"Progress will not happen overnight," King Stephano insisted from where he sat on his throne.
In front of the King stood Duke and Duchess de Montclair after one of the meetings with the knights from Eirenguard.
The terms Eirenguard asked for were well within the King's control and he didn't believe the couple needed to stay in the capital any longer. Their priority should be the duchy which had been without its leaders since autumn. It was now spring.
He also didn't want to push them into remembering that they had a few adjustments coming their way in the upcoming year. Most of their staff didn't know about them being with child.
It was better to focus on that than war talks in the capital. Eirenguard had calmed down due to what had been accomplished in the south. They were a lot more willing to bend now that their secret mana weapon was depleted and they were well-informed about how two Castillians had been vital in what helped take down the dragon.
So... in this story I have only ever skirted around Stephano and Quinn's romantic scenes because BL isn't what people are here for. But if you ever want elaboration on this, let me know if a handful of side stories might be worth it. If you want to see something specific about their story, I don't mind at all.