stood in his office, a look of fury etched across his face. The smoke from the forest fire could still be seen in the distance. He clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing as he reviewed the reports.

"Siegfried … Kiana… and Kebin," Otto muttered under his breath. "They've grown more dangerous than I anticipated." He slammed his hand on his desk. "Amber!"

Amber, his ever-dutiful secretary, immediately stepped forward. "Yes, Lord Otto?"

"Deploy our elite squad," Otto commanded. "Find Siegfried, Kebin, and the two Kaslana girls. They are not to be underestimated. Use every resource necessary. I want them found!"

Amber bowed. "Understood, my lord. The mission will commence immediately."


Meanwhile, far away from the prying eyes of Schicksal, Kevin had relocated Siegfried, Kiana, and Bianca to a secluded mountainside cabin, hidden deep within an uncharted forest. The air was fresh, and the only sounds were those of birds chirping and a gentle stream nearby.

One day, while the girls took a break from training, Kevin decided it was time for a different kind of lesson. He led them to a small clearing where he had prepared a simple setup: a chicken coop and a small pen with rabbits.

Kiana and Bianca exchanged curious glances. "What are we doing here, Kevin-nii?" Kiana asked, scratching her head.

Both of girls starts calling him Kevin when he said that his real name is Kevin Kaslana.

Kevin smiled, his eyes warm. "Today, we're learning about life," he replied.

Bianca tilted her head, a bit puzzled. "About… life?"

Kevin nodded. "Yes, about how life is created, how it grows, and how it ends. You've been training hard to wield incredible power, but it's also important to understand what that power affects." He pointed to the chicken coop. "These are chickens. Simple creatures, but their lives are as valuable to them as ours are to us."

He gently opened the coop and took out an egg. "This egg," he explained, "contains the potential for new life." He held it carefully, turning it in his hand so the girls could see. "Inside, a chick is growing, just as every being starts small and fragile."

Bianca looked closely, her curiosity piqued. "And this… is why life is precious?"

Kevin nodded. "Yes. Life is not just a physical existence. Every creature, big or small, has the instinct to live, to survive, to feel. No one wants to die, Kiana. That is a universal truth."

He set the egg back in the coop and led them to the rabbit pen. "Look at these rabbits," he continued. "Watch how they hop, how they nibble on grass, how they interact with each other. Every moment they are alive, they are seeking something — safety, food, comfort, companionship."

Kiana's eyes softened as she watched a rabbit sniff around cautiously, then hop over to another and nuzzle its side. "They're so… peaceful," she murmured.

Kevin nodded. "Indeed. And that is why every life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, deserves to be respected."

For the next half year, Kevin continued to guide Kiana and Bianca through their journey of understanding life, its value, and its cycles.

He took them into the forests and meadows around their secluded hideout, showing them how life thrived in every corner, from the smallest insects to the towering trees. They watched the birth of baby rabbits, cared for the chickens, and even nursed an injured bird back to health. They witnessed how every creature struggled to live, grow, and find its place in the world.

Over time, something began to change in the girls. They had always been Kaslanas, warriors trained to fight against the Honkai, but now they were beginning to see life through a new lens. They no longer saw it as something to be cut down or destroyed but as something to be cherished.

One day, after watching a litter of rabbits being born, Bianca turned to Kevin with a contemplative look. "Kevin-nii," she said softly, "I don't think I want to eat meat rabbit or chicken anymore."

Kiana, standing beside her, nodded in agreement. "Me too! After seeing how life is created and how much each creature values its own life… I can't bring myself to take it unless it's absolutely necessary."

Kevin smiled at them, a mix of pride and understanding in his eyes. "That's a good realization," he replied. "To understand life is to honor it, and if you choose to only take it for survival, that is a path of compassion.

You must figght and sometimes kill when it is necessary, but without hatred or malice. Do not become attached to violence or the act of destruction, but understand that it sometimes becomes necessary to protect others."

Kiana's face lit up with realization. "So, it's like… when we fight, we do it because we have to, not because we want to," she summarized.

Kevin smiled warmly. "Exactly, Kiana. And it is crucial to always remember why you fight. Never forget the value of life, even if the path we walk is filled with battles."

Bianca nodded, a newfound seriousness in her expression. "I understand. I don't want to become… an emotionless machine."

But remember, this world… it isn't always kind or fair. It often lacks beauty, and there are many things that are broken." Kevin added.

Bianca's brows furrowed, and she looked up at him. "But if the world is not good, then… why do we fight?"

Kevin paused, his expression thoughtful. "Do you remember the Kaslana oath?" he asked.

Bianca nodded. "To fight for all that is beautiful in the world," she recited.

Kevin nodded, his gaze intense. "Yes, but sometimes, the world lacks beauty. Sometimes, it seems as if there is nothing worth saving, nothing worth fighting for." He paused, letting his words hang in the air. "But if there is no beauty… then we make it. We create it. Not just for ourselves, but for the ones we love."

He looked deeply into their eyes, his voice steady and filled with conviction. " our duty as Kaslanas, is to fight for the light in this world, to protect what little beauty remains and, when it's gone, to bring it back."

Bianca listened closely, absorbing his words. "So… even if there is no beauty, we must create it?"

"Yes," Kevin affirmed. "Create it with your actions, your choices, your strength. Protect what you love, and make this world beautiful for them. That is the Kaslana way."

Kiana smiled, her eyes bright with understanding. "Then, I will fight not just to protect, but to make this world a place worth living in for those I care about."

Bianca nodded in agreement. "Yes, I'll do the same. I want to create a world where people can smile, where they don't have to live in fear."

Kevin smiled at them both, feeling a warmth in his chest. "You've understood well. One who sees the same soul in every living being, be it a humble servant or a noble sage, that one is truly wise.' The world may not always be kind, but wisdom lies in seeing the potential for goodness, even in the darkest places."

This line confused them but Kevin added.

"You might not understand it right now but in future you will".

The months passed, and they continued their training with renewed vigor and purpose. But now, their strength was not just in their bodies and powers, but in their hearts.

As their training continued, Kevin decided it was time for one final lesson — a lesson he knew was crucial for both girls to understand before they faced the harsh reality of the world.

He gathered Kiana and Bianca under the shade of a large oak tree, where the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled patterns on the ground.

He looked at them both, his expression serious but gentle. "You've both learned a lot over these past months," he began, "and I'm proud of how far you've come. You've come to understand the value of life, the importance of compassion, and the need to protect what is beautiful in this world. But there's something else you need to know, something that's just as important."

Bianca and Kiana leaned in, listening intently. Kevin continued.

"The world, for all its beauty and wonder, often follows the law of the jungle — the strong prey on the weak, and the powerful make the rules. If you choose to live by the ideals we've talked about, to cherish life and fight for what is good, then you must be prepared. You must have the strength to protect those ideals."

Bianca nodded thoughtfully. "So, it's about balance… being strong enough to protect, but wise enough to know when and how to use that strength."

"Exactly," Kevin affirmed. "And always remember: if you wish to walk the path of the compassionate, you must first have the strength to do so. If you are weak, the world may force you into choices you don't want to make. But if you are strong, you choose your path — you create your own destiny."

Kevin's final lesson to Bianca and Kiana was met with silence. The two girls exchanged a glance, their eyes wide with confusion. They sensed something was off. Kevin rarely spoke with such finality. Their expressions turned worried as they clung to his clothes, their small hands gripping tightly.

"Are you… are you leaving?" Bianca asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kiana, not bothering with subtlety, pulled on Kevin's sleeve and added, "You can't go! Don't leave us!"

Seeing the fear and concern in their eyes, Kevin's expression softened. He kneeled down to their level, pulling them both into his arms. "I'm not leaving you," he assured them. "I just have to go on a mission."

"But why?" Kiana pressed, her tone a mix of stubbornness and worry. "Why do you have to go?"

Bianca, ever the more serious one, looked up at him with pleading eyes, though she tried to hide her fear. "What's the mission, Kevin?" she asked, her voice wavering despite her best efforts.

Kevin took a deep breath. He knew he needed to explain it in a way they could understand, without revealing everything. "Do you remember when we talked about the Quantum Sea?" he began.

Bianca nodded, already beginning to piece things together, while Kiana looked puzzled.

"The Quantum Sea?" Kiana repeated, tilting her head. "What's that?"

Sirin, in her consciousness, tried to explain in her typical impatient manner. "It's a place between worlds, a sea of endless possibilities and timelines," she said. But Kiana's confusion only deepened. She managed to grasp only that it was a far, far away place.

Kevin chuckled softly. "It's okay, Kiana. All you need to know is that I have to go to a place far away to find someone… someone important who is trapped there."

Kiana's eyes filled with tears. "Why are you going to a place like that? Can't you stay here?" she asked, her voice breaking with emotion.

Kevin paused. How should he tell them? He decided on a half-truth, just enough to keep their trust but not worry them too much. "I'm not from this timeline," he confessed gently. "I came here through the Quantum Sea. Now, there's someone like me, another version of me, who is trapped there. I need to find him and help him."

Bianca's eyes widened, and she began to understand. "You're going to help your… counterpart," she said, her voice tinged with worry and realization. She thought for a moment and asked, "But… what about your world? The one you came from?"

Kevin sighed. "My world… was destroyed by the Honkai," he admitted, his voice heavy with the weight of that truth.

Bianca's face fell, and Kiana's tears started to spill over. "Don't go," she begged, her voice trembling. "We want you to stay here with us!"

Kevin gently wiped away Kiana's tears. "I'm not leaving you forever," he said softly. "I promise I will come back."

Bianca, too, had tears in her eyes. "When will you come back?" she asked, trying to keep her composure but failing as her voice broke.

Kevin gave a small smile. "Didn't you both say you wanted to marry me one day?" he teased, trying to lighten the mood. "I'll come back when you reach a marriageable age."

Kiana blushed, and Bianca turned red but kept her determined expression. "You promise?" Kiana whispered, still afraid to let go.

"I promise," Kevin replied. "And to make sure you know I'll keep my word… I'll give you a bond."

"A bond?" Bianca asked, curious.

"Yes, a soul bond," Kevin explained. "It will let you sense me, even across the distance. You might not be able to talk to me because of great distance, but you'll feel that I'm alive and well. It will give you comfort until I return."

He closed his eyes, channeling his power through the authority of Origin and using the system to weave a thread of his own karmic essence, connecting it to both of them. Bianca and Kiana felt a strange warmth spreading through their chests as if a golden thread had entwined itself around their hearts, linking them with Kevin's presence.

Kiana gasped, feeling the connection. "I… I can feel you," she said, a look of wonder spreading across her face.

Bianca nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. "It feels… warm," she whispered. "Like you're right here with us."

Kevin smiled. "Exactly," he said. "This bond will keep us connected no matter how far apart we are."

He then turned to Siegfried, who was watching from a distance with a mix of pride and sorrow. "Take care of them," Kevin said, his voice firm but filled with trust.

Siegfried nodded, his voice choking with emotion. "On my life," he replied.

Kevin knelt down, hugging both girls one last time. "I'll be back before you know it," he whispered.

The girls leaned in and, with one swift move, kissed him on the cheek simultaneously, their faces flushed with a mix of embarrassment and affection. Kevin, caught off guard, chuckled, feeling a twinge of embarrassment himself.

Siegfried, however, shot Kevin a playful glare. "Don't get too comfortable," he warned, trying to mask his own sadness with a joking tone. "I'm still watching you."

Kevin laughed, giving Siegfried a mock salute. "I wouldn't expect anything less," he replied, stepping back and preparing for his journey.

He looked at Kiana and Bianca one last time, his heart heavy but resolute. "Stay strong," he told them. "And remember, I will always be with you."

He looked at both of them. Bianca has reached 13 and she now possess strength stronger than S rank Valkyrie while Kiana is still in S rank. They both can survive in this world.

With that, he activated his powers, disappearing in a flash of light.

A/N~ do you like my this chapters and lessons.

Another note - should I add CE Mei or not.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C124
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


