52.38% TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha / Chapter 10: Chapter 8 - The Truth & joining the Dusk pack

章 10: Chapter 8 - The Truth & joining the Dusk pack

We got to the animal clinic after Stiles and Derek an hour later, we had stopped to get some food, before we headed to them, Dr. Deaton was still inside so we parked around the corner in an empty carpark, we ate and waited, i spent the time chatting with Erica, Danny, Sarah and Stiles, Derek was resting.

Around 7 at night we forced Stiles to call Scott, he and Derek talked to Scott for about 10 minutes before hanging up, we than went to the animal clinic, since Dr. Deaton had just left and Scott told Stiles where the extra key was, we all herded in and helped Derek on to the examination table.

"So you wanna tell us what's going on? and why we aren't taking your brother to the hospital?" Danny asked while looking at me and Stiles, "Ah... it's kinda of a germ thing he's got" Stiles said while nodding nervously and scratching his head trying to deflect and change the story,

"He wasn't just shot, he was also poisoned" i said, "And it can only be cured by what was used in the bullet they used to shoot him with" i explained patiently, "How are you feeling Der?" i asked with concern, "Weak, and in pain.." Derek replied weakly, i pulled Erica over to us and looked at her in the eyes, "Do what i do, exactly how i do it, we are going to share Derek's pain and relieve him of it abit" i said to her seriously.

"OK" Erica replied anxiously, "It will hurt alittle, but i need to you to endure, ok?" i asked her and looked deeply into her eyes, "What are you guys trying to do?" Sarah asked curiously and walked closer to me and Erica, "Watch closely" i simply replied, i grabbed Derek's right arm, "Grab his arm like i am Erica" i told her and started pulling the pain and a little bit of wolfsbane into my veins,

Erica followed my lead and also did the same, all three of us had our veins become visible and black on our arms, Derek visibly relaxed, Erica *GASP* gasped loudly and sweat started forming on her brow, Danny and Stiles mouths were open and they stared wide-eyed at us, Sarah on the otherhand moved closer and touched my veiny arm, "What exactly are you doing? He looks abit better now, did you just transfer a portion of his essence or pain? how is that even possible?" Sarah asked and looked at both me and Erica,

I moved to Erica and helped her sit down, before helping Derek lay down on the table, "It's possible because of what we are" i said cryptically causing Stiles to stiffen up, and look around anxiously, "What you are? What does that mean Jake?" Danny asked with confusion, "I need you both to promise not to freak out, can you do that?" i asked and looked them both in the eyes, "Ok" nodded Sarah before she turned to Danny, and he did the same and they both looked expectantly at me, "AH! Wait! you both might want to brace yourselves" said Stiles from the side as he nervously bit the hem of his shirt,

I turned to Erica and smiled at her, she got up and stood next to me, "This is what we are!" i declared and both Erica and i's eyes glowed scarlet red and golden yellow respectively, Danny's knees buckled and he nearly fell but thanks to Stiles quick reaction of catching him from behind, he steadied himself and stood up looking at both Erica and i in shock.

Sarah on the other hand had excitement written all over her face and just walked up to us to get a better look at our eyes, "Werewolves! T-Their... no your real" Danny said with wide eyes as he looked at us, "Werewolves? Is that what you are? but you don't look like wolves" Sarah stated and looked at us sceptically, "Hahaha well what we just showed you was a partial transformation, i won't allow Erica to fully transform since she might lose control, but let me show you my true face" as soon as those words left my mouth, i transformed,

my eyes glowed dark red, my fangs came out, my claws grew, my brow got more pronounced, my ears elongated, i had a widows peak and sideburns, i only half transformed cause i didn't want to scare them to death with my full werewolf form,

*Deep gasp* i heard Sarah, i turned to her and Danny, Stiles was already at the other end of the room, looking for a way to escape, "It's still me" i said in a deeper voice, "Oh my god! D-do-does it hurt? when you transformed?" Sarah asked, "Not really, it's like stripping away dead skin, it's not painful" i replied before turning back,

"So Erica can do that too?" Danny asked with a little less shock but he still took a water bottle from Stiles who had calmed down abit and drank it, "Yes and no, she hasn't had her first full moon yet so i won't allow her to transform" i stated, "Wait, what do you mean allow her?" Sarah asked curiously, i could feel no fear from her, just endless curiousity, Danny had a hint of fear, but now it was replaced by shock and awe, and Stiles, well Stiles was just looking at Sarah and Danny like they were aliens.

"I won't allow her because i turned her, i'm her alpha, she's a part of my pack, and because she hasn't gone through her first full moon yet" i clarified, "Wait! Alpha as in what Stiles and Scott were talking about in class? Is Scott a werewolf too?" Sarah connected the dots, "Yes he is, he was bitten by another alpha, one that killed Derek and i's sister to steal her alpha spark, the same one that has been going around killing people" i said seriously, making Danny and Sarah have looks of realisation on their faces,

I spent the next two hours doing the whole werewolf and supernatural world speech, the same introduction i did for Erica, Stiles and Erica would say little additives here and there, but it was mostly me, so within two ours Danny and Sarah became of what goes bump in the night, well aware of one of the more prominent creatures that go bump in the night.

It took another 30 minutes before they both came to terms and accepted the truth of the world, "So you have the ability to turn me and Danny into werewolves because your an alpha?" Sarah asked me, "Than can you do it?" she inquired furthur,

"I could, yes, but that would be upto you both, plus i told you about the downsides right, i'd like to give you both the bite, but at the end of the day it will have to be your choice" i said flatly shrugging, Erica came and sat next to me, "I used to be epileptic, but after Jake turned me i've never felt better, i feel so much more than when i was human" Erica said with gratitude in her voice and looked at me,

"Than do it, turn us" Sarah said and looked me right in the eyes, "Sarah! Are you serious?" Stiles almost screamed, he looked at Sarah like she was crazy, "I am, i don't know why or what it is but... something inside of me is telling me to do this, so please, turn me, i don't know about Danny but i want this" She said and took my hand and squeezed it tight, i could see the determination in her gaze, "Danny?" i asked my friend,

"I-i-ah-aah what the hell, if my cousin wants to do it, i'm in too, plus you said their might be variations, i wanna see what kinda werewolf i turn out to be and you and Erica are like family, i trust you" Danny said with a new found vigor, "Haha, alright, give me your arms" i said with a smile and got up, they both moved up to me and stretched out their arms, i transformed and bit them, *Aargh* they cryed out softly, "It'll take a few hours, unlike normal alphas, i have full control on who i can turn, so my bite won't kill you" i said with a nod,

Stiles who was on the other side of the room looked at us with bewilderment, "So Stiles what do you say? Wanna be one of us?" i asked while looking straight at him, "I-i-i-*Swallows saliva* i ah... i'm.." Stiles struggled to find the words,

"Look if you wanna help Scott, your gonna need more than just your brain, and i get it, your scared of the alpha and the hunters, but remember this, when your in my pack, my strength is your strength, i protect those who are part of it, and if your worried about loosing control and hurting your dad or anyone you care about don't, like i said, with me around, you won't have to worry about impulse control, the only reason Scott has problems controlling himself, is because he doesn't have an alpha training and watching over him" i said flatly,

"Look at Erica, she hasn't experienced her first full moon yet and she has perfect control over herself, sure she might have urges here and there, but she keeps them in check, with a little mind-walking from me, she is better than some born werewolf out there" i said proudly causing a smile to appear on Erica's lips,

before i could say anything else she was jumped on me and wrappeed her legs around my waist and kissed me deeply before letting go, "You know how to make a girl want you" Erica said and licked her lips, "Well....sometimes controls herself" i said, "Wow, you really made him speechless" Sarah said before she got up and walked to us, "Let me try"

Before i could think, Sarah had wrapped her arms around my head and pulled me down to meet her lips, she kissed me so passionately i could feel my instincts surge, my body moved on it's own, my hands grabbed her ass and lifted her up before pinning her body against the wall, our lips moved unceasingly, growls and groans left both our lips,

"*AHEM! Guys i think that's enough" said Danny with an annoyed look, "Ah! Shit...." i cursed before catching my breath, i saw Sarah do the same, her face was a little red with embarrassment, "Sorry i didn't mean to do that" i apologised to her, "N-No it wasn't your fault, i sort of lost it to after i saw Erica kiss you" she said with a hint of shame, "Hehehe if you want him Sarah, your gonna have to wait til after our first full moon" Erica said teasingly, "*Sigh* you guys please stop" Danny said shaking his head in disappointment,

"*Ahem* right as i was saying, if you want to be a werewolf nows your chance Stiles" i said calmly and sat down beside the table Derek was resting on, "I-ah.... W-will i have to join your pack?" Stiles asked, "You think i'd waste my time to turn you only for you to leave? well you can forget it, Omega wolves don't live longer than 10 years once they leave their packs or are abondoned, they are killed off by other creatures or killed by hunters, so i'd advice against that, you'll have less control over youself as well" i said and leaned back against the wall.

"Look, being a member of a pack is like being a member of a family, you might want different things, and life will take you else where, but when one person of your pack needs help you drop everything and return to them, so if your thinking i'm gonna tell you to uproot your life and kill some people for no reason, than your just plain stupid" i rolled my eyes,

" you'll bear my mark, a tattoo if you will, to symbolise you belong to my pack, yes i'll be your alpha, but you can still live your life however you want, but be in touch, the bond must never be broken, because if it is, you'll feel weaker, and turn into an omega, you'll practically be human again, and become prey for other supernaturals, so you'll have to gather with the rest of the pack members in times of the full moon, to run wild and be in control at the same time, when your in a pack, the bloodlust is almost non-existant" i stated matter-of-factly.

"So Stiles my friend, what will it be?" i raised and eyebrow at him, Erica, Danny and Sarah also looked at him expectantly, "Say yes.. you dumbass.." Derek scolded him weakly, causing me to chuckle, i turned back to Stiles,

"O-o-Okay!" Stiles said with hesitation, i got up and walked over to him, before he could utter another word i grabbed his arm and bit it, "AH-AH-AOOOW!" He cried out and held his arm after i let go, "Well all we gotta do is wait for Scott" i said and sat down feeling like a accomplished a few things, "You didn't have to be so rough" Stiles complained and rubbed his arm.

An hour later Scott finally arrived, "Wh-What the hell have you done!" Scott yelled out when he saw Stiles, Danny and Sarah's arms with my bite mark, Danny and Sarah's arms were already healing, it now looked like an abbression, Stiles's had just started healing, which meant they had become my betas, but they felt abit different from Erica,

i could tell they were different from Erica but were sort of similar to each other, 'I'll have to figure out what type of werewolves they are' i thought to myself as Scott got right in my face while shouting, i didn't need to do anything as the next thing we knew Scott was on the floor face first with Erica and Sarah on top of him holding him down, "Um guys, i think you should let him up now, or you might break something" Danny said alittle worriedly,

"You get near Jake like that again-""We'll break your arms" Erica said first before Sarah finished her sentence, 'Ah god, another personality change' i thought and inwardly prayed Sarah's change wasn't as severe as Erica's, "Scott, it's fine, i wanted him to turn me" Stiles said and helped Scott up effortlessly, "Stiles you don't understand, you won't be able to control yourself, you might hurt someone" Scott yelled feeling guilty,

"*Sigh* Stop tryna compare you to Stiles and stop projecting your insecurities on to him, he's part of my pack, he is my beta, which means unlike you, he has me to guide and help me through this, well besides me, he now has 3 others" i said and smirked, "Is this a game to you? " Scott said and looked at me angrily, "No, this is life, and we are werewolves, stop thinking your still human, and accept who you are, if you want to live a normal life" i said and moved towards him and removed the wolfsbane bullet from his pocket.

10 minutes later Derek was looking better, he was currently sitting up and eating the left over take out we had gotten earlier, "So they feel different to you? they don't feel like Erica?" Derek asked me, "Yeah, they are werewolves though, of that i'm sure, so i'm a bit confused why they feel different" i answered Derek,

"They might be zetas, you remember Donald, mom's right hand man, he was super smart and kept everyone informed about current events happening in the supernatural world" Derek said and shrugged, "But there are lot's of zeta variants of werewolves, not every zeta is the same" i said and scratched my head, "God, this is why i need an emissary, i could just consult with him/her and they could easily help me find out what kinda zetas they are" i said and huffed in frustration,

"Haha come on runt, enough thinking so much, you'll find out what kinda zeta they are after their first full moon, until than relax and teach your betas, now that Kate's in town the alpha is bound to move" Derek's eyes glowed after he said that.

After that, i took Erica, Danny and Sarah home, they called Danny's parents to let them know they were crashing at Erica and mine's place, Stiles headed home, i gave him my number and told him we'd talk more later, he was all smiles when he and Scott left with Derek, and just like that, i had got myself 3 new betas, correction zetas, i think.

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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