68.75% Thomas Andre in Marvel / Chapter 11: 11. We going at it.

章 11: 11. We going at it.

Puente Antiguo, New-Mexico

Under the relentless New Mexican sun, the town of Puente Antiguo lay in ruins. The once bustling main street now stood as a testament to chaos and destruction. The sun's merciless rays scorched the dry, cracked earth, casting long, eerie shadows over the devastation. The air was thick with the acrid stench of smoke and the bitter taste of dust.

Several cars, now twisted remnants of their former selves, were scattered across the street like discarded toys. Their overturned bodies emitted tendrils of smoke that curled upwards into the sky, creating dark, ominous clouds. The broken glass from shattered windows glittered like malevolent stars on the ground, crunching underfoot as the occasional, terrified resident scurried for cover.

Buildings that once stood proudly were now scarred and crumbling. Windows were shattered, doors hung loosely from their hinges, and the walls were marred with deep gouges as if a colossal beast had raked its claws across them. The silence was only broken by the crackling of flames and the distant, muffled cries of those trapped or injured.

Desperate and fearful, the townspeople hid wherever they could find shelter. Huddled in basements, behind crumbling walls, or beneath the wreckage of their homes, they waited with bated breath, hoping for rescue that seemed nowhere in sight. Mothers clutched their children tightly, whispering reassurances they barely believed themselves.

The sense of abandonment was palpable; no help had arrived, and it felt as though the town had been forsaken.

In the heart of this desolate scene, towering above the ruins like a harbinger of doom, stood the Destroyer. Its presence was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The massive armor gleamed menacingly under the sun's harsh glare, reflecting a cold, metallic brilliance. Its surface was intricately adorned with arcane symbols and runes that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy.

The Destroyer's form was a paradox of elegance and brute strength. Its towering height cast a long, dark shadow that stretched across the ruined street, and its joints moved with a fluid, almost sentient grace. The chest plate, broad and formidable, housed a central slit that glowed with an intense, fiery light, threatening to unleash its destructive power at any moment.

Its head, helmet-like and impassive, surveyed the destruction with a cold, unfeeling gaze. The eyes, narrow slits of burning energy, seemed to pierce through the very soul of the town. The air around the Destroyer shimmered with heat, distorting its outline and adding to its otherworldly aura.

As the wind whispered through the town, carrying with it the sounds of distant cries and the crackling of flames, the Destroyer stood immovable, an indomitable sentinel of destruction. Each step it took echoed through the empty streets, a thunderous reminder of the power it wielded. The ground trembled beneath its weight, and the very air seemed to vibrate with the intensity of its presence.

There was no escape from its gaze, no refuge from its wrath. End for a Thor, and joy for a Loki.

Loki, wielding armor from Asgard, orchestrated a series of events to eliminate Thor's new human allies. Though Loki don't have idea what Thor find in those mortals.

He sent the formidable Destroyer to Earth with the mission to kill Thor's new human friends, intending to isolate Thor and prevent him from regaining his powers.

Maintaining control of Asgard was another crucial aspect of Loki's plan. With Thor banished and powerless, Loki used the Destroyer to ensure Thor couldn't return to challenge his rule over Asgard. The Destroyer served as a powerful weapon to keep Thor at bay on Earth.

Furthermore, by controlling such a formidable weapon, Loki was showcasing his own abilities and authority as the new ruler of Asgard. This demonstration of power was part of his ongoing effort to proving himself for a throne.

But, Loki plan is far more bigger. Thor's defeat is only begining.

And there he lay, ones called the Thunder God, battered, weak, and defenseless. His earthly allies, those he had trusted and "fought" beside if you can call whining a fight, they could do nothing but watch in despair. Their eyes were filled with helplessness, reflecting the grim reality that they were powerless against the force they now faced.

In Loki's eyes, these mortals were nothing but worms—dumb-headed animals constantly fighting among themselves, willing to die for nothing more than a wrong look. They were insolent, stupid, greedy, and weak. To Loki, they were the ones who truly needed a king, a lord, a god. And who better than him to rule over them?

"This world needs a god like me," Loki's voice echoed from the enchanted armor. "Soon, Midgard will be mine."

The Destroyer, an unstoppable force of destruction, continued its relentless march towards the fallen hero, Thor. Each thunderous step sent the people scattering in sheer terror, their screams echoing through the chaos.

Victory was within Loki's grasp, a tantalizing prize so sweet and long-awaited after countless years of scheming and betrayal.

"Finally..." Loki's voice reverberated with triumph as he commanded the Destroyer to unleash its devastating laser attack.

The air crackled with energy as the Destroyer's eyes glowed with an unearthly light, ready to obliterate everything in its path.

Suddenly, a resounding clap of thunder echoed through the sky. Thor, lying battered and weak, twitched involuntarily. Loki's sharp eyes caught the movement, and his confidence wavered. "It can't be..." he muttered under his breath. A chill ran down his spine as he commanded the armor to raise its head. He needed to be certain. Was it truly what he feared, or merely Midgard's unpredictable weather?

The helmet jerked upward, and Loki's gaze locked onto the sky. His eyes widened as he saw clouds thickening unnaturally fast, swirling in the middle of the day. Something else was amiss—a large object hurtling toward them at incredible speed.

"What is it..." Loki's voice trailed off, filled with a mix of dread and curiosity.



A massive explosion shook the battlefield, engulfing the area in a cloud of dust. The ten-foot-tall living armor, once so imposing, was suddenly crushed and obscured by the force of the blast. The ground beneath it trembled as the shockwave rippled outward, scattering debris and sending shockwaves through the air.

Amidst the chaos, Mjolnir, the mighty hammer, streaked through the sky and returned to Thor's outstretched hand. A surge of energy coursed through him as he felt its familiar weight once more.

"Thor!" one of his friends shouted, their voice cutting through the din of battle.

Lightning crackled in the sky, striking Thor with a brilliant flash. His body convulsed as the divine power surged through him, transforming him. His armor materialized, gleaming and formidable, wrapping around his body. His eyes glowed with electric fury as he rose to his full height, muscles taut with renewed strength.

"RAGH!" Thor roared, his voice resonating with the power of the storm. He scanned the battlefield and immediately spotted Jane in the distance, being forcibly held back. A smile tugged at his lips. She had tried to help, but the professor had wisely stopped her before the lightning struck.

Humans—weak but brave, always willing to help even in the face of danger. They had stood by him at his lowest point, and now he would return the favor.

Another bolt of lightning struck, illuminating the battlefield and clearing away the dust that had obscured the Destroyer. The way was now clear, and Thor, renewed and resolute, prepared to face the monstrous foe before him. Face his brother.

But something hit.

Incredibly strong powerful hit.


The sound resonated from somewhere near the armor, sending shockwaves through the air and clearing the dust with powerful wind currents. Thor frowned, momentarily stunned by the scene unfolding before him.

A warrior of enormous size, clad in vibrant and unfamiliar attire, stood before the Destroyer, engaged in an extraordinary feat. With each strike of his bare hands upon the armor, the blows grew more powerful, reverberating like thunder.


Each blow was precise and honed, the giant warrior displaying a mastery of technique that left Thor in awe. "What... A Giant..." Thor muttered, as he noticed a faint golden aura enveloping the massive figure. Even his brother's voice rang out in desperation, "Let go of me, you overgrown brute!"

The blonde-haired Titan, with hair as magnificent as a lion's mane, spoke in a low, melodious voice, "Nah, I'll make you fly."

"By Odin's beard...!" Thor exclaimed, as the Giant abruptly grabbed the Destroyer's arm and began to twist it effortlessly. Loki, controlling the armor through magic, screamed in fury, his eyes burning through the Destroyer's own. The Giant's strength was undeniable, and with a final, powerful twist, he sent the armor hurtling towards the desert.


Thor could hardly believe his eyes. "I can't believe it..." he murmured, feeling a surge of determination. No longer willing to wait, Thor prepared himself to confront his brother and the now-distant armor, ready to reclaim his honor and his power.

But first, he wanted to thank this warrior for his help and satisfy his curiosity.

Thor swung his hammer and flew toward the giant.

The giant turned instantly, revealing a stature even more imposing up close.

Thor couldn't contain his delight, "Thank you for your help, Giant! I knew Midgard Giants still existed!"

The man laughed heartily. "Bwhahaha, they call me Goliath. And I am just a human, a big and strong human."

Thor, in disbelief, released his grip on the hammer and landed on his feet. "Just mortal Midgardian? This can't be! But you have such power in you, even I can feel it, incredible power..."

"And that's why I use it to protect my home, " Goliath said with a broad smile. "I can only assume you name, but—..."

Thor raised his head proudly, interrupting, "I'm Thor Odinson, and it is my honor to stand with a warrior like you."

Goliath nodded. "The honor is mine, Thor Odinson. All civilians are safe, but the problem still exists. And that problem has something to do with you, am I right?"

"Yes, it's all my brother's doing," Thor admitted.

"Then I think it's time you had a family talk, don't you think?" Goliath suggested.

"Heh, please, just call me Thor. And you're right, my friend."

"BWHAHAHA, THEN LET'S ROLL!" Goliath bellowed.




[ A/N : Next chapter, Goliath Vs Destroyer.

I apologize for the mistakes, I wrote everything in one breath, I was inspired and this is what came out of it. Again I apologize if anything is not correct. Please make sure to let me know, as soon as I read your comment I will correct the mistake right away.

Yes, it will be the first big battle, I'll try to make it as good as possible. That's all for now, thanks for reading, my sexy readers😎

P.S Holy fuc guys 1.2k collections. Love y'all.]

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


