22.68% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 39: Chapter 38: Why not?

章 39: Chapter 38: Why not?

Chapter 38: Why not?

(Ghosts: Save at least 5 people who die during or (semi-)before the Chūnin Exams. 

Reward: 3 Revive charges. ) Completed.

As Malik walked out of the forest of Death, for the Tenth time today. He sees Gaara Staring at him.

Gaara stands before Malik, her piercing gaze locked onto him. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and a faint smirk plays on her lips. He can sense the intensity of her Shukaku-infused chakra, making the air around her seem to crackle with energy. He recalls his previous encounter with her, where he proposed to her during a fight. Malik wonders what's on her mind now.

As Malik's gaze lingers on Gaara, he takes in the details of her body. Her toned arms and legs are a testament to her physical strength and agility, honed through years of rigorous training and combat experience. Her waist is slim, accentuating her feminine curves, and her posture exudes an air of confidence and power. The gourd on her back, filled with shifting sand, adds an extra layer of intrigue and mystery to her presence.

Malik can't help but feel a deep admiration for Gaara, recognizing the determination and strength that she embodies. Her striking green eyes seem to hold a world of wisdom and experience, while her fiery red hair is styled in a short bob cut that frames her face perfectly.

The kanji tattoo on her forehead, which reads "love", stands out as a symbol of her unique control over sand and her name.

Gaara: "Impressive," she says, her voice low and measured. "You've managed to make it through the Forest of Death time and time again, saving lives along the way."

He nods, still observing her body language, trying to gauge her intentions. "I couldn't leave them behind," he replies. "It's what any decent person would do."

Gaara: "Perhaps," she says, taking a step closer to him. Gaara's eyes narrow, her gaze never leaving his. "But you're not just any decent person, are you?" she continues. "There's something different about you, something...magical."

Malik raises an eyebrow, intrigued by her observation. "Magical?" he asks her, trying to keep his tone light. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Gaara chuckles softly, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Oh, I think you do," she says. "I've heard rumors about a mysterious ninja with magical abilities. They say he can heal wounds, bring people back from the brink of death, and even manipulate time and space."

"That's a little much and I'm not a ninja," Malik tells her. Gaara's eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly recovers, maintaining her composure. "Not a ninja?" she echoes, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Then what are you? A traveler, a wandering healer, or perhaps something more... mysterious?"

He shrugs, trying to downplay his abilities. "I'm just someone who likes to help people, I'm also very wealthy," He says. "I stumbled upon the Forest of Death and saw an opportunity to make a difference, that's all."

Gaara nods, seeming to accept his explanation, but he can sense that she's still curious. "Very well," she says. "But know this - I'll be keeping an eye on you, magical healer. There's something about you that intrigues me, and I don't like to ignore my instincts."

Malik nods, understanding her intentions. Gaara turns to leave, her figure swiftly disappearing into the dense forest. He remains standing there, lost in thought. Her words still echo in his mind, and he can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Malik has never really tried to keep his abilities a secret, but it seems that word is getting out.

As he begins to make his way back to the tower, he notices a group of ninjas huddled together, engaged in a heated discussion. Upon closer inspection, he recognizes them as the four young ninjas he helped earlier in the day. They look worried, and he overhears them talking about their missing teammates.

They glance up at him, surprised, but quickly regain their composure. "We're grateful for your help earlier," one of them says. "Yup," Malik says giving them a thumbs up and walking away into. 


Naruto and Orochimaru circle each other, sizing up their opponent. Orochimaru smirks, summoning a massive snake behind her. Naruto's eyes widen, but he doesn't back down. Instead, he gathers his chakra, preparing to face the serpent head-on.

Sasuke, paralyzed with fear, can only watch as the scene unfolds before him. He feels a surge of shame and regret, knowing that he should be the one protecting Naruto, not the other way around.

With a fierce battle cry, Naruto charges towards the snake, his fists glowing with fox chakra. He strikes the snake with a powerful punch, causing it to recoil in pain. Orochimaru is taken aback, clearly not expecting such a formidable opponent. As Naruto and Orochimaru continue their intense battle, Sasuke remains frozen in fear, unable to move or help his friend. He feels helpless and ashamed, knowing that he should be standing by Naruto's side.

Naruto's fox chakra continues to empower him, allowing him to land powerful blows against Orochimaru's snake. However, Orochimaru is not so easily defeated. Orochimaru unleashes a barrage of powerful jutsus, each one more devastating than the last. Naruto struggles to keep up, his chakra starting to wane. Sasuke watches in horror as his friend is pushed to his limits.

With a sinister grin, Orochimaru immobilizes Naruto, his body frozen in place. Sasuke's heart races as he sees his chance to save his friend. He gathers his chakra, determined to make a difference.

Suddenly, Orochimaru turns her attention to Sasuke, sensing his growing determination. She approaches Sasuke, placing a cursed seal on his neck. Sasuke's eyes widen in shock as he feels his chakra being drained away. As Orochimaru's cursed seal takes effect, Sasuke collapses to the ground, unable to move. Naruto, still immobilized, can only watch as his friend falls unconscious. Orochimaru, satisfied with her work, turns to leave, but not before warning Sasuke that he will come to her when he needs power to kill his brother, Itachi.

Hours later:

Team Dosu arrives, sent by Orochimaru to capture Sasuke. Sakura, still trapped, struggles to free herself as she sees her teammates in danger. She realizes that it's up to her to save them, and with a renewed sense of determination, she manages to break free from Kin Tsuchi's grasp by cutting her hair.

Sakura quickly rushes to Naruto and Sasuke's side, checking their vital signs. As she tends to them, she feels a surge of protectiveness and determination, vowing to never let anything like this happen again. She carefully picks up Sasuke and carries him to safety, with Naruto close behind. "Why can't you carrie me?" Naruto says crying to himself.

In the aftermath of the battle, Sakura reflects on her role as a kunoichi and how she needs to become stronger in order to protect those she cares about. She resolves to train harder and become a better fighter, no longer content to simply watch from the sidelines.

As Malik Walks around the tower, the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the forest. 

Arriving at the tower base, He notices that many of the participants are gathered around, discussing their experiences in the forest. Some are nursing injuries, while others are boasting about their accomplishments. He catches a glimpse of Naruto and Sasuke, who seem to be in good spirits (despite their earlier encounter with Orochimaru.)

Suddenly, he hears a commotion nearby, and he sees Team Dosu arrive,

 "Kin Tsuchi, my love how are you?" Malik says to Team Dosu. Kin Tsuchi turns to him with a raised eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "I'm doing well, Malik. But I must admit, I didn't expect to see you again so soon." She glances around, noticing the group of ninjas you helped earlier. "Looks like you've been busy."

He nods, smiling slightly. "Yeah, I couldn't just leave them behind. Besides, it's not every day that you get the chance to save someone's life."

Kin Tsuchi chuckles, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "True enough for you Malik. You have a kind heart." She pauses for a moment, then leans in closer. "But I can't help but wonder - what other secrets are you hiding?"

Malik feels a shiver run down his spine as her words echo in his mind. "I would tell you anything love," he says grabbing her large breasts and jiggling them in his hands.

Malik reaches out and places his hands on Kin Tsuchi's ample breasts, feeling their softness and weight in his palms. He gives them a gentle squeeze, causing Kin Tsuchi to inhale sharply at the sudden sensation. With a mischievous grin, Malik begins to jiggle Kin Tsuchi's breasts up and down, watching as they bounce and sway in response. Kin Tsuchi's eyes widen even further as she feels the movement, her breath hitching in her throat.

Despite her initial surprise, Kin Tsuchi doesn't object to Malik's actions. Instead, she leans in closer to him, a playful smirk on her lips. "Well, I'll have to keep an eye on you then, won't I?" she says, her voice low and sultry.

Kin Tsuchi's words linger in the air as Malik continues to hold her breasts, feeling their softness and warmth under his touch. Her playful smirk and the way she leans in closer to him make it clear that she's enjoying this unexpected encounter. Her breath catches in her throat as Malik jiggles her breasts, the sensation causing a shiver to run down her spine.

Malik can't help but feel a surge of excitement and desire as he touches Kin Tsuchi in such an intimate way. Her large breasts fill his hands perfectly, and he revels in the feeling of their weight and softness. He can sense her arousal growing, and it only fuels his own desire.

Kin Tsuchi's gaze never leaves his, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and interest. She seems to be challenging him, daring him to explore her body.

CoughCough, Malik, and Kin turn to look at the rest of Team Dosu.

"It's better if we have this conversation in a more private location," Dosu said, trying not to make eye contact.

"Also where is . . . your boss," Malik says.

"We genuinely have no idea, but I'm sure she is busy, maybe try Kabuto Yakushi, she might know something, but other than staying with us, you're on your own.

"Sorry, that's my bad, I'll leave you three be for now," Malik says to them walking away to find Naruto and Sasuke.

Malik makes his way through the crowd of ninjas, scanning the area for Naruto and Sasuke. Finally, he spots them near the base of the tower, deep in conversation with Sakura.

"Hey guys!" he calls out, waving as he approaches.

Naruto turns to greet him, his expression brightening at the sight of Malik. "Malik!" he exclaims, rushing over to give him a friendly fist bump. "It's good to see you all safe, also Sakura you cut your hair." Malik points out. Sakura smiles at him, self-consciously touching her newly cropped hair. "Yeah, I thought it was about time for a change," she says. "Besides, it's easier to manage in the field."

He nods, appreciating her practicality and also not bringing up the real reason she cut it. "Makes sense," he says. "You fought well today, all of you. I'm glad to see you're okay."

Naruto beams with pride, puffing out his chest. "Of course we are! We're the top genin in our class!"

Sasuke rolls his eyes, but there's a hint of a smile on his lips. "Don't get carried away, Naruto," he says.

Malik chuckles at their friendly banter. "Well, I should let you guys get some rest. The exams are tomorrow, after all."

Naruto nods, yawning widely. "Yeah, you're right. We should get some sleep," he agrees.

Sakura nods in agreement. "I'll see you tomorrow, Malik," she says, her eyes sparkling with determination.

Malik smiles back at her, feeling a surge of pride. "You bet," he says. "Good luck, to all of you."

As he watches them walk away, he can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the Chūnin Exams tomorrow. 

 Malik heads off to find Team Guy. As Malik approaches Team Guy, he sees them engaged in a spirited sparring match. Rock Lee is moving with lightning-fast speed, while Neji is countering her attacks with ease. Tenten and Ino watch from the sidelines, cheering them on.

"Yo!" Malik calls out, waving as he approaches. Rock Lee stops mid-punch and turns to greet him, a wide grin spreading across her face. "Malik!" he exclaims, rushing over to give him a friendly hug. "What's up? You here to spar with us?"

He chuckles and shakes his head. "Not right now, but maybe later," he says. "I just wanted to check in and see how you guys were doing."

Tenten steps forward, a friendly smile on her face. "We're doing great," she says. "Thanks for asking." "If any of you need me I'll be in my room, it's on a higher level of the tower, its not big but it's nice enough, also I love all of you," he says walking to kiss them all. Malik approaches each member of Team Guy and Ino, his movements full of confidence and ease. As he reaches Neji, he cups her face gently, his thumb tracing the curve of her cheek. He leans in, closing the distance between them, and presses his lips against hers in a soft, lingering kiss. Neji seems taken aback at first, but she quickly relaxes into the kiss, her arms coming up to encircle his waist.

Next, Malik turns to Rock Lee. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her close as he captures her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Their bodies press together, and Malik can feel the heat radiating from Rock Lee's skin. He explores her mouth with his tongue, savoring the taste of her lips. Rock Lee responds eagerly, her hands running through his hair as she deepens the kiss.

Malik then moves on to Tenten. He takes her face in his hands, his thumb gently tracing the line of her jaw as he leans in to press a soft kiss to her lips. Tenten's eyes flutter closed, and she leans into the kiss, her hands coming up to rest on his shoulders. Malik deepens the kiss, exploring her mouth with his tongue as he pulls her closer.

Finally, Malik turns to Ino. He takes her hand in his, lifting it to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. Ino blushes, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Malik then leans in, capturing her lips in a soft, tender kiss. Ino responds with equal tenderness, her arms coming up to encircle his neck as they stand there, lost in the moment.

After what feels like an eternity, Malik finally breaks away, smiling at each member of Team Guy and Ino. "I'm glad to see you all doing well," Malik says, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "Remember, the exams are tomorrow. Make sure to get some rest."

Team Guy nods, smiling back at him. "Thanks for the encouragement, Malik," Ino says. "We'll see you tomorrow."

Malik waves goodbye and turns to leave, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. He has made strong connections with so many people in the village, and he cherishes each and every one of them. As he walks away, he can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the challenges that await them in the Chūnin Exams. But for now, he is grateful for the moments of peace and connection he has shared with his friends.

As the night falls, the tower grows quiet and still. The moon casts long shadows through the windows, illuminating the room in a soft, silver glow. Malik lies in bed, eyes closed, lost in thought. He hears a soft click as the door to his room opens, and he sits up, alert. Tenten steps into the room, closing the door quietly behind her. She's wearing a simple white nightgown that hangs loosely from her shoulders, revealing the curve of her breasts and the soft lines of her body.

Malik feels a surge of desire as he takes in her appearance, and he can't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of spending the night with her. Tenten moves towards the bed, her movements graceful and silent. She climbs onto the bed, crawling towards Malik on all fours. Tenten's eyes are gleaming with desire as she approaches him, her breath quickening with anticipation. She reaches out to touch his chest, her fingers tracing the curves of his shirt. Malik feels a shiver of pleasure run down his spine as she explores his body, her touch igniting a fire within him.

He leans in to kiss her, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace. Tenten responds eagerly, her body pressing against his as they deepen their kiss. Malik runs his hands through her hair, pulling her closer as he explores her mouth with his tongue. He can feel her heart pounding against his chest, and he knows that she wants him just as much as he wants her.

With a sigh of pleasure, Malik slides his hands down Tenten's body, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his fingers. He cups her breasts, feeling their weight and warmth in his hands. Tenten moans softly, her back arching as she presses herself against him. Malik can feel her nipples harden beneath the fabric of her nightgown, and he can't resist the temptation to taste her.

He pulls the straps of her nightgown down, revealing her breasts to his gaze. They are perfect, round, and firm, with dark pink nipples that are already erect with arousal. Malik leans down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. Tenten gasps, her fingers tangling in his hair as she holds him closer.

Malik continues to pleasure Tenten's breasts, alternating between licking and sucking on her nipples. Tenten's breath hitches as Malik lavishes attention on her sensitive peaks. Her body writhes with pleasure, her skin flushed and warm under his touch. Malik can feel her desire growing, and he knows it's time to take things to the next level.

He trails his kisses down her stomach, moving lower until he reaches the waistband of her nightgown. With a deft motion, he pulls it down, revealing her bare legs and the soft curls at the apex of her thighs.

Tenten's eyes are heavy with desire as she watches him, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Malik can see the moisture glistening on her lips, and he can't resist the temptation any longer.

He leans in, pressing a soft kiss to her inner thigh. Tenten jumps at the contact, her hips bucking up toward him. Malik smiles, running his hand gently up her thigh before parting her folds with his fingers. He explores her intimate area, teasing her with soft strokes and gentle flicks of his tongue. Tenten moans, her hips grinding against him as she seeks more friction.

Malik takes his time, savoring the taste of her and the feel of her body under his touch. He brings her to the brink of release, then pulls back, teasing her until she's begging for more. When he finally allows her to climax, Tenten cries out, her body shaking with pleasure.

As their breathing slows, Malik pulls her into a tight embrace, holding her close. 

As the night grows deeper, Malik's desires intensify. He rises from the bed and approaches Tenten, who looks up at him with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Malik reaches down and gently caresses her cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray lock of hair.

"I want to make you feel good," he murmurs, his voice low and seductive. Tenten nods, her lips parting in anticipation.

Malik unbuttons his pants, revealing his swollen length. Tenten gasps at the sight, her eyes widening with desire. Malik takes a step closer, guiding himself toward her inviting mouth.

Tenten takes him in, her lips wrapping around him as she begins to suck and lick. Malik groans with pleasure, his fingers tangling in her hair as he guides her movements. Malik's thrusts become more urgent, his hips moving rhythmically as he fucks Tenten's mouth. She relaxes her throat, taking him deeper, and Malik can't help but feel a surge of pleasure as he reaches the back of her throat.

After a few minutes of intense oral pleasure, Malik pulls out, his cock glistening with Tenten's saliva. He helps her up, leading her to the bed. He lays her down gently, his hands exploring her body, feeling the softness of her skin, the curve of her hips, and the warmth of her pussy.

Malik spreads Tenten's legs wide, his fingers tracing the delicate folds of her labia. He teases her entrance, slipping a finger inside, feeling her tightness, and the wetness that coats his finger. Malik then positions himself between Tenten's legs, his swollen member poised at her entrance. He looks into her eyes, seeking her consent. Tenten nods, and Malik pushes himself inside her, filling her completely. They both moan with pleasure as their bodies become one.

Malik begins to move, thrusting in and out of Tenten with a steady rhythm. Tenten wraps her legs around him, pulling him deeper. Their bodies move together, sweat beading on their skin as they reach for their peak.

As they continue to thrust together, Malik reaches down to tease Tenten's clit, rubbing small circles around it. Tenten cries out with pleasure, her hips bucking up to meet Malik's thrusts.

Malik can feel his own climax building, and he knows he can't hold back much longer. Malik increases his pace, driving deeper into Tenten as she writhes beneath him. Her moans grow louder, her breathing more ragged, and Malik can feel her walls tightening around him. He knows she's close, and he wants to take her over the edge.

With one final thrust, Malik sends them both spiraling into oblivion. Tenten cries out, her body trembling with pleasure as wave after wave of ecstasy wash over her. Malik follows soon after, emptying himself inside her with a low groan.

As their bodies slowly return to earth, Malik rolls off Tenten, panting heavily. He pulls her into a tight embrace, their hearts pounding together as they come down from their high.

"That was amazing," Tenten murmurs, her voice husky with satisfaction. Malik smiles, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. Malik, feeling exhausted yet content after their passionate encounter, looks into Tenten's eyes. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replies softly, stroking her hair. They lay together in silence for a while, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

Malik carefully extracts himself from Tenten's embrace, ensuring not to wake her. He admires her peaceful expression, watching her sleep for a moment before slipping out of bed. Quietly, he gathers his clothes and dresses, his movements smooth and deliberate. Once fully dressed, he takes one last look at Tenten before leaving the room, closing the door gently behind him.

As he moves through the quiet tower, he considers his next move. He wants to find Sakura and share an intimate moment with her before the Chūnin Exams.

In the dimly lit halls, Malik navigates the tower, searching for Sakura's room. As Malik moves through the quiet tower, he searches for Sakura's room, recalling her room number from memory. He finally locates it and approaches cautiously, taking a deep breath before gently knocking on the door. There's no answer, so he tries the doorknob and finds that it's unlocked. He slowly opens the door and steps inside, his eyes adjusting to the dim light.

He sees Sakura standing in front of a full-length mirror near the window, her back facing him. She's wearing only a thin silk robe, which reveals her generous curves and the outline of her firm buttocks.

Malik feels his heart race as he takes in the sight of her. He watches as she slowly unties the sash of her robe, letting it fall open to reveal her bare skin underneath. Her hairy pussy is visible between her legs, and Malik can't help but feel a surge of desire as he takes in the sight.

Sakura's back is still turned to him, and she seems to be unaware of his presence. Malik takes a moment to appreciate the view, watching as she moves languidly in front of the mirror. He can see the curve of her spine, the softness of her hips, and the roundness of her ass.

As he watches her, Malik begins to feel himself getting aroused. He reaches down to adjust himself, his hand brushing against his swelling cock. He decides to take advantage of this moment, pulling out his erect member and beginning to stroke it slowly. As Malik watches Sakura in the mirror, he can't help but feel entranced by her beauty. He continues to stroke himself, his movements becoming more urgent as he watches her. Sakura finally turns around, her eyes widening in surprise as she sees Malik standing there.

"Malik!" she exclaims, her cheeks flushing red. "What are you doing here?"

Malik, still holding his erection, smiles sheepishly. "I couldn't sleep," he admits. "I wanted to see you."

Sakura looks at him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, she walks over to him, her hips swaying hypnotically. She reaches out and takes his cock in her hand, her fingers wrapping around him tightly.

"I see," she says softly, a mischievous glint in her eye. Sakura begins to stroke him, her movements slow and deliberate. Malik gasps at the contact, his heart racing as she touches him. He can feel her warmth and softness, and he can't help but feel a surge of pleasure as she continues to stroke him.

Sakura smiles at his reaction, her fingers tightening around his shaft. She begins to move her hand faster, her strokes becoming more urgent. Malik groans, his hips bucking up to meet her touch. He can feel himself getting closer to climax, and he knows he won't be able to hold back much longer.

With a final thrust, Malik reaches his peak, spurting his seed onto Sakura's hand. She smiles, continuing to stroke him gently as he comes down from his high. Once he's finished, she releases him, her hand slick with his essence. Sakura looks up at Malik, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I hope you enjoyed that," she says, a playful smile on her lips.

Malik, still catching his breath, nods eagerly. "Yes, it was amazing," he replies, his voice husky with pleasure.

Sakura's gaze lingers on his body for a moment before she turns away, walking back over to the mirror. She picks up a towel, wiping her hand clean before turning back to face him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she says softly, her eyes meeting his. "But we should get some rest. The exams are tomorrow."

Malik nods, feeling a pang of disappointment but understanding the need for rest. "You're right," he says, taking a deep breath. "I'll see you in the morning."

 Malik, still feeling aroused and with the desire for more intimacy, decides to search for Neji. He remembers Neji's room number from their earlier encounter and navigates through the quiet tower to find it. Arriving outside Neji's door, he gently knocks and waits for a response.

Hearing no answer, Malik cautiously opens the door and steps inside. The room is dimly lit, but he can make out Neji lying on her bed. She appears to be asleep, but then Malik notices her hand moving rhythmically between her legs. He realizes she is masturbating, her other hand squeezing her large, bouncing breasts.

Malik feels his arousal spike at the sight. He watches Neji for a moment, taking in her passion and enjoyment. He begins to stroke himself, matching her rhythm. Malik approaches Neji, unable to resist the allure of her intimate moment. He can see the concentration on her face as she pleasures herself, her fingers moving skillfully over her damp folds. Her breasts bounce with each movement, a sight that only heightens Malik's desire.

He moves closer, careful not to startle her. Neji, sensing his presence, opens her eyes and looks at him, a small smile playing on her lips. "I see you're enjoying the show," she says, her voice husky with desire.

Malik nods, unable to speak. He continues to stroke himself, his gaze locked onto Neji's hands as they work their magic. She invites him closer, and he doesn't hesitate. Climbing onto the bed, he positions himself between her legs, his erection throbbing with need. Neji, with a sultry smile, takes Malik's member in her hand and guides it to her wet entrance. Malik can feel the heat radiating from her as he pushes inside, the two of them moaning in unison. They move together, finding a rhythm that suits them both. Malik, feeling the pleasure build, leans down to capture Neji's lips in a passionate kiss.

Their bodies move in harmony, sweat glistening on their skin as they chase their release. Neji's moans grow louder, her nails digging into Malik's back as she urges him on. He obliges, driving deeper and harder into her, feeling her muscles clench around him as she reaches her climax.

With one final thrust, Malik joins her, emptying himself inside her with a low groan.

 As their bodies slowly come down from their high, Malik collapses onto Neji, both of them panting heavily. They lay there for a moment, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

Malik then carefully extracts himself from Neji's embrace, ensuring not to wake her. He admires her peaceful expression, watching her sleep for a moment before slipping out of bed. Quietly, he gathers his clothes and dresses, his movements smooth and deliberate. Once fully dressed, he takes one last look at Neji before leaving the room, closing the door gently behind him.

As he moves through the quiet tower, he feels a sense of contentment and satisfaction wash over him. He has shared intimate moments with those closest to him, creating bonds that will last a lifetime.


As Malik makes his way back to his room, he notices a familiar figure pacing outside Naruto's door. It's Hinata Hyūga, her brows furrowed in worry. Malik approaches her, curious about her restlessness.

"Hinata-san, is everything alright?" Malik asks, his voice soft and comforting. Hinata looks up, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I can't sleep," she admits, her voice shaking. "Naruto-kun had such a difficult day, and I'm worried about him."

Malik nods, understanding her concern. "He's a strong ninja," he reassures her. "But sometimes, we all need a little extra support. Would you like me to stay with you for a while?"

Hinata nods, grateful for his kindness. Malik settles down next to Hinata, his arm around her shoulders. They sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, listening to the sounds of the tower settling for the night.

"Thank you, Malik," Hinata says softly, leaning into his embrace. "You always know how to make me feel better."

Malik smiles, feeling a warmth in his chest. "It's my pleasure, Hinata-san. Naruto-kun is lucky to have someone like you who cares for him so deeply."

They continue to talk, sharing stories and memories of their time with Naruto. Hinata's worry slowly fades away, replaced by a sense of calm and peace.

 Hinata hesitates for a moment, then admits, "Yes, Malik. I am in love with Naruto. I've loved him for a long time, but I've never been able to tell him."

Malik nods, understanding the depth of her feelings. "Hinata-san," he begins gently, "if you truly love Naruto, then I think you should take a chance and tell him. He may not know how you feel, and it could make a big difference for both of you."

Hinata looks at him, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Malik. I will consider what you've said."

Seeing her uncertainty, Malik offers, "Would you like some help sneaking into Naruto's room? I could unlock the door for you, all I need to do is tap the door with my finger and your consent." Hinata's eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly nods, giving her consent. "Yes, Malik, I would appreciate that."

Malik reaches out and gently taps the door with his finger, and you hear the faint sound of a lock clicking open. Hinata stands up, taking a deep breath to steady herself.

"Thank you, Malik," she says softly, her hand on the doorknob. "I won't forget this."

Malik smiles, giving her an encouraging nod. "Good luck, Hinata-san. I hope everything works out for you."

With a small smile, Hinata opens the door and slips inside Naruto's room, quietly closing the door behind her. Malik watches her go, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He turns and continues to make his way back to his own room, content knowing that he has helped a friend find happiness. As Malik walks down the hallway, he can't shake off the feelings of arousal that still linger within him. He recalls the intimate moments he shared with Sakura and Neji, their bodies intertwined in passion and pleasure. The memory of their lovemaking lingers in his mind, and he can't help but feel a deep longing for more.

{How are you enjoying true Lust Malik?} Amora said in his mind.

Malik feels a shiver run down his spine as Amora's voice echoes in his head. He can't deny that the recent encounters with his friends have ignited a fire within him, one that he can't seem to extinguish. He finds himself craving more intimate moments, more connections with those around him.

"I can't help but feel drawn to these experiences, Amora," Malik admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's as if my body is yearning for something more, something deeper."

Amora's laughter rings in his ears, a gentle and soothing sound. {"That's the beauty of lust, Malik,"} she says. {"It's an insatiable hunger, one that can only be satisfied by giving in to your desires."}

Malik nods, understanding what Amora means. As he reaches his room, he finds it empty, but the sight of hi bed reminds him of the recent intimate moments he shared with Tenten. Malik can't help but feel a sense of longing for more. His body still tingles with excitement and pleasure. Unable to resist the urge, he decides to take matters into his own hands.

He undressed, letting the cool air of the room wash over his bare skin. His heart races as he climbs into bed, his thoughts consumed by the memories of his encounters with Sakura, Neji, and even Hinata. He closes his eyes and lets out a soft sigh, his body relaxing into the mattress.

He begins to explore his body, his hands tracing over his chest and stomach, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath his fingertips. Malik imagines it's Sakura's hands on him, her soft touch sending shivers down his spine.

As Malik lies in bed, lost in the memory of his recent intimate encounters, he can't shake off the thought of experiencing such moments again. He finds himself yearning for more, a desire that seems to grow stronger with each passing moment. In his mind, he hears Amora's voice, whispering to him, encouraging him to give in to his desires.

"Amora," Malik calls out in his mind, "I can't seem to quench this thirst. I want more, and I can't help but feel that it's taking over me."

Amora's laughter fills Malik's mind, a gentle and soothing sound. {"Malik, my dear, you have been under the effects of the Love Bug, but it has served its purpose. You have connected with those around you on a deeper level, and now, it's time for you to make a choice."} Amora's voice echoes in their mind, {"You can ask me to take away the effects of the Love Bug, but I urge you to go hunting one more time. Embrace this desire and let it guide you to form even deeper connections with those around you."}

He considers Amora's words, and although they know that the Love Bug has influenced his desires, Malik can't deny the intensity of his longing for intimacy. With a sense of determination, he decides to follow Amora's advice and embark on one more adventure before returning to his "normal" self.

Still lying in bed, he imagined the faces of his friends and thought about who he like to share an intimate moment with next. His thoughts linger on Hana, a kunoichi from the Hidden Waterfall Village. She is intelligent, and kind, and has a mysterious aura that draws them in. "No, not here, people need their rest in this place," Malik says summoning Grubgrub from his chest. "I'll go somewhere else then." Grubgrub, appearing in front of Malik in a burst of light, looks up at him with eager anticipation. 

Malik smiles at Grubgrub, feeling a sense of gratitude for its presence. "take me into the forest of death."

Grubgrub nods, understanding the gravity of Malik's request with another flash of light, Grubgrub disappears, pulling Malik along with it, Into invisibility.

When they reappear, Malik finds himself in a quiet grove, the soft rustling of leaves the only sound that fills the air. The forest is alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures and a gentle breeze rustles through the trees. The moon casts long shadows on the ground, illuminating the grove in a soft, ethereal glow. Malik takes a deep breath, savoring the scent of damp earth and fresh foliage.

He looks around, searching for any signs of life. He hears the faint rustle of leaves and the sound of soft footsteps. Malik follows the sounds, moving silently through the underbrush.

As he moves deeper into the forest, he sees a figure in the distance.

Anko Mitarashi, a skilled kunoichi known for her snakes, moves stealthily through the forest. She's been searching for Orochimaru for hours but to no avail. Suddenly, she hears a rustling sound and sees a figure standing still in a clearing up ahead. As she approaches, she realizes with shock that it's Malik, standing completely naked in the middle of the forest of death.

"Malik!" Anko exclaims, trying to hide her surprise. "What are you doing here, and where are your clothes?"

Malik turns to face Anko, a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. "I was, uh, taking a bath," he explains, gesturing to the nearby stream. "I must have gotten carried away and lost track of time."

Anko raises an eyebrow, not quite convinced by Malik's explanation.

 "Sure, Malik. A bath in the middle of the forest of death, at night, naked," Anko says, her tone skeptical. "I think there's more to this story."

Malik, sensing her suspicion, decides to be honest with her. "Alright, Anko, I'll tell you the truth. I've been under the influence of Love Bug, and it's made me yearn for intimate connections with those around me. I've been following my desires, seeking out moments of pleasure and intimacy."

Anko looks at him thoughtfully, her eyes filled with curiosity. "A Love Bug, huh? I've never heard of such things," "It's not actually a bug, it's a curse," Malik says to her. Anko nods, processing the new information. "A curse, I see. And you've been affected by it for some time now?"

"Yes," Malik replies. "It's been a wild ride, experiencing these intense desires and forming deep connections with my friends. But I also feel that it's changing me, making me more dependent on these feelings."

Anko places a comforting hand on Malik's shoulder. "I understand your concerns, Malik. But sometimes, experiencing strong emotions and desires can help us grow as individuals. Maybe this curse is just pushing you to explore aspects of yourself that you wouldn't have otherwise."

Malik considers her words and realizes that she's right. The Love Bug has helped him form deeper bonds with his friends, and it has also allowed him to embrace his desires in a way he never thought possible.

"You know what, Anko?" Malik says, a smile spreading across his face. "You're right. I've been so caught up in the moment that I didn't realize how much I've grown as a person. Maybe it's time for me to embrace these feelings and see where they take me."

Anko smiles back at him, proud of his newfound self-awareness. "That's the spirit, Malik. Now, how about we find you some clothes before someone else stumbles upon you?"

 When Malik looks at Anko Mitarashi, he sees a woman of strength and determination. Her eyes, always alert and observant, reflect her years of experience as a shinobi. Her confident posture speaks volumes about her skills and abilities. The unique attire she wears, a testament to her individuality and non-conformity. Despite the toughness that she exudes, there's a hint of vulnerability in her gaze, a reminder of the trials she has faced and overcome. To Malik, Anko Mitarashi is not just a ninja, but a symbol of resilience and courage. Anko Mitarashi's outfit is quite distinctive. She usually wears a custom-made outfit that is crafted of thin metal mesh to fit the lines of her body, covering her from neck to thigh. Over this, she typically wears a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side. To complete her attire, she dons a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards. This unique outfit not only complements her strong and resilient personality but also provides her with the flexibility needed for her ninja skills.

As Malik takes in Anko's appearance, he notices her gaze lingering on his body. He can't help but feel a spark of attraction and desire. Anko seems to sense this and takes a step closer to him.

"Malik, I must admit, I'm intrigued by this curse you speak of," Anko says, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I'm not one to shy away from a challenge. If you're looking for someone to share an intimate moment with, I'm willing to help you explore these feelings."

He feels a surge of excitement and pleasure at Anko's words. He nods, unable to find his voice. Anko takes this as a yes and moves even closer to him, her hands tracing over his chest.

"You have a beautiful body, Malik," Anko murmurs, her lips brushing against his ear. "I've always had a thing for fat men," "I would love to, but you're feeling this way because of power abilities if you still feel this way in a week then we can talk love," Malik says to her. Anko steps back, a hint of confusion in her eyes. She had been enjoying the moment, but Malik's words gave her pause. "I see," she says after a moment. "You're right, this is all because of the curse. I can't trust my feelings right now."

Malik nods, grateful for Anko's understanding. "I'm sorry if I led you on," he says. "I didn't mean to. It's just that the "curse" has made it hard for me to resist these desires."

Anko waves off his apology. "No need to apologize," she says. "I appreciate your honesty. And who knows, maybe in a week, I'll still feel the same way." She gives him a playful wink.

Malik smiles, feeling a sense of relief. "I hope so," he says.

Just in case he casts: "Heart's Echo", on her

Malik tells her that he can find her but she isn't strong enough to fight Orochimaru on her own. Anko's expression turns serious as she considers Malik's words. "You're right, I'm not strong enough to face Orochimaru alone," she admits. "But if you can help me find her, I would be grateful. I have some unfinished business with her, and I can't let it rest."

Malik nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll do my best to help you, Anko," he says. Malik follows Anko deeper into the forest, using his heightened senses to detect any signs of Orochimaru's presence. Using his skill: Super Map Lv 6: 

Finding Orochimaru as soon as he opens the map, Malik decides to take Anok on a detour.

As they walk along the riverbank, Malik notices a subtle change in the landscape. He points out to Anko a hidden path that leads to a secluded cove, where the water is calmer and more serene. Intrigued, Anko follows Malik down the path, and soon they find themselves standing on the edge of a crystal-clear pool.

The sight of the tranquil water takes Anko's breath away, and she strips down to her undergarments, eager to take a dip.

Anko Mitarashi, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, begins to undress, revealing her curves and strength. She unfastens the straps of her overcoat, letting it fall to the ground with a soft thud. She then removes her mini-skirt, revealing her long, toned legs. Her undergarments consist of a simple white bra that barely contains her ample bosom and matching white panties that sit low on her hips, exposing the top of her untamed pubic hair. Her underwear, while practical, does little to hide her allure. With a playful smile, she steps into the water, relishing the cool sensation against her skin. Her breasts bounce gently as she wades deeper into the pool, and she beckons for Malik to join her.

("These horny powers are getting me in trouble,") Malik thinks to himself.

 As Anko invites him to join her in the water, Malik hesitates for a moment, taking in the sight of her curvaceous figure. His belly is round and soft, jiggling slightly as he steps into the water.

Malik joins Anko in the pool, feeling the cool water wash over his skin. The sensation is refreshing, and he can't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquility as they swim together. They explore the underwater world of the cove, admiring the colorful fish that dart around them and the delicate plants that sway in the current.

As they swim, Anko begins to open up to Malik about her past. She speaks of her time as a genin, her training with Orochimaru, and the events that led her to this moment. Her voice is steady and strong, but Malik can hear the pain and longing hidden beneath the surface. He listens intently, offering words of comfort and support when she needs it.

Their conversation deepens, and they begin to share personal stories and experiences, forming a bond that goes beyond their current mission. They laugh, cry a little, and reminisce about their past, finding common ground in their struggles and triumphs.

As they tread water, Anko's hand brushes against Malik's, sending a jolt of electricity through their bodies. They look into each other's eyes, and for a moment, time stands still. They lean in, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss that speaks of their connection and mutual understanding. The kiss deepens, and Malik feels a wave of warmth and desire wash over him. She wraps her arms around Malik, pulling him closer as they continue to explore each other's mouths. Anko responds eagerly, her hands running through Malik's hair and down his back.

They break apart, both breathless and smiling. They know that this moment is more than just a fleeting desire; it's a connection that goes beyond the curse, a bond that they both want to explore further. "Ok, that's enough, for now, I'm not in the right state of mind to do much more," Malik says.

Anko takes Malik's hand and leads him out of the water. Anko drys off using her clothes, laughing and joking as they do so. Once they're dry, Anko suggests that they continue their search for Orochimaru.

Malik agrees, but he knows that they need to be cautious. He summons Grubgrub, his loyal companion, who appears in a flash of light. Grubgrub, a small and cute creature, greets Anko with a friendly wag of its tail. First It's a slime-like creature that can change its shape and form based on Malik's will. It then takes the form of a small, furry creature with big, innocent eyes.

Malik hops onto Grubgrub's back, and Anko follows suit, wrapping her arms around his waist. Grubgrub takes off, moving swiftly and silently through the forest. Its heightened senses allow it to navigate the dense foliage with ease, and Malik uses his map-based clairvoyance skills to guide them toward Orochimaru's location.

As they travel, Malik and Anko continue to bond, sharing stories and insights about their lives. Anko points out various landmarks and hidden trails as they move, showcasing her deep knowledge of the forest. Malik marvels at her skills, realizing how much he can learn from her. He feels grateful for her guidance and companionship, knowing that he couldn't have made it this far without her.

The air is filled with the sounds of chirping crickets and rustling leaves. Grubgrub slows down as they approach a small clearing, where Orochimaru is said to reside.

Malik hops off Grubgrub, and Anko follows suit. They carefully make their way towards the edge of the clearing, taking cover behind a large tree. Anko uses her heightened senses to scan the area for any signs of danger. She detects several chakra signatures, some weak and some strong. As Malik and Anko observe the area, they notice Orochimaru in the distance, surrounded by her followers. Orochimaru seems to be in the midst of some kind of ritual, her eyes glowing with an eerie light. Malik senses that she is on high alert, her chakra surging through her body.

Anko turns to Malik, her expression serious. "This is it," she whispers. "We need to be careful. Orochimaru is a formidable opponent, and she won't hesitate to strike if she senses any threat."

Malik nods, feeling a surge of adrenaline. He knows that this is a dangerous situation, but he is determined to help Anko and put an end to Orochimaru's reign of terror

Malik, with a serious expression, turns to Anko and says, "Anko, I understand the importance of this mission, but today is not the day. Orochimaru is too powerful, and we need a better plan to take her down. We should regroup and come up with a strategy that ensures our success and safety."

Anko hesitates for a moment, considering Malik's words. She knows that he's right; they can't just rush into this without a proper plan. "Alright," she finally agrees. "We'll retreat for now and regroup. But we can't let our guard down. Orochimaru is still a threat, and we need to be prepared."

Malik nods, relieved that Anko has agreed to his suggestion.

"Let's go back to the tower, you can stay in my room, but no sex or touching," Malik says to her. "We can tell the 3rd in the morning," Anko nods, understanding the boundary that Malik has set. They make their way back to the tower, Grubgrub leading the way through the dense forest. Once they arrive, Malik shows Anko to his room, making sure she's comfortable before settling down for the night.

Despite the tension of their mission, Anko finds it difficult to fall asleep. She lies in bed, her mind racing with thoughts of Orochimaru and the unfinished business between them. She can't help but feel a sense of unease, knowing that the powerful shinobi is still out there.

Meanwhile, Malik also finds it hard to sleep but for different reasons. He's deeply horny still. Malik's thoughts are consumed by the day's events and the intense attraction he feels towards Anko. His body aches for release, but he knows he must respect the boundary he set earlier. He takes deep breaths, trying to clear his mind and calm his racing heart.

Eventually, sleep takes over, and they both drift into a restless slumber. In the morning, they wake up early and head to the Third Hokage's office to report their findings. Anko shares her concerns about Orochimaru's power and the unfinished business between them. The Third Hokage listens attentively, nodding in understanding.

He agrees that they need a better plan to take Orochimaru down and suggests that they form a coalition of powerful shinobi to aid them in their mission.

"I have a plan for that," Malik says speaking up.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C39
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


