
Top Ten Historical Achievements

Entering the straight track, Wariner entered his first advantageous zone. His strides became longer and his speed ascended to another level. It was evident now that the distance between him and Jeremy Wariner in lane five was decreasing, yet their stride frequency remained almost the same.

The two athletes, with Wariner standing at 1.83 meters tall and Wariner at 1.87 meters, had a difference in leg length that favored Wariner. By all rights, if both maintained the same stride frequency, Wariner should have been faster due to his longer legs. However, currently, Wariner was even faster than Wariner, indicating that Wariner's stride amplitude was more than just a bit larger than Wariner's.

"Zhang Guan's speed at the start is almost similar to mine, but his sprint speed in the final stretch can rival that of an average 200-meter sprinter. However, between 100 and 300 meters, his speed is slower than mine. If I want to defeat Zhang Guan, I must accumulate enough advantage during this segment of 100 to 300 meters. I think I have about a 0.8-second lead over Zhang Guan on this straight track stretch! If I can further extend this lead by 0.8 seconds when we enter the curve, achieving an advantage of more than 1.5 seconds, I don't believe he can overturn that in the end!" Wariner thought to himself while adjusting, preparing to enter the upcoming curve.

Wariner particularly liked to accelerate after entering the second curve. His curve technique could be said to be world-class number one. Therefore, it was certain that compared to other athletes in high-speed running in curves, he would definitely have more advantages.

Finally, Wariner entered the second curve, and at the same time, he also used the curve of the track to observe Zhang Guan. He wanted to see how much Zhang Guan had fallen behind and estimated his own lead time.

However, when Wariner looked back to his left side, what he saw was Zhang Guan preparing to enter the curve.


Coach Hart's mind was continuously analyzing various possibilities.

"Why would Zhang Guan use this running technique? He must know that this will consume more energy, and his energy distribution will encounter problems in the second half of the race. Could it be that he is ready to give up the 400-meter race?" Coach Hart shook his head, rejecting this idea.

"If he were to give up the 400-meter race, it would be better to run according to the method of the last race, maintaining the same frequency throughout, which would conserve more energy. However, he didn't do that. After entering the straight track, he tried to change his running technique. His stride length has increased, indicating that his speed has increased. Could it be that Zhang Guan has decided to try once more to compete for the 400-meter sprint championship!" Coach Hart's face grew more serious.

"World-class athletes don't easily change their technical characteristics voluntarily. Once they do, it means the new technique will inevitably run faster, jump higher, and throw farther..."

"Last month, Zhang Guan didn't run like this. Could it be that in just one month, Zhang Guan has changed his running technique? The timing doesn't seem right! It's already July. No one changes their technique at this time!" Coach Hart frowned.

Generally, track and field athletes change their techniques in the winter when there are no track and field competitions. Athletes begin to change their old techniques and try new ones. By May or June, various track and field competitions have begun. Athletes test new techniques in competitions and continually improve them. By July or August, the new techniques gradually mature, and it is also a period when athletes are more likely to achieve good results. Many track and field world records are set during this period.

Another situation is that some athletes choose to change their techniques during the recovery period from injuries. In most cases, it is to avoid being forced to change their techniques again due to injury. This situation can ensure that their performance does not decline, which is already good.

It is now July, and there are still more than two months left in the annual track and field schedule. Athletes are unlikely to change their techniques at this critical juncture. With such a tight schedule and intense competition, if athletes change their techniques at this time, it is easy for the new technique to be ineffective and the old technique to be used poorly, which will affect their performance...

While Coach Hart was puzzled, Wariner's expression suddenly stiffened.

"It seems I haven't gained the lead!" Wariner made the most accurate judgment with just one glance. With his experience, he could determine the advantages and disadvantages at any point on the track without needing to enter the final straight track.

"What's going on? Has Zhang Guan changed his running technique? Did he accelerate on the straight track just now?" Wariner entered the curve area with the same doubt. He began to accelerate.

For Wariner, accelerating rapidly after entering the curve was his technical characteristic. He found running in curves to be very handy because his curve technique was also world-class.

In the curve, Wariner's steps became smaller, but the frequency of his strides increased significantly, so his speed did not decrease as a result. When he slowed down slightly and began to adjust, he was already in the leading position.

Wariner felt that the race had entered his rhythm. Next, when he entered the final straight track, he would start sprinting and then use his powerful ability to sprint later to defeat other athletes.

At this moment, however, the Frenchman slowly caught up from behind and gradually approached Wariner. When the two were about to enter the final straight track, they unexpectedly showed a side-by-side posture.

Dequon's running style was unique. His speed in the first 100 meters was not very fast. He would accelerate in the second 100 meters, but it was not a very aggressive acceleration. The fastest stage of his run was the third 100 meters, which also indicated that his curve running technique was excellent. Among the world's top athletes, very few could run the third 100 meters faster than the second 100 meters, and Dequon was one of them.

"Dequon's final sprint ability is not weak. Although he is not as good as me, he can still pose a threat to me. I need to accelerate!" Wariner had already begun to accelerate at this point, making his final sprint.

At this moment, Wariner heard Coach Hart's shout: "Jeremy, give it your all! Zhang is catching up!"

Wariner's heart tightened again. He remembered the previous Golden League competition in Oslo when Zhang Guan surpassed him at the last moment.

"Zhang Guan's speed seems faster than last time. Has he improved again? I must give it my all. I cannot give Zhang Guan any chance!" Wariner secretly glanced at Zhang Guan's position, and his footsteps truly reflected his thoughts.

Compared to the previous competition, Zhang Guan had indeed improved. His performance in the curve was even better than last month. Sports are like this; beginners' progress is always more obvious. Perhaps there can be significant progress in just one month. As for those experienced old athletes, it may seem like they are at the same level after a year or two.

Wariner was ahead of Dequon and was the first to enter the final straight track, but Dequon did not lag behind. He began to accelerate, ready to challenge Wariner. Dequon once ran seventh in the 400-meter final at the Athens Olympics. He was the number one 400-meter runner in Europe. Although he was not as good as Wariner, he definitely had the strength to challenge him.

However, today Dequon encountered a Wariner who was ready to give his all, so at the beginning of the sprint, Dequon fell behind. At this moment, Zhang Guan also began to sprint.

Zhang Guan once again demonstrated a speed that did not belong to the 400 meters. The audience in the entire venue was very cooperative. First, there was a surprised sound, followed by a roar of cheering. In the previous Golden League competition in Oslo, Wariner watched the competition video hundreds of times. He clearly remembered that when Zhang Guan started to accelerate, the audience made a surprised sound first, followed by a fierce cheering. At that time, Wariner thought the audience was cheering for him. This time in Paris, Wariner heard this kind of reaction from the audience again. He knew that this cheer was not for him but for Zhang Guan.

"The final contest is about to begin! I will not lose again!" Wariner's expression became more serious, and the eyes under his sunglasses emitted strong fighting spirit and determination to win.

Behind him, Zhang Guan caught up with Dequon and then instantly surpassed him.

"How is he so fast! Is this the speed of a 200-meter sprinter?" Although Dequon had watched the Oslo station race footage and knew Zhang Guan could unleash a sprint speed comparable to a 200-meter dash in the final stretch, encountering this reality in the same competition still left Dequon astounded.


"Zhang Guan is accelerating! His speed is incredible, far surpassing everyone else's! He's overtaken Dequon and is chasing down Wariner! He's about to catch up! He's almost there!" The commentator's voice, loud as it was, was drowned out by the cheers of the spectators. At this moment, the entire audience stood up, their eyes fixed on the final straight track. These few short seconds would be the most thrilling moment of the entire race.

As Zhang Guan surpassed Dequon, the cheers in the stadium grew louder, and to Wariner's ears, this increasingly enthusiastic support sounded like a rallying cry, signaling that Zhang Guan was getting closer and closer.

"My speed has reached its limit, and I have little energy left, but the finish line is right ahead... Wait, it's not time to relax yet. As long as I haven't crossed the finish line, I can't let my guard down. In the last race, it was because I relaxed my vigilance at the last moment that I lost!" Once again, Wariner remembered his previous defeat, learning from past mistakes, he remained vigilant.

"There are only ten meters left to the finish line! Come on, hold on!" Wariner cheered himself on inwardly, and at that moment, he noticed a figure on his left keeping pace with him.

"It's Zhang Guan! He's caught up!" This scene was so familiar to Wariner, as if the final ten meters were a replay of the Oslo station.

Once again, both athletes made their final sprint towards the finish line simultaneously, but in reality, Zhang Guan's speed was faster than Wariner's. Then, both crossed the finish line.

"Same as the last race, I lost again, at the last moment! Once again, Zhang Guan passed me in the final five meters!" This replay of history made Wariner keenly feel that, just like at the Oslo station, he had lost again in the final moments! Perhaps he lost again by just 0.1 seconds.

"I definitely ran under 44 seconds this time, and yet I still lost to Zhang Guan! The 43.99 seconds before was not Zhang Guan's limit. I underestimated him!" Wariner looked at the scoreboard, wanting to know the final results.

Wariner's final time was 43.82 seconds, his personal best in competition. This time was enough to rank among the top twenty in the history of the 400-meter sprint.

But this time wasn't enough for Wariner to win because Zhang Guan was faster!

Zhang Guan's time was 43.67 seconds!

This was the tenth-best time ever recorded in the history of the 400-meter sprint.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C167
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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