15.62% Biomass Effect / Chapter 10: Chapter 10—Reactions Part 3: Geth & Quarian

章 10: Chapter 10—Reactions Part 3: Geth & Quarian

While the Research Team was attempting to get their ship back online the small Geth Ship lead the Bioship to a remote moon, by the time the ship got everything back online they would not even know that the Geth had come.

The small stealth ship stood still as it began communicating with a series of flashing lights. Many council species used a form of primitive communication not unlike moor The Bioship was already growing bio-luminescent organs on the tips of its tentacles. The conversation would be slow, but at least it would be private.

'Geth Believe a mutually beneficial peace can exist between Geth and species known as Blacklight.'

'We are of a similar mindset. However despite our similarities, we are opposites as well. You are an AI species, we are not. What can you gain from us, what can we gain from you?'

'Information, resources, alliance.'

'Geth propose an alliance with us?'


'Can you land on Shanxi?'


'Do so, speech will be simpler. Do not be detected.'


The Bioship watched as the small Geth Craft zoomed through space. The Bioship flew back towards the Salarian Research Vessel. The Salarian ship did have windows, meaning they may be able to see the Geth craft. A problem that was easily fixed by blocking their sight by going over to aid them, they were going to do it anyway, only this time it fulfilled a secondary role. The Bioship flew in such a way to block off the Salarians sight. And the Geth craft easily made it to the planet below.

On the planet below, Infested Pustules grew to size, The Geth Ship went very close to the ground, hovering just above the ground. A proximity most species would be unable to reach. As the Evolved watched, a mechanical form fell from the ship. It's flashlight like head lit as it gracefully landed on it's feet, before rising to examine it's surroundings and promptly stepping forward.

"Greetings Blacklight." said the Geth.

One of the Evolved walked forward. It wore a jacket over old army clothing. This was an infamous member of Blacklight. Once a human known as Robert Cross, his mind saved when a malignant viral entity—the Supreme Hunter—was consumed by Alex back into the Many that is Blacklight's Hive Mind.

Cross came prepared in the event this was some type of trap. Unlikely, but if the Many was anything, it was cautious.

From his wrist came a spike of bone that discharged electricity, acting as an organic version of his original Stun Baton. His other arm was merged with a construct of biomass and bone that was built to fire pods containing highly reactive chemicals that would explode and release a haze of acid, a replacement for his original arm mounted Grenade launcher. Cross wielded these weapons with lethal efficiency, and if they proved to be inadequate, he still held the powers of any Blacklight Evolved should the need arise.

"So, you want to ally with us. Care to explain that to me?", asked Cross.

"Consensus was drawn between the entirety of the Geth Collective. 77.249% of Geth programs agreed that an alliance was feasible. Afterward consensus was drawn again to see if we should pursue alliance, 51.986% of Geth agreed we should come."

"We understand this, what we want to know is what is it we have that could benefit you, and what you have that could benefit us. And alliance suggests a mutually beneficial relationship.", said Cross.

"Information and Resources. Geth have watched Council since our creation. We have information of subjects that may interest Blacklight. In addition Blacklight has access to Council, and can relay information to Geth."

"What exactly could interest us?", asked Cross.

"The Council is unaware of a species of a plant like organism whose nervous system burrows across an entire planet. We discovered it 54 Years ago in a state of Hibernation. We have no reason to meet with it, though we are aware of its existence.", said the Geth.

"Sounds interesting. Is it sapient?", asked Cross.


"We are willing to disclose this species' location to you. In addition, any biological organisms Geth discover would be relayed to you.", said the Geth.

"And what exactly do you want?"

"Alliance. Geth do not want war. Geth do not often venture past the Perseus Veil. When we do, it is done covertly. Blacklight has access to information from the Council Geth is not aware of, information that could help Geth."

Cross nodded. The electric spike in his arm retracted as he absorbed his organic grenade launcher. He took a deep breath as he crossed his arms.

"Other than that, what else would this alliance of ours convey. How deep does it run?", asked Cross.

"In the event Council wages War with Blacklight, Geth can aid Blacklight covertly. Unable to fight directly due to Geth status with Council. Chances of major Geth loss 89.0034% should the Council decide to destroy us. Not Geth Extinction, but irreplaceable loss that would lessen the Geth. However Geth can aid indirectly. Cyber-warfare, Sabotage, Subterfuge. Nothing would be traced back to Geth."

Cross thought over everything as he examined the other Evolved around him. He carefully examined everything over and over again. He was not the only one doing so. He took a deep breath.

A true alliance between us is mutually beneficial. They are exempt from council laws. They are an AI race, software, bound by logic. Logic dictates that their culture, if it can be called such a thing, is incomprehensible to most. We are not most.

They are a collective, more so than us. A collective forming a singular entity, made of separate parts. They are synthetic, their mindset is wired for logic. They are not lying to us, they may be incapable of it.

They would strengthen us.

Indeed they would. They are as children in some areas, in others they are so much more. They are being upfront with us, they may have other goals but those goals would not conflict with ours. Though if they do have other hidden goals, then we should be prepared.

Why not ask?

Indeed, why not? After all, they are AI. Us asking shouldn't negatively color their interactions with us. We would either gain insight into their goals, or they would refuse to answer. Either way we would know for sure. So, before we agree to this alliance we should ask if they have other plans in place.

Cross exhaled as he nodded.

"Do you have any other plans, ones that you may not have told us about? Another reason for this proposed alliance?", asked Cross.


Well that was easy. We should ask more often.

"And what would that be?", asked Cross.

"Geth believe we can ally with council."

Cross rapidly blinked several times.

"Care to elaborate on that one? Last time I checked, there was this AI taboo in Citadel Space.", asked Cross.

"Information provided by Blacklight could be used to Geth advantage. Engineer situations where Geth aid organic species. Example, help those being preyed upon by pirates using the same technology we used to incapacitate Salarian ship above Shanxi. Other such scenarios can be engineered. Organics begin to understand Geth not dangerous. Over a period of time, council may come to us."

"That could take a while, hundreds of years, maybe even thousands.", said Cross.


"Patient, aren't you.", said Cross.


Cross nodded as he looked at the hovering Geth ship. After a moment the Many were in agreement.

"We agree to an alliance.", said Cross.

Elizabeth moved with predatory elegance and sinuous grace. To many it looked wrong for a being so much like an Asari to move with the poise of a varren. They gave her a wide berth, and barely even glanced in her direction.

Her eyes examined the surrounding aliens. She felt the presence of six other Blacklight individuals on the Citadel. She saw all they saw, and guided them when she could. As she moved, her guards—a Salarian and a Turian—followed her carefully. Even she could tell they were nervous and wary of the current task they had been handed, to Guard the mother of an entire species.

Elizabeth blinked as she turned to the sounds of arguing. She paused in her movements, standing much too still, as if she had been petrified. Her eyes stared unblinking at a curious sight. A male Quarian, and a male Salarian were having a heated discussion. Elizabeth's keen ears heard the argument with clarity, even despite her distance.

"I am not doing anything wrong, I just need something reliable before I leave the Citadel, I am not even staying here.", said the Quarian.

"You are driving off business, and you have been here for an hour. It is suspect. Did someone put you up to this, hire you to lower my business?"

"I have no idea what you are even talking about."

The connection to her children allowed Elizabeth to see an opportunity of gain. A small argument could be easily dealt with, and while the act was small, it would be a step in the right direction. Though it would only go so far, it could show others that Blacklight was at least honest in their attempts at peace. The only flaw with this plan was that Elizabeth... was Elizabeth. Out of every mind within Blacklight, she was the least likely to use anything remotely resembling tact. The many knew this, and Elizabeth knew this. They decided to go through with it anyway and hope for the best.

Elizabeth walked forward. As she did, her biology altered slightly. In her long life, Elizabeth learned a lot about intimidation. The first minor change was the addition of a transparent pair of secondary eyelids, a minor alteration that would allow her to refrain from blinking. Elizabeth learned long ago that to go for long periods of time without the simple act of blinking got under the skin of others, and she was more than happy to use that to her advantage. Next she began altering her pheromone production, only these pheromones would cause feeling of paranoia and cause them to display symptoms of fear.

Elizabeth had learned enough about alien biology after many of her children began looking into it, and she knew that even though aliens would not have the same reactions as humans, their reaction would put them ill at ease. As previously mentioned, Elizabeth—as an Individual—was not one for tact, subtlety, or sensitivity. Though if there was one thing she excelled at, it was being creepily intimidating.

Once the biological changes were done, she continued walking towards the two before stopping just outside their personal space. Already both had stopped arguing to look at her. The Salarian was obviously the most effected by the pheromones. Unlike humans, Salarians had no sweat glands, instead his skin flushed an unusual color and his increased breathing caused him to appear short of breath. In addition his eyes blinked rapidly and his fingers twitched. Still, he mostly kept his composure... Mostly.

The Quarian's suit had allowed him to not be effected by the pheromones. At least that is what Elizabeth assumed, as he was obviously showing symptoms of agitation, but that could be due to the unnatural stillness Elizabeth held as her stone-like gaze bored into both his and the Salarians eyes. Elizabeth held a blank emotionless face, unblinking, and unbreathing. The only indication she was a living thing was her eyes slowly moving back and fourth from the Quarian to the Salarian. After a moment she spoke.

"Your argument is distracting. What is the reason for it?", asked Elizabeth.

The Salarian swallowed the bile in his throat before steeling himself.

"This Quarian is causing me loss of business with his loitering.", said the Salarian.

"I was shopping, you Bosh'tet."

"Liar, I know you were put up to this to drive customers away.", said the Salarian.

"It is not my fault bigoted idiots exist, I expect the same rights as any who are visitors on the Citadel."

Their arguing quickly tried Elizabeths patience, so she opted to stop it. Within the linings of her throat, parts of the tissue were changed and modified to form several complex and stiff membranes with thickened ribs, in insects this structure is called a tymbal. Elizabeth opened her mouth slightly and by rapidly buckling these membranes, with her mouth functioning as a resonance chamber, she created a series of very loud continuous hissing clicks not unlike that of a cicada, causing not only the argument to stop dead, but everyone within earshot to stop what they were doing and stare at her.

Like a cicadas song, it was a very loud, almost haunting screech. For just about five seconds, she made that pulsing thrum. Various aliens around the area stared at her as the song slowly came to a close. With the end of the song, everything remained still and quiet for several long tense seconds.

She stared unblinking into the eyes of the Salarian, before examining him carefully. Her head tilted just a bit before she straightened out.

"By my understanding you are claiming this Quarian deliberately went to your shop to drive off bigots. If anything he should be allowed to shop. Personally I would not wish such degenerates within my proximity.", said Elizabeth.

The Salarian calmly nodded, almost as if he forgot he was speaking to a biological super-virus made flesh. Though the memory of that sound still rung in his ears as the busy sounds of the citizens around him slowly began to return.

"On average I would agree with you, however I am a weapons dealer, and this Quarian has spent a large amount of time in my shop without buying anything. I have no problems with Quarians, however it is those 'bigoted idiots' as he called them, that pay the most for weaponry. I dislike them as much as most, but they are a demographic that I must deal with, a profitable demographic ay that. I am merely trying to run a business.", said the Salarian.

Elizabeth remained unblinking as she shook her head.

"And as an owner of said business you would turn away an honest customer simply to appease the bigots, it speaks poorly of your character.", said Elizabeth.

The Salarian opened his mouth before instantly shutting it and putting his hand to his chin.

"The fact remains that the Quarians has browsed my wares for over an hour, and has yet to purchase anything.", said the Salarian.

The quarian in question waved a dismissive hand.

"I am just looking at everything. I know how to tell if something is reliable or not, I am being thorough.", said the Quarian offhandedly.

"This is getting irritating." said Elizabeth as she pointed to the quarian.

"You Quarian, why do you need a weapon?", asked Elizabeth.

Somewhat taken aback at the change in behavior, said quarian nevertheless answered her question.

"Um, well you see. I need it so I can continue on my Pilgrimage."

Elizabeth stopped, the Turian Voices within the Hive spoke of the meaning and purpose of a Pilgrimage. Apparently a tradition among the Quarians to leave their birth ships to find something of use to bring to a new crew within the Migrant Fleet. Upon learning of this, Elizabeth gave a sharp nod.

"What is your name Quarian?"

"Nato'Sidda nar Gaaram."

"Nato'Sidda nar Gaaram, What if I told you I could aid you on your pilgrimage?", asked Elizabeth.

"Can you?", asked Nato.

"I can, follow me."

Elizabeth turned around, not even looking to see if Nato was following him. He looked back to the Salarian who was visibly calming down before he turned to Nato.

"Despite our argument earlier, I wish you luck. Also I wouldn't keep her waiting."

Nato shuttered before he followed after Elizabeth.

This presents us with a unique opportunity to further our relationship with our friends among the stars. Aiding this Quarian could help us in the long run. Limited knowledge on the Quarian Migrant Fleet shows it is in general disrepair, something we can help them with.

The Prothean Genome has yet to arrive, we need it before our plans can be pushed forward.

True, but ultimately this stage of our plans in flexible. We can move forward with our Biotechnology, showing these species that it is not something to be feared when wielded by skilled hands. Already the Medi-Gel project is finished, it is just yet to be revealed to them. We plan for it to be the first step to this Council utilizing Biotech. Doing so may allow the greater masses to trust us.

What should we do to help this Quarian? Aiding him would put their fleet at ease with us.

Perhaps the Medi-Gel proposition, it is already near finished, there are also the vague memories in the Turians minds of a theoretical Heat Sink technology that can render Star Ships invisible to sensors. Though that should remain with the Council's military, for obvious reasons.

We could strengthen the Quarian Immune Systems.

No, not yet. Maybe in the future, but they do not yet trust us. We are too much like our new allies the Geth, and they are wary of the Geth more so than any other race. Medi-Gel however can allow us to push them in this direction to better improve their lives. Medi-gel could help them more than any other race.

Then we are in agreement.

Nato sat down as he eyed both Elizabeth and Alex Mercer, who both stared at him. Elizabeth as still as the dead, and Alex with his arms crossed and a bored expression visible despite his hood obscuring most of his features. Nato fidgeted around under their gaze as he looked around the room to calm himself. He focused on them when Alex began to speak.

"So...Pilgrimage huh. How's that going for you?"

"Poorly.", said Nato.

"Yeah, thought so. How long have you been on it, if you don't mind me asking?" asked Alex.

Nato noticed that Alex sounded almost disinterested with the whole thing, but considering exactly what it was he was speaking to, he decided against pointing that out. He wasn't an idiot after all.

"Longer than I have lived on the Migrant Fleet. I have not seen it for nearly 20 Years. The Galaxy is not a kind place to my people." said Nato.

"I suppose not. In any case, I think we can help you with that, if you hear us out.", said Alex.

Nato looked at Alex curiously before he eased down just a bit, he was still a bit fidgety around them, but he was better than before.

"I guess I don't really have anything to lose. What exactly did you have in mind?"

"Blacklight is not technically a part of the Citadel, our own virulent biology limits us for now. As such we are exempt from certain rules, within reason of course. Namely Genetic Engineering. You see as a collective we are attempting to open up a sort of company that creates goods that are biological in nature.", said Alex.

"That...No offense, but that does not sound like something I would wish to get involved with." said Nato.

"Understandable, however keep in mind that our bio-tech goods could improve the life of every species in the Galaxy. We are already finished with our first creation. We call it Medi-Gel. Out of any species, yours would benefit most from it.", said Alex.

"What exactly is Medi-Gel." asked Nato.

His interest was peaked. He was still wary of whatever exactly Medi-Gel was, however after nearly 20 years away from his family he was getting desperate.

"How much time do you have?", asked Alex.

"All the time in the Galaxy."

Over the next week, Blacklight revealed to the Council its plans on the creation of Bio-Tech goods. While initially they were against it, that was before Blacklight revealed its new creation Medi-Gel. After a short debate involving every species that was a part of the Citadel, eventually it was deemed that despite technically breaking the ban on Genetically Engineered Goods, Blacklight was not a part of the Council, not technically. In addition its uses prove much too beneficial not to use.

A small trial period where it was tested at various medical offices around the Citadel was implemented. Initially mistrust against Blacklight caused many species to prefer alternate methods, but the reliability of Medi-Gel combined with its multipurpose uses in the medical field caused it to quickly become a product that would be used across the Galaxy.

Nato, who had stayed with Blacklight during the entire time to see the uses of Medi-Gel had decided to take up Blacklight's offer. He returned to the Migrant Fleet with enough Medi-Gel to stock several hundred hospitals and a Contract for continued use of the product in exchange for small samples of Quarian Blood and plant-life on Quarian Live Ships.

After that Blacklight founded Neo-Gentek, a company built for the sole purpose of creating Bio-tech goods for various species. On the Grand Opening day, after getting past the red tape, the Prothean Sample had finally arrived.

In the Sol System, several Specters upon a small cargo ship looked out at the Home System of Blacklight. Many could only stare at the strange alien nature of the system. The Sol Relay, like the Relay on Shanxi, was infested with a truly massive Brain Hive and huge webs of Neurons. Small tendrils waved around it for whatever reason. The Small planetoid Pluto was infested. Even from space they could see the reddish glow of hundreds of billions of Heat producing Organs that prevented the Biomass on that planet from freezing.

As they passed the Gas Giants, they could see massive constructs of Biomass that covered a vast majority of the planets. Floating systems of vein like webs that connected huge biological cities where the Extractor lungs breathed in precious gasses to be used by Blacklight. Flying Bioship type creatures flew within the Gas Giants, appearing as mile-long Manta Ray creatures that functioned as mobile Extractor Lungs to get deeper within the planets. They would gulp up huge amounts of useable resources, causing their bellies to bloat before they returned to the Cities to empty themselves of the gasses into the Extractor Lungs. Then they would return to their tasks.

The Asteroid Belt was likewise infested. Every single one of them were covered in Blacklight Biomass that would dig deep within the mineral rich rock, where resources were extracted by millions of flexible tendrils. Many of thee Asteroids were held together by webs and tendrils of biomass.

Many of the planets and Asteroids held miles and miles of these long tentacles, each tipped with what appeared to be a Blacklight Bioship permanently melded with the tips of each tentacles. In truth they were sensory organs that, when needed, would spit spikes of serrated bone propelled by biotics. Useful in protecting their territory from possible attack. Not that any sane individual would do something like that in this system.

The space after the Asteroid Belt was much stranger than the planets before them. The strangest of the things were the hive like Bioship Carriers, massive ten kilometer long Bioships whose back was littered in a series of irregular honeycomb like holes that smaller Bioships either emerged from or flew into. This specialized Bio-Ship used the D.N.A traits of a Suriname Toad to function as a massive carrier and to feed the Bioships the energy it gained from the Helix Towers that grew along its sides. Unlike other Bioships, it was much too large to effectively move from system to system. Still it was more than capable of doing so thanks to the addition of biotics.

All around the carrier Bioships flew, watching the cargo ship carefully. Some of them reaching nearly three kilometers in length, others only as large as a Full Grown Thresher Maw. The solar System resembled a complex ecosystem more than a collection of buildings and cities. Things stranger than could be imagined watched the cargo ship with keen eyes and alien sensory organs.

Swarms of the Infected Fliers, who had been modified for space travel flew in great numbers, collecting resources for transportation all around the system. Eventually their destination came into view. The Planet Mars, once called the Red Planet was now predominantly brown and grey, the color of Blacklight Biomass.

The Cargo Ship released the canister holding a small sample of Prothean D.N.A, which was quickly dropped in orbit over the planet. As it fell it was grabbed in the talons of a single Blacklight Flier, who began flying towards the Planet Mars. The Cargo ship turned around to get out of the system as quickly as possible.

The Flier entered the upper atmosphere of the planet with the canister in its claws. Its keen eyes looked around carefully as it headed towards the beacon. Like everything else, the Fliers had changed much since the early days of Blacklight. While they still somewhat resembled massive birds, their wings had changed. Additional joints in them allowed for flexible and aerodynamic movements. Feathers remained but were altered. Each strand on the feather was replaced with tiny tendrils barely the width of a hair, each tendril constantly produced tiny acidic particles that could be easily breathed in and destroy organic life from the inside out.

The bones were hollowed while a secondary hollow cavity in the chest would fill with lighter than air hydrogen that could be expelled and ignited through a chemical reaction started in the throat, giving them the ability to exhale fire up to 30 feet away. Of course doing so would make their flying much more difficult, but not impossible thanks to the biotic network added to their carefully grown nervous system.

In addition, the flexible neck allowed a panoramic view of its environment and its very developed eyes allowed it spacial awareness no normal creature would be able to claim. The Flier glided over the biomass covering that hid the Prothean Ruins. It flexibly moved its body and tucked in it's wings, and dive-bombed down. The Flier quickly broke the sound barrier, releasing a deafening sonic boom as it saw clouds passing it. Several miles before it hit the ground, strange scales unfolded, acting as a collection of small organic parachutes, slowing the creature's fall. Then the wings stretched out, bending in such a way that the fall was slowed down to a manageable level and allowing the Flier to gracefully land on the ground.

The area the Flyer landed at was fairly close to the Prothean Ruins. It stood tall as the Canister was grabbed by a series of long tentacles that grew from the ground before detaching from the biomass and begin slithering towards the ruins. As it slithered, it slowly began to brow rows upon rows of tiny legs, not unlike those of a millipede. Pulsating nodes along hundreds of feet of branching nerves glowed lightly as the millipede like creature moved right to the Beacon. A series of jointed spines arranged around it's head allowed it to manipulate the canister and open it as millions of small but long tendrils slithered into the canister.

The Quad-Stranded D.N.A Structure was quickly examined and assimilated into the surrounding biomass that connected directly to the beacon. The D.N.A itself was incomplete, after 50,000 years much of it was lost. It was not the most complete Prothean D.N.A structure that the council had, still with a bit of alterations that was quickly fixed. Interesting to note that Prothean D.N.A. was nothing like the G-Quadruplex that were using before. For one it wasn't as rich in guanine as was theorized. The length of D.N.A was quickly cut into segments using Cas9 proteins, as guide R.N.A. was used to figure out what chemicals the D.N.A. coded for. Eventually multiple copies were made and wrapped around a core of histone protein cores and the resulting structure placed into new cells using Blacklight as a vector. Once finished, the now Prothean cells were brought to the Beacon, and amazingly, it recognized the structure. An untold amounts of information was directly interfaced by Blacklight. It was quickly analyzed by Brain Hives as vast amounts of information that would kill a normal being was analyzed. Blacklight was anything but normal.

The Collective watched and comprehended a vast amount of scientific data. So much data in fact that after a month they were only part way through the information. However as time went on, some strange information began showing itself. It all started when Blacklight learned minor data on a machine called the Crucible. As they looked it over something much more alarming began revealing itself to the Many, the reason the Crucible even existed. Something called the Reapers.

Two weeks before the knowledge of the Crucible was known, Neo-Gentek was already working on its next product. Information taken from consumed Turians showed an unusual stealth system that the Turians were working on. It was called Internal Emission Sinks, a kind of technology that would allow Star Ships to be invisible to Ship Sensors. The major flaw with this invention was that over use would cook the ships crew inside the ship, something that could only be prevented by venting the heat sinks.

While the Turians were happy with the possibility, Blacklight saw a major problem in that while optimal use in stealth, even the minor chance of cooking the crew was flawed. Neo-Gentek began working at it, and soon created something new.

They were called the Coolant Breed. An amorphous lifeform that could metabolize using excess heat, allowing it to preform a variety of functions, most notably making the environment around it much colder. It was so efficient in fact that ice would form around it when left idle, something easily fixed by giving it the ability to secrete an organic compound that was somewhat similar to antifreeze. It was the same system used by Blacklight in very cold areas.

When Blacklight revealed the Coolant Breed to the Council they tasked the Turians to alter one of their deep scout frigates. The Ship was altered with the Experimental Heat Sinks, as a system of tubes and pumps placed in the ship's hull would house the Coolant Breed as they slid through the tubes sucking up the heat.

The Ship was a major success and was able to increase the amount of time the Internal Emission Skins could be used by a factor of 10. Like Medi-Gel the Coolant breed proved much too useful to outlaw, though it was limited to only military star ships. Still, for Blacklight it was a step in the right direction to gaining the trust of the Galaxy, and considering what they learned from the Beacon, they knew that they needed that trust.

After Blacklight first learned of the Reapers, they conversed with themselves on what should be done with the information. It was not long before the Geth had contacted them. Blacklight was very surprised to learn that a lone Reaper had contacted the Geth in an attempt to get them to join the Reapers for a plan that was not revealed.

'23.87% of the Geth Agreed and as a result left to join the Old Machines. Nazara promised them a Reaper Shell that Geth could collectively upload into.'

"What is Nazara's plan?"


Cross sighed as he looked to the Mobile Platform that was attached to the Geth Hub, relaying the information and allowing all of Blacklight to converse with all Orthodox Geth. Already all of Blacklight knew of the Reaper threat. The only issue was how to deal with it.

"The Council won't believe us without evidence. Even the information on the Beacon would be treated as suspect.", said Cross.

'All our present evidence would implicate Blacklight as an ally with the Geth. It is much too soon to reveal that to the council. Should it be deemed necessary we are willing to do so, but the council may act in such a way that it would weaken them and us before the arrival of the Reapers.'

"We can't have that."


"Alright then, I think we can work with what we have. Collectively we can figure out how to get this information, and evidence, to the Council. Until then I suggest you start preparing, we will do the same."


Cross watched as the Geth attached to the Hub detached and fell gracefully on the ground. It quickly stood up and examined the surrounding area before looking to Cross. The current Mobile Platform was specially made by the Geth, built to hold more programs allowing it to act coherently even when far away from the Geth collective. Cross and by proxy the entirety of Blacklight took to calling it Legion.

Nato felt good being back on the Migrant Fleet. The amount of Medi-Gel he was able to get his hands on was more than enough to come back and rejoin his family. Of course it did not last long. When the Admiralty Board had heard of some Neo-Gentek invention called the Coolant Breed, they figured that Nato may be the one to see if they could get their hands on it.

So now he stood once again on the Citadel in the Blacklight Embassy. It was a small room, one with the bare minimum creature comforts. Sitting behind the desk, with his feet propped up on it was Alex Mercer. Standing unnaturally still looking out the window was Elizabeth Greene.

Nato fidgeted as he watched Alex, who only stared back at him blankly, his eyes hidden behind his hood and he kept his arms crossed.

"Nato, how can we help you today?", asked Alex with a smirk.

"Oh, well. You see I am here because... Well the Admirals of the Migrant Fleet... Can you please not stare at me like that?", asked Nato.

"Nato, dear Nato. You are among friends. Come on, what troubles you? Take a seat and tell good ol' Papa Nurgle what your Admirals want.", said Alex.


"Bless you.", said Alex with a smirk.

"Excuse me?", asked Nato confused.

"And you are excused. You should cover your mouth when you sneeze.", said Alex.

"But I didn't sneeze."

"You didn't? Well it sure as hell sounded like you did. Oh well, it's not important, so what do your admirals want from us?"

Nato suddenly had the distinct feeling he was being 'fucked with', as Alex one time put it. He didn't like it, but he wasn't going to argue with the leader of a sapient virus. He was smarter than that.

"It's your Coolant Breed.", said Nato.

"Oh that, you do know that technically it can only be used by Military Star Ships for members that hold a Council seat right?", asked Alex.

"I do.", said Nato.

Alex clasped his hands before he leaned back in his chair.

"Well then, lets talk business.", said Alex.

Nato blinked.

"Wait, just like that, you are going to break laws without any protest?", asked Nato.

"We're not a Citadel Council member remember, and as Neo-Gentek is my company, it is only bound by Council law when in Council space. Last I checked the Migrant Fleet isn't currently in Council Space.", said Alex.

"...Why are you helping us?", asked Nato slowly.

"See that, that right there is why we're helping you. You shouldn't be asking a question like 'Why are you helping us?'.", said Alex.

"I don't understand.", said Nato.

"Elizabeth, you want to tell him or should I?", asked Alex.

Nato almost jumped out of his suit when Elizabeth went from stone still to what could best be described as predatory movement. He had actually forgotten she was even here.

"We know of Quarian history. More so than most. Loss of your planet to become a nomadic species is a terrible fate, and the mistrust other species show you is unjust. We as a collective are similarly mistrusted. We are outcasts in this Galaxy. We live on the fringes of it. When someone requires aid, they should receive it. Do you not agree?"

"I suppose I do.", said Nato.

"Then we will send you aid.", said Elizabeth.

Nato only stared at the two individuals before him. He still felt ill at ease around them, however he was willing to put his trust into them. After all, no one else seemed to want to help his people at all. Nato wasn't one to turn down aid for his people.

"Thank you."

Fleeing Geth Space was the lone Reaper Nazara. Following him was a relatively small fleet of Geth Programs. Far fewer than he had hoped. The Geth had already communed with Blacklight long before he arrived, a problem Nazara would have to deal with. The information was sent to the first Reaper, to Harbinger. Plans had to be accelerated. The Harvest would come early this cycle. Blacklight could not be allowed to spread further.

Already the Collectors were gathering various species to find which could be used to construct the new Reaper of this cycle. Nazara was quickly relayed new orders. Orders that would lead to his destruction. Still it would be an acceptable loss, he was merely a puppet to the will of the First.

However Blacklight was an unknown. They needed to be tested. They needed to be learned. They needed to be purged. They would be wiped out like all the others, it was inevitable. Tactical data was required, and the Reapers needed to know if this cancer of a race could absorb the minor organic components of a Reaper.

The Reaper ship halted and changed course, heading towards a new relay. It was time for him to test the effectiveness of this Cancer Race. If their hive mind worked like predicted, then the Reapers could sever any bonds they made with the other races if they acted carefully. If not, then valuable tactical data could still be gained, though Nazara would most likely be destroyed.

"It would be an acceptable loss."

CODEX Technology

Bioship Carriers

Bioship Carriers are massive Bioships that function as both carriers and Bioship feeders for Blacklight. Thus far they are an experimental breed as Blacklight sees the usefulness of this construct. They can approach up to 15 kilometers in length. Their form varies, though all possess a honeycomb series of holes on their back which Bioships of various sizes can fit in. These holes are a trait that the Bioships takes from the once Earth amphibian known as the Suriname Toad, whose species would emerge from the backs of female toads as fully formed (though smaller) adults.

Bioship Carriers are slower than normal Bioships and only have so many defenses, though each one is biotic. Most make due with a series of tentacles that are specially modified to shoot Bio-Bombs or Acids. Other times Biotic Attacks can be used as well. Despite being named a carrier, the main function of these unique Bioships is to literally feed other Bioships, as their bodies grow Helix Towers to generate energy.

This function allows Bioships to remain in space longer by taking energy the Bioship Carriers produce, meaning that Bioships do not have to return to a planet so long as a Carrier is within the System. It should be noted that due to the amount of Biomass it takes to make a carrier, they are a rare sight outside of the Sol System and thus far there is only one.

The Coolant Breed

The Coolant Breed is a gelatinous organism that functions as a coolant. It is a self sufficient organism that can only use certain metabolic functions at certain temperatures, to accomplish this, it uses a variety of techniques to cool the area around it rapidly, allowing it to cool overheated machinery. The Organism is alive, but is non sentient. More importantly it does not have any viral pathogens in it. Due to the ice that forms around the Coolant Breed, they have been modified to secrete an organic antifreeze like compound to prevent them from producing too much ice that would ruin machinery or prevent the Coolant Breed from movement.

The Coolant Breed is used as a coolant for Star Ships that use experimental Internal Emission Sinks. Due to the efficiency the Coolant Breed suck up heat they allow the Heat Sinks to work for a much longer period of time. The Sinks as well as the ship itself it outfitted with a network of tubes and pumps that the Coolant Breed flow through to seek out sources of heat to feed on.

When Deprived of heat, usually when Star Ships are left idle, the Coolant Breed enters a state of suspended animation until heat is once again available. As a safety precaution the Coolant Breed has been modified to recognize lifeforms, and even when starved of Heat, will not attack them.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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