7.73% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Back Together again 

章 10: Chapter 10: Back Together again 

Chapter 10: Back Together again 

Sitting alone in his office on the first floor, Malik makes up his mind. 

[Would you like to Gender Swap: Neji Hyūga [y/n]] 

"Yes," he answered. 

[Process complete] 

"That should make for some fun, later today". 

Everything was coming together, The party was set, some people were arriving early because they hate life and want others to know it. Heading to the second floor Malik, knocks on the door of Tsunade and Shizune room (they decided to shir a room for whatever reason), opening the door Shizune lets him in. 

"How was your 1st night here ladies." Malik askes 

"Everything is so damn expensive here; don't you have anything that we would break that wouldn't put us in debt" Tsunade yells from somewhere in the large room, Malik isn't sure where. 

"It was great, thank you," Shizune says ignoring Tsunade. 

"That's good, there is going to be a party downstairs, feel free to join if the thought crosses your mind but no pressure, no one knows you're here, so it's truly up to you." Malik says pulling his attention toward Shizune, taking her hand again he kisses it three times, "Shizune, my dear you are a beautiful pearl trapped in a clam, and one today I hope to crack the clam open . . . . Anyway, I hope you both enjoy your stay here, I'll be seeing you. 

Shizune Katō 


Love:36 Lust:24 

"I think he wants to fuck you," Tsunade yells from further inside. 

"Yeah, I think I got that much," Shizune said to herself. 

Malik, the host of the party, made a grand entrance that was nothing short of spectacular. He was adorned in a Greek-styled toga, a symbol of elegance and power in ancient times. The toga was crafted from high-quality silk, its smooth texture and lustrous sheen reflecting the ambient light beautifully. 

(Even knowing that no one from this world knew what a Greek was let alone a toga) 

The toga was not the only thing that caught everyone's attention. Malik was bedecked with an array of jewels and gold, their sparkle and shine adding to his regal appearance. The jewels were tastefully arranged, their vibrant colors contrasting beautifully with the rich silk of his toga. 

The gold, on the other hand, was not just limited to his jewelry. It was woven into the fabric of his toga, creating intricate patterns that shimmered with every movement. The overall effect was stunning, making Malik the center of attention at the party. 

His outfit was not just a fashion statement, but a reflection of his personality - bold, extravagant, and unapologetically unique. As he moved around the room, greeting his guests, there was no doubt that Malik was the star of the party. His Greek-styled toga, the jewels, and the gold all contributed to creating an unforgettable image, one that would be talked about long after the party was over. 

He even had on sideshow nip, a little fanservice for the ladies . . . and dudes if their into that. 

Heading back down Malik gets ready to greet his guest. 

Malik's party was a grand affair, welcoming a host of guests from the ninja world. Among the first to arrive were Ino and her teammates, accompanied by their respective families. Their presence added a vibrant energy to the gathering. 

"Thank you for coming, Chōji, Shikamaru, it's always great to see you." 

"Thanks for the invitation," Chōji said 

"Sure," Said Shikamaru. 

Letting them pass, Malik turned his attention to Ino, "Hello there, Miss Sneak out in the middle of the night". 

"Get over it, and if you didn't want me to come then you shouldn't have invited me," she says offering her hand to him. 

Taking the offered hand and kissing it he looks into her eyes, "You will always be welcomed in my house, my love, you look amazing!" 

As Malik's party was in full swing, Ino's figure caught his eye. Making her entrance. She was dressed in a form-fitting, elegant purple dress that was a more formal take on her usual ninja attire. The dress accentuated her strong yet feminine persona, making her stand out in the crowd. 

Her comfortable yet stylish black boots echoed her practicality, and her forehead protector, worn stylishly as a belt, was a proud display of her ninja identity. Her blonde hair was styled in her signature ponytail, with a few strands artfully left loose for a softer look. The small, silver hoop earrings and matching bracelet she wore added a touch of elegance to her outfit. 

Malik, seeing her noticed him staring, stepping closer. His eyes took in her outfit, appreciating the blend of elegance and her ninja identity. "Ino," he greeted her again, a warm smile on his face. "You look stunning." 

Ino returned his smile, her outfit a perfect symbol of her personality - a blend of strength, style, and unwavering ninja spirit. The party had just become more interesting with her arrival. Tension started to build. 

Both of them leaning in for a more intimate "greeting" lips getting closer, They heard a voice all out. 

Ino's teacher, a respected figure, also graced the occasion, further elevating the event's prestige. 

 "Thank you for inviting me", Asuma Sarutobi said. 

"Oh shit, yeah man . . . no problem bro!" Malik responded. 

"Meet me in my office on the 3rd floor in about an hour, it's just across the . . ." Malik tried to finish 

"I know where it is and fine, don't be late" she said while walking away. 

As the party progressed, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation for the arrival of some special guests. And sure enough, getting there late Naruto made his entrance, his infectious enthusiasm instantly lighting up the room. Accompanying him were his comrades - the stoic Kakashi Hatake, "Thank you for inviting us, I think this will be a great team building exercise before the Chūnin Exams start". 

The intense Sasuke Uchiha, "Free food, don't mind if I do". 

And then the diligent Sakura Haruno, 

Sakura Haruno made her entrance to the party, capturing Malik's attention. She was wearing a sundress that Malik had given her. The dress was adorned with a delicate floral pattern, adding a touch of elegance and femininity to her look. 

The sundress, with its soft fabric and flowing design, swirled gracefully around her legs as she walked. The movement of the dress added a dynamic element to her appearance, making her stand out in the crowd. 

The choice of the dress not only highlighted Sakura's personal style but also complemented her vibrant personality. The floral pattern on the sundress symbolized her growth and transformation, just like a flower blooming in the spring. 

As she moved around the room, the dress swayed with her, creating a beautiful silhouette. The sight was captivating, adding to the lively atmosphere of the party. Sakura, in her floral sundress, was indeed a sight to behold. It was clear that Malik's gift was not just a dress, but a testament to their friendship and mutual respect. 

It also made her ass look amazing and I mean like POW amazing. 

"You came", he says approaching her. 

"I'm glad your feeling better, you might not remember but I actually came over to your house before I left while you were sick, you looked bad, but I'm happy you're looking well." She said. 

"Allow me to make it up to you, meet me on the third floor, do you know where it is?" he asks 

"Yeah, I do . . . Malik can I ask you something?" she asks in response. 

[Update: Revival process is 50% complete], ("Hhmmmmm,") he thinks 

" . . . Malik . . . Malik" Sakura says before elbowing him. 

"Good Heavens" Malik weeps 

"Are you listening!" She says 

Putting both his hands on her face he pulls her in for a kiss, "Always, what did you want to ask?" 

"Never mind, I'll see you upstairs" she says blushing and walking away. 

She was followed by 

the shy yet strong Hinata Hyūga, "Thank you," 

"No problem, but you might want to go get your mans, hes been stuffing his face for the past few minutes and I think it would be wise for you to watch him, just in case he starts to choke," he said while pointing toward Naruto. "And don't worry I don't kink shame, there are plenty of dark corners for you to watch him from without being noticed." 

" . . . . . . . . . .thanks . . . . . ." she said while basically sprint walking towards him. 

 Their arrival was followed by Neji Hyūga, the man of the hour or should I say woman. 

her calm demeanor adding a sense of balance to the lively atmosphere. Nodding her head she walks past Malik. Apparently, big boobs runs in the family because Neji is stacked like pancakes at an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. "I'll find you again my sweet songbird," Malik says to Neji when she's out of hearing distance. 

Each guest brought their unique personality to the party, making it a memorable event. Malik, the gracious host, ensured everyone felt welcomed and enjoyed the festivities. The party was not just a celebration, but also a testament to the bonds shared among these remarkable individuals. It was indeed a night to remember. 

But Malik had business upstairs, making his way up, he prepared himself. 

Pushing open the door to his office, "Hello my loves," he says walking in with straight-up confidence. 

He noticed they both looked pissed, and it only got worse when they saw him. 

"Malik, what the hell, why is she here, I thought I could trust you," Sakura said. 

"You can", he said not even flinching. 

"OH, that must be nice, what happened to my love this, my love that", Ino almost shouted. 

"It's still here" He said walking up to them. 

"Why are we here Malik, why should I be here," Sakura said, tears starting to form in her eyes. 

Stepping even closer to them both, put his hands on their faces, whipping them free of tears. 

"I should have been upfront with both of you from the start, I will not make that mistake again. Both of you, I need both of you, I want both of you." She said getting even closer to them. 

"But I . . ." Ino started but then Malik asked, "Ino do you love me?" 

" . . . . . .yes But . . ." she starts again 

"Say it," She states. 

"I Love you Malik", Ino says. 

Moving his attention to Sakura 

"Yes, me too," she says her face burning red. 

He tilts his head to the side while looking at her. 

"I LOVE YOU MALIK . . . happy, I've already told you that before". 

"Good, because I want you both to get along, especially because your going to be sisters one day." 

Both their eyes shot open in surprise. 

"Yes I plan to get married to you both along with others, but that's in the future, give me a few years at most 10." 

They looked dazed like someone just punched them in the stomachs, but offered no objections 

"Good," He says, moving his hands to their breast, Sakura's small breast feels nice in his hands as he pulls on her already erect nipples. Ino's much larger breasts are hefty and firm but soft, he must use his full hand just to cup some of it. 

"Mine," Malik says moving down their hips and reaching behind grabbing their assess, Ino's ass is bigger than most, firm and tight. Sakura's on the other hand is fat, soft, and huge, it wanting to spill out of her dress. 

"Mine," Malik repeats, letting go he walks over to his sofa in his office, pulling off one strap his entire toga falls to the floor, and sits on the couch, his fat dark-skinned body ready and waiting for the girls. 

Malik sits on the couch, his chubby body on full display. He looks at the two women in front of him, their expressions a mix of confusion and intrigue. "Come here, my loves," he says, patting the seat next to him. 


Ino and Sakura exchange glances before hesitantly walking towards him. They sit down on either side of Malik, their bodies tense with anticipation. Malik takes their hands in his, his thumbs tracing comforting circles on their skin. 

"I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise you, I have nothing but love and respect for both of you," Malik says, looking into their eyes. "I want to share my life with you, in every way possible." 

Ino and Sakura look at each other before turning back to Malik. They both nod, signaling their agreement to give this relationship a chance. They both lean into Malik ready to make love. 

As Ino and Sakura lean in towards Malik, their hearts beating faster with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Malik's grip on their hands tightens, pulling them closer. His other hand gently brushes back Ino's long blonde hair, before cupping her cheek. He does the same to Sakura, letting his thumb trace her full bottom lip. 


He leans in, pressing his lips first to Ino's, then to Sakura's. The kiss is soft and gentle, a promise of what's to come. Malik deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring Ino's mouth, while his other hand tangles in Sakura's hair, pulling her closer. 

Ino responds eagerly, her hands roaming over Malik's chest, feeling the warmth of his body. Sakura, emboldened by Ino's enthusiasm, follows suit, her own hands exploring Malik's arms. She can feel the strength in them, and it makes her heart race even faster. Malik's hand moves from Ino's hair to her shoulder, his fingers gently tracing the strap of her dress. He slides it down, exposing her shoulder and causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. 


Malik then turns his attention back to Sakura, his lips meeting hers in another deep kiss. His hands roam over her body, feeling the curves of her hips and the softness of her skin. He can feel her heart racing, matching his own. 

Ino, not wanting to be left out, starts to unbutton her dress, her fingers fumbling with the buttons in her eagerness. She finally manages to undo the last one, revealing her large breasts. Malik's eyes widen in appreciation as he takes in Ino's bare chest. He can't help but reach out to touch her, his fingers gently tracing the curve of her breast. Ino gasps at the contact, her nipples hardening under his touch. 


Sakura, feeling left out, starts to undress as well. She slips off her dress, revealing her own toned body. Malik's gaze lingers on her curves, his desire for her growing. 

Malik pulls both women closer, his lips finding theirs once again. His hands roam over their bodies, feeling the heat and softness of their skin. He can feel their hearts racing, matching his own. 

Ino moans softly as Malik's fingers find her nipple, teasing it gently. She arches her back, pressing herself closer to him. Sakura, feeling the same desire, reaches for the waistband of Malik's cock, her fingers deftly touching the tip and base. She slides her hand down, revealing his full hard length. She wraps her hand around it, stroking him gently. Malik groans at her touch, his hips bucking into her hand. 


Malik breaks the kiss, trailing his lips down Ino's neck and to her chest. He takes one of her nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. Ino cries out, her fingers tangling in his hair as she holds him closer. 

Sakura, not wanting to be left out, guides Malik's free hand to her own breast. He obliges, his fingers teasing her nipple in the same way he did with Ino. Sakura moans, her head falling back as she enjoys the sensation. Malik, feeling the need for more intimacy, gently lays Ino down on the couch, his body covering hers. He looks into her eyes, seeking permission, and Ino nods, her arms wrapping around his neck. Sakura, not wanting to be left out, positions herself so that she's lying next to them, her hand reaching out to touch Malik's back. 


Malik enters Ino slowly, his hips moving in a rhythm that makes her gasp. Sakura watches, her own desire building as she sees the pleasure on Ino's face. She leans in, her lips meeting Ino's in a passionate kiss. Malik groans at the sight, his thrusts becoming more urgent. 

Sakura reaches down to touch herself, her fingers sliding over her wet folds, her pink pubic bush still growing. Malik notices, and he reaches out to touch her as well. Malik's fingers explore Sakura's wetness, matching her rhythm as she touches herself. The sensation is overwhelming for both women, and they moan in unison. Malik continues to thrust into Ino, his pace quickening as he feels himself getting closer to release. 


Ino's legs wrap around Malik's waist, pulling him deeper inside of her. She can feel him pulsing inside of her, his warmth spreading through her body. Ino's moans become louder, her back arching as she reaches her climax. Sakura, feeling Ino's pleasure, quickens her own pace, her fingers working in sync with Malik's thrusts. 

Malik can feel himself getting close to the edge, and he reaches down to stroke Sakura's hairy cunt, focusing on her clit. Sakura's body tenses, her back bowing off the couch as she reaches her peak. She cries out, her orgasm washing over her in waves. Seeing her climax sends Malik over the edge, and he thrusts into Ino one last time, his release filling her. 

The three of them lie there, their breathing heavy and labored. Malik's head rests on Ino's chest, his fingers still tangled in Sakura's hair. The room is filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the softness of their bodies entwined. 

As they come down from their high, Ino and Sakura exchange a glance, a silent conversation passing between them. They both smile, their hands reaching out to touch Malik's sweaty body. 

"That was amazing," Ino says, her voice soft and breathy. "thank but I got one more in me, Sakura its your turn," Malik says moving over to Sakura, her hands still wet from her juices touching his hardening cock. Sakura's eyes widen with anticipation as Malik moves over to her. She feels his hardness against her thigh and can't help but let out a soft moan. Ino, still lying next to them, watches as Malik's hands roam over Sakura's body, feeling her curves and the softness of her skin. 


Malik's lips find Sakura's, his kiss deep and passionate. His fingers trace the curves of her hips before gently parting her thighs. He teases her hairy wet folds, feeling her moisture on his fingertips. Sakura gasps into the kiss, her back arching as she feels him entering her. 

Ino, unable to resist, leans in to kiss Sakura. Their lips meet in a soft, passionate kiss, their tongues dancing together. Malik's thrusts become more urgent as he feels the pleasure building inside of him once again. He can feel Sakura's body tensing beneath him, her fingers digging into his back as she reaches her climax. Ino, still kissing Sakura, can feel the tremors of her orgasm and it sends her over the edge as well. 


Malik groans loudly as he reaches his own peak, his release filling Sakura. The three of them lie there, spent and satisfied. Their bodies are tangled together, sweaty and breathing heavily. Ino's head rests on Sakura's chest, while Sakura's fingers absentmindedly play with Malik's hair. 

As they catch their breath, Ino looks up at Malik, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Again?" she asks, a hint of a challenge in her voice. 


[Update: Revival complete: Shisui Uchiha is now alive] 

End of Part 1 


BlackPolar BlackPolar

I need a nap

Someone wake me up when dinner is ready.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


