"How on Earth did you get close enough to a dragon to use a sword on it?" she asked. "These are even more powerful than the juvenile dragon you faced. I remember that much from my studies."
As Leonor looked up at Desmond, he gently brushed his right hand through her hair. He found the act itself more comforting for him than her. He was in heaven.
"If you recall, the original purpose for going down there was because they were hinting at a magical weapon that could take down Castille," he reminded her. "It was a massive mana stone just under the surface on a cliffside. Quinn did some sort of spell that nearly captured the beast. It still somehow escaped."
"It could have been the ancient mana core of a dragon," Leonor mused. "They are attracted to their own mana which is fire-driven."
I wonder what will happen next!
Continuing my promotion of novels.
Last chapter it was Fleeting_Dawn, but what about her equally as successful sister ColorfulAutumnWind?
Her descriptions are unlike any other and each word paints a scene for you that is easily visualized in your head. Apocalypse novels are on the rise! check hers out :)