
He still fell for it!!

"Where have you been?" Aadya asked with a deep frown, her eyes narrowing. Yesterday, she had specifically asked her father to call him, but he had not shown up at the division, which was unusual.

"Actually, I was busy with the gift I received from the Admission Test," Eli explained, his face serious and focused.

"Hmm..." Aadya's expression turned thoughtful, her mind racing with curiosity. "What is it?" she asked, unable to hide her intrigue. She knew he had received a mysterious key as a gift, and she was wondering what kind of thing he had obtained, what secrets it might hold.

"Well..." Eli began to narrate the story, though he carefully excluded details about his kidnapping and the two peculiar girls he had encountered. He knew those parts of the story were too strange and dangerous to share.

Rock and Nova listened intently, their expressions shifting from curiosity to surprise as Eli continued his tale. They were clearly engrossed, hanging on his every word.

"Hmm... Interesting," Aadya mused, her gaze shifting to Nova. "Nova," she called out suddenly, her tone decisive, "be his sparring partner."

"Looks like your strengthening is far different from what I thought," Aadya mumbled thoughtfully, her mind processing the new information. She had always known Eli had an unusual body, but the idea of him defeating a Domain-ranked monster was astonishing. That seemed far beyond the realm of possibility.

"Just fight without weapons," Aadya instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Both Eli and Nova nodded in agreement, their eyes locked in. In the next instant, they moved, their bodies becoming blurs of motion.

Eli took a deep breath, his lungs expanding with a hissing sound. His movements were fluid and fast, his body a blur as he closed the distance between them with remarkable speed. Nova stood her ground, her posture relaxed yet ready, exuding an air of calm confidence. As Eli launched a series of rapid punches, Nova's eyes tracked his every move, her body swaying just enough to avoid each strike with minimal effort and maximum efficiency.




Eli frowned, noting her impeccable reaction time, but he didn't let it cloud his focus. He shifted his stance, aiming a powerful kick at Nova's midsection. Nova caught his leg with a swift motion, her grip like iron. With a sharp twist, she attempted to throw Eli off balance. However, Eli anticipated her move and twisted his body, using his other leg to kick her in the stomach as he jumped back.

"Impressive..." Nova said, her voice steady and unwavering as she patted her stomach, readying herself for the next round.

With a burst of speed, Nova closed the gap between them, her movements a blur of grace and precision. She landed a series of rapid strikes to Eli's torso, each blow calculated to disrupt his flow of mana. Eli gasped, feeling the impact of each hit reverberate through his body, but he wasn't ready to give up yet.

He pushed the inhaled mana to his legs, the veins pulsing with energy. Stomping on the ground, he caught Nova's hand in mid-air, twisted, bent her arms, and caught her back in a fluid motion.

"You are quite a fierce one," Eli remarked to her long elven ear, which twitched in embarrassment. Gritting her teeth, she mumbled, "Looks like someone is going around killing people recklessly."

Eli's lips twitched as he loosened his grip, which was enough for Nova to spin on her heel, using the momentum to deliver a powerful backhand strike. Her hand connected with Eli's jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Before Eli could react, Nova poised her hand like a sword on his neck. Eli sighed deeply and raised his hands in surrender.


"Pretty good"

Aadya and Rock both nodded in approval. Nova was on the verge of reaching the Monarch rank. Despite Nova not using her mana, her body was still incredibly strong, comparable to that level.

"I think he is considerably good among the new elite students in our Academy... in case of strength " Nova said with a serious face, extending her hand to Eli and helping him up.

"Hm..." Aadya nodded in agreement, 'Looks like his body already adapted the breathing...' glancing at the time. "Tsk! I have a meeting, I will be leaving and---"

"I'd like to teach him, Professor!!" Nova interjected with an excited expression. Aadya thought for a moment before nodding, "Okay then." She left the training room, leaving Eli and Nova to their training.

Rock also disappeared, mentioning he had an important meeting to attend, leaving only Nova and Eli inside the training room. 

Nova looked at Eli with a smirk playing on her lips, her eyes gleaming with mischief and a hint of challenge. She was clearly enjoying the situation, relishing the chance to test Eli further.

Eli shook his head, an amused expression on his face, before asking, "What do you want, Nova?"

"I am your senior, Eli," Nova stated firmly, standing before him with a confident and authoritative stance. She wanted to establish her dominance clearly.

"Okay, Senior," Eli shrugged, emphasizing the title with a hint of playful sarcasm.

Nova nodded in satisfaction before suddenly punching at his gut. Eli's reflexes kicked in, and he reacted immediately, blocking the strike just in time. The force of the punch and his quick block echoed in the spacious room.

"Interesting... You are really amusing, managing to keep up with my level," Nova nodded with a mixture of surprise and satisfaction. She hadn't expected him to be this quick and resilient.

"Of course. What do you expect from the Teach's best student?" Eli said with a prideful smile. It was true that Aadya had been helping him significantly, honing his skills to a sharp edge.

"Hehe... I wonder what she would do if she heard that," Nova giggled, imagining Aadya's reaction.

"She? Who?" Eli asked, curiosity piqued, but Nova just launched another punch at his face. Eli was quick to catch it, his reflexes proving their worth once more.

"Who knows... Anyhow, let me teach my junior!" she declared before starting to treat him like a punching bag.... just as seniors often treat their juniors, pushing him to his limits and beyond.



After a few hours...

"Ha-ha-ha-ha," Eli panted heavily, sweat pouring down his face and soaking his clothes. He looked at Nova, who was also slightly out of breath, her own clothes clinging to her from the exertion.

"You sure have good stamina for a soulless," Nova nodded approvingly, clearly impressed by his endurance. She patted Eli's shoulder and said, "Since I won, it's your treat."

"Huh? When -ha- did we agree -ha- to that?" Eli protested, still trying to catch his breath.

"Come on, Eli, it's a junior's duty to treat the senior who helped you," Nova said with a small, almost teasing smile. Her eyes sparkled with amusement.

Eli's lips twitched, "I feel like you are misusing your power, Senior. And besides, you didn't help me; you almost used me as a punching bag."

Nova averted her eyes, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks before she said, "W-Well, it's a rule. You should treat your senior."

"Sigh... I don't see any kind of rule like that," Eli muttered, his scepticism clear. He was certain she just wanted something from him.

Nova noticed Eli was about to reject her 'offer', so she instantly pulled him closer, her breath warm against his ear as she whispered, "I have a special gift for my junior..."

"... Okay," Eli nodded, his resolve crumbling once again as he fell into her honey trap, unable to resist the allure of her mysterious promise.

He was never going to learn!!!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C59
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


