92.18% Biomass Effect / Chapter 59: Chapter 59- The Gorath Station

章 59: Chapter 59- The Gorath Station

Mordin looked to the enigmatic Gorath Station ahead of him. The asteroid turned geneticist facility was surrounded by dozens of some of the Salarian Unions most decorated ships and personnel. Autonomous sentry turrets were evenly placed all around the outer hull of the asteroid. As Mordins ship landed he could see several of them swivel in his direction, but they never fired, thankfully enough. Not that Mordin expected them to, but having an autonomous gun pointed in your direction rarely, if ever, was a good thing.

The smaller asteroids around the station had also appeared to have been retrofitted with engines, and strangely enough were aimed at the station itself, most likely as a method of destroying the station should worse come to worse. Still, it was an excessive level of protection. The fleets alone had enough sufficient firepower to destroy the station several times over if they were as well armed as Mordin suspected. Having a field of asteroids ready to do the same however made Mordin realize that whatever they were working on probably required that additional failsafe.

Mordin waited in the cockpit as his escort motioned for him to follow. Mordin quickly did so, a steady feeling of dread in his chest as the doors opened.

Taking his first steps into Gorath, Mordin past the Blacklight scanners without issue, and was quickly brought to an empty room, only a large table and series of chairs surrounding a holographic 3D map of the Gorath Station. Mordin quickly took a seat as he drummed his fingers on the table, thankfully he didn't have to wait very long.

Vurlon was a somewhat familiar face, Mordin recalled that the individual in front of him was a perfectionist who did his best to appear as a professional, one whose only concern was results. Not a bad personality trait to have, but Vurlon was an individual without mercy or pity. Always doing his best to appear in control of any situation and was not above cutting loose ends. Mordin suspected that the way Vurlon carried himself may have been at least one of the things that drove Saleon to escape the Gorath Station before he became fully expendable.

As Vurlon made his way into the room, Mordin saw him. Mordin was not as young by any stretch of the imagination, but Jobol had obviously seen better days. The ex-councilor was a shadow of his former self and was not long for this world. Though even appearing as frail as he did his uncle's gaze was just as Mordin remembered it. Driven and focused.

Jobol looked to his nephew before nodding.

"Mordin." He greeted with a nod that Mordin returned.

"I understand you have some insights into the abominations Saleon crafted."

Mordin stood straight as he activated his omni-tool, causing a holographic image of a single cell of the Children to appear above his wrist. The Children's cells were an interesting thing, and even to a layman, it was obviously not fully biological. Even on the atomic level, the inside of the cell possessed a multitude of single atom transistors which created logic gates which created very simple basic modules. However, each cell was able to use both chemical energy, as well as electrical energy to network with other cells. There were other mechanical organelle analogues that enhanced existing internal cellular structures. Similar to Blacklight, the cells were unique for possessing a strange assortment of chloroplasts, mitochondria, and several other unidentified Prokaryote organisms that were absorbed and turned into additional Organelles. Much of the nanostructured mechanical parts were strange and unknown. Some of it was obvious, like the nanoscale transistors and magnetic particles, but the rest. It was hard for even Mordin to tell what it was he was looking at.

"To a degree, I have been working with Blacklight for the past few years to get a better analysis of the genetic structure of the Children. As mad as Salmon was, I cannot fathom what caused the teratogenic mutations present in the Children, even Blacklight isn't sure exactly how they acquired an entirely new, previously unknown nucleic acid. They informed me of their discoveries of the Husk Mother, their official designation of the massive cybernetic variant that appeared on Khar'Shan. The wholly organic variant of Saleon's Children was killed by Blacklight before this cybernetic one came to be. This cell is the newest iteration of the Children, while it is indeed a cell and possesses some biochemical processes, much of it has been replaced by tech. It has much more in common with a nanite than a cell at this point. "

"I see. Question, is Blacklight the reason why you are here?" Asked Jobol as he took his seat.

Mordin shut off his Omnitool.

"To a degree. I honestly feel this new entity is a threat to Galactic Society, more so than any other potential threat."

"Barring, of course, the Reapers." Said Jobol.

Mordin nodded.

"I'm surprised you take the threat of the Reapers seriously. I was under the impression that most politicians tend to dismiss them."

"I am not most politicians, not anymore at least. In any case, according to my contacts on the Citadel, this cybernetic version of the Children of Saleon was supposedly created by the Reapers. Considering the highly advanced miniaturization technology within their cells that is far beyond anything we have today, I am inclined to believe it."

"Well, I have no doubt in my mind as to their existence, regardless I still believe the Children are far too dangerous an entity to ignore. Taking their bizarre biology into account, Blacklight seems to be the best suited to deal with them."

Jobol nodded, seemingly pleased with Mordins answer.

"Well, you're not entirely wrong, Blacklight truly is an amazing species, if the term even applies to them. I, however, I think that the Salarian Union could be a very close second. We may have several countermeasures against both Reapers and the Children should these projects pan out as well as we hope."

"How close are you exactly?" Asked Mordin.

"Let me show you."

Mordin did not like the tone Jobol used, but nonetheless followed after his uncle.

As he made his way through the facility, he looked at his surroundings. While no lab equipment was kept in the halls, the surveillance and security equipment were all state of the art, many of which were supposedly still in development. Motion sensors capable of detecting even minuscule insects, omnidirectional camera drones, and even specialized sensors mostly restricted to detecting minuscule vibrations for mining purposes but were redesigned to detect even the softest of footfalls. Truly Jobol spared no expense. Which only served to enforce Mordins belief that whatever it was they were working on truly was highly dangerous if such measures were needed in the event things went horribly wrong.

"Ah, here we are." said the Man himself.

Mordin turned to where Jobol was motioning and saw a somewhat familiar face. Captain Kirrahe was the well-respected face of the 3rd Infiltration Regiment STG. A dedicated, brave, and intelligent Salarian with a good strategic mind and a gift for rousing speeches, at least so Mordin had been told.

However, Mordin could tell the Captain was ill at ease.

Kirrahe noticed the trio coming towards him and respectively saluted.


"At ease Kirrahe, We're just here to look into the progress of the S-class project."

Kirrahe nodded as he led the group through a heavily guarded room, once on the other side Mordin saw them.

They stood to attention in a line, nearly a dozen soldiers that at first glance were indistinguishable from any normal Salarian, but Normal Salarian eyes did not have a bestial pupil that would not be out of place in a Varens skull.

"Mordin, allow me to introduce you to the Soldier or S-Series Infiltrator. They are but one of a myriad of Salarian bio-morphs we've developed."

Kirrahe took his position in front of the group.

"Begin infiltration protocols." Said Kirrahe.

Immediately the pupils of the Salarian soldiers dilated into a thin vertical line as they immediately vanished from view. In the time it took Mordin to blink, they were gone, and as he observed his surroundings, and couldn't hear anything. Momentarily he thought the soldiers who vanished merely stood still, but as Jobol moved where they once were, it was obvious they were no longer there.

"Cloaking technology has long been a highly useful device for the STG but it does possess a few notable drawbacks, mainly in that while those who use it are only hidden from the visual spectrum, you can still hear and detect them by other means. The S-Series infiltrator, on the other hand, has a few other modifications such as an ability that allows them to alter their ambient body temperature to avoid heat sensors. Their muscular system has been altered to function not unlike shock absorbers that reduce sound when taking a step or even engage in CQC, this muscular structure also allows for a greater range of movements and enhanced reflexes. When coupled with Tactical Cloaks they effectively become impossible to detect by any means currently used by the galaxy at large. In addition, their vision is enhanced to see into both the ultraviolet and infrared spectrums at the cost of moderate protan color blindness, an acceptable loss all things considered. All units of the S-Series also receive a procedure to chemically deaden the part of their brains responsible for pain, exhaustion, and fatigue. This has the fortunate side effect of removing normal limitations of Salarian strength, normally this would leave them at risk of breaking their bones in close quarters combat, but the skeletal structure is remarkably resistant to breaks and fractures."

"It is impressive, but they are by far the least impressive project we have created," said Vurlon as he nodded to Kirrahe.

"Protocol terminated." Said Kirrahe as the soldiers reappeared surrounding the group in a perfect circular formation.

"They are also trained to the peak of what the Salarian body can endure. Even a Krogan would have issues fighting one face to face." Said Jobol as he moved to the next room with Valern and Mordin following behind.

Mordin took another glance at Kirrahe, who was staring at the S-Class Infiltrator with a distrustful gaze before Mordin looked back ahead.

The halls were filled with standard STG soldiers, which was telling. These creations of theirs had yet to be implemented, which meant there was a chance they were currently confined only to the Gorath Station.

Then Mordin made it to the next room, but not before Vurlon stopped him.

"This next project is perhaps the greatest feat of bio-engineering ever accomplished, no notes are to be taken, and I am going to have to ask you to remove your omni-tool before entering this room." Said Vurlon.

Mordin looked to Jobol, who only nodded.

Reluctantly Mordin did so and was let into the room. Mordin could only stop and could only stare at the hulking thing before him.

Standing nearly four meters tall was a mockery of a Salarian. Exaggerated limbs with well-defined musculature all but sculpted into a runner's physique. It had no skin, instead, a series of interconnected scales and chitin covered the thing before him. Like the unholy fusion of Salarian and Collector.

The face looked like that of a Salarian but was covered in a helmet-like carapace with compound insectoid eyes.

Then the things shell opened revealing a completely normal Salarian inside, who simply walked out.

"The Armor Series or A-Series Bio-Armor a living biomechanical suit, Salarian ingenuity combined our best technology with modified Blacklight biological material, sans the virus itself of course. I think you can upgrade it Mordin."

Mordin stared at the suit as its pilot got out, causing the bone like plates to slide back into place.

"How did you make this?"

"It is a relatively simple design." said a female Salarian who had walked into the room.

"Mordin, allow me to introduce you to Sil Trells, the creator of the A-Series," said Jobol as Sil gave him a curt nod.

She turned her head to Mordin.

" The mechanical frame was built first, a coating of specially designed genetically modified organisms was grown over this frame, once the flesh was in place a carefully applied hormone treatment prevented it from growing any more so as to not coat any moving parts. Unexpectedly once the treatment was initiated much of the outer flesh ossified into this plate-like chitin. The armor is fully capable of enhanced regeneration to heal any potential damage. In addition, I believe that with the right treatment we can further modify the organism allowing it to change its shape and composition to mimic Blacklight Evolved abilities."

"I see". Said Mordin as he looked again to the Machine. It took but a moment to realize exactly why Jobol thought he could upgrade it.

"The Husk Mother?" Questioned Mordin, to which Jobol only nodded.

"You did say you have some knowledge of their biology and internal components, this suit is much like them, a blend of synthetic and biological components. However, it isn't perfect. Only the organic components are capable of regeneration any damage to the mechanical frame must be repaired. Knowledge on the... Husk Mother, however, can be applied to the A-Series Bio-Armor. Making the blend of synthetic and biological truly seamless."

Mordin stared at the Biological armor in front of him. The grotesque thing merely stood still, almost as if it were dead, but occasionally he could see the faint movement of the pseudopupil within the iridescent compound eyes. He could tell it was looking at him.

"I'll need to know everything about it to do much of anything."

Jobol smiled.

"Of course Mordin, come Miss Trells will get you everything you need. There are a few other surprises on this station. We have more S-Series I'd like your input on, and the Beast or B-Series, many of which were varren modified by Saleon himself before he sold them to Eclipse we managed to retrieve some. Finally, we have our pride and joy the E-Series"


"Our official designation for Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction. Capable of unleashing an ELE, mostly used for out and out Extermination of a particular species, hence the name." Said Sil.

Mordin stared blankly ahead as he thought on that, ELE was the acronym for an Extinction Level Event, specifically a species-wide extinction event. The idea that there were bio-weapons that would target one species and one species only was terrifying to dwell on.

"It's a new frontier Mordin, one that can guarantee the Supremacy of the Council from now until the end of time."

Mordin could only stare at his uncle for but a moment before his face steeled itself. If he were to get more information and potentially stop this blatant abuse of power beyond understanding, he needed to stay here.

"Shall the tour continue?" questioned Mordin.

Shepard was bored. Very very VERY bored. Which usually meant finding ways of amusing (currently) himself.

Shepard had managed to catch up with an old friend who despite having effectively stolen what was technically military equipment, was still allowed to remain a C-Sec Officer and even keep said military equipment he had affectionately named Frosty, mostly because no one else wanted to touch it.

The Citadel, however, was not currently in the best shape for Shepard's usual methods of entertainment, as such Shepard decided to be productive in his quest to cure the vile disease that was boredom. The current refugee crisis was still ongoing, and current projections put the citadel at experiencing a dangerous food shortage. Which lead to blacklight taking the initiative to solve the food shortage in rather creative ways.

Garrus along with Frosty currently stood next to Shepard as he presented the solution to the coming food shortage. The Turian could only stare at the object Shepard seemed so proud of.

"Well, what do you think?"

"Why is that fern growing fruit?"

"C'mon Garrus, there is useless plants absolutely everywhere on the citadel doing absolutely nothing but looking pretty. Just a slice of the genome here and a snip of some DNA there and voila, starvation avoided."

"Did you even get permission to make fruit bearing ferns?"

"What's permission?" Asked Shepard innocently as he did away with his... Now her Y-Chromosome.

"I'll just take that as a no then."

"Well currently this is the only modified plant on the Citadel, think you can get us clearance to do this everywhere?"

Garrus hummed to himself as he looked to Frosty, who gargled in approval.

"I'll see what I can do. Though I imagine this will be a temporary affair until we can fix the food shortage in a less... Off the wall manner." Said Garrus.

"Just do watcha can, we're ready to get this puppy rolling when you are. Neo-Gentek is about to reopen baby, and the crazy shit is about to come pouring out."

Garrus grunted as he turned to Frosty.

"Come on Frosty, let's go tell Pallin and watch him pop a blood vessel."

Frosty oozed away as Garrus left. Leaving Shepard once more alone.

And bored.

Very very VERY bored.

Liara, Morinth, and Samara had finally arrived at their destination after a series of detours that Captain Wasea forced them to suffer through, all to deliver objects Liara didn't want to think about to disreputable individuals Liara never wanted to meet.

Smuggling was by and large a risky venture, and being on a ship carrying various contraband and painted with the colors of Eclipse had done little to ease Liara's worries, but finally they were here, on Omega, and best of all it did not take long for the Asari Trio to happen across an obvious member of Blacklight, obvious in the sense that Turians did not naturally possess tails or five-fingered hands.

The Turian looked at Morinth with a curious gaze for a moment before her mandibles parted, the Turian version of a smile.

"Nice to see you're back Morinth. We wondered when you would get here."

"Abrudas right?" asked Morinth.

"That's my name," said Abrudas as she turned her head to look at Liara, who still was wearing her hat and jacket, something that made several members of the Hive Mind giggle knowingly from half a galaxy away.

"So, care to show us what you found? Not here of course, maybe somewhere less..." The Turian looked at the people who walked the docks, several of which seemed curious as to why three Asari were talking to an Evolved Turian."... Populated."

Mordin looked over the myriad of files he was granted access to. Immediately after he got them he looked into the E-Series. However, he found that he did not have access to those files. His mind ran with all sorts of horrors that Blacklight derived bioweapons could unleash.

He pulled himself together. Instead, he looked into the others of the S-Series. The Infiltrators were but 1 of 3 within the S-Series.

Another was the S-Series Commando, an impossibly tall and bulky Salarian like creature. Blacklight had told Mordin of what to most likely expect. Before Humanity was consumed by Blacklight, the Organization of Gentek had created the DX-1120 strain of the Blacklight Virus which was used to create super soldiers. Soldiers with a heavy build, enhanced strength, and regeneration. They would further be augmented with surgical enhancements, such as bulletproof plating molded to their soft muscle tissue and outfitted with machinery to function as mobile viral detectors. Nearly impossible to be consumed by Alex Mercer back when he was the only Blacklight Evolved in existence.

These S-Series Commandos seemed to be very similar to what Mordin had been told. They were undoubtedly Salarian but had the physical build of a Krogan or a Yagh.

The Final operative of the Soldier Series was the S-Series Sentinel, and they were by far the most dangerous. Well educated engineers that outwardly appeared to be completely normal Salarians, but were very different on the inside. Capable of extreme levels of regeneration beyond that of the other S-Series, even capable of regrowing lost limbs within a manner of days if provided enough nutrients and worst of all outfitted with an artificially grown biotic network around their Nervous System. Biotic Salarians were a very rare thing in the Galaxy, but the density of biotic nodules on their nervous system suggested the Sentinels were comparable to an Asari Adept or Krogan Battlemaster. They didn't even need a bio-amp to be so obscenely powerful. Finally, they proved to be very intelligent, more so than even a normal Salarian, though it was difficult to tell if this was inane to them or merely a coincidence, they had shown time and time again

However what made Sentinels truly threatening was that tests showed they may possess something akin to a nascent Hive Mind, though officially it was inconclusive if they did possess one and tests were ongoing. Their level of cooperation with each other without verbal language at the very least made it highly probable, especially when taking into consideration what was used to make them.

One thing Mordin was thankful for was that all this was made from a Blacklight Sample that was taken before they met with the Rachni, meaning if they did possess a Hive Mind, at the very least it was based on Blacklight old method. It wasn't overly comforting, but it did ease his mind somewhat. The exact mechanics of the Rachni Hivemind was poorly understood and near perfect due to its seemingly instantaneous nature. Behaving on principals that in many ways was much more reminiscent of quantum phenomena than any biological one.

Blacklight themselves had told Mordin that their old method was primitive in comparison. Like the difference between landline communication over instantaneous extranet networks.

Moving on from the S-Series, Mordin found that Currently, the A-Series Bio-Armor was merely in its prototype stages. More or less a proof of concept than anything else. Still, it was undoubtedly functional and already was miles ahead of what anyone else saves Blacklight themselves were capable of.

Plans were that the A-Series would be piloted by S-Series Sentinels, which made a fair bit of sense. They were after all trained Engineers, and should any of the mechanical components require repairs they could do it, and their enhanced regeneration made them exiting the armor to make field repairs much less dangerous than it would be for anyone else.

Currently, however, both the S-Series Sentinels and Commandos were placed in cryogenic stasis. Sentinels were placed in stasis mostly due to their potential hive mind allowing for the possibility of them turning on the Salarian Union without warning. While the Commandos were frozen due to an inability to pass for a normal Salarian, and genetic engineering was still a grave offense in Citadel Space.

S-Series Infiltrators were the only unit ready for field tests, and many were getting ready to be placed in STG squads.

Regardless of the upper hand, these soldiers would give the Salarian Union, Mordin failed to see how any of this was a viable method of combating the Reapers or the Children.

There was still the E-Series but Jobol seemingly refused to grant Mordin access to those files.

However Mordin was nothing if not prepared, and he still needed to get this information to both the Citadel and Blacklight. Thankfully even though this facility was nigh impossible for Blacklight to break into, there was one thing no one on this station expected.

Alone with the files, Mordin examined his room. He always did have an eye for finding any means of surveillance, and indeed there were a few he had seen when entering the room, but they had a flaw Mordin was easily able to exploit.

Then Sil Trells entered the room, casting a suspicious gaze at Mordin as she took her seat.

Mordin was the first to speak.

"I don't have any information on the E-Series."

Sil nodded.

"That is to be expected, you only just got here. Weapons of Mass Destruction are much more likely to be investigated compared to what you and I will be dealing with."

Mordin nodded.

"I suppose that makes sense, still I was apart of the Modified Genophage project, I have experience with viral bioweapons."

"What makes you think the E-Series is anything like the Genophage virus?"

"I never said it was like the Genophage, but my guess is that it is still a highly infectious pathogen."

"Do you have the files on Saleon's Children with you?" Asked Sil, changing the subject.

Mordin flexed his hand as his omni-tool flared to life, and he briefly connected with the Stations Servers. He began uploading the detailed files he had on the Children of Saleon into the Servers, as promised, but it wasn't all he uploaded.

"I uploaded the files to the Servers, feel free to look them over." Said Mordin.

Sil watched Mordin with a curious eye, before standing up, and leaving the room without a word. Mordin watched her leave before returning to the files before him.

Mordin may be unable to dig through the classified files, but he didn't need to, the Geth programs he uploaded from his omni-tool would be far better at it than he could ever hope to be.

Closing the files Jobol had given him, Mordin left the room, his mind raced with possibilities.

Liara and Samara, unlike Morinth, had very minor interactions with Blacklight. The Room that Abrudas brought them to looked less like a traditional room, and more what a house might conceivably look like if it was built out of meat. Evolved were half fused to the walls and strange biological constructs were growing around furniture and terminals. Around the Electronic components of the room were what appeared to be living brains covered in bone like shells and growing from a garden of flesh, each brain seemed to possess what could only be described as a Prehensile Nervous system manipulating the machinery around it, in many cases interfacing with computers using bio-electrical pulses. Tumor-like orbs of strange fluids dotted the walls of flesh and seemed to glow with bright bioluminescence that illuminated the room entirely. Veins and arteries carried fluids from around these tumor-like organs all around the room.


Also, there was a young Krogan eating something unidentifiable who was barely looking at the trio of Asari that had entered the room. At least at first, as the Krogan was smacking his lips across whatever creature had become it's dinner it greeted the Asari Trio with a curt nod before continuing with his meal.

Abrudas took her seat at a nearby couch that was left untouched by the biomass that covered most of the room. At least until what appeared to be a mass of tendrils that crawled along the floor to slowly but surely morph itself into a shape all three immediately Recognized.

Elizabeth Greene fully formed, sitting next to Abrudas and observed the Asari before her with a predatory gaze.

Out of everyone within Blacklight, none were quite as capable of causing an involuntary fight or flight response than Greene. There was just this odd way she carried herself that seemed off. It didn't help that her face always retained the same blank emotionless mask.

Elizabeth motioned for the three to sit, and they all obeyed her immediately, unknowingly being calmed by pheromones specifically designed to target and relax Asari physiology.

Morinth cleared her throat as the Prothean VI blared to life.

"Online, new species detected. Connecting to Extranet sources. Designation Blacklight…"

The VI stood still as untold information passed through it. Then it spoke.

"The Reapers fear you."

It wasn't a question, it sounded like a statement of fact.

"Vendetta? Curious name. Yes, the Reapers harbor fear of my kind, but it is overshadowed by their hatred."

"Hatred born of fear is still indicative of fear."

Elizabeth conceded.

"It is only natural to fear and hate your own antithesis. "

"There is nothing natural about the Reapers."

"What makes you say that? " asked Elizabeth.

"I do not understand your question. They are far too horrid to be natural. "

Elizabeth thought of a response for but a moment before she spoke.

"Electromagnetism is one of the fundamental forces that bind matter together, and that can tear matter apart. Magnetic radiation is the vector by which the stars lose their energy, leading eventually to its death. The very laws that govern the universe will be one day be its downfall when entropy diffuses the remaining energy from the universes very birth into sterile equilibrium. Yet It is completely natural, just because something is terrifying, does not mean it is unnatural. The Reapers are just another part of the universe, albeit one that was constructed from still living components. Despite this method of construction, they are not separate from the universe and are subject to its laws. If they weren't, we would be incapable of defeating them, making all our plans pointless."

Vendetta conceded.

"Defeating the Reapers is within our capabilities."

Vendetta flickered out of existence and was replaced with a large spherical structure. Elizabeth rose a brow as she observed the strange device.

"This is the Crucible. Its origins are from before the Prothean Cycle. Best estimates place it at being conceived relatively early in the Reapers history. It has been modified countless times by species throughout history but never completed. Exact function is unknown, but many species in previous cycles its purpose is made clear as a weapon against the Reapers."

Elizabeth watched as the center table between the Asari and herself flared to life with no doubt millions of Geth Programs analyzing the Crucible.

"Artificial Intelligence detected," said Vendetta as the image of the Crucible disappeared.

"Be at ease Vendetta, they are Geth, our allies against the Reapers." Said Elizabeth simply.

The Geth Programs froze as Vendetta paused for but a moment before the image reappeared. As the Geth looked over the designs, the synthesized voice of Legion was heard.

"Analysis indicates multiple esoteric design philosophies. Many components, while within our power to build, its function is unknown without further tests.."

Elizabeth quirked her head at that.

"Curious, within our power to build but beyond our understanding. The Risk is great." Said Elizabeth as her voice achieved a strange ethereal quality as if untold billions were speaking along with her.

Liara felt her skin crawl at the strange reverberations that emanated from whatever strange thing Blacklight dared to call a throat.

"Consensus drawn, small-scale experimentation advised. Reaper cycle has yet to start, we can begin construction of individual components to determine their exact function."

"Begin doing so, the possibility of the Crucible being a Reaper trap is great. We must learn its function before taking on any unnecessary risk."

The Geth Programs disappeared as Elizabeth observed the Holographic representation of Vendetta.

"Take Vendetta with you," said Elizabeth.


The Digital entities disappeared as Elizabeth observed the Trio of Asari before her, who had been quiet up until this point.

"Well done Morinth, it is nice to see our faith in you was not misplaced. Would you be interested in continuing working together?" asked Elizabeth as she listened to the collective.

"Well, I happen to like the galaxy enough not to want to watch it burn anytime soon. Sure why not," said Morinth.

Elizabeth nodded.

"And what of you Justicar Samara and Archaeologist Liara? What will you do now?"

Samara was the first to speak.

"I have sworn to uphold the Justicar code, nothing has changed."

"Is that so? Then why is Morinth still alive?" asked Elizabeth.

It did not escape Blacklight that Morinth put a bit more distance between herself and her mother.

"She has… Proven herself to be far more beneficial alive than dead," said Samara, but there was a hollowness to her words that Blacklight detected immediately. There was certainly more to it than that.

"We see, so you will return to Asari space?"

"I shall. I believe that I can bring what I have learned to the Order, perhaps prepare ourselves for when the Reapers come."

Elizabeth nodded before turning to Liara, who had pulled her hat down slightly and cleared her throat.

"Yes well, I am still just an archaeologist, and while discovering a functional Prothean VI has been enlightening, I'm afraid I must return to the ruins. I'm not sure how much someone of my profession can help against something like the Reapers."

Elizabeth stared at Liara blankly, before nodding.

Elizabeth was about to leave the trio alone with Abrudas when a thought occurred.

"We have been looking to putting together a team of select individuals, a team of multi-species composed of both evolved and non-evolved to handle certain things for us in areas we shouldn't go. Do I have your permission to place you on hold until we can assemble this team?"

"What do you mean?"

"We are still compiling a list of individuals. We believe you three may prove most useful for various roles on this team. What I am asking is if we were to call, would you answer?" asked Elizabeth.

"Well I'm already sold," said Morinth, before she felt something crawl up her arm.

She looked down to see Blacklight biomass creeping its way across her body, but before she could scream in the most dignified manner she could muster, she found herself covered in biological armor.

"All non-evolved species will be given an Evolved partner to function as armor such as this," said Elizabeth.

'Sup Succubus." called a familiar voice in Morinths ear.


"The one and only, I was bored. So glad you're back."

Liara looked at the strange armor Morinth wore, as did Samara.

Samara was the first to stand.

"I must depart now, but should you call, I can come."

Elizabeth nodded.

Liara stood next.

"Same here."

Blacklight biomatter crawled up their legs and formed over them.

"Hello Liara, the name is Ashley."

"Hi, the name is Kaidan, guess I'm to be your partner for the future."

Then the evolved began to morph themselves into what on the surface appeared to be ordinary clothing.

"These will be your partners, They will enable us to keep in touch with the collective," said Elizabeth.

"I thought you wanted to assemble us for places you couldn't go," said Liara.

"Shouldn't go, not Couldn't. This isn't to say we will always do so, however, but we must admit that this endeavor of cooperation is merely a test run of a project we have thought long and hard on. Long before we first came across you, we envisioned a collaboration of our cosmic neighbors very similar to what this project will represent. We will be watching you." said Elizabeth as she flowed into the floor of flesh and meat.

The trio observed their 'clothing' before they turned to face one another. Liara found that while most of her clothing was somehow removed without her knowing…. Somehow. She was relieved to find that her jacket and hat remained untouched… again, somehow.

"Well then, I suppose we shall see each other soon," said Liara.

Samara nodded to the Archaeologist before turning to Morinth.

"These certainly are strange times. I look forward to our next meeting, my daughter," said Samara with a bow before she abruptly departed.

Morinth smirked before turning to Liara.

"Well, guess that's my cue to leave. You know how you're getting home?"

"I haven't really looked that far ahead."

"C'mon buttercup, this is Omega, I know a guy or twelve who owes me a favor," said Morinth as she walked out the room, Liara froze for a minute, somewhat confused before she followed behind Morinth.

Samara's words ran through Liaras mind with each step she took.

These truly were strange times.

As much as this place got under Mordin's skin, the A-Series was truly a remarkable feat of mechanical and bioengineering.

It wasn't quite like the Children, but it was very close. Mordin removed the chest plate of the Armor. The bone-like shell was sturdy, the moving mechanical parts were few, only placed in small locations unlikely to be attacked.

Mordin got to work.

His first order of business was to create an outer layer of chromatophores. Currently, the outer layer was made of ossified tissue, not unlike bone. Growing a layer of skin over the bone would be a relatively simple affair, however, to achieve the camouflage abilities seen in some Backlight biomorphs, it would require some clever thinking.

Mordin placed the plate down as he sighed. He stood up slowly as he moved to the nearby Lab Freezer. Opening he found a large assortment of cell cultures and eventually found the skin cultures.

Taking a few trays Mordin began his work.

Chromatophores by themselves were not capable of rapid color change, only some species Mordin knew of could translocate pigment or reorient reflective plates within their chromatophores to achieve anything close to camouflage. For the mechanism to work it would require a thick dermal layer.

Then there was the matter of control, either enabling physiological color change through a hormonal mechanism or a neuronal one. Then there were environmental factors that needed to be taken into account, such as how certain external stimuli would affect the chromatophores.

According to Blacklight, their preferred camouflage method was based on a species called cuttlefish, a cephalopod with chromatophore sacs containing hundreds of pigment granules and a large membrane that is folded when retracted. Cuttlefish possessed three types of Chromatophores, an uppermost layer of yellow/orange chromatophores, a middle layer of red, and a lower layer of brown/black chromatophores. Their chromatophores also possessed a luminescent protein nanostructure. Muscles around the chromatophores controlled them, which were under neural control.

This however brought up the main problem with the idea. The Bio-Armor did not possess a brain, making neural control difficult, but not altogether impossible. Everything was done via computer. A safety feature mostly, giving the armor a brain could backfire in so many ways, and unlike Saleon, Jobol did not like taking any unnecessary risks. So the Color change had to be done via the computer.

However, even though a brain wasn't there, the Bio-armor could be modified. At the moment the armor was in the early stages of development, and it's only organic components were the armor of ossified tissue, layers of hyper-dense muscle, and a relatively simple circulatory system connected to a spherical organ capable of creating and containing undifferentiated cells with a low cell potency. Currently the undifferentiated cells were only capable of differentiating into the same cells that made up the armors organic components, but with the right tools, they could be expanded upon, given a high Cell Potency to differentiate into just about any kind of cells Mordin needed.

Mordin blinked as he turned to observe the Bio-Armor. As much as he hated working for Jobol, the Bio-Armor was truly something he could get behind, and his mind raced with possibilities on what could be done to increase its effectiveness.

However as much as he could stomach the Bio-Armor, there was another lingering thought in the back of his mind.

The E-Series.

What horrors could be derived from Blacklight, especially from groups well versed in virology. Mordin remembered the men and women he worked with during the Genophage Modification Project. Many of them were very good at their job, and Mordin had no doubt that eventually, they would have done what he did to the Genophage in time.

They had access to Blacklight biomatter for who knew how long, and while the actual sample proved capable of escaping to eventually form into Jack and Miranda, the knowledge they gained during the time they possessed Blacklight had lead to Super Soldiers and a whole new branch of powered armor with somewhat sophisticated Organic Technology.

So what did the E-Series look like?

Mordin shuddered as he looked back to the cultured dermal cells, observing them for but a moment before he got back to work.

He would find out eventually, the Geth Programs were no doubt mining the stations servers for everything they were worth. it was only a matter of time before all of Jobols secrets were brought into the light of day.

Reaper Nanotech was once purely a minuscule mechanical unit, designed to convert lifeforms into a mechanical parody of its former self. That, however, had all changed when the solution was found. A single cybernetic cell of the Husk Mother was repurposed and reprogrammed. Introducing a new element to huskification. For aeons, the process of huskification was considered Pseudo-Synthesis. A failure, but a useful one. Now however through the unique biochemical processes of Saleon's Progeny, that process has been enhanced beyond the once purely mechanical method of cybernetic conversion. Horizontal Gene Transfer allowed the Pseudo-Mechanical cells of The Children to splice traits of themselves into other beings. The results were perfect. The result was "Synthesis."

Saren looked at the metal brace covering his forearms. He could feel swarms of Reaper Nanotech flooding his veins. Each nanite was packed with esoteric sensors giving Saren complete knowledge on his altered biological makeup. Every cell was scanned, cataloged, and specialized.

His form had changed greatly. Mechanical components integrated seamlessly with his biology. Veins and circuitry could be seen just beneath his skin.

His head fringe had morphed into horns and a fanning metal headdress with new neural pathways at their very core. His once natural biotic pathways had been redesigned from the ground up. With a newly built secondary nervous system with its own biotic network was integrated with his primary nervous system.

Saren hovered in mid-air under his own power as the mechanical parts that made him up moved and shifted giving him the power of sustained flight. As his feet touched the ground the pieces reshifted themselves back into place.

He turned to Benezia. Unlike the Banshees before her, her form was not that of an emaciated monstrosity. She was unquestionably changed, but there was an elegance to it. A beauty Saren could not put into words.

However, the greatest blessing came from his new understanding. The singing choir remained, and it was far more beautiful and majestic than he could ever remember.

The Husks were no more. Those undead parodies of Synthesis were to be replaced by a new lifeform. One that wasn't wholly biological or mechanical.

The time of the Neo-Husks began, and the crusade of Synthesis was at hand

Saren looked to the Collector General that was observing him. Observing the deep amber glow of its eyes, a glimpse of a vast and powerful being beyond the void danced into his mind. He saw worlds tremble and quake under their steps, He saw a tempest of otherworldly storms rage where they went, he saw billions of souls bound to its very being, heard their ethereal bellowing call that tore the sky apart. Saren saw so many things some of them terrible, some of them wonderful.

What word could describe these beings, other than Gods?

The insectoid creature nodded, as Saren bowed his head. He saw a world rebuilt and reborn. Life reshaped into a new and beautiful form. This vision of the world was unlike any Saren dared dream of before, a promise that was given by these Gods to bring this vision into reality, and all the wonders that would be when it was realized.

Expansive vistas of lush cyber-organic marvels where every world and every being was made anew. Where words such as Organic and Synthetic were rendered redundant. Once barren deserts turned into ever-expanding fields of glittering glass, fiber-optic wires, and cognitive circuitry. Jungles and forests made of giant metal trees that drank from the sun, silver lakes and swamps of perpetually shifting metal fluids, and living metallic constructs that looked ancient and incredibly advanced all at once. Shining cities that sat on mind-bogglingly complex machine worlds that made the wonders of the Citadel seem dull and obsolete by comparison, beacons of life made whole.

It would be a sin to deny the universe such wonders.

It was glorious, and if there was any doubt in Sarens mind before, it was gone now. This future was needed, even if it had to be forced upon reality itself.

The alternative was too terrible to dwell on.

"SALVATION THROUGH SYNTHESIS!." said the Collector General.

Saren rose his arms in praise.

"Salvation through Synthesis." repeated Saren.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C59
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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