68.04% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 127: Chapter 123: A Ritual of Trust

章 127: Chapter 123: A Ritual of Trust

Chapter 123: A Ritual of Trust

"Not going to lie, you should probably call a few of your Anbu for this, just in case," Malik suggested to Tsunade, his tone serious yet laced with the usual hint of mischief.

Tsunade looked at him, her expression unreadable. "I will," she replied before asking, "Do I need to be naked for this?"

Malik blinked, slightly taken aback by her straightforwardness, but quickly recovered. "That's probably a good idea. We should all probably be naked for this," he answered, the hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

Tsunade nodded, not at all phased by the request. "Should we be doing this in my office?"

"The location doesn't matter," Malik said, his form beginning to glow with a deep gold and a rich pink as his power began to resonate throughout the room. "Now allow me to focus."

As Malik's power filled the space, Tsunade began to undress, her movements deliberate and without hesitation. Rika, ever the silent protector, followed suit, her sharp blue eyes scanning the room for any threats even as she disrobed.

Rika was a small but mighty figure, a perfect fusion of strength and nimbleness. Her sturdy, muscular frame spoke volumes of her physical capabilities, optimized for swift movements and rapid responses. Her hair, an eye-catching combination of red and black, was cropped into short, spiky bursts that enhanced her intense and resolute image. Stripping off her tactical gear, her physique stood as a powerful testament to her discipline, with every muscle sharply contoured and refined through relentless training in her field.

Despite her rugged exterior, Rika possessed an inherent grace, a gentle hint of the gentlewoman behind the warrior facade. Her presence demanded respect, not solely for her prowess but also for her steadfast loyalty and commitment.

Tsunade, on the other hand, was a vision of strength and beauty, her long blonde hair cascading down her back as she removed her clothing. Her ample bust, a size I, and her slender yet curvaceous figure were revealed as she stood with confidence, her fair skin glowing in the soft light of the room. She was the embodiment of power, her aura commanding and unyielding.

As Tsunade's Anbu appeared, they positioned themselves silently off to the side, their expressions stoic and unreadable as they observed the unfolding ritual. They were well-trained, their loyalty to the Hokage absolute, yet even they could sense the weight of what was about to transpire.

Malik raised his hands, and candles of deep pink and gold appeared, their flames flickering softly in the dim light. The floor beneath them began to shift, turning into water that shimmered with a similar pink and gold hue, creating a surreal, otherworldly atmosphere.

"Step into the center, Lady Tsunade," Malik said, his voice echoing with a commanding yet gentle tone. He offered her his hand while hovering just above the water, his presence both comforting and intimidating.

Tsunade, her face betraying no emotion, stepped forward and took Malik's hand, allowing him to guide her into the center of the glowing pool. As she did, memories from her past began to flood her mind, each one vivid and detailed, as if she were reliving them.

Early Life:

Tsunade, the beloved granddaughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki, was affectionately dubbed "Princess" due to Hashirama's status as the First Hokage of Konohagakure. Her grandfather's fondness for her was evident, particularly in his amusement at her rebellious spirit and her picking up his gambling tendencies. Upon Hashirama's passing, Tsunade became the heir to his treasured necklace. Her journey as a ninja began in earnest after graduating from Konoha's Academy, where she was placed in a team with Orochimaru and Jiraiya, under Hiruzen Sarutobi's mentorship. During an initial bell test, Jiraiya's failure to secure a bell led to Tsunade's playful mockery, which in turn invited his critique of her then undeveloped figure. Nonetheless, Jiraiya's fascination with Tsunade was sparked from their very first encounter and grew as they matured. However, his covert admiration took a hit when Tsunade nearly ended him for voyeurism, compelling him to adopt a more subtle approach to his affections and curiosities.

As Tsunade relives her early life through Malik's magic, a wave of nostalgia washes over her. She feels a mix of emotions - joy, sadness, longing, and a touch of amusement.

"Ah, those were the days. I was young, rebellious, full of spirit. I remember how grandpa Hashirama would laugh at my antics, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He was the one who sparked my love for gambling, you know. And when he passed... I inherited his treasured necklace, a constant reminder of him." "Then there was my team - Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and our mentor, Hiruzen Sarutobi. We were young, eager to prove ourselves. I remember the bell test... Jiraiya couldn't secure a bell, and I couldn't help but tease him. Little did I know, it would spark a fascination in him that lasted a lifetime." "But it wasn't all fun and games. I remember the day I caught Jiraiya peeping. I was so furious, I nearly ended him right there. After that, he learned to be more subtle with his... affections." "Reliving these memories... it's bittersweet. There's a part of me that longs for those simpler times, but I also know that those experiences shaped me into who I am today. I wouldn't change a thing."

Malik smiled at that, "Let us keep going."

Loss and Grief:

Nawaki, Tsunade's younger brother, harbored the dream of one day becoming the Hokage to safeguard Konoha, honoring their grandfather's legacy. On the occasion of Nawaki's twelfth birthday, Tsunade bestowed upon him a kiss on the forehead and presented him with Hashirama's necklace, wishing it would aid him in realizing his aspiration. Tragically, Nawaki perished the following day, a victim of the relentless Second Shinobi World War, and the necklace found its way back to Tsunade. In the wake of this loss, Tsunade became a staunch proponent for the assignment of medical-nin to every four-person squad, aiming to prevent the recurrence of such fatalities. Dan Katō, who resonated with her sentiments, grew close to Tsunade. Throughout the evolution of their bond, Dan entrusted Tsunade with his own vision of becoming Hokage, aspiring to reform Konoha and shield his dear ones from the clutches of death. Echoing her earlier gesture, Tsunade kissed Dan's forehead and entrusted him with Hashirama's necklace, hoping it would support his ambitions. Yet, the war claimed Dan as well, as he succumbed to death in Tsunade's embrace, despite her valiant attempts to save him.

As Tsunade relives these memories, a profound sadness envelops her. The joy of Nawaki's twelfth birthday, the hope in his eyes as she gifted him Hashirama's necklace, all overshadowed by the tragedy of his untimely death the very next day. The pain of losing her brother still lingers, a wound that time has done little to heal.

"Nawaki... my dear little brother. He had such dreams, such aspirations. He wanted to be Hokage, to protect Konoha just like our grandfather. But the war... it took him from us. His death was a harsh reminder of the reality of our world." "And then there was Dan. He understood my pain, my desire to change things. He shared Nawaki's dream, his vision of becoming Hokage. I gave him the necklace, hoping it would bring him better luck. But in the end the war... it claimed him too."

As she speaks, a dark shadow seems to creep into the room, a tangible manifestation of her grief and regret. The memories of Nawaki and Dan, once bright and full of life, now cast long, somber shadows in her mind.

"But the war... it's a cruel thing. It takes away those we love, those we want to protect. And all we're left with are memories and 'what ifs'. What if Nawaki had lived? What if Dan had become Hokage? What if...?"

The room grows darker as Tsunade's voice trails off, the weight of her losses hanging heavy in the air. The memories, once a source of comfort, now serve as a stark reminder of the harsh realities of their world.

Malik felt the change in the room, "Welp, that's probably what we get for rushing things," Not seeing any point in stopping they pushed forward.

War and Haemophobia:

Even after the dissolution of their team under Hiruzen's guidance, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya remained comrades-in-arms throughout the Second Shinobi World War. In a notable battle within Amegakure, they emerged as the sole survivors against Hanzō, earning them the title of "Legendary Sannin" of Konoha. Post-battle, Jiraiya chose to stay behind to mentor the orphaned children of Ame, while Tsunade made significant solo efforts in the war, often neutralizing the poisons of Chiyo from Sunagakure. Tsunade's strategic contributions are credited with securing Konoha's victory, yet she could not save Dan from dying, and his loss, compounded by her inability to halt his bleeding, led to her developing haemophobia. The return of Hashirama's necklace to Tsunade after Dan's demise fueled beliefs in its curse, claiming the lives of any other wearer but her. Disillusioned by the futility of dreams and the role of Hokage, Tsunade left Konoha at the peak of the Third Shinobi World War, accompanied by Dan's niece, Shizune, whom she took under her wing as a protégé. Tsunade's haemophobia prompted her withdrawal from active medical practice and combat, delegating such responsibilities to Shizune's capable hands.

As Tsunade revisits these memories, she feels a complex mix of pride, regret, and sorrow. The pride comes from her days fighting alongside Orochimaru and Jiraiya, earning the title of Konoha's "Legendary Sannin". The regret and sorrow stem from her inability to save Dan, which led to her developing haemophobia and eventually leaving Konoha.

"Those were tumultuous times. We were at war, and every day was a battle for survival. Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and I... we fought together, stood together. We were the only ones to survive an encounter with Hanzō, and that's how we became known as the 'Legendary Sannin'." "But the war took its toll. I couldn't save Dan... I couldn't stop his bleeding. That's when I developed haemophobia. It was a cruel irony, a medic-nin afraid of blood. Some even said that Hashirama's necklace, which I had given to Dan, was cursed." "After Dan's death, I left Konoha. I took Shizune with me and trained her as my apprentice. I retired from direct healing and combat, relying on Shizune whenever the need arose. But when I saw people who truly needed my help, my fear of blood... it didn't hurt as much. It was a small comfort, a glimmer of hope in the darkness."

As she speaks, a dark shadow begins to form in the room, a physical manifestation of her past regrets and sorrows. It's a stark reminder of the harsh realities of their world and the personal sacrifices she had to make.

A Drunk Encounter:

During their journey, Tsunade and Shizune came across the Fourth Raikage, A, who sought Tsunade's expertise to extract an Exploding Insect from his team member. Tsunade, inebriated at the time, inadvertently dozed off, neglecting her prior commitment to A. Upon persistent urging, Tsunade proposed an arm wrestling match, agreeing to assist if defeated. Utilizing his swift abilities, A triumphed over Tsunade, who then honored her word and accompanied him. Upon examination, Tsunade discovered a similar insect within A and opted to operate. Nonetheless, she delegated the task to Shizune, who proceeded with the surgery as Tsunade stepped away, disturbed by the sight of blood, leaving Shizune to reveal the backstory of Tsunade's aversion to A and his comrades.

"Shizune would have been better off without me slowing her down." Tsunade thought.

Malik literally inside her body, mind, and soul heard her and answered, " She loved you, you love her, together you made one another whole, a strong bond, which can only be formed over a lifetime, It kinda makes me jealous."

Tsunade just shook her head, "She loves you too, so stop complaining."

As Tsunade stepped further into the center of the pool, her mind and personality were laid bare, revealing her inner turmoil and struggles:

Tsunade's Personality and Inner Conflict:

Tsunade once wholeheartedly believed in the possibility of achieving dreams while Nawaki and Dan were alive, thinking that her support could help realize those aspirations. However, after their horrific deaths following her encouragement, Tsunade's belief in dreams shattered, convinced that striving for them was inherently futile. She grew particularly disdainful of the desire to become Hokage, noting that both Dan and Nawaki perished in this pursuit, and that previous Hokages also met untimely deaths, which she deemed senseless due to their roles; thus, she deemed the pursuit of Hokage a fool's endeavor.

The profound impact of her loss manifested as hemophobia, an intense fear of blood, which haunted her for years. Overwhelmed by this phobia, she withdrew from active duty, relinquishing her responsibilities as a healer and warrior, and depended on Shizune to perform the tasks she could no longer undertake.

"To be fair, only stupid, fools would want to become the Hokage, so you were right on that front." Malik thought out loud as Tsunade gave him a dirty look.

Malik continued while smiling, "Stupid and Foolish indeed, but brave, you have to have some balls on ya to want to become Hokage, and sure the job kinda sorta both was pushed and fell on to you, but you have to admit, It feels like destiny, you were always meant to become Hokage, plus, the job suits you."

Tsunade stared at him for a while before saying, "I'm not going to have sex with you."

Malik rolled his eyes, "Tsunade!" He said pointing at her, " Take the God Damn complement, this village needs you, and you need this village."

After she shrugged at him, they decided to move on.

Tsunade was somewhat enjoying her free time, building up debt at casinos, when she saw an ad at one of her usual gambling spots.

"I should have known it was too good to be true, 5 free spins, 10 if you brought a friend." She said shaking her head.

"You're joking right," Malik answered, "Not only did you get your money from you "Winning", you also got paid for training my love Sakura, but just so you know I also ran that special for the next 7 days, I'm an honest businessman, if you don't include the powerful magic I sometimes use. But I will be honest, I'm still making a killing from those casinos."

Later while meeting up with Jiraiya, she eventually met the 4th worst walking headache of her life, Naruto.

Encountering Naruto Uzumaki compelled Tsunade to reevaluate her skepticism. Naruto exemplified two key lessons: the apparent impossibility of a goal does not preclude its achievability, and the death of a dreamer does not extinguish the dream itself. Naruto's exceptional nature challenged her worldview, reigniting Tsunade's belief in dreams, a conviction so profound that it helped her conquer her hemophobia. She assumed the role of Hokage, in part to honor Nawaki and Dan's legacy, but also to set the stage for Naruto's eventual ascension to the title.

"Malik, does he make it?" She asked.

He shrugged while hiding a smile, "Spoilers!"

As the Hokage, Tsunade was dedicated to safeguarding Konoha and its inhabitants, ready to sacrifice her life for the village and her allies if needed. She supported the dreams of others just as she pursued her own.

Her motivations may have differed, but the results aligned with the Will of Fire. Tsunade was also hopeful for Konoha's next generation of ninjas, particularly Naruto, believing firmly in their ability to secure the village's future. She would become incensed when anyone doubted Naruto and his contemporaries, arguing that it was better to allow them to attempt and possibly fail than to pre-emptively deem their failure certain and inhibit their efforts.

"Wow, you're kinda like a mama bear," Malik says while patting her on the back.

"Stop talking, before I hurt you," She said as she swiped him away.

Despite her commendable traits, Tsunade had her share of flaws and vices. She was known for her bluntness and short temper, often hitting Naruto for his immaturity or Jiraiya for his lecherous behavior, or anyone in fact, anyone who pissed her off would most likely be getting knocked out; her fearsome reputation stemmed from this.

"I don't . . . I'm not that bad," Tsunade then eyed Malik for any reaction, but like a smart man he scooled his face not letting any emotion show.

Tsunade's own conduct was hardly exemplary; she frequently drank, occasionally slept while working, and often delegated her duties to others. Gambling was among her preferred vices, a habit inherited from her grandfather, Hashirama Senju. Tsunade's luck at gambling was infamously poor, earning her the ironic nickname "The Legendary Sucker" from those who profited from her bets. Aware of her misfortune, Tsunade interpreted winning streaks as ominous signs and braced for trouble; sometimes, she even attempted to exploit her bad luck by wagering against desired outcomes, hoping her misfortune would avert them.

"Wow, "The Legendary Sucker", is truly a unique name." He said making sure to flow away just enough not to get hit.

"I know the joke you want to make, but funny enough I've only had sex twice in my life," Tsunade said with a straight face giving Malik the facts.

"While the nickname "The Legendary Sucker", is very bad, I'm more worried about you betting on things because you knew something wasn't going to work out, that even more than the drinking is an unhealthy habit," Malik said floating closer.

"This coming from the luckiest person I know, probably the luckiest person in the world." She mocked as they floated deeper.

"I "might" be lucky, but I'm also busy, how about this, we visit a casino one day, just me and you, I'll be your good luck charm." He says following her down.

"I think about it," She said as something appeared.

From the get-go, Jiraiya fancied that the sparks between him and Tsunade were mutual, a notion that only managed to irk and infuriate her. Despite his relentless wooing over the years, Tsunade's heart remained loyal to Dan, her love unwavering even long after he passed away. Unfazed, Jiraiya took it on the chin, proclaiming that Tsunade's consistent rebuffs did more than just toughen him up—they also served as prime fodder for his scandalously entertaining Icha Icha novels.

"I do love Jiraiya, I just don't "love" him." She said.

"Have you ever?" Malik asked not finishing the sentence.

"Yes, I have thought about just having sex with him, just to shut him up, I've gotten close a few times but Jiraiya is just so . . . Jiraiya," Tsunade said crossing her arms.

"That is a very fair thing to say, also sex between long-time friends changes a relationship forever. How about a date, nothing has to happen but that might make him happy. Jiraiya despite his "great" faults is a good man."

"I think about it," She said as something else appeared.

Her greatest desire was to be with her lost loved ones while supporting Dan as he lived out his dream of being Hokage.

As the memories washed over her, Tsunade felt a deep sense of clarity and purpose, the weight of her past lifted, replaced by a newfound resolve. Malik's power swirled around her, weaving through her memories, her mind, and her soul, strengthening the bond between them and solidifying her commitment to protect Konoha and its future, "Here we go."

As Malik's words echo in the room, he reaches out towards the empty core. His fingers barely graze the surface of the sphere when he feels a sudden pull. It's as if the sphere is a vortex, drawing him in with an irresistible force.

"I believe this was supposed to be filled, but we started too early. No matter, I'll just fill it with my energy," Malik says, his voice steady despite the unexpected turn of events.

He braces himself, pouring his energy into the sphere. But the more he gives, the stronger the pull becomes. It's not just his energy that's being drawn in, but his very essence, his entire being.

"But... what's happening?" Malik gasps, his voice strained. "It's pulling me in... I can't... I can't stop it..."

Halfway through, he realizes the enormity of what's happening. The sphere isn't just taking his energy, it's consuming him, pulling him into an unknown abyss. The room grows dim, the sphere's glow intensifying as Malik's figure starts to blur, his form being drawn into the sphere.

"Oh . . . Shit."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C127
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


